I charged at the remaining robots so the Wakandans, the Avengers and the League could do the same, and we started tearing the robots apart without leaving any of them functional.

Tony: "So you joined the party Richard I thought you would be crippled you know why."- He said it looking at the leg.

Richard: "I can't stand by and watch the women I love lie in bed or become playthings of that tin."

The pedaceria started to gather just look at where Apotheosis' head was.

Apotheosis: "I never expected you to be able to destroy the body I consider perfect, apparently I need something stronger and yours seems perfect, I just have to get you out of that body and it will be mine."- He said with a captured emotion.

Richard: 'He is not behaving like a genocidal robot.'- I thought seriously.


[ an error has been found in the world ]

[ you will be given a gift of 100,000 points if you destroy it completely ]

' that's another good motivator.'- I thought seriously.

I started walking seriously towards him.

As his head began to connect with other pieces as his frame began to complete.

Apotheosis: "if I can't damage you in a distant way I will leave you damaged enough for me to use your body."- He said it in a mocking tone.

Two pairs of barons began to form and each one pulled out an energy sword with a yellow and black color with a height of about two meters and began to walk towards me while it was being built I saw how the pieces of metal were compressed and accommodated in its body and its head was covered by plates.

I started to de-transform to walk towards him.

Richard: "You're right, let's get this over with."- I said seriously.

Richard: "I won't hold back with you, my other form would be useless against you."- I said seriously.

Richard: "As every earthly being I claim one of my many graces I demand the grace of virtues."- I said it in a strong tone.

At that moment a torrent of light fell on me.

My body began to grow, two halos of energy formed on my head, two more arms came out, my body began to grow, a half-alloy formed on my back, white steel plates began to form on my body, covering my semi-human face, two shackles formed on my hands.

Richard: "no more chains no more limitations I will attack you with everything if I have to choke with the desire to kill I will do it."- I said it seriously as my body began to expel energy while I stretch my hands to the sides so that small moons begin to appear around me.

He braced himself as I watch his body begin to release steam so that he moves at a speed that I could rival the flash.

Richard: 'I need more power.'- I thought seriously.

"No limit and world without chains."- I shouted it so that the muscles of my body began to grow abnormally to disappear and only Apotheosis could be seen flying in the air so that with the wings I began to float and fly towards him.

Apotheosis: 'what happened he was on the ground he couldn't do anything to the Kryptonian and now I can't even see him.'- He thought in annoyance.

I concentrated the moons around me to launch them at him.

I just roared as I started to put them together until I made a moon the size of a meter in diameter.

'I will not hold back, I will eliminate him before he has another chance.'- I thought seriously to invoke alala that opened in my hand to send all my magic to the sword so that it began to release a heat that ignited everything around it to the point that it began to burn me painfully I did not care and in a veiled movement I made a vertical cut splitting it in half before it tried to say "I'll kill him". before it tries to say something I hear how the goals begin to creak with force I see that the skull that as it begins to crack so that I crush it and from this I release as much metal as piece of bone.

I look at that with surprise.

Richard: 'I only know of one head that has a metal that can withstand so much.'- I thought about it while my hands started to shake because of what came to my mind.

"Logan that was logan's skull."- I said it in a trembling tone.


[carrier has accomplished both missions]

[eliminates error]


100,000 points

[every beginning has no end] [every beginning has no end]

(prevent the extinction of humanity by eliminating your greatest creation apotheosis before it begins its conquest of the world and the enslavement of the surviving part).


+15 reputation with the avengers.

+10 reputation with the league.

Pocket dimension.

Engagement ring (legendary)

Respect of the world's population.

+20 reputation with victor von doom.

+20 reputation with Silveria Sablinova.

Possible alliance with Symkaria.


Possible death.

Extinction of 85% of the human population.

Possible death of half of your loved ones.

Loss of respect from the avengers.

Contempt of the league.

Contempt of the population as a whole.

"so it's over."- I said it as I start to get down on the ground for them to get there.

Tony: "and when can you become this."

Richard: "it doesn't remain long, it's one of the five stages."- I said it as I approach the behemoth seed.

I began to introduce my remaining energy to the seed to be reborn a better behemoth.

[time is up sir]

When he said that my body returned to its normal state and I couldn't move any muscles my vision became blurry.

"Tony."- I said it as I fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

He comes up fast.

Tony: "What happened kid, out of nowhere you're on the ground."

Richard: "It's the counter blow Tony, my body can't take so much power, it's not used to it, tell me how is behemoth."- I said it in a whisper.

Tony: "You're talking about the seed, it's fine, it's starting to grow too fast, what the hell did you do to it?"- He asked in surprise.

Richard: "A little sacral and demonic energy and that's it."- I said it with effort trying to raise my hands.

Tony: "Don't strain yourself kid, I think the way things are going you will become an honorary avenger."- He said it with amusement.

Richard: "Tony I'm scared."- I said it as the other people approached me.

Tony: "Of what Richard."

Richard: "Of losing what I love I just blew logan's skull when I woke up I found diana in intensive care and ben lost an arm Felicia lost part of her leg and I don't know what else happened when I was in a coma."- I said it as tears welled up in my eyes.

Tony: "I get it, kid, this has destroyed a lot of people, I lost happy."- He said this as he lifted his helmet and his eyes were tearing up too.

Richard: "Help me Tony."

Tony: "What boy."

Richard: "I want humanity not to depend on the earth that they can run away when this happens again."- I said it looking at the sky.

Tony: "What do you want to do.?"

Richard: "Creating robots to protect us is idiotic, humanity must move forward, we must protect ourselves Tony, I want to create a space colony where the future of humanity will be."- I said it looking at the sky.

Richard: "I want to get all the people I love off the earth, I know that may not work, but I want to try to protect what I love."- I said it seriously.

Tony: "You're telling me why.?"

Richard: "Forget about Ultron Tony, help me build space colonies where people can live happily and the earth is a farming area."

Tony: "That's a dream that I think will work."

At that moment a roar was heard.

Everyone turned to see where the roar came from, a dragon about 7 meters tall with huge wings, glowing green eyes, majestic horns, moss green fur, a shapely body, sharp teeth, large claws that could tear things apart with ease.

He approached me so his nose touched my chest.

Richard: "behemoth I'm fine I need you to take me aside."- I said it while caressing him.

Behemoth: "where do you want go my lord."- He said it in a soft tone.

Richard: "I want you to take me to mansion X."- I said it without hesitation.

He just nodded for me to grab me in his claws and spread his wings to take off to the direction I came from.

As we fly over I see some towns that I didn't pay attention to when I went against apotheosis.

All of them are in ruins and there are multiple corpses in pieces on the ground.

Richard: "behemoth wait let's go back we forgot kori."- I said tired.

Behemoth: "Understood sir, wait."- He said it so we could go back.

I can't see far, but I see the five of them already recovered so Kori sees the dragon and starts to float.

Kori: "what happened ri-richard."- She said it with tears.

Richard: "Yes it's me Kori, I'm glad you came back."

Kori: "why you're so weak..."

Richard: "I fought with everything and this is the price it's good that you are well kori."- I said it while they were piling up on me.

Richard: "you don't know how scared I was when I heard he had you in his hands I thought he would kill you."- I said it while my hand caresses his cheek.

Kori: "sorry Richard for worrying you"- She said it to kiss me on my lips.

I felt the sweet taste of his lips which was an intoxicating feeling for me at this moment I didn't know what happened in those three weeks, but he wouldn't hide the truth from me.

Richard: "I have to go to X mansion I have to know who are alive."- I said it while caressing his cheek with affection.

Kori: "I understand Richard I'll go with you."- She said it to start flying next to behemoth, but her speed couldn't keep up with him.

Richard: "Kori, get on Behemoth, you won't be able to keep up."- I said it so that she nodded and climbed on top of him.

So behemoth began to fly at full speed making it look like a blur in the sky that was difficult to identify.

After about 30 minutes.

After leaving the African continent and arriving at the Pacific Ocean I feel Kori squeeze my hand as I look around me and I keep seeing blurry.

Richard: "What's wrong Kori."

Kori: "Everyone is dead."

Richard: "Like, everyone is dead."- I asked.

Kori: 'all the villages we flew over are full of corpses the islands are devastated there are no trees or anything alive what was I doing while he was controlling me.'- She thought about it while his hands trembled at the thought of what aberrations he committed.

Richard: "Kori, don't worry, I will protect you."- I said it in a soft tone.

She stretched out her hand to grab me behemoth I surrendered to her so she settled me on behemoth's back and lay on my chest as I feel my chest getting wet just caressing her.

Richard: "easy kori, everything is ok, everything is ok I will always be there for you."- I said it as I keep trying my best to caress her.

She started to cry hard as she clung to me.

As we continue flying I hear how the air changes its scent as before I felt the scent of salt water, but the scent changed to copper, pollution.

'We have arrived in New York.'- I thought it so that he began to slow down so that after a minute he would stay flying in a single point.

He began to descend from the air to hear some voices approaching.

Hope: "it's you behemoth what happened."- She said it while she heard some footsteps.

'helpi I'm very worried I still can't see well.'- I thought it worried.

[Because you moved at a high speed and your brain is not used to it, your senses are distorted and will recover in a few hours.]

'but my eyes are the only thing not working.'- I thought seriously.

[it's not that the eyes are what send the most information to the brain and at this moment your brain is studying all the information that I process in those minutes of fighting that for the brain are months of pure information].

Richard: "I understand helpi how can I fix that problem."- I asked.

I hear more footsteps, understanding that more people are approaching.

"kori can you take me to them."- I asked in a soft tone.

Kori: "Yes Richard."- She said it with hesitation to raise me in a bridal way.

Richard: "next time the one who is going to go in bridal form will be you"- I said it with a smile.

While I hear gasps of surprise.

Hope: "Kori, it's you-that's-that's Richard, what's up."

Kori: "He helped me, he's in a very weakened state, he can't see well." She said worried.

Laura: "so you came back here bitch after you helped that robotic shit rip my father's head off."- She said it furious so I could hear her running towards our direction.

I stood with effort to stand in the middle of Kori and Laura I felt the blades pierce my flesh like butter I felt the sting of it piercing my lung and the other stabbing my kidney.

Before she moved I hugged her tightly and she struggled to free herself and retracted her claws to start stabbing me.

Hope: "Laura calm down."- She said it scared.

Laura: "If you get in my way I will kill you too like that bitch."- She said it furious.

I just caressed her felt my mouth the taste of iron to spit my blood aside.

Richard: "Laura calm down please."- I said it while caressing her head.

Laura: "you have no right to call me by my name what were you doing while we all died what were you doing while our loved ones lost them."

Ororo: "fought and lost."- she said it coming.

Hope: "wait ororo you mentioned to me that Richard was off planet."

Ororo: "sorry for lying to you hope, but Richard didn't know if he would survive he just evolved when we thought he would be crippled for the rest of his life."

Hope: "what do you mean by that ororo."- she ask with a lump in my throat.

Richard: "I got overconfident and attacked him I lost my footing and my rib cage was destroyed I was out in the open my lungs, heart and part of my stomach."- I said it as I felt her relax.

Laura: "what did you do how did you recover."

Richard: "I sold it."

Hope: "what did you sell."

Richard: "I gave it all up to the last piece."- I said it looking at the orange sky that marks the sunset.

Ororo: "I don't understand you Richard, I only saw how you changed abruptly."

Richard: "I gave all my humanity to be able to be or surpass the level of Superman I gave everything that made me human until the last fragment of me."- I said it to shut her up.

'tell me the notification of my weight.'- I thought about it looking at the sky.

[yes sir]

[the requirements to be a full Nephalem are met by them he is denied having a mutant ability so he is recognized by the multiverse as another species not linked to humanity so he has forfeited the rights to humanity that are]

[fast learner, unlimited growth, ability to reproduce with 70% of the species of the multiverse, magic language, human core, human charisma, demonic energy, divine energy].

'I lost all my magical abilities and what I strived for.'- I thought sadly.

[ and being a full Nephalem has gained multiple abilities]

[ learn fast, maximum control over demonic energy, maximum control over divine energy, Nephalem core, universal language, charisma with all races, ability to reproduce with 100% of intelligent species, break limits constantly, 150% stronger than a common human]

Richard: w'hat's this about breaking limits.'

[when you were human your level could increase without having to do some things, but you're no longer human you've to meet certain requirements for you to exceed the levels as your level is right now]

Hope: "what do you mean you are no longer human."- She ask in wonder.

Richard: "I was named Nephalem by a god, but I was not yet fully, but to be stronger to be able to kill apotheosis I needed to get rid of what made me weak at that moment."- I said it as I felt my sight begin to recover.

I looked at her and she recoiled as she saw my eyes glowing red with intensity and one of my eyes had black sclera.

Richard: "and that was my own humanity I am no longer a human hope now I am something different."- I said it while Laura growled at me angrily.

Laura: "and you want us to feel sorry for you."- She said it furious.

Richard: "Laura I was the one who failed I devised apotheosis Kori was controlled by that machine it was not sane."- I said it so that my hand squeezed her back comfortingly and she looked at me with teary eyes to bite my shoulder as if she wanted to tear my tendons.

While I let Laura attack with everything and I didn't defend myself.

Richard: "helpi a way that looks more human."- I asked.

[you can reduce and control the musculature of your body it will give you the appearance of a human, but your physical attitudes and race will not change].

"I know helpi thank you."- I said it so that it could be seen as I reduced in size to compress my muscles my white hair with platinum that reaches to my knee the lines that go through my body my marked musculature my eyes lost their pupil I felt my body become faster and stronger.


Up to here.


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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