CHAPTER - XCV ( R-18 )

[by some actions you have discovered the first stage asura status].

Richard: 'wait the asura title has a stage.'- I thought it surprised I looked at Laura who was trying to get her claws out of my muscles.

[correct sir the asura stage is a passive state that the body gains a greater capacity strength and physical endurance, but gives it a greater weakness to magic]

Richard: 'interesting.'- I thought it surprised.

I looked at Laura who was still growling to try to free her claws.

I just hugged her hard she her growls began to diminish until she began to hear sobbing.

Richard: "forgive me Laura I know Logan was not a good father, but he was your father I swear on my own life I will never leave you."- I said it while she clung to me.

She didn't answer me, she just clung to me while sobbing harder.

I slowly separated the clutches from my body to walk towards hope that she looks at me well and I only have a pair of pants on.

"Who were the people who left."- I asked with remorse.

Hope: "Richard I don't think it's a good idea for you to know about it...."

Scott: "logan died, colossus, iceman, Mr. hank lost his right leg completely, kitty is in a coma, gambit lost an arm."- He said this approaching in a threatening manner.

I just looked at the ground if I had just gone full force this wouldn't have happened.

Jean: "Scott what the hell is wrong with you."- She said reaching out to push him.

Scott: "He's not a mutant, he's just a freak who stopped being human, he's the one who created the plans for that thing, it's his fault."- He said it with fury.

Xavier: "not only his because Hank, I, and possibly Emma knew about this project and we were in agreement, but I never expected you to have hidden the fact that this machine was made to kill you."

Richard: "Yes, but it was incomplete, it was missing that it was made of metal adsorption, so I could not have won."- I said it looking at the floor.

Hope: "Why the hell did you create something to die for?"

Richard: "It was because I was afraid hope, but it is no longer necessary to look at me right now."- I said it so that my body would return to its base state.

Scott: "Xavier thinks it'll get rid of that monster's guilt."

Jean: "He's not a monster because if he is, we're the same."- She said it annoyed.

Everyone was silenced by Jean's comment. They never expected her to defend me.

Scott: "Jean, why are you defending him, you heard him, he's not human, he's a monster."

Jean: "he behaves like a human he cares about other people no matter if they are weaker than him that makes him more human than most of us who despise weakness."

Jean: "even I thought about all that we have done and at first we saved people because we wanted to be accepted, but after we were accepted we wanted more and that was returning the contempt for us."

Richard: "thank you jean for your words."- I said it gratefully.

She came closer.

Jean: "I saw your state when you were in a coma, you don't have to hate yourself, it's our fault we stopped training when the avengers and the justice league arrived, we thought we were no longer needed and when the world needed me we couldn't protect it"- She said looking at me.

Richard: "No, I'm sorry Jean, I was the one who trusted him, I could have killed him when I had the chance, but because of that mistake I almost died."- I said it to hug her.

She hugged me back to feel that she was smelling me.

[+25 jean grey] (she likes the way you smell)

Richard: 'ok that's weird.'- I thought about it feeling her rubbing against me I felt her hand discreetly caress my abdomen.

Richard: 'what is happening to jean.'- I thought quizzically.

[ it's the phoenix that is attracted to you and since she was one of its carriers and hope is its carrier they are at this moment ecstatic to have a new species].

Richard: 'and that's why jean is behaving so attached to me.'- I asked.

[you could say yes sir]

Richard: 'I can seize this moment.'- I thought about it while jean was watching me being lost in my thoughts she kissed me on my chest I felt the warmth of her lips to see her she gave me an innocent look.

[+25 jean grey] (she loves to be near you)

[50/100 jean grey]

(like any good gentleman all redheaded beauties will start with +15 charisma in your favor)

Richard: 'she is very influenced by the phoenix because hope always told me that jean is a very serious girl to start behaving like that.'- I thought about it so I moved my hand down caressing her lower back.

She wiggled her hips playfully.

Jean: "not in public handsome."- She said it in a whisper.

Richard: "I didn't expect a somewhat serious woman to behave like a perverted child."- I said it in a whisper.

Jean: "you should listen to hope and Ann's I barged their minds and they are full of dirty thoughts about having sex with you you don't know how annoying and exciting it is to hear their thoughts about how you ride them and they scream your name."- She said it in whispers.

I just swallowed to hear her words.

I looked at hope who blushed when she saw my look.

Richard: 'helpi I want to know the state of hope's affection for me.'- I thought nervously.

[99/100 hope summer] (she is deeply in love with you)

Richard: "Rógue too"

[100/100 Anna Marie D'Ancanto] (she wants to give you all of herself whether it be body, mind, or soul)

At that Rógue and she looked at me and ran towards me to cling to me.

"I am glad to see you are healthy sugah."- She said it to join her lips with mine I felt the sweet taste of her lips I felt how she introduced her tongue so that my hands run along her hips and she placed my hands on her ass.

"I heard you got up and recovered from all the damage."- Rógue said it happily as her hands clutched the back of my neck to show a trickle of saliva connecting mine.

Richard: "thank you for caring about me Rógue and hope you too "- I said it in a calm tone.

Richard: "I have to get back to the Baxter building I just really came to check on you guys. I said it to get on behemoth."- I , Anna, hope, and Laura and we all looked at her strangely.

Laura: "You told me that you would take care of me and you will do it."- She said it seriously showing me her teeth.

Richard: "Yes, it was a promise and I will keep it, Kori, come on."- I said it so that she would settle on my chest.

Behemoth took off to go to the Baxter building, Jean started to walk to the exit calmly.

Scott: "Jean, where are you going?"- I ask.

Jean: "I'm going to check on the people."- She said it to continue on her way while Ororo heads to the building as well.

While with Richard.

I am arriving at the building I get off behemoth to enter the building the girls hugged me among them are Karen, Galatea, Alice, and the others.

Richard: "I'm back and I brought Kori home."- I said it while the others smiled.

Galatea: "I thought I had the wrong man when you were defeated by that machine, but look at you, you are stronger."- She said it caressing my chest while her hand goes by.

Richard: "Yes, tell me how is Diana's condition."- I asked worriedly.

Strange: "I can tell you that she is stable if you want to see her."- He said it calmly.

I just nodded to start walking towards Diana to see Felicia looking at me, I just approached her to hold her and kiss her on the lips which she responded.

Richard: "I will keep trying to regenerate your leg so don't worry."- I said it in a soft tone to which she nodded.

Felicia: "thank you Richard I love you."- She said it in a whisper.

Richard: "and why were you flirting with Harry."- I said it quietly.

Felicia: "me, me."- She said it without looking at me while squeezing my hand.

Richard: "just say it Felicia don't worry I won't get mad."

Felicia: "I used you in the beginning to get benefits like having your protection and with the information, I collected from you I sold it to norman."- She said it without looking at me.

My gaze darkened when he heard everything.

Felicia: "but when I started spending time with you and the people around you I felt complete I felt for the first time that I had a family I felt warm I felt comfortable with you I didn't feel that disgust that I have when being around a man I felt safe, but I...."

Richard: "It's ok Felicia I get it now you don't have to tell me anymore I forgive you I don't care what you did you already paid that price."- I said as I looked at her missing leg.

Felicia: "yes I trusted Osborn and I ended up like this not even my mother came to see me."- She said it with sadness and anger.

Richard: "Felicia if you don't want to go back to your house you can stay at mine I have a very big room and it has a part that has multiple rooms."- I said it calmly to kiss her forehead and she just lay down on my chest to relax and start to fall asleep to the sound of my heartbeat.

Richard: "helpi I want to know what makes that engagement ring special."- I asked seriously.

[wait a moment sir]


[oath ring]

(a ring that has been passed from hand to hand of lovers who have sworn to each other in eternal love and have been consummated by putting on the ring is officially married to the women who have been consummated in the act of love they will share a 25% strength increase in all their abilities that the wearer has and says versa, the wearer will always know where their wives are and what state they are in)

Richard: 'with this I can help Diana, I just have to put it on.'- I thought seriously.

[before you put it on sir it is a cursed object once you put it on you will never be able to take it off it is a mark that you are married and you have the curse of not being able to lie to your wives].

Richard: 'that's a flaw, not being able to lie, but it's a minor cost after all the masters wouldn't lie to them.'- I thought about it while I took out of my pocket dimension I took out the ring to put it on and feel that all of a sudden my energy is drained to one direction and that is target.

The ring shines with ease to become a dark shade and the gems also darken as it fits on the size of my finger to imprison it with some force.

I continue my way to where this target is to reach the door where I see a wheelchair to place Felicia to rest.

I open the door to see Susan who is looking at Diana's condition. I silently approach her to place my hands on her shoulders so that she can relax by touching her.

Richard: "how is Diana susi." I asked in her ear for some reason she flinched.

Richard: "why are you behaving like this."

[Sir don't forget that when you stopped being human your stats increased 150% plus 100% being an asura will attract any woman you want you just have to push her a little bit and Susan storm has already had interactions with you so you already have something up your affection status which is at 70 points.]

Richard: 'why not take susi she is attracted to Reed who is a buried potato.' I thought about it so my hands go down to her hips.

Richard: "what do you have susi."- I asked in a whisper as my hands squeeze her ass somewhat roughly she lets out a moan.

Susan: "Richard what are you doing."- She asks.

Richard: "You know susi I always wondered if you were interested in me or my body."- I asked as I put my hand up her skirt she stops my hand for a moment and then let it go and turns to look at me.

Susan: "you already make a move I thought I would have to do it myself."- She said it with a look full of emotion.

I just smiled.

Richard: "You know sometimes I can be very blind, don't look at that hip sway and that smile of love."- I said it to lift her a few inches off the ground and bring our lips together to kiss her passionately she used her invisible force fields to make me let go and breathe.

[+30 Susan storm] (she is madly in love with you)

(you have the ability to turn invisible and the things you touch)

She pushes me into a chair to start undressing only to be left with her panties showing signs of wetness.

I feel her hand stroking my cock outwardly to slip her hand inside my pants to pull down my pants to show my erect cock.


She sticks her tongue out to lick the glans licking the entrance of my glans she begins to knead my balls as she opens her mouth excitedly to swallow my glans to try to get inside more my hand is placed gently on her head to grab her hair roughly.



Richard: "well it's time to claim mine."- I said it to push her head until she got all of my cock all the way in.



I felt at first she tried to stop me until her hands lost their strength to then pull her head away from my cock when I hear her take a deep breath and a gush of liquid.

She looks at me with lust to lick my shaft with a desire to start the blowjob again I feel her sucking as she struggles in and out of her mouth my cock.

Richard: "Keep it up Susi."- I said it as I felt like I was about to come just stroking her head.


Richard: "susi I am about to come."- I said it so that she would increase her movements.





Until I push her head again and release my load in her throat I feel how her hands have Ferran to my legs until she pushes herself apart and struggles to swallow the load she stops to sit on my legs while rubbing her wet pussy on my cock.

Richard: tell me susi you're a good girl right you drink it all."- I said it in a playful tone when she opened her mouth to me to show her mouth is clean without any sample of my seed.

"let me reward you."- I said it to start running my hands over her body until I start chewing that firm ass she looks at me to accommodate her hands on the back of my neck so I start kissing her while I lift her up a little so my cock starts rubbing against her pussy she starts moving her hips with desire.


I place the tip of my cock at her entrance she looks at me doubtfully, but before she mentions anything I insert the head of my cock to see how something red comes out of her pussy.

Richard: "susi were you a virgin."- I asked incredulously.

"yes."- She said it with a touch of embarrassment I just caressed her cheek to start kissing her as I was about to put my cock in little by little I hear moans of pain until it goes all the way in she changes the position as I was not above her...

"Ahhh!" Suddenly Susi completely lowered her pussy completely devouring my cock, I could feel my cock break into her nursery, she stayed like that for a while enjoying the sensation, then as if she were a hungry succubus she started bouncing on my cock.




"Ahhhhh! Ahhhh!" susi moaned loudly as she slammed her hips against mine

"It's feels so goood!" Saliva began to spill from the corner of Susan's mouth., I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her hips and began to guide her.

"Ahhh~ Ye-" I kissed her passionately as I increased speed, Her fluids and her blood laced with mine pre-cum splattering down the chair, the sounds of wet flesh and moans echoed throughout the room as the chair began to creak.



"Ahhh! I'm cumming~" Susi moaned her eyes going blank.

"Me too!" I squeezed Susi's buttocks tightly and with a synchronized movement she completely devoured my cock, causing me to explode in her womb.





"Ahhhhh~" Susan could feel her uterus filling with a thick, warm fluid. She brought her little mouth closer to mine kissing me softly, After a few moments, she disconnected from me.


"Darling-" Susi got up to the wall, got into doggy style shaking her butt at me, wasting no time I moved behind her grabbing her hips and aligning my cock into her vagina, without further I plunged my cock completely inside her, this time entering her much easier.

After 30 minutes of plundering~





"I'm cumming"- I said it while I release my seed inside her and I feel how she loses the strength of her whole body while she reaches orgasm I carried her to a nearby bed to leave her I saw how her finger began to form a dark ring like the one I have.

Richard: "And that confirms that she is my wife."- I said it looking at her sleeping while I touched the ring gently.

I felt how my strength was ceasing to be drained so I walked to the stretcher where Diana was.

Up to here.


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Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 47k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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