She excitedly showed me all the clips while also looking at my other prototypes that were denied by the scientific society.

Seekveira: "I am one of your biggest fans of so many breakthroughs and even more so when you created the possible basis for a basic artificial intelligence."- She said it with excitement.

Richard: "Well, this is a surprise."- I said it to take a seat.

Richard: "I've never seen a devil talking about my research, tell me which one excited you the most."

Seekveira: "The anti-justice system."

Richard: "You know why I came up with that system."

Seekveira: "Because of the crime rate that is being made up by the age of heroes you wanted to give true justice by giving a lower probability of a millionaire not being able to post bail because he would be prosecuted by an incorruptible artificial intelligence."- She said it with a smile.

Winston: "At least you appreciate my lord's magnificent ideas to try to improve the lives of those poor inferior beings."

Seekveira: "Well back to what we were talking about, why am I not allowed to make this place my territory if there is no one occupying it besides Lord Richard."- She said it formally.

Richard: "what's that about territories?"

Serafall: "well Richard you see a lot of the pantheons have their territories like the Vatican which is part of the angels, Greece and part of Rome of the Olympians, India of the Hindu gods, Japan with the Shintoists. So it goes with the United States is one of the few countries that has multiple religions and is mostly a neutral territory because of that and we devil's settle in lands full of sin like Las Vegas, New York, Boston among others so most of the united states is our territory there are also shared territories that with the permission of the other owners we can do territorial work."

Richard: "well I understand that but why do you want to take san francisco as your territory miss agares."

Seekveira: "call me Seekveira lord Richard you see this is one of the few cities where there is no religion and besides it is the source of all technology and I could very well plant the foundation of my headquarters here."

I just nod in compression.

Richard: "Well Seekveira you can't be in this city and do you want to hear the reasons?"

Seekveira: "yes I would like to know why it would not be a good idea to own this territory."

Richard: "As you said, this is where the greatest sources of knowledge are gathered, but it belongs to humanity and you are in the process of showing yourselves to the public, so I don't think it would be very nice if the whole scientific community was in danger because this place, which is known as a forbidden zone to attack from any country, would be used as a base for the devils."

Seekveira: "I understand your concerns Lord Richard, but that is incongruous because wouldn't it be better seen that one of those devils is in this territory and has been contributing to the advancement of mankind."

Richard: "You have a point, but that would only reassure the few like me who are classified as dreamers and the rest of the scientific community would escape from this place."

She sighed as she understood that.

Richard: "Besides, if they let the scientific community off limits, they would earn a point for humanity because they could comment that they haven't touched this city as a sign of respect they have for us."- I said it calmly.

Sirzechs: "That would go a long way towards introducing the devils to the general population wouldn't it serafall."

Serafall: "yes that should lessen my work."

Seekveira: "alright I won't touch this city, but lord Richard could give you the go ahead on this."- She said it to pull out a brief to hand to me just grab it.

With that I started to read quickly so that she would be nervous.

Richard: "okay you start with the basic AI which is the helpful one with default knowledge and its limitations necessary for learning very good start and I saw that you added an emergency support system for ease of use very good."

She just puffed out her chest with pride.

Without further ado she just started putting things away to approach me while handing me a card displaying the name of her company.

With that I put the card away so she smiled.

Seekveira: "If you need a bit of funding I will always be available to support you in whatever you want and Lord Richard I like mecha too."- she ask excitedly.

Richard: 'Who doesn't like a good robot, I'm currently building my own gundam."- I said proudly.

Seekveira: "When will you finish it so, I could see it."

Richard: "Sure, not a problem."

She smiles and disappears in a magic circle while Serafall just sighs in annoyance.

Sirzechs: "well this is neutral zone."

Sirzechs: "A city for geniuses I understand."

Richard: "Yes it sounds classist and it can be to a certain point of view, although anyone can enter the city but mostly scientists gather here because they can find support for their research from other brilliant minds."

Sirzechs: "I understand that, tell me you're not upset about my previous deal."

Richard: "sera told me that you are the leader of the devils so you have to maintain a serious and to some extent cruel demeanor against other species to maintain your title as leader of your race, but you must remove that facade in front of the entire population if you want the devil population to recover you must improve the peerage system as it is very deficient and will cause a lot of friction with the current humanity."

Sirzechs: "How much do you know about the supernatural."- He ask interested.

Richard: "Not much just a few things but not much I have not been very interested in it but I think I should find a way to learn more about the occult."

He just nodded to pull out multiple books from a magic circle to hand them to me.

Sirzechs: "take them as a peace offering."

I just nodded to take them to see serafall.

Richard: "Shigure, Sera, Winston want to see the movie we just took at least 10 minutes so even this movie."

With that said serafall sato to sit on my lap while shigure put her legs on my shoulders while Winston sent the viking on autopilot into the house to sit on my head.

With that done I created a magic circle to appear again in the cinema room surrounded by the girls while honey and gogo saw that I appeared out of nowhere with more people the others didn't care much while mitsuri placed her hand with mine while Shidare did the same.

With that, I just leaned back to enjoy the rest of the movie where serafall settled on my chest so we could continue to enjoy the movie.

An hour and 10 minutes later.

I just stretched while shigure is still on my shoulders while Winston is still in my hair.

We continue our way to head to the house but first I took honey where I greeted her father and her mother who still doesn't like me.

As I continue to receive the negative treatment from her mother I see something approaching as I saw some white hair with long ears.

Honey's mother: "What are you looking at, listen to me when I talk to you."- She said it in annoyance.

Richard: "sorry I'm seeing that rumi is coming in a hurry."- I said it pointing when she falls close to us scaring her.

Richard: "what happened rumi?"

Rumi: "Some military came to the house and he is there might in the waiting room for something that you promised to help him."

Richard: "I'm here, why haven't they called me?"

Shidare: "You left me your phone number so I could write down the food we want for tomorrow as a memo."

Richard: "Right, well I'll be right there, tell me Rumi, did the equipment work for you?"

Rumi: "It bothers me, what fun is it to avoid bullets if a force field stops them."

Richard: "Well the force field is made to withstand a direct hit from a blast so you should take better care of it as you could drain its energy and it would have to be recharged again."

She looked at her suit.

Rumi: "I can see if you compare all the technology how this suit you made for me would be."

Richard: "well it has some emergency applications but I used everything I created to make you safe I think it's the most technological thing I've done and I haven't activated the right hand system yet."

Rumi: "Right hand."

Richard:" Yes, a system that keeps track of your health status and information on everything that happens so that you can record it and have it as evidence or learn from any mistakes you've made so that you can try to avoid them."

Rumi: "why it is not active."

Richard: "because I want you to get used to the suit first and don't rely on it completely, it's only meant to keep you from dying or suffering serious harm if you can't avoid it."

She nodded.

Without further ado I just said goodbye to honey to accompany gogo we arrived at her house where I see her father who is a six foot tall guy with a muscular build as he looks at me.

gogo's father: "he is the guy."- He ask seriously.

She nods as she pulls out a piece of gum to chew it a little to take a deep breath to run over and kiss me on the lips passing me the gum.

I just stood there with my eyes open.

Gogo: "It's your favorite flavor take care Richard."

Gogo's father just laughed a little.

Gogo's father: "Take good care of her brat, my baby loves you."

Richard: "Of course gogo's father."

Frank: "Call me Frank boy."

Without further ado he closed the door to return.

[congratulations sir you have the acceptance of the father of one of the girls who loves you].

Richard: 'not right now helpi.'

[it's always good to remind you of things plus don't forget you have to finish your muscle building serum if you wants to raise your threat level]

Richard: "right thanks just one thing I'm missing is the final stages thanks to yagi and his natural muscle expansion ability I was able to better understand muscle mass."

[yes remember that if you are going to try it on yourself you must first use more than double the dose to have an effect and to know the dose you need a person who is average].

Richard: 'that's why I have fred.'- I thought it proud.

Richard: "he's the perfect guinea pig... I mean friend."

[sir we already know what you meant so don't worry about it]

With them we walk as fast as we can to the house to find yagi drinking tea with a smile as he greets me and sees shigure on my shoulders.

Richard: "we are here yagi I already have what you need did you bring the people to take the package."

Yagi: "yes young Richard they will be here in about half an hour, but I was talking to these people who have been waiting for your arrival to discuss some important matters."

Richard: "I understand it has to do with the island, doesn't it."

They kept a serious look on their faces and nodded.

Richard: "You girls can go back to your rooms, I have some things to talk to them about."

They just snorted in annoyance and went to rest.

I sat down on the couch to look at them seriously.

Richard: "Well let's start with what do you want to start with."

General: "Look brat you have many inventions you have made we know what you have tried to innovate, but you have been denied give us free access to and use of all ARK reactors and we can even make you one of the greatest patriots."

Richard: "They don't want my plasma ray gun too."- I said that sarcastically.

Richard: "you see general I have been trying to negotiate with you for a long time but you always demand and give nothing and all I want is for you not to use the ARK reactor as a weapon something that goes in one ear and out the other you can use it to power transports and other things, but not for weapons."

He just pounded the table to look intimidating.

General: "You don't decide what it will be used for, but if I want to I can say that everything you have manufactured is for the government to keep."

Richard: "I can destroy all the information and technology I have made with the snap of my fingers. You think you can come into my house and tell me what to do and kiss your ass."- I said this in annoyance as my appearance changes.

Richard: "Do you think that all the effort and accomplishments I have made can be used as they have done with everything, not if I let them use what I create as a weapon there will be no humanity left because I know how they are inept enough to steal that information."

That only infuriated the general who stood up to face me only for me to look up at the change in stature.

The other, who was wearing a business suit, stood up to smile politely.

?? : "We know you have a history of everything we have done young Richard, but don't you think that all the wonderful inventions you have made could contribute to a better future."

Richard: "I've tried. They don't want me to recreate organs with stem cells, they don't want to use the energy from ARK reactors to move the earth, they don't want it for weapons that only the rich can buy."

Richard: "I will let them use the first ARK reactor but as a means of transportation and the plans for them to use as a means of transportation and if they prove that they can be thinking beings without trying to use them as weapons I will contribute to the construction of weapons as a means of planetary defence."

General: "We already have the gundams, we don't need useless weapons."

Just pull out a gun to shoot through the ground.

Richard: "This is a beginner's weapon, a laser gun, something that all the more advanced races already have. Gundanium is the most common metal in the universe, we are just the unluckiest race because we don't have any mines of that metal nearby."

?? : "I see, tell me how will they be tested."

Richard: "Give me all the rights to my island and I will begin to contribute more actively to the armies of the world."

General: "No that's treason...."

Richard: "that's my deal guns anyway when someone unauthorised takes it doesn't work."- I said to launch it and this one I caught.

Richard: "it has a self destruct system if someone tries to open it which causes an explosion that can destroy a whole building, but that will activate if they are really stupid."

The general pulled the trigger and nothing came out.

General :"Why would you leave everyone armed?"

Richard: "Once again I ended up being dragged into space I met a very interesting race you might say."

General: "Do you really think aliens would waste their time?"

Richard: "They are looking for a fiancé to become the next ruler of this galaxy. The being that rules them can destroy worlds with raw power and without the aid of any weapons."

Richard: "I will only say this no matter how many things they do if a being of that kind roams the world and there are many of their race their technology will be thousands of times more advanced than what they can manufacture with or without my reactor so I can do some things so that we have a slight leveling of power, but it will be for the entire population of the world."

"I see we accept the deal, only the ARK reactor will be used as a means of powering bases and vehicles."- He said it smiling to stretch out his hand.

I just nodded to shake his hand.

The general was outraged by the deal.

Richard: "And as a show of faith I give permission for the use of the ARK type two reactor for the use of the military to make the necessary materials for better efforts."

With that they started to leave the house.

Outside my house.

General: "How could you agree to that Mr. Smith."- He said angrily.

Smith: "I know the boy he knows me he told the truth General there are many things that are not known and are kept secret for the good of the population you know that since we arrived in the space age many things have happened and the race he named is the one I belong to and we already have some tensions don't forget that."

He relaxed as he listened to Smith.

General: "Well what am I going to do, we should prove that we're not fragile anymore, but the brat didn't allow the ARK reactor to be used for weapons."

Smith: "He said it won't be used in weapons not in the manufacture of them with the energy from the ARK reactor the function of refineries and armouries will be more powerful so they will have ammunition and weapons to spare with the implementation and costs will be reduced because there will be no power consumption and they can start their beta project that has been stranded for lack of revenue."

The general's eyes widened in compression.

General: "Maybe the brat isn't as ready as he thinks he is."

Smith: "Yes he is, he stressed that they could be used to weaponize their energy, but not weaponize it, he thought of every detail, General, that's why they call him the golden boy, because it was a mockery, it also became a title worthy of him."

General: "You're very fond of him Smith."

Smith: "He's a very strong kid but he's got a lot of intelligence but he doesn't have a lot of common sense but he has very good ideals which is something you don't find every day General don't force someone good to get blood on his hands because when he gets a taste of it he won't be like he was before I recommend you think before you do anything you have planned let him grow up and he'll start contributing more to the world he's already done it you've had some of his inventions approved he might see you in a better light and start supporting the army more."

General: "I hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe you're right, Mr. Smith."

So far.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 30 Chapters ahead

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