Elder: "What does that traitor mean?"- He said it with fury.

Ajuka: "Humanity is already becoming aware of our existence."- He said it seriously.

Grayfia: "How?"

Ajuka: "in the news a man named Rick lemon discovered the use of magic and is starting to show small uses of it so magic exists."

Grayfia: "They already knew about magic."

Ajuka: "Yes, but only about the magical beasts and not that humans could use magic so that makes secrets like the supernatural no longer a secret."

Sirzechs: "It seems that the time of being hidden is running out, it is no longer the same version of reality that we were before."

It was only seen as a magic circle with the symbol of the bael appeared in front of it.

Out of the flash appeared Zekram Bael or Lord Bael who arrived with a calm look on his face.

Zekram: "The boy must stay as an ally."- He said this looking at everyone.

Elder: "wait lord bael why would we make a deal with a human it is only dangerous because he has allies that creature magic and those women we can find a way to eliminate them and turn them into slaves."

Zekram: "No, I've seen enough, the boy is under the watch of the Bael clan."- He said it without a hint of hesitation.

Sirzechs:"I thought you didn't care much for the boy."

Zekram: "That was before he caught my interest made serafall who was in the war who didn't hesitate to kill her friends who took the enemy's side and the brat made her hesitate to fight for us."

Zekram: "And besides, that we won't be a lie anymore, I've been seeing that magic is becoming more and more known and soon that will become normal."

Sirzechs: "I understand he is becoming very influential if we keep on his positive side when we have to give ourselves to discover the human population without the knowledge of the supernatural he will see that we are next to one of his young promises."

Ajuka: "and with that we win double we keep a good deal with the guy who is constantly making technological breakthroughs and a friendly appearance to the current humanity that I have not been present for these 20 years."- He said it seriously.

Zekram: "Yes."

Elder: "I understand with that we can more easily approach the empowered population."

Ajuka: "although I don't think that will happen anytime soon as many of those who are dangerous at least have the level of a hero who may have the strength of a middle class devil and at least the entire human population with dangerous powers outnumbers our race 200 to 1."

Elder: "We'll see the brat is just a stepping stone for our race to survive."- He said it to disappear.

Zekram: "Brats you'll owe me a favour."- He said it when all the devils disappeared leaving the demon kings and the maid.

Sirzechs: "Thank you for controlling the situation lord bael."- He said it more relaxed.

Ajuka: "I didn't expect the reports serafall gave us to be so true, that creature could have destroyed hell."- He said it while his hand is shaking.

Zekram: "The boy is more valuable alive and still human than being something of our own, no one but you and a few devils can get close to him but I don't want us to jeopardize this."

Sirzechs: "Well at least we managed to act to keep up the appearance that we weren't worried."- He said relaxing.

Zekram: "Brat this is no joke the boy is as strong as a high class untrained devil and that was while he didn't use that axe when he wielded it and transformed everything was lost in that moment."

Lady Phenex: "Did Devil kings and Lord Bael knew about the boy's existence."

Sirzechs: "yes he has been under serafall's care and we tried to keep his existence a secret."

grayfia: "something that was lost thanks to the intervention of your son, lady phenex."- She said it seriously.

Lady phenex: "that's why you didn't intervene in the fight."

Ajuka: "we are under surveillance because of what happened 20 years ago with that being that endangered what is left of our people."

Lady phenex: "And my stupid son was about to destroy the opportunity to integrate us into this new society."- She said this while clenching her fist in fury.

Ruval: "My mother is furious."

The little girl ran to embrace Ruval who looks with concern at the mark of the blow that has not disappeared.

Ravel: "Brother, are you all right?"

Ruval: "Yes, Ravel, it's just a little bump."- He said it caressing the blow.

Lady phenex: "That ability all humans can use it, it is terrifying to see people who can kill us with their fists."- She said it looking at the punch her eldest son has.

Ajuka: "we have all the information of what serafall has done he has informed us but that is a secret that has been kept all this."

Sirzechs: "This cannot leave your clan, Lady Phenex."- He said it seriously.

Without further ado they all withdrew.

Sirzechs and grayfia appeared in his office.

Grayfia: "Lord Sirzechs, do you think giving that appearance to the child was a good deed?"

Sirzechs: "If it is necessary we cannot show a little weakness or that we are impartial it will only cause the fragile structure that is barely holding together to crumble into pieces."- He sighed in annoyance at their actions.

Sirzechs: "we can do nothing at this time we are only figures that uphold the morals of all devils whether reincarnated or pureblooded they cannot see that we are favouring a human child that would only make it clear that we are no longer acts."

Grayfia: "I know sir, but this may make you never look kindly on us to anyone but just serafall."

Sirzechs: "I know, but she'll be the only way we'll maintain close contact and he only has to see us as people he deals with, not as friends."

Grayfia: "we won't get any deals with him as we go."- She said this to sigh.

Sirzechs just stood up to kiss her lips.

Sirzechs: "I am only doing what is necessary for what is left of our race to survive, there are only 16 of the previous 32 pillars left, he destroyed everything, if we were on the brink of extinction before, now we are only in total decay, just like all the magical races nowadays, if I can make a future for my sister and our future baby, I don't mind looking like a monster in front of our only hope."

She just caresses her belly as she looks sadly at her husband.

Grayfia: "I understand sirzechs."- She said it to withdraw.

He just sat down to look at the paperwork that was going on and information of all the events.

Sirzechs: "I can't believe father would agree to this."- he said reading a marriage contract that is from rias to raiser.

He just read all the information so that he could look at the papers for a moment.

Sirzechs: 'maybe I can make a second pillar of support for our alliance with the boy and I can save my little sister from this.'- He thought as a hopeful smile formed on his face.

It was only seen as the door burst open to enter an excited rias with an all might figure in her hand as she runs to sirzechs who carries her.

Rias: "nii-sama they brought out a new all might figure."- She said excitedly.

Sirzechs:" Yes I see how are you and little Koneko."

Rias: "Good nii-sama also I want to go to Japan to meet the super heroes."- She said it with excitement.

Sirzechs: "I know, but you can't, but soon you will be able to, Rias, you will see that everything will get better."- She said it with a smile.

She just nodded for him to free himself to run with excitement.

Rias: "I want to be a hero like all might."- She said happily.

Before he could speak she ran down the corridor.

Venelana: "I see you are still busy honey."

Sirzechs: "Mom, you heard everything."- He said nervously.

Venelana: "Well, if you really think that child could be the way to stop our race from dying."

Sirzechs: "It's the only thing left, he can give a good image for us but at the same time with two aggressions against him and the death of one of his loved ones I don't think he will see us at this time and his appreciation is only for Serafall who is showing a strong desire to stay on our side."

Venelana: "It's hard to be a Devil king isn't it dear."

Sirzechs: "Yes mother sometimes I wish I could just quit to go back to being just sirzechs gremory and enjoy my family."- He said it in annoyance.

Venelana: "I know our race is in a decline that has been kept hidden from the current generation, the only race that has increased are the vampires under the mantle of Issa Shuzen who is from another reality that has a monstrous strength, the yokais are getting stronger every moment, and some religions that had lost followers are beginning to recover and Catholicism took a lot of strength after this disaster making the tree of life work again."

Sirzechs: "I know, I see our race being pushed further and further into a corner and if a war breaks out we will be completely wiped out."- He sighed in frustration.

Venelana: "And I see that you also read the proposal your father made without my consent."

Sirzechs: "Yes I saw it, this will only take away the happiness of little rias and I already met raiser and I must say that he is a failure as hell."

Venelana: "Yes and tell me what the little one looks like."

Sirzechs: "You can see him on the security cameras when you go to visit and he really looks totally different when he gets stronger apparently serafall never talked to us that way he only talked about his quirk that makes him very powerful but that moment."

He just kept quiet remembering the aura he was releasing was scary without being a sacral aura it was still creepy.

Sirzechs: "Let's wait for what will happen."- He said it seriously.

With Richard.

They all teleported to the house which was in a shattered state.

I'm on the ground while the magic circle serafall only saw John who generated a dome of vacuum in her head denying her the chance to breathe she only watched in shock at the event.

John: "I'll kill you you fucking bitch."- he said in fury.

Shigure: "I'll save her"- She said it approaching John who only opened his eyes in surprise when he felt the aura of Shigure who is no longer human but still feels that it is hers.

John: "Shigure, what happened to you?"- he asked worried.

Cherry: "John, I know you're angry, but Richard will be even angrier when he sees that Serafall is dead."

He saw how serafall couldn't do anything, she was drowning.

Hs just snapped his fingers to make the vacuum sphere disappear.

She fell to the ground to breathe heavily only to approach my unconscious form and hug me.

John: "I want a fucking reason not to kill you I don't care how much fucking magic you have you know you're in my fucking house I just need to activate a seal and I'll suck you dry."

Serafall: "I received the information of havoc in hell while I was engaging in a proposal with the olympian faction I had to rush back to find Richard fighting the entire main family of the phenex clan."

John: "What was my son doing in Hell and in Phenex territory."

Shigure: "A son of theirs came to attack me and force me to become a part of their peerage"

John: "Mephisto told me about that. I never thought a devil would come to attack this place and how did he know about you."

Serafall: "someone was investigating her that's why she found the place I didn't think this would happen they almost killed Richard and I lose something again."- She said this as her eyes filled with tears.

John only saw the shattered state serafall was in only to feel guilty for what happened.

John: "serafall I know you love Richard, but your race has already endangered him twice, the third time I myself will go down to hell to bring out your race to be hunted so this is no longer your dimension so you have to be prepared."- He said it seriously.

Serafall: "I know that's why I believe that in another year the supernatural will come to light no matter what the consequences."- She said it seriously.

John: "You can doom your race."

Serafall: "My race is already doomed. This will only be a test of whether we can accept the new humanity or disappear."- She said it seriously.

Richard just breathe heavily as Ihe opened his eyes he see shigure, mitsuri, satsuki, shidare with their hands full of sweet worries and a Winston who looks scared at his state.

"I'm fine."- I said it trying to lift me up only to feel my bones broken and my muscles torn.

Winston: "who dared to push my master's limits."- He said with fury looking all around.

Richard: "That guy pissed himself when I'm done with him don't worry."- I said it while feeling my Ps reserves almost empty and my mana at half.

John: "Richard what happened."

Richard: "some son of a bitch came when I was on my video call to kidnap shigure and mom I fought him when he teleported them to hell where I followed him to crush him."

He just nodded.

John: "We'll have to rebuild the house."

Serafall: "don't worry I can have it made I think it would only take a month to redo the beds and the whole house, but the technology and the information I don't know how I'll get it back."

Richard: "I have a copy of it at Grandma Maria's house."- I said smiling.

John: "You know mommy mary will be furious when she finds out that you use the orphanage for storage."

Richard: "Grandma is already furious anyway."

I looked at Ariza who was starting to open her eyes in surprise, she looked all around to see me lying down to run or rather crawl to see my condition.

Richard: "I'm fine mom."- I said smiling.

Richard: "Where is the rabbit."

John: "She went to look for us she...."

Only Rumi was seen arriving to see me on the ground that I can't move.

Rumi: "who was it that attacked"

Richard: "that was an attack of vi...."

Serafall: "richard no."

Richard: "it'll be all right...."

Serafall: "it's not okay they deserve to know the truth and not by hiding my race will I let him get away with it."- She said it in annoyance.

Richard: "sera are you sure."

Serafall: "Yes, what attacked us was a devil."

Rumi: "That's a joke... it just had to be a villain..."

Serafall showed her wings while creating multiple magic circles and released an aura that froze around her.

Serafall: "it's not a joke my race exists like many that are believed to be a myth."

That just fell to Rumi, she was only a day old and her life was already turning around 360 degrees.

With the presentation began the explanations of serafall to all the girls who didn't understand and ariza whose eyes were filled with rage.

Ariza: "You lied to my face and you are not a girl to be near my child."

Cereza: "Come on, she must be about 500 years older than us, right?"

Serafall: "About 100 years older."

Ariza: "You guys already mentioned at the beginning that you are witches and stuff like that I didn't care but she who has been with us the longest never mentioned anything."

Richard: "mom how did you want me to say hello I am serafall one of the leaders of a race that is on the verge of extinction and I am attracted to a 10 year old boy you know that sounded ugly someone has a way of not making her sound like a pedophile."

Ariza: "Honey don't downplay this."

Richard: "Mom look at me I'm fine as long as I can still breathe and recover everything is fine what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and look on the bright side."

Ariza: "That would be something."

Richard: "Imagine a bigger kitchen and a bigger room."

Chamuel: "I'll have my own room."- She said it coming in while eating a biscuit.

Richard: "And where were you Chamuel?"

Chamuel: "I saw on TV there was a challenge of who could eat the most and I won a lifetime supply of biscuits."

Richard: "You know that's only going to last at least 50 years."

Chamuel: "I don't think that's true."- She said it with a bow of her head.

Richard: "Chamuel, you are an archangel of a dimensional being, you are eternal and the life of a human is at least 100 years maximum."

Chamuel just stared at me to continue eating her biscuit.

Chamuel: "Well I have you to make me biscuits."- She said this while eating his biscuit.

Ariza: "I don't think Richard can live forever Chamuel."

Cherry: "He will after all he is the reincarnation of the god of life."

Ariza: "My baby is not a god."

John: "Yes, from what I saw, Richard is more human than yokai."

Ariza: "John stars like yokai !!"

Richard: "Well I have at least a quarter or less of yokai blood which is from my genetic mother."

Jeanne: "Richard is a god only his body is still maturing and gods have human bodies only they have a stronger bone density as well as their whole body something that can be inherited by their children."

Richard: "Well let's put that aside and go to a hotel because I have to move the orphanage first thing in the morning."

Winston: "will you put the gravitons to work my master."- He ask excitedly.

Richard: "Yes I will use the weight of technology to fuck in the face of those stiffs and well tomorrow I won't be able to cook because there is no kitchen."- I said it so that everyone's eyes were disappointed and saw the smile of serafall flanking me.

Richard: "I can't make magical girl ice cream."

That was it she angrily clenched her hands to see the house.

Serafall: "I'll rip that motherfucker's dick off and shove it up his ass...."

Ariza: "No swearing, where's the jar?"

Shigure: "It must be destroyed."

Satsuki: "Yeah, I don't think something like a simple glass jar can withstand this destruction."

Mitsuri just walked out of curiosity to the kitchen to return with the jar.

John: "How can that possibly survive and not the kitchen."

Richard: "The world hates me John, that's just it,"- I said as I touched his shoulder.

Only for me to slip and a piece of the ceiling fall on my head.

The girls: "richard."- They shouted worriedly.

Up to here.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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