The next morning.

I found myself opening my eyes with heaviness as I feel my body already recovered I looked around me that the girls are sleeping on my chest, but the one I noticed that was mainly is shidare who is sleeping on my chest and there was sleeping serafall.

Richard: "what happened?"

Cherry: "you were hit by a piece of debris while you were standing and they thought of taking you to the hospital."- She said this while she settled on the bed, which was much bigger.

Richard: "but this place is not the hospital and neither is it a hotel why is it colorful."

Jeanne: "yes it is the house of the brat you have on your chest apparently she has always had that house but she doesn't use it."

Richard: "oh...well it's Shidare's." I said it to free one hand to caress her head just to feel his embrace tighter on my body.

Richard: "that reminds me, it's a week until I go back to school."

I just released my grip on all of them to stand up and stretch.

'first I have to find the bathroom and see if I have anything to wear.'- thought.

[it's good that you're conscious sir]

'Thanks helpi.'- I thought about it smiling.

[at this moment your body is in an optimal and increasing state].

Richard: 'very good.'

[your body is starting to flood with testosterone which is good because your body will get stronger].

Richard:'yes you told me that.'

I started walking all over the place to find the bathroom which this time was without the rabbit.

I just went in to take a quiet shower something that relaxed me from all the events of yesterday that made me clench my fists with rage as I remembered the lifeless body of shigure.

Richard: "I need to get stronger."- I muttered.

[Sir, I understand what happened but you pushed your body to the limits, you were on the verge of death at that moment.]

Richard: 'helpi I don't want to lose anyone anymore.'

[I understand sir]

I dry myself from the shower to see that in the sink are new clothes just sniff it a little to understand that it's new.

I just walk for a while to get to the kitchen where I see the girls who see me with happiness to hug me tightly.

Satsuki: "boyfriend how wonderful that you are well."- She said it smiling to kiss me.

Shidare: "stop hugging Richard is my fiancé."- She said it while kissing me on my lips.

Shigure: "he is my husband."- She said it seriously to kiss me.

Rumi: "is it normal that level of affection between them."

Chamuel: "love."- She said it to pull me and kiss me on my forehead and then sit down again.

Richard: "Thank you."

I just walked to the stove that shows more variety.

I just started to take off my shirt while looking at my hand that has a scar from the burn.

I pulled out my other four extra arms to start cooking.

Ariza: "it's always a surprise how much it can do."

Serafall: "yes the speed and the precision of how he moves."

I felt something bothering me just stretched out a hand to get hell Frost back to my hand full of dirt.

Richard: "Amarok."- I shouted angrily.

Without further ado I concentrated on cooking for us to eat.

After an hour.

I put all the plates with different foods.

Some carrot puree and fruits and vegetables for Rumi while I served the others their food while I put out some roast beef for Winston who arrived with excitement.

I just settle into my seat as I stretch and enjoy my breakfast.

After a while.

I saw serafall take shigure away, and the other girls went to other places, the only one who left with Amarok was shidare.

I noticed rumi staring at me.

Richard: "What's wrong rabbit, I thought you should leave to protect the city."

Rumi: "I'm weak."

Richard: "yeah that's normal there will always be something that overcomes us."

Rumi: "I can't believe I'm asking for help from a child, but help me."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "help you with what."

Rumi: "I want to be stronger, I want to exploit my quirk to the maximum like you do."

Richard: "I understand you know that my method will make me destroy your body over and over again until I get to the point where I can kill you."- I said seriously.

She looked at me without a hint of doubt.

Rumi: "Yes I am willing to fight it all."

Richard: "well first go save their asses and after your patrol we will do a training routine, but I will have to know your actual strength."- I said seriously.

She nodded.

Richard: "well to see my grandmother."

[it's a good thing I really helped her win the bet sir].

Richard: "I don't care much about the bet helpi she can become a training partner."

Rumi: "I hope you're ready for me to kick your ass."

Richard: "whatever you say rabbit."

Without further ado she jumped up and walked away, I just went over to the TV to watch the news that showed some precedent about a killer that eats people and that apparently was recorded.

Richard: 'is that a demon doing on this planet.'- I thought seriously.

[no sir it's a devil or rather a convert who was corrupted by his evil piece who disobeyed his master].

Richard: "that happens to all the devils that disobey."

[no sir only to the devils that are seeking power]

Richard: "I understand."- I saw that they also passed something about the people who started declaring war on the allied nations out of their desire not to be damned.

Richard: 'come on they are already starting a war over a piece of desert stretch.' I said it in annoyance.

[ it's human nature sir is to see some stretch of land and seize them.]

Richard: 'I know.'- I thought sighing with annoyance.

I just stopped to get out of Shidare's house which has a much larger and more spacious yard.

I just saw Amarok digging holes looking for my axe that I just stretched my hand to appear he notices it to open a portal to disappear.

Richard: "I waited for that."

Without further ado I left the house to see that we are in the high class neighborhoods of San Francisco I just looked frustrated to see many well dressed children playing some stupidity.

Richard: "I can see why I wasn't in this place Shidare, we are in the epicenter of high class shit." I thought about it looking all over the place.

I stretched and breathed touching my hair covering my horns and my mane which is showing more bristly.

Richard: "I feel like my appearance has changed a bit."

[ You haven't done much sir you just grew a little more and your body developed a little more].

Richard: 'I see.'- I thought about it as I look at my hands to see my skin thicker and my nails cleaner and sharper as if they were claws just stop my nail by my skin to see that it manages to cut my skin a little bit.

I feel a presence approaching I just turn to see Zelda and for the first time we are face to face again.

Richard: "how are you Zelda."

Zelda: "good Richard Parker."- She said it calmly looking at me seriously.

Zelda: "I never expected to see you around these parts I always thought you were someone from."

Richard: "who doesn't give a shit about society."

Zelda: "I would say more of a savage."

Richard: "well what happened to the Zelda that was with me all the time sleeping next to me when I was a baby."- I said it

Zelda: "You still remember that."- she said surprised.

Richard: "I have a photographic memory Zelda and who is your brother."

She just sat on a bench for me to tap on the bench for me to sit down.

Zelda: "how did you grow up so much I'm two years older than you."- She said it annoyed.

That moment I just formed a smile I didn't have that silly behavior she has at school.

Richard: "quirk."

Zelda: "that's unfair mine only makes me twice or three times as strong but you're almost inhuman."- She said it annoyed.

I just laughed a little.

I stroked her head.

Zelda: "don't do that you know how annoying it is to have to have this hairstyle."

Richard: "and why do you do it."

Zelda: "because "my parents" say I have to look and behave like a high society lady and I hate it."- She said it with a sigh.

Richard: "and what about this rivalry of wanting to surpass me in the physical aspects."

Zelda: "I just want to prove that I'm good at something."- She said it in a whisper.

Richard: "come on, you are one of the biggest beauties in the school so everyone shows interest in you, seriously, the older grades are coming."- I said smiling.

Zelda: 'Yes, but not from the person I want.'- She thought annoyed.

Zelda: "I know that, but tell me do you think I'm pretty?"

Richard: "Of course I think you look pretty Zelda, why wouldn't you."- I said it to caress her head.

She just sighed to stick her head on my shoulder.

Zelda: "I hate my home."

Richard: "I would hate it too if it's those uptight, power hungry people."- I said it quietly.

Zelda: "besides I hate acting refined I want to run fight."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "and why don't you do it I mean you have your quirk you should use it more often like me who uses it at every moment to learn more of its use."- I said it calmly.

Zelda: "I have a teacher to use my quirk correctly."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "Who needs a teacher when you learn how to use them yourself."- I said it to take off my shirt so the other four arms came out of my back to move quickly.

Richard: "the quirk is only limited if we want it we modulate the level of strength we can reach."

With that my arms disappeared from my back so I put my shirt back on and stood up to smile at him.

Richard: "Tell me was it really a good idea to talk to me Zelda."- I said it seeing in the distance a group of security looking at me seriously.

Zelda: "Well, this might be the last time we see each other."- She said it to stand up and kiss my lips.

I just opened my eyes in surprise to feel a taste of honey as she separates.

Zelda: "I will go to Japan Richard I was accepted in the prestigious school somei that will help me to enter the U.A the school of heroes."- She said it smiling while her eyes filled with tears.

Richard: "I see."- I said it giving a sad smile.

Richard: "Zelda you know this is not the last time we will see each other maybe I'm going to become a hero just to overshadow you."- I said it in a mocking tone.

Zelda: "Come on I don't want to be overshadowed again."- She said it hitting me in the shoulder.

Richard: "We'll see about that."

Zelda: 'thanks for being Richard.'- She thought about it as she stands up and starts walking to where her parents are waiting for her.

I just sighed and stood up to walk to the orphanage where I was starting to think about activating the gravitons to take her to a place where she was bought.

I arrived in front of the house to knock on the door to be opened by a young woman with brown hair with eyes of the same color with an attractive appearance and a friendly smile while in her hand she holds a boy with Asian features who looks surprised to see me.

"What is he?"

Tadashi: "It's rude to say that to a person."

Richard: "Don't worry, at school they always try to bother me."

Maria: "Richard, you don't attack them, do you?"

Richard: "I don't hurt weak grandma Maria."

Maria: "Well Cass is my adopted grandson who has been playing with the house."- She said it looking at me seriously.

Richard: "come on grandma I have everything ready, well more or less since the house was attacked and ...."

Maria: "my god what happened."

Richard: "We were attacked by a son of a bitch...."

I didn't finish because she hit me in the head.

Maria: "what have I told you about rudeness Richard pay to the jar." She said it seriously.

Richard: "I hate that jar."- I said it caressing my head.

Cass: "wait he is little richard what were you telling me."- he said it impressed.

Maria: "yes he is only 10 years old."- She said it to caress my head.

Cass: "two years younger than Tadashi."

Richard: "well leaving that I'm going in grandma maria."- I said it to go inside while I decompress my emergency reactor that I carry with me.

I go down to the boiler area to open a second compartment where I put the second reactor of the house that begins to activate the secondary equipment.

Richard: "it works, it works, let's see how it was like this HAHAHAHA."

I saw the boy and the woman get scared by my laughter.

Only to receive a blow in the head.

Maria: "Richard what have I told you about the mad scientist laugh."

Richard: "that it's wrong and in bad taste."

Maria: "and why do you do it."

Richard: "because I am a mad scientist grandmother and I will succeed with my madness to bring humanity to tomorrow."- I said it with emotion.

Maria: "mad scientists hurt people."- She said it with annoyance.

Richard: "That's not true grandma, because there are always ways to sacrifice your own integrity for the greater good, that's a mad scientist, someone who is willing to sacrifice everything, even his honor for the future."

Maria: "Richard what are you going to do.?"

"Get out of this place all the kids go inside."

She saw only went upstairs to see the children who looked at me with surprise.

I just raised my hand.

Richard: "Get up."- I said the command to feel a tremor so that the building would start to rise.

Richard: "to san francisco public park."- I said it so that the house starts to move.

The children ran to look out the window to notice that they are flying.

Grandma Maria just watches with surprise everything that happens.

Richard: "well they get the land, but not the house." I said proudly.

While we are flying over the city.


"Mom, why did we leave our house?"- She said it annoyed.

Mother?: "Because I want us to be in a safe environment and San Francisco is one of the places where there are not many people with quirk and I know you love technology, honey."

Mom?: "I don't think I like it...."

She just saw how Richard jumped off the houseboat and she looked at him.

Richard: "hahaha see it the use of gravitons on a new level."

Richard: "Grandma stay inside it's dangerous because I'm taking the orphanage to a new place." I said it with a smile.

Cass: "you didn't mention that the orphanage could fly."

Maria: "it can't fly or it shouldn't." She said it with a flat look at me.

Cass: "that's amazing."- he said it with excitement running to where I am.

I looked from where that scream came from to see a girl with onyx black eyes, long hair that covers her back and colorful where the predominant color is purple with some pink touches while wearing a yellow t-shirt with a black cat face on the chest and showing an appearance at my age.

Richard: "it is very dangerous to be close while transporting a house, keep a little distance, it can be dangerous."

Miko: "what is your name, my name is miko, what are you doing, and why is that building is flying."

Richard: "calm down you're asking so many questions and I have to keep the view of the house as it advances if you want you can accompany me to see you can, but I do not think they will let you."- I said it to focus on how it advances and be prepared to see if any mistake happens.

[sir I don't think you can support the weight of the building with all the people inside].

Richard: 'helpi we won't know that until it has to be attempted and hopefully not today.'- I thought about it as I keep walking to get to the vacant lot where the building started to go down she saw the house next to widen her eyes seeing a nice park and lots of vegetation.

As the house was placed it began to attach to the pipes quickly.

Richard: "Well I am proud of myself."- I said it seeing how it was completely installed without any problem.

I feel some presences approaching to see the same girl being followed by her a woman with dark colored hair but a more serious and mature appearance that looks at me seriously.

Miko: "You saw mom he moved a whole house."

Maria: "Richard Agustus Parker when did you modified the orphanage so it could fly."

Richard: "it wasn't flying grandma it was doing a graviton based repulsion action making the house a little weightless but still maintaining its balance."

Maria: "Richard honey I know you love to build things, but don't do this kind of crazy stuff."

Richard: "I am a scientist and I will make miracles grandma maria and with that I need to experiment."- I said it seriously.

Maria: "Richard I forbid you to touch the house as an experiment when you have proven it you can put it in the house fine."

Richard: "that's unfair."

Maria: "I can't let you damage the orphanage and speaking of home how is your home."

Richard: "sera-so commented that it will be repaired in a few days and besides I have to take out my backup base that I placed here."- I said it to go back inside and come out a few minutes later with a hard drive and put it away.

Richard: "well grandma maria, cass, tadashi I see you have things to do and I can't waste time...."

Only an explosion was seen in the distance to see a blur of white with brown running there at a good speed.

Richard: 'well apparently the doe is doing her hero work.' i thought so seeing how she jumps between buildings to propel herself.

[looks pleased sir]

'Yes, I feel more and more comfortable with this reality, but I still want to go back to where I was reborn for the first time, I have to recover everything I lost.'- I thought seriously, clenching my fists.

So far.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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