As I hold the gates I see how great flashes of light return to the gates.

Zadkiel: "Apparently my brothers have failed and with it the rest of our forces."- She said sadly.

I watch as a great number of souls return to the gates of paradise.

Chamuel separates her hand from my back making me stop feeling the weight of the souls they had on me.

Richard: "Wait Chamuel, why are you closing the gates?"- I asked worriedly.

Chamuel: "All the angels have returned and my brothers will take weeks for their physical states to recover."- She said it preparing her sword.

At that Zadkiel nods to stretch out her hand so that the barrier disappears.

Chamuel: "It's our turn to fight."- She said it seriously as she let out her sacred energy surrounding her.

Just sigh.

Richard: "Neither physical strength nor technology will work against Superman, Diana, or Doomsday."- I said it looking at his forces as they are on their way.

Richard: 'I hope you will listen to me, old sourpuss, and help me right now.'- I thought it was annoying I stretched my hands to the sky as I get down on my knees the amazons look at me like I'm crazy.

Donna: "Great he's going to beg for his life."

Richard: "Words weight magic like names." I said it to myself.

Richard: "ho god I know you look at me and hear me give me the strength to rid the darkness from those humble souls since they have refused to see the light I will force them to see hope."- I said it with strength.

"Archangel mode."- I said it seriously as I am devoured by a beam of light that covers me completely.

As my hand comes out gently comes out while having a pair of stained bandages showing a pair of alar of an electric blue color my way out of the beam of light so that I came out with a white armor with some golden touches while wielding a scythe of black color with gold that the edge shows a blue glow my height remained I was still six feet tall while my complexion was diminished I looked very handsome only my eyes glowed in a deep gold tone.

I just looked at the sky as I walked along the shore of the beach.

**In Richard's mental space**

I sat in the dark abyss that was currently in my mind.

I watched as a white dot will begin to form to begin to grow to show a sinister figure that is covered in a golden glow while wielding two normal bears that are adorned with gold and are of a white edge.

I see how that figure looks at me calmly.

?? : "You are my successor, I was expecting something more divine but I can't complain after all who wants to be the representation of death."- He said it calmly.

Richard: "I don't know you yet."- I said it calmly.

Azrael: "let me introduce myself I am Azrael the archangel of death and you Richard Parker is my successor."- He said it seriously while pointing at me.

Richard: "That's interesting, I just thought I would have part of your essence because you digest it in the book of Genesis."- I said intrigued.

Azrael: "I left a lot of things in that book boy."- He said it calmly.

Richard: "I have something that intrigues me."- I said it so he could see me.

Richard: "Why did you go for the Genesis book."- I asked.

Azra1el: "I was tired of what I represent, I wanted to represent that would not scare all the beings around me, I wanted to what I cannot touch without hurting it."- He said it while looking at the black sky of my mental landscape.

Richard: "that's why you felt you didn't want to represent life you wanted to be able to touch the beings that always made you curious didn't you."- I said it stretching out my hand for him to see it and touch it.

Richard: "let me introduce myself I am Richard Parker and I am the representation of all life and at this moment I represent the death of god when I occupy your mantle I will not be Richard I will be death I will be...."

On the outside of Richard's mind.

"I Am Azrael The God Of Death."- I said it in a deep voice to move the scythe gently.

Cherry: "I think I'm starting to like these birds."- She said it seeing me in this form.

"kill everyone who comes near me I will take care of Clark and his companions."- I said seriously as I spread my wings to move quickly in the sky.

Chamuel: "You're one of us Richard."- She said it looking at me while a smile begins to form.

Zadkiel: "Who would have thought that from being the greatest symbol of freedom he would become the one who can grant the freedom of the dying."- She said it while he begins to fly behind me.

Zadkiel: "Sister will you stay or do you want to see how our new brother does it."- She said it while chamuel only nods to start flying.

While the others nodded for Winston to start soaring while Cherry climbed on top of him.

Behemoth roars as Alice mounts him so they both fly towards the horde of parademons he has some she charges her arrows to concentrate them into one arrow.

Alice: "I want a new toy."- She said it while showing her elongated tongue to shoot the arrow that dodges all the para demos and hit the head of a doomsday that stops in the sky to look at Alice.

Alice: "honey could you clean up all the way I'm so tired."- She said it in a tired tone so the doomsday runs away and starts attacking all the parademons destroying them easily.

While with me I arrive in front of the three people in charge I see Diana missing an arm, a slightly beaten Clark, and an idiot smiling smugly at me.

Andrew: "and you are another shitty angel, but you came with beauties."- He said it smiling.

Richard: "I will cordially introduce myself I am Azrael the god of death."- I said it in a calm tone.

With a quick movement, I split Andrew in half and he looks at me with surprise to smile at me.

Andrew: "That won't kill me you, idiot."

Richard: "as I mentioned I am the representation I come for the souls that you keep imprisoned and to judge you Clark and you Diana their sins are so many that not even with all the good deeds they did and the ones they could do will earn them heaven."- I said it in a soft tone as I fly towards the heat ray blaster towards me.

"Translucent."- I said it softly so the lightning bolt goes through me I reach him to strike his face with my fist loaded with sacral magic to make him spit blood.

I stop his fall to wipe my fist on his suit.

Richard: "You see Clark the ones you faced are very weakened versions of the archangels in their glory when they are in the earthly world they have to create a physical body which takes a lot of time and energy and since you killed or destroyed them their physical forms will take a few weeks to recreate themselves."- I said it while I throw it towards the target to keep them away.

Richard: "Well we finally meet, not we player."- I said it in a calm tone while moving my scythe with ease.

Andre: "so you are the other player I thought it would be another guy you know the kind that understands me tell me why are you with the angels."

"things without relevance."- I said it looking at him while charging psychic energy in his hand.

Richard: "Having so much power you decided to destroy your own world, you know you can't get out of this place, right?"- I lied to him calmly.

Andrew: "What do you mean."

Richard: "The dimensional gods sealed this place, the only way to escape is to go up to paradise where all your power that comes from the dark will be diminished so that you will remain as a human being."- I said it with mockery.

He just gnashed his teeth.

Andrew: "I just need to kill you and consume your soul to have your power."- He said it by shooting at me.

Richard: "I just need to purge you."- I said it to dodge his attack he tries to freeze me just to break his power.

Richard: "interesting you have jean's telekinetic power but is it stronger how many telekinetic mutant communists."- I asked in surprise.

I feel something coming up behind me I just move the sickle giving a full rotation and go through someone.

Richard: "Let's see who died in a silly way."- I said it to see who is pierced a doomsday.

In one move I split him in half.

I quickly protect myself with the sickle when red lightning comes out of his eyes.

Richard: "Wow, you killed a lot of mutants."

Andrew: "You have no idea."- He said it while showing logan's claws and smiling at me.

Andre: "I have the powers of the most dangerous mutants and you're just a feathered being."

Richard: "That's part of my charm."- I said it dodging his attacks I feel the danger as Clark approaches me to avoid him to hit him again.

Richard: "Don't interfere, it's between me and him."- I said it seriously so I don't feel like I'm being run through with a sword.

I just let out a mouthful of blood.

Richard: "Very clever I must admit, but you gave me a chance for a quick job."- I said it to reach Diana's hair and get her in front of me.

Richard: "Diana of Themyscira, you have caused many evils, you have a few words before I kill you."- I said it in a calm tone she just spit in my face which is covered.

Richard: "Good words, there awaits you in hades with thousands of demons that will enjoy your body."- I said it so that with a swing of the sickle I cut her head off, although she protected herself with her sword made of Amazon metal.

Richard: 'Hell I must endure that wound should heal soon.'- I thought it to feel how a white light covers me and makes the pain disappear and heal me.

I just look at Zadkiel who smiles at me as I see she has a magic circle healing my wounds.

I just sigh to see them.

"Who is next."- I asked in a calm tone which made them shudder at my words.

Andrew: 'how that weapon could cut the sword with the bullseye head.' He thought in surprise.

Clark shot at me in total anger.

Richard: 'it won't be long now, come closer.'- I thought about it as he comes within inches to bury my scythe in his chest he just spits out a mouthful of blood I pulled the blade of the scythe out of his chest to drop his body.

I just point my hand to try to purge him only to see Andrew consume his soul along with Diana's.

Andrew: "I must thank you for helping me a lot but I'm upset because I can't enjoy Diana's whole body."- He said it in a mocking tone to snap his fingers so that I feel time freeze I feel a cherry-like presence I move my head avoiding my shot.

Jeanne: "I didn't expect to meet a pigeon."- She said it in a flirtatious tone that reminded me of cherry I just looked at her.

She has platinum hair with a wine-colored frown suit, silver glasses, four guns similar to the one's Cherry or Bayonetta carries, her hair so long that it covers her wide hips with a plump ass, modest C-cup breasts, and a height of two meters 35 centimeters.

I avoid her attacks so I grab her chin with my hand.

Richard: "They never mentioned to you that you are beautiful."- I mentioned it without thinking.

Jeanne: "yes many idiots, but never a pigeon that can follow me."- She said it in a polite tone, but with a touch of hate.

Richard: "I think I find a wonderful woman tell me do you know a girl named Cherry."- I asked as I kept dodging her attacks while she was using the parademons as a foothold.

Jeanne: "how do you know that name."- She ask me while she increases her rate of fire I dodge some heat rays that were coming towards me I dodge it, but I saw that they are going to hit Jeanne.

'I'm stupid for making promises.'- I thought annoyed to fly towards her and receive the attack.

She looked at me with surprise.

Jeanne: "I didn't expect a pigeon to save me from my own master."- She said it in a forced way.

Richard: "I promised that annoying cherry I would help her find you."- I said it while something from her lightning range.

Richard: "stay away from the fight."- I said it to throw her towards Winston and Cherry.

Cherry catches her.

Cherry: "so you're here who was the primor that took you out of our dimension."

Jeanne: "It was a stupid necrophiliac who can turn his enemies into zombies."- She said it annoyed.

Cherry: "That's bad luck, I got a demon god and a veil that can disguise itself as a dove."- She said it pointing at me.

Richard: "I think I'm sick of playing monster."- I said it in a low tone to fly towards him at a high speed while I move my weapon to split him again.

[sir don't split him keep the gun on his body to purge the souls inside him]

'I understand helpi.'- I thought about it as I stop my vertical cut confusing him to pierce his chest with my weapon.

Andrew: "you think that will stop me." He said it annoyed.

Richard: 'what else do I do.'- I thought as I held the weapon to his chest.

[Sir each archangel has a special ability and your is to guide the souls just say].

Richard/helpi: "Every beginning has an end and when that end comes I will be there to guide you to the beginning of your new purge adventure."- I said it with force while my sacral energy entered his body making all the souls I was holding prisoner start to leave his body.

"AAAA AAAA."- He just let out a scream of pain as he sees the souls.

"system stop it."- He shouted it with all his strength.

"you talk to your system I see you are very dependent on it."- I said it in a cold tone.

"The system is there to help you at key moments, not to depend on it."- I said as I pushed more sacral energy into the weapon causing more souls to come out of his body.

Andrew: "You think you won, there is always a trump card, attack destroyer."- He said it with fury.

Before I could say anything I felt a blow in my face so that I was sent to the island and I felt my jaw was dislocated.

At that moment I returned to my base form and looked at who it was that attacked me I was surprised to see him he was a copy of me only his body is bigger his eyes instead of red or gold he has dark blue eyes his hair is white reflecting the light with a smooth skin without any runic markings on his skin like mine.

Richard: "You must be my version of this dimension."

Destroyer:" I kill." He said it in a growl.

Richard: "ho you're not very smart, but I must admit you pack quite a punch."- I said it carving where he hit me.

I just stood up to stretch and use healing where he hit me to walk towards him.

While Andrew is slowly recovering watching me return to my normal form.

Andrew: "I thought you were an angel.'

Richard: "I'm not, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm something that shouldn't exist and you are a stone in my shoe right now."- I said it so that my version is thrown against me when his fist is near my face the world has slowed down.

'what happened.'- I thought about it as I quietly move around him.

[You've unconsciously used witch time lord the ability you gain when you enslave the cherry witch]

'Yes it's a very interesting ability, well we have to take advantage of it.'- I thought to move fast to hit him multiple times all over his body as I slowly increase.

[sir return the time to its place the mana consumption is massive it will consume half of your mana if you keep it up another minute]

Richard: "Anyway, I'm done."- I said it smiling to snap my fingers for time to return to its current speed to see how his body started to bruise and be sent flying.

Just look in the direction where my main target is he looks at me with surprise.

I just disappear in a blur as I use sprint and mana boost to walk on water and boost my jump to reach his height.

Richard: "you like consuming souls I don't think you would not like this world of rage."- I said it seriously as I am covered in negative feelings before I could do anything I hit him so hard that he ripped his head off.

Richard: "I just have to destroy everything about you without leaving any part of you."- I said it while I take a deep breath and release a purple flare of fire that consumes the whole body that is constantly regenerating until it could no longer regenerate since there is nothing left to regenerate.

I only see the head that begins to create a body.

Andrew: 'how is it possible that a bastard like him can defeat anyone and everything I tried...I was destroyed in seconds.'- He thought about it with fear.

Up to here.


Read 15 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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