When the two people left I only saw all might who was less nervous and let out a sigh.
Richard: "Well you were no help."
I just watched as he looked down.
Richard: "Don't worry, I had it all planned out, but your presence softened the general a little."
Yagi: "Thanks for cheering me up."- He said it with a weak smile.
Richard: "Well I already have everything for you to have your emergency organs and preparations."
Yagi: "Young Richard, I think I've come to a very important conclusion."
Richard: "Of course you can tell me while we walk to the lab to see the capsule that needs to be transported."
He just nodded for us to start walking.
Yagi: "What do you plan to do with that little piece of land isolated from the city?"
Richard: "Very simple, I will begin the construction of my personal laboratory and temper the next steps for my future constructions."- I said it with pride.
Yagi: "I see you must be excited."
Richard: "Of course I will have a higher rank for manufacturing."
As we spoke we arrived at the lab for him to see a capsule containing his artificially created organs.
Richard: "Well, once you get out of the capsule you will have 24 hours to have them placed in your body, you will have to consume some pills that I will give you for a moment so that your body can assimilate the organs."
Yagi: "How long will I have to take them.?"
Richard: "Well, it would depend on the physical reaction, it could take a month or forever for the body to accept the organs that have been created."
He looks nervous.
Richard: "Mr. Yagi you should be happy you will have your organs back and you can be a hero for long period of time"
Yagi: "No my day is coming young Richard and I want you to be my successor."- He said it with a steely gaze.
Richard: "Successor to what.?"
Yagi: "I want you to be the next symbol of peace."
Richard: "But why do you want me to have something as heavy as being the greatest symbol of hope there is."
Yagi: "I know, that's why I want to give you my power."
Richard: "I didn't know that quirks can be passed on, I just remember that they are obtained through genetics or by creating them artificially as I am progressing in that."
Yagi: "Not only mine that was given to me by my teacher is a sacred torch that has been passed down through the years and this one can be yours, the one for all can continue to grow in you."- He said this as a spark formed between his hands that glowed a light golden hue.
Richard: "Thank you but no Mr. Yagi."
That made him stare at me in surprise.
Yagi: "Why not boy, it's a chance to have a power that will make you the greatest hero."
Richard: "Because I don't have your ideals so I won't be able to put it to the use you expect and since you already told your secret I'll tell one."
I just pulled out my four extra arms that looked like they were made of steel or some kind of mineral that moved smoothly.
Richard: "My quirk is not four arms it is god of anger and as the name says I feed on anger and negative feelings around me to become stronger."- I said this as I entered the second phase and moved into the third phase as the fragmented halo formed on my back.
Richard: "I can barely stay conscious without losing control and not drowning in the desire to kill or hurt someone and that is because of my training with my quirk which has been meditating and strengthening my body constantly to keep it relaxed."- I said it to return to my normal form.
He looked at me with wide eyes.
Richard: "Mr. Yagi I don't want your quirk although it is an easy way to gain power it is also one of the most dangerous as my mind is not ready for it so neither of us will talk about the other's quirk."
He just nodded to shake my hand to smile.
Yagi: "I never expected such an honest answer young Richard, I hope to see you being a great hero."
Richard: "Of course Mr. Yagi, I hope you take better care of yourself and think about upgrading your equipment because just having an expander as a suit is good for the public, but not for your health."
With those words he laughed a little so he started walking towards the exit with a capsule.
Richard: "Wait, Mr. Yagi, sign this for me."- I said this to show a picture of him so he could sign the box.
Yagi: "I didn't know you were a fan of mine."- He said signing it.
Richard: "It's not for me, it's for a friend who is one of your biggest fans."- I said smiling.
He just laughed to continue his exit as he saw a black car which drove up to a road that led to the capsule.
Richard: "Well I accomplished one of the things I had to do."- I said it proudly.
I just see a magic circle forming so that rias appears.
Richard: "And Rias, what are you doing here?"
Rias: "I forgot my figure of all might. You didn't see it, it has a mistake in it's costume"
Richard: "Not this one."- I said handing it to her and she looked at it for a moment and her eyes widened with excitement.
Rias: "That's the signature of all might how did you get it."
Richard: "He needs something and I asked him to sign it for me."
Rias: "thanks that means I can come and visit you more often."
Richard: "Sure, but just be careful with the things you touch from my future lab."
I see everyone settling down in the living room.
I just sit down so everyone can look at me seriously.
Richard: "I already have the rights to the island so Winston we start the wings of freedom project."
He just laughed in excitement to start running to the lab to get things ready.
Rias watched my words curiously.
Ariza: "What is this project, honey?"
Richard: "It's the construction and remodeling of the base that I own and finishing SIF that I've passed up and I'm going to save myself in systems engineering and robotics engineering and whatever else I can get so I'm going straight to the San Francisco Institute of Technology."
John: "I knew this would happen. You really want to abandon your friends at school to spend more time in your lab."
Richard: "Who said I'm going to drop out of school, I'm just going to go into thesis to get my diplomas and my recognition that I'm an engineer, I'm not dropping out of school just so they can start taking more notice of me because apparently being a genius who can build anything isn't enough for them, so I need those stupid papers."
Ariza: "How wonderful honey would have been so sad if she knew she wasn't going to see you anymore."
Richard: "Right."
Richard: "Well we have to work hard to make our goals come true."- I said that to get them to nod.
Serafall: "Speaking of which, can I have the moon staff?"- she asked excitedly.
I just sighed to give it to her and she smiled to teleport it.
To the shrine I made.
With that said we all started to walk to the room to take a well deserved rest where I only felt the weight of the girls and I noticed that mitsuri stayed closer to me and closed her eyes to settle in the hollow of my shoulder but rumi sleeps on my chest.
I just closed my eyes to rest and start a new day tomorrow.
A few months later.
While I'm looking at my new lab that is finishing remodeling and some gifts for my eleventh birthday I was in contact with komi who at first didn't want to answer me because she didn't know how to respond to the explosion and talk to the others until miu told me that she found a martial arts teacher who uses her greatest strength in kicks.
Rias has been coming around more often and has been showing me what a big fangirl she is of all might.
Richard: "Winston, how is the progress of the new lab?"
Winston: "My master is 86% complete and ready to go."
Richard: "Excellent, with this we can begin the activation of SIF."- I said to walk over to the computer and start activating the SIF system.
With a simple enter was heard as I entered the system.
"Hello I am SIF I hope to be at the desired level creator."- SIF said in a polite tone.
Richard: "Perfect SIF start the activation of the help system and finish the construction of the ALPHA laboratory."
"Roger that sir starting the operation of construction machines and base maintenance."- Said SIF.
I just sat down to relax so I hear some heavy footsteps on the ceiling I just open my eyes to click and there will be a hatch where rumi comes down.
Rumi: "If you focused on finishing this I have."
Richard: "I needed it to be in top condition so I can build you better things."- I said proudly.
She just snorted to lift me off the couch to kiss me on the lips to break away with a trickle of saliva connecting our lips.
Richard: "Well you're too much love Rumi what's wrong?"
Rumi: "I have to go back to Japan, the internship is over and I have to keep what we promised Richard."
"Right."- I said it to caress her cheek to kiss her again.
Richard: "Do you want to try my teleporter so you can be in the AU."- I asked.
Rumi: "sure as you already tried it"
Richard: "with me."
Rumi: "use redores or something because it is very dangerous what you are doing."
Richard: "because there always has to be a leap of faith to take a giant leap."- I said it with pride.
"Sir, a news program is going on that is of utmost importance because of the appearance of Serafall Leviathan."- SIF commented.
Rumi: "the magic madwoman what will she do?"
Richard: "SIF play the programme."
Rumi: "Yes sir."- Said SIF.
At that, the image is changed to a news broadcast where you can see Serafall in a military suit while keeping a serious look on her face.
She approaches the microphone while giving a few light taps to test if it works.
Serafall: "very good morning humanity I am present to make known to my race that has lived with you for thousands of years many will wonder if this is a joke, but it is not."- She said it calmly to take out his wings while conjuring multiple magic circles to generate different ice statues.
Serafall: "What you have just seen is not a quirk, this is magic and as some studies are starting to show if magic exists it can be used for multiple things."
One of the journalists raised his hand hurriedly.
Reporter: "You mentioned that you are not human, what are you?"
Serafall: "in many tales of the bible they did not notice us as beings of evil, but in reality we are just a more long lived version of humanity we are devils and beings that many years ago were thought to be a fairy tale and I am present as the devil king leviathan to make my race known to the public so that we are more known."
With those words many reporters began to raise their hands.
Serafall pointed at one of the reporters.
Reporter: "wait if devils exist what else exists and why so far."- he said seriously.
Serafall sighed.
Serafall: "all the religions gods exist because we are making ourselves known is because humanity is already prepared for us they already have enough strength to defend themselves against any of the race with the appearance of the quirk gave the guideline for us to understand that."
Reporter: "How old are you?"
Serafall: "Well, I'm classified as young, I'm only about 500 years old."- She said it by sticking out her tongue playfully.
That made some reporters drop their notebooks.
Reporter: "how old can your race live?"
Serafall: "well we devils are very long lived only a few have come so we have a lifespan of some so we can live for at least 50,000 years after all there are devils who knew god when he appeared."- She said it thoughtfully to feel a headache for saying his name.
Reporter: "wait god exists."
Serafall: "yes he exists like the other gods so the religions they believe in are real. "- She said it smiling.
In the room.
Richard: "well serafall just did something very funny."- I said smiling.
I just changed the program when they started asking serafall about everything that exists.
Rumi: "won't you see."
Richard: "No I already know all that and the main thing is the sacral gears something so interesting that I have already started to make a prototype of my own sacral gear."- I said smiling.
Rumi: "You have the book."
Richard: "Sure I made a condensed version on the basics of supernatural and if you want I can give you a book to learn basic magic for humans if you want."- I said that to give her two books.
Rumi: "wait magic you already have the complete basics for people to use magic."
Richard: "yes but I am looking for a simpler way to summarize it since human magic is the alteration of reality based on mathematical calculations and studies on materials to replace cells with different ones and that."- I said it to snap my fingers so that it forms into a magic circle where mie crest appeared which is a sword and an axe plus two horns on the sides.
Richard: "First you have to build your magic circle and make your crest what mine represents is the broadsword, the axe and the horns."
Rumi started to look at the writing on magic to get dizzy and grunt in annoyance.
Rumi: "I don't understand this shit."- She said it annoyed.
Richard: "that's the problem for you to fully understand magic you have to be a very quick thinker for learning or you studied from a very young age."- I said it quietly so she looked at me annoyed.
Rumi: "are you calling me stupid."- She said it a bit sad.
Richard: "Rumi don't start with that you know it doesn't work like that."- I said it to glue her to me to kiss her nose.
Rumi just leaned on my chest to relax.
With that I just caressed her ears to make her stand up and kissed her on the lips.
Rumi: "And where is the teleporter?" I asked.
He just stood up to start guiding her so that she can see it is a had where he starts to place the coordinates of where she should be sent which is to nezu's office.
Richard: "Well that's it rumi you want to go in."
She just nodded to go in, she settled down to disappear and she appeared in front of the director, Nezu, who was surprised.
With Richard.
I just made myself comfortable in my seat to see everything done.
Richard: "Well I have everything planned and some of my inventions that were previously denied are coming out to the public thanks to the military support I didn't expect that but I can't deny that it is very beneficial."
[don't mention it sir]
Richard: "as you've been helpi you haven't been very active these months."- I thought you might be interested.
[well you see that there have been missions coming in that are limited because you still haven't met some of the requirements yet so I've been keeping them in stasis].
Richard: 'thanks for looking out for me helpi.'- I thought it grateful.
[that's what I'm here for sir to support you at any time]
Richard: "well a mission that has come up."
[yes but they are all out of dimension so I wouldn't be able to apply with them until I figure out a way to travel in dimensions]
Richard: "well that might be a hassle."
I just sighed to see a message come up on my computer screen.
Richard: "SIF open my screen."
"Yes sir wait a moment."- he said to open the message to see that it is from the government.
Richard: "They want me to be present as one of the greatest scientific minds to make a peace support."
Richard: "ho just went on a mission."
[there is no better scientist than a mad scientist]
(prove that a mad scientist is much better than those sad, old-fashioned scientists who don't know about the value of sacrificing your life for the greater good).
Fight any enemy that appears.
Set up passes with the pandoras.
Show the public that people with quirk are not monsters.
A title.
Mana boost.
Random passive ability evolution.
Legendary item.
Death of scientific comrades.
Contempt of the scientific community.
Death of a loved one.
Hatred of people with quirk.
Just look at the losses and gains.
Richard: "well isn't my death included in this thing for the first time.?"
[ho wait you'll have another mission sir]
Richard:" helpi it was just a joke no suicide missions please."
[I don't control that sir]
Richard: 'I know helpi well I'll take Winston.'- I thought about it to continue reading the note.
So far.
Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...
and for source read 30 Chapters ahead
I hope you guys join me on this platform
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