Two weeks later.

Richard can be seen waking up in his room while he sees some of the many improvements that there are in those moments like the bed that is three times bigger than the previous one.

'yes it has completely changed the house, well the homey part, the technological part is still in the process of being rebuilt, at least I kept the back up.'- I thought about it as I stretched out and looked around at the sleeping girls.

"well to the bathroom."- I said as I let out a yawn walking down the hallway where I see the doe coming out of the guest room scratching her belly.

"rumi."- I said it seeing her wearing only a nightgown that highlights her attributes.

Rumi: "Richard."-looking at me wearing only boxers and a shirt.

Rumi: "I still don't believe that you are a 10 year old brat."

Richard: "testosterone that is starting to generate rumi...well how yours heroic activities are going."- I said this while walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

I just enjoy the shower for a while to clean myself up I get out to cover myself with a towel to approach the mirror.

'My body is getting so big.'- I thought about it looking at my toes which are thicker than my height increased at least 10 centimeters in these two weeks which can be very alarming.

I just sighed to start getting dressed seeing that my clothes are getting too small.

Richard: "what the hell is happening to my body."

[Sir being in the process of returning to being a Nephalem is returning your super physiology so your body will continue to grow until it is fully mature.]

Richard: 'I don't want to be about four meters helpi.'- I thought about it worriedly I also noticed that my muscles became denser.

Rumi: "you keep seeing your body I didn't think you were narcissistic."

Richard: "I wish I was that at least I wouldn't have to worry about my body growing on an inhuman scale."

Without further ado I leave the bathroom to enter the workshop where I see Winston improving his ship and repairing the metal absorption printer.

Richard: "How are you Winston, are you asleep yet?"

Winston just turned around in happiness to nod and run to my shoulder.

[Sir, an anomaly has been found on Winston.]

Richard: 'What's wrong with Winston.'- I thought worriedly.

[apparently his body has adapted to the environment of this dimension giving a possibility that he has a quirk].

Richard: 'that might be good for him seeing his condition.'- I thought about it looking at him on my shoulder.

Name: Winston.

Title: super genius, great follower, pet of a god, emissary of conquest, blessed by life, creator of discord, mad scientist.

Level: 50.

Threat level: G+++

Quirk: humanity

Ability: none.

Passive ability: weapons master, unstoppable, killing machine, superior mind, parallel thinking, perfect memory, great speed, controlled liar, rage follower, resistance to all.

How he sees you: you are the embodiment of perfection and all beings who hold you in lesser esteem are simply trash who know no place.


Richard: 'well it's Winston I expected nothing less from my most loyal pet and it's interesting quirk.'- I thought to myself, rubbing my chin and looking at him with interest.

Richard: "Winston haven't you been feeling strange."- I asked so he could see me for a moment just to stretch.

Winston: "Yes my lord I have been feeling hungrier as if my body was asking for more food and sleep is strange because sleep is normal for my race."

Richard: 'That confirms that what I saw is true.'- I thought it was interesting.

Richard: "Winston, why don't you think about standing on two feet and think of yourself as human."- I said as I lowered him from my shoulder to place him on the ground while he looked at me thoughtfully and then nodded.

Winston: "I'll try my master."- He said it standing up and closing his eyes tightly to start to grow while still keeping his ears and tail while the hair on his body starts to disappear so that the hair on his head that was light brown started to turn blond his eyes turned blue and his skin turned white while he puffed his chest proudly showing his height which is one meter 60 centimeters.

He looked at me with surprise.

Winston: "my master look at me I am a human."- He said proudly.

Richard: "I'm looking at you Winston and you look great."

Winston: "How can this possibly happen. "- He said it looking at me with emotion.

Richard: "You have a quirk."

Winston: "a power, but I've only seen and mockery of being smart has it."- He said it with annoyance.

Richard: "Animals can also have a quirk Winston remember that."- I said it calmly and he just nodded.

With that said I looked around to see everything that had recovered to see that there was still my gumdam in its half form.

Richard: "Yes, I will soon have my own gumdam."- I said excitedly.

Winston: "will sir create SIF."- He said excitedly.

Richard: "Of course I will Winston I have already devised the base for SIF and do many other things."- I said it to finish seeing some more things like the raw material that must be in pure form and I found Amarok that is eating the wolfram.

Richard: "Amarok I want double what you just ate Amarok or no cuddling for three months."- I said it seriously.

He just dropped the piece of wolfram to give me a scolded dog face to moan sadly and disappear in a doorway.

Richard: "I think I was too hard on him."

Winston: "I don't know, Master, it's always fair."

Richard: "Well I'll leave that problem for later I have to prepare dinner and Winston if you're going to be in your human form look for my old clothes."

He looked to see himself completely naked only to nod and better go back to his possum form.

With that prepared I started to walk to the kitchen where I put on my new tablecloth that the previous one burned in flames something I will not forgive, but this one pleases me after all it says "you have to have horns to use this tablecloth".

I just put it on to get my extra arms out while I start cooking quickly, I just watch how everyone is getting up little by little until Rumi arrives with her leotard attached showing her figure very well.

John: "well since we are all here we have something to talk about Richard."

Richard: "Yes, say." I said it while I continued cooking.

John: "when would you mention that you are the reincarnation of a god."

I just watched as Serafall's cheerful look became serious and a little tense.

Richard: "I really wasn't planning on blurting that out since it's a very dangerous thing to think about and I'm not strong enough to face all the dangers yet."- I said it calmly as I started to serve everyone.

Ariza: "honey I am worried you know I changed your diapers I don't care if you are a god or a demon I want you to tell me something."- She said worried.

I just sighed to scratch my hair a little.

Richard: "Well, I recovered the belief that I am a god when I was about 8 or 9 years old was when I met my biological mother again and my grandfather threatened to kill me again."- I said it calmly.

Serafall left what she was going to put in her mouth.

Serafall: "And why didn't you mention that?"- She asked worried.

Richard: "because they are not really a problem."

Serafall: "they are onigami are monsters they have killed many and are completely sadistic beings that enjoy crushing the limbs of their enemies until they are useless so they beg to be killed"- She said it lying.

John: "Shit."- He said it surprised even knowing something about the supernatural he was not aware of the yokais since they are much more reserved nowadays because of what happened with the nekoshou.

Richard: "I didn't see a problem with it and if I brought you guys in you might get killed too."

Richard: "but that's not the point I recovered some of my memory and discovered that I am a god and that's why Cherry and Jeanne are here since they are two of the three adepts I have."

Serafall: "you must be a very young god or of very low grade."- She said this while eating.

They all turned to look at her.

Serafall: "sorry it came out don't take my magical girl ice cream."- She said it begging.

Cherry: "He is not a weak god or anything, he was about to reach the scale of dimensional god."

That made a lot of people stop eating.

John: "you know alter."

Richard: "Yes I do."- I said it with some hate in my tone.

Ariza: "why did he do all this, what did we do to make him do this to us."

Richard: "he is the dimensional god of dreams and reality every dimensional god carries a balance of multiple realities he doesn't need to do anything he just had to exist to keep reality balanced, but he loves to destroy and deform things at his pleasure."- I said it with annoyance.

John: "what did he do to you.?"

Richard: "I was or I hope to continue being one of the postulates for the dimensional god of life since I am the closest being to all the existing species or was it he killed me and killed everything I loved destroyed the dimension I once called home and murdered everyone."- I said it with fury.

John: "I'm sorry."

Richard: "you don't have to apologize he's already paying for his mistake."

Serafall: "as his mistake who could make a being of that scale pay for such an act."

Richard: "it is taboo for another dimensional god to cause the death of one who is in ascendancy so the higher ranking god has to take care of that god."

John: "it had to be a very long and brutal fight to stop that monster."

Richard: "no the god of karma fragment his soul cannot kill him, but he can condemn each fragment of his soul to something immortal so that he suffers for all eternity."

That made everyone keep silent.

Ariza: "My child, you had to suffer a lot."- She said it hugging me.

Richard: "you are not going to change the treatment you are giving me."

John: "no we were just curious really just that we will keep treating you the same way and another thing you will always be the boy who causes problems go to school and enjoy everything."

I just smiled to hug them to stand up to get my stuff and put on the new weights that teacher akisame gave me.

I started walking to school.

Rumi: "this is something very new he is a god how can they accept this so easily."

Serafall: "I am a devil."

Shigure: "I'm a reincarnated devil."

Shidare: "He makes delicious sweets."

Ariza: "I raised him, he's my baby."

Mitsuri: "I know demons."

Satsuki: "he's my boyfriend and I know monstrous things."

Cherry/Jeanne: "don't ask us he is our god."

John: "I'm a descendant of Merlin so I know the supernatural."- He said it to touch some orange juice.

Rumi: "I understand you're all weirdos."

Serafall: "yes even you are a weirdo you are with him every training afternoon more and more glued to him I know you want to steal my rich-tan."- She said it puffing out her cheeks.

The only one who didn't speak was chamuel and doll who had recently arrived with some volcanic rock that she was removing from her hair.

John: "Chamuel, how do you know Richard?"

Chamuel: "I am an archangel of the god of karma and my duty is to take care of Richard so that he reaches divinity as well as being the gateway to true heaven."

Serafall: "what do you mean true heaven."

Chamuel: "true heaven is where no matter what species you are you can get there or reincarnate by your karma points and reincarnation doesn't really matter if it's good or bad if you are good or you are neutral you can stay in heaven if you are bad you can reincarnate or go straight to hell."

Serafall: "it means that I could go to heaven."- She ask in a doubtful tone.

Chamuel: "if you are a physical being your soul is what matters"- She said it to keep eating.

Ariza: "wow that sounds amazing."

Chamuel: "Richard's first mother is in heaven she died keeping hidden where Richard was a great mother."

Ariza: "why are you bringing this up Chamuel."

Chamuel: "I thought you might be interested to know that you have a competition to be Richard's best mom."

Those words just lit a fire in Ariza who stood up from her chair.

Ariza: "I will be his best mother."- She said it to retreat to plan something to prove that she is his favorite mother.

John: "well that will keep her away from the kitchen and from us getting sick from eating her food."

Rumi: "why don't you tell her that her food is horrible."

Mitsuri: "I like it, it tastes good."

Satsuki: "I need points with mom so I'm the one to be her son's wife."

Cherry: "I don't eat I'm just waiting for Richard to cook."

Jeanne: "yes my sweetie is the only person who can feed me."

Shigure: "be a good person and help tolerance against poisons."

Chamuel: "she is very sweet I can't deny her anything."

Shidare: "I like her sweets."

Serafall: "I run away from work when I get sick and Richard spends more time taking care of me so I don't mind."

John: "I love her I can't hurt her by telling her that her food is a biohazard."

Rumi: "well understood."- She said it to stand up to leave.

Rumi: "tell Richard to watch the news so he can see me in action."

Without further ado she began to run to watch over the whole city.

John: "how did he make you all fall in love with him, even Rumi shows interest in him."

Cherry: "he is the god of life he must have an attraction."

John: "that must be true what are you going to do."

Mitsuri: "I'm going to learn how to use the sword, I need to become strong."

Satsuki: "I need to train my skills more."

Shigure: "I have to be with Serafall."

Serafall: "I'm going to a picnic with so-tan and I need to introduce my only piece."

Shidare: "if I want I can go shopping with you."

John: "how do you know what I have to buy."

Shidare just pointed to a piece of paper on the fridge.

He just sighed to scratch his hair.

Cherry: "I'm going to find out where they sells a good margarita."

Jeanne: "I'm going to stop her from killing someone."

Cherry: "That's a lie, he just wants a good margarita and Richard can't make it yet because Ariza won't let him."

Leaving Chamuel and Doll who saw each other.

Chamuel: "You want to watch TV, they say that doraemon is good."

Doll: "I'm more interested in knowing about my master's culture."

The two walked to start watching TV.

The first four are looking at each other to see Shidare, who is starting to eat the serafall ice cream, which she only watches in horror.

Shidare: "maybe I can create an inferior replica of this side since this one was handmade so it would sell very well and could carry the girl logo a magical girl."

Serafall: "a production of my favorite ice cream."- She said it with a smile.

Shidare: "yes my father is still looking for new things to do and wants to start a boom in the ice cream industry after our growth."

Serafall: "you know that ice cream is special because Richard makes it just for me don't you."

Shidare: "yes what do you want in exchange for me to industrialize the ice cream."

Serafall: "to promote my program that is about to premiere the first chapter worldwide and I need to give a good image to my race so that our introduction doesn't look too dangerous."

Shidare: "that's understandable, but it would endanger dad's company as well so we must have a way to make sure the company isn't doomed."

Satsuki: "Apparently you're not a candy addicted idiot."

Shidare: "I love candy like you have no idea but I can't do something so suddenly I could end up damaging my reputation which is linked to Richard because I am his fiancée I can behave like a fool at times but I know how to run a business after all dad's industry is one of the most important since he not only produces candy which is the main source of profit but he also produces food which is mostly donuts and we started the production of technology which is a big leap that is assured."

Mitsuri: "I never heard her talk like that."- She said it nervously to Shigure.

Shigure: "It must not be Shidare."

Serafall: "well how about this."- she said it to pull out some papers and take out a candy that only comes from hell.

Serafall: "you will have the rights to the candy in hell and you won't have to pay any export tax to hell."- She said it smiling.

Shidare: "I am interested, but are you the only leader."

Serafall: "well I'm the one in charge of foreign affairs."

Shidare: "and the one in charge of internal affairs."

Serafall: "I'll have a meeting with him so he can meet my piece."

Satsuki:" serafall I would like you to make me stronger."

Mitsuri: "I-I-I also want you to help me since you are very strong."- She said it with all her courage.

Serafall: "why do you think I can make you stronger."

Satsuki: "shigure has become faster and stronger with the time she has been with you I want to be of help to my future husband so he won't worry about us I don't want to be a burden."

Mitsuri: "I still know that Richard is amazing, but that doesn't take away the fear I have at the thought that he might one day fight something that he can't fight alone and I can only watch him get killed."

Serafall: "well first we will have to see many things to help them and the main thing if they really want to be very strong and have more time to live it would be more advisable that they are devils"- she said it seriously.

Satsuki: "to be a devil I don't know maybe when they are accepted by the society I can accept the idea and you think gorilla."

Mitsuri: "I'm not a gorilla and I agree with what the sociopath said."- The last thing she mumble.

Serafall: "well you will have to accompany me to hell so-tan is very happy to meet more people her age and Shidare-tan if you want you can join us to talk to sirzechs- san."

Shidare: "yes we could start with the trade deal."

Jeanne: "wait before they leave we will accompany them we can't let them go to hell alone without any supervision."

Cherry: "you just want to have a nice drink."- She said it in a mocking tone.

Up to here.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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