Richard: "cherry, guys don't get tired so fast remember we have to wait for the heavyweights."- I said it to stretch mine to the sky.

"First of all purge this world."- I said it so that before the other hand went up I threw the vertical cut of my axe to generate a block of ice so thick that it blocked all the attacks that came from the distance.

"HEAVEN'S DOOR."- I shouted with all my strength so that the sky would shine in gold and thousands of souls would ascend to paradise.

While with Andrew

Andrew: 'wait what's wrong I feel like I'm getting weaker.'- He thought seriously.

System: "something unknown is stealing the souls you consumed sir."- He said it seriously.

Andrew: 'system look for a way to block that it cost me a lot to kill those sons of bitches to get them out of my hands.'- He thought furiously while.

Nobody noticed how Andrew looked furiously at the sky which started to turn a golden color every time he approached Themyscira.

Andrew: "What is that golden color in the sky."

System: "they are the gates of paradise sir apparently whoever came to our world has a deal with the original god."- He said it annoyed.

Andrew: "Some way for him not to steal all the souls I have."

System: "He will only be able to keep the darkest or most evil souls or those that are linked to some sin." He said it seriously.

Andrew: 'many heroes have their darkest and most repulsive desires inside so I will keep most of the souls of the planet's population are minimal losses.'- He thought smiling.

While with Richard.

I continued to carry the weight of the souls as I felt the weight increase exorbitantly as I knelt down while they looked at me in amazement that I was on my knees as they saw entities of light going up into the sky.

Gwen: "Peter"- She said it watching as his soul ascends to paradise.

Felicia: "where are you taking them."

Richard: "the souls, in general, will go to paradise where they will be judged for what they did in life and if their goodness outweighed their sins they will have the right to rest or be able to reincarnate."- I said it with effort.

While on my back Chamuel materializes showing that beauty that I miss her crimson hair her eyes that shine so blue that it seems that she saw lightning her tiara that showed another point showing that she rose in power while wielding her sword that releases a golden color.

Chamuel: "You know it was very risky to force the gates of heaven you could have died Richard."- She said it in a calm tone while her hand stays on my back.

Richard: "I didn't know where I was so I need help could you convince your brothers in heaven to help me in this fight."- I asked.

Chamuel: "Richard, even if I can convince them we archangels can't get involved in earthly matters...."

She did not finish when one of the trumpets of the apocalypse sounded at full volume causing her peaceful look to change to a severe one, she raised her hands to heaven to be bathed in divine energy.

Chamuel: "my brothers and my beloved father the end has come to a world that is in our jurisdiction please brave souls who once fought for what is right and for their love for the life of the innocent."- She said this to the heavens while at that thousands of Aces of light crossed the skies to fall in Themyscira.

While in front of me appears akuael who looks at me with surprise since I do not expect to see her while I am on my knees.

In that falls in an imposing imperious who carries his spear with pride as he moves it with mastery while everyone sees how he beats his wings of energy.

His own arrival thrilled all the angels who appeared and began to win.

Imperius: "I never thought of helping a filthy demon in all my life."- He said it looking at me with rage.

Richard: "I never expected to receive help from someone like you."- I said it with effort.

At that moment an archangel came down in an imposing way while his blue wings shined with delicacy and his face was completely covered while his armor was golden with navy blue to caress my hair and I felt his look that before was hostile.

Uriel: "you have shown in every instant although you pretend to be heartless you protect the innocent you are very much like him."- He said it looking at me.

While I hear a soft sound as the angels look to the sky they kneel for that gentle light that floods the sky.

In it comes down a beautiful silhouette but those words are far from that appearance her wings white as snow with her hair a grayish cream color her eyes bright gold color was like the world stopped her body that we can say that is the perfection of the woman in front of me.

She looked at me with a gentle smile to stretch out her hands and materialize a golden barrier.

?? : "It is a pleasure to see you for the first time Richard Agustus Parker, I am Zadkiel."- She said it in a light tone that made me feel attracted to her.

Zadkiel: "I was expecting something more monstrous, they described you as a demon, but I don't feel any evil about you."- She said it in a soft tone that made me feel light.

Richard: 'Why do I feel this way.'- I thought about it looking at her.

Zadkiel: "It is normal that you feel so good near me because I represent freedom and no one can deny that I love freedom and more so you who have already released two of the five graces that God gave to those who seek that absolute freedom."- She said it while her hand comes closer to caress my cheek.

Zadkiel: "as I feel comfortable being near you because you are the freest being in this world."- She said it smiling.

I just nod.

Richard: "ok, are we alone now, or is someone missing."- I asked.

At that moment Spiderman came down in a white suit with a golden spider on his chest.

Spiderman: "Not even death can stop this sexy spider."- He said it mockingly.

At that Gwen and Felicia rushed to hug him tightly while crying.

At that many Amazons who did not go to Olympus when they died came down from paradise while their Amazon sisters are still alive, and they embraced each other.

Between them, I saw how Johnny came down and smiled when he saw Susan.

Johnny: "Susi are you not going to hug your brother."- He said it opened his arms without thinking it too much she hugged him while she burst into tears.

Susan: "It's you, Johnny, how is it possible that you are dead?"

Johnny: "Yes I am when I went up to that place it was incredible to many pretty girls and then I was called to our home."- He said it seriously as he burst into flames to begin to rise.

Richard: "Listen, once you die again your souls will not disappear because the gates of paradise are open, if you die again you will return to paradise and I will keep the gate open."- I said it on my knees.

Everyone paid attention to me.

Richard: "once you have fallen in battle you are not allowed to come back here."- I said it as my feet sank deeper into the ground and I felt a greater weight.

Johnny: "and why are you on your knees."

Richard: "I don't know, you tell me." I said it in a blank tone as I heard my bones creak.

Richard: "What the hell are you waiting for I don't think I can keep the door open forever."- I said it so the angels nodded to start flying while the archangels stood by and watched them take off.

Richard: "Are they waiting here or are they going to go fight."- I asked.

Since I saw Peter who climbed on the back of an angel and behind him followed by Johnny who screamed with excitement while I see how the horizon darkens and I see copper tones on it.

Richard: "came chamuel beautiful could you tell me if you see a clown in blue with red or a whore that looks like a bullseye."- I said it without being able to look up.

'I understand why grandpa Atlas is furious with the gods if they put you in charge of the damn universe for eternity I would like to kill them too.'- I thought about it while I feel how my muscles are starting to tear.

[Sir I have the bad news that your body won't hold up for long if the weight keeps increasing you may die.]

Richard: 'helpi right now how much weight I'm carrying.'- I thought.

[at this moment you're carrying an island the size of Themyscira]

Richard: 'damn it's too heavy.'- I thought about it while I feel the pain in my muscles increasing I see how Uriel begins to rise subtly while in his hand a golden sword materializes in its entirety to go to the battlefield.

Uriel: "brothers it is time to fight to end the darkness of this world"-. He said it to advance in that imperius and akuael rose to follow him to the battlefield I only see Zadkiel and chamuel looking at me.

Richard: "will you be staying here"

Chamuel: "I have to stay close to you to keep the gates of paradise open."

Zadkiel: "and I have to keep the barrier in place to provide energy to the angels because without the barrier they could attack you and Chamuel and try to close the gates."- She said it calmly and sat down next to me.

Zadkiel: "It weighs too much on you."- She said it calmly.

"Yes."- I said it with effort.

Zadkiel: "That's because you are doing it wrong, you are letting people who committed sins to be prosecuted."- She said it looking at me with a smile.

Richard: "what's wrong with that."- I said.

Zadkiel: "It's a wasted effort, they won't be in heaven, it's just a waste of unnecessary force." - She said it looking at me calmly.

Richard: "Everyone is entitled to a fair trial no matter what they did and it is more fun to see murderers and rapists who are not entitled to hell and are reincarnated as horse shit or something else that is really useless."- I said it funny.

Zadkiel: "you are someone who can be bad when you want to not."- She said it funny.

I start to see rays of light returning to paradise.

Chamuel: "Apparently our brothers are falling in battle."- She said it calmly at that I saw how a flash of light entered the barrier to see akuael on the ground with some wounds.

Akuael: "I never expected a mortal to be so strong."- She said it wiping the little bit of golden blood that came out of her lip.

Richard: "So you just got hit by Superman."- I said it with a bit of humor.

Akuael: "don't mention that bastard as that stupid created a race that can be so powerful."- She said it with annoyance.

Richard: "what did you want from the presence he likes to create crazy things like one above all."- I said it with a smile.

Akuael: "What are you laughing at, you should be fighting with us."- She said it furious.

Richard: "of course let me close the gates of heaven so that the angels die along with the souls that came down to help."- I said it sarcastically.

Zadkiel: "I thought you knew that Akuael, after all, you always go through the records."- She said it calmly.

Akuael: "I get it."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "how come many angels have returned to heaven."- I asked seriously.

Akuael: "We have lost many, most of them are being killed by those monsters with horns on their bodies and their dark skin."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "let me know when all the angels and souls have returned to heaven."- I said seriously.

She just nodded to go back to heaven and go to the battlefield.

While with Andrew

Andrew: 'where the hell do so many angels appear.'- He thought annoyed as he throws an electric shock through the chest of two angels.

While Superman is fighting two archangels with ease.

Imperius: "you filthy murderer I will make your soul purge in the deepest depths of hell."- He said it with fury while he moves his spear trying to pierce his head only for Superman to move his head with ease to kick the head he covers with his spear pushing him away.

Imperius in one swift motion cuts in half about five parademons that tried to surround them.

Uriel: "A soul that was on the side of justice, what a great failure is what I see."- He said this as multiple blades of light formed to hurl themselves at Superman only for him to stop the blades by burying them in the body of a parademon.

Uriel: "Use your own ally how low have you fallen."

Superman: "I will not listen to someone who does not understand my pain."- He said it furious to move at full speed.

Uriel: "Your pain, you are just stupid, you know the trust I had in you, I am the archangel of justice and everything you forged, you destroyed it because that mortal died, you had a place in paradise where she was waiting for you. "- He said it furious while the swords attacked around her while Clark dodged so easily.

Superman: "Well apparently it's not good to put your hopes in people."- He said it calmly to move towards him and prepared his fist so that he could protect himself with his light swords that were shattered by Clark's fists that moved faster and faster.

Uriel: 'he is getting faster and faster.'- He thought about it while charging his sacral energy in his fist to impact his fists.

Without Clark expecting it, Imperius quickly moved his spear against Clark, but he didn't expect that Diana, who is stained with golden blood with an Amazon's head that began to disappear in particles of light, stopped the spear for a moment when the spear cut half of the sword to cut his arm from his shoulder.

Diana: "haaaaaa."- She could only scream in pain from the loss of the limb.

Imperius: "out of my way sinner."- He said it to kick her in the face and move against Clark who has Uriel trapped by the head and his eyes glow red to shoot his heat rays imperius shielded himself with his spear.

Clark: "raaaaaaaaa."- Solo roared in anger at the sight of diana who lost her limb.

It was only seen at the moment he smashed Uriel's head and it disappeared in motes of light.

Imperius full of fury lashed out at Superman who stopped the spear with both hands to fire his heat ray.

Imperius tried to move only to be immobilized by ten parademons holding him with all their strength.

It was only seen as it was pierced by Clark's beam.

Andrew fights against the angels turning his fist similar to that of the mole as he stretches and crushes the head of an angel.

Behind him comes Akuael who has the head of a doomsday she starts flying at him to stab him in the stomach he just spits out a mouthful of blood so he starts laughing.

Andrew: "You really think that's going to kill me, the sacral energy doesn't hurt me, I'm immune to magic thanks to one of the many souls."- He said it with a smile.

Andrew: "I am immortal, you know how many souls I have."- He said it while hitting akuael's face with his rock fist and the spear is expelled through his body so that his body begins to heal.

He begins to generate red energy in his hand leaving it immobilized while on the other hand he makes a spear of ice.

Akuael: "You think you will win, you little bastard." She said it furious.

Andrew: "I don't see anyone who can kill me after all not even Clark himself can kill me because at this moment I am the closest thing to a god in this world."- He said it with arrogance.

Akuael: "You know you are not a god and no earthly being is a god you know why."- She said it with a smile.

Akuael: "it's because you have a lifespan no matter how many souls you consume you will always be a mortal and that frail body is the key."- She said it in a mocking tone.

He just looked with anger so that he began to clench his hand slowly while it is seen as it begins to compress when it was heard as his armor and his own body creaked he just smiled while gritting his teeth.

Akuael: "you think I will give you the satisfaction of seeing me scream". She said it looking at him seriously.

Akuael: "you are a sad mortal you really didn't deserve to be reincarnated."- She said it with pity.

Andrew: "You really think you could decide who reincarnates and who does not."- He said it furious.

Akuael: "we are the jury that decides which soul can reincarnate or stay in heaven or go to hell and suffer for their sins."

Andrew: "so you are the ones who gave me this wonderful opportunity, I must thank you, you don't know how much fun it is to spend time in this world, but it is becoming boring."- He said it with boredom to squeeze his hand completely silo so that you can hear how her body is shattered to become particles of light.

You can see how the returned Amazons are going to attack the Parademons.

Amazon: "Ignore them and eliminate as many parademons as possible."- shouts it loudly while jumping at another parademon to rip its head off and go to the other one.

Andrew: 'Why can't I consume her soul.'- He thought about it while concentrating to try to devour her soul.

System: "that's because it's a pure soul sir."- He said it calmly.

Until here.


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well I'm very thankful to you guys as you're still reading this book and hoping to give my best and change the irritable character of mc and make him more dominative and not an idiot one....and not like those previous chapters where mc suddenly becomes op at the final fight and then he becomes Normal again...

Thanks for your support guys...

Thanks for the motivation...


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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