After writing everything down I returned my concentration to the upper class girl.

Richard: "look I know you are high class, but I know that look and I know you dislike me so use a polite tone and I'm sure you won't get points so you better treat me like you really are."- I said seriously.

She just raised an eyebrow to show a smile to laugh like a lady.

Karin: "you're great for a commoner, but it's to be expected from someone with your preciousness I've seen all the prototypes you were denied to build and I thought I could romance you a little to get you to accept some business deals."- She said it calmly.

Richard: "well now we are talking business aren't we."- I said it putting the notebook away.

Karin: "I see you are paying attention to me tell me how can I get a business deal."

Richard: "show me that you are strong and trustworthy that when I am down you will support me in the way I support you."

She just gave me a half smile.

"I will."- She said it by stretching out her hand.

Richard: "give me your word just shaking hands is not enough give your honor through or it is worthless."

She laughed a little

Karin: "As I expected from the smartest commoner out there you are someone who doesn't joke you know well that the Kanzuki family when they put their honor in the middle is something very serious."- She said smiling.

Richard: "I didn't know that, I just thought that being one of the richest families there is, they must have a code."

She nodded.

Karin : "well said"

Karin: "I kanzuki karin give my word that I will support you in any time of need and I will never betray you or cheat you without carrying anything as I am putting my honor and pride of the kanzuki family at stake."

Richard: "thank you for that well how do you want to start the business deal."

Karin: "I liked the idea of the flying motorcycles that are implemented with the ARK reactor."- She said interested.

Richard: "If you want to start in transportation I like it, I have several plans and ideas for the creation and manufacturing of ground vehicles that don't need tires."

Karin: "I also want the metal absorption deal this metal will make a big change to both worlds a metal that is at the level of gumdaniun or higher and I want to be able to start an entry into the mineral sales industry and I want to get into it in a big way you understand."

Richard: "I see that's why you want my support by giving you the right to sell the metal absorption so you are giving me 80% of the profits right."

Karin: "Right."- She said it smiling.

Richard: "Well, I like the way you think, if you gain more of my trust, we can make more deals for the motorcycle and the metal absorber."- I said it to squeeze his hand.

Karin: "I see you will have a 25% profit with the motorcycles that are sold since I will have to make changes in some industries to modify."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "well that seems right to me I am just giving you the plans the rights stay with me but you will put everything else in I think I should be a little more reasonable give me 15%."

She raised an eyebrow.

Richard: "this is a token of friendship for the deal."- I said it calmly.

Just watched as Lilith came in to jump on top of me to get on my lap.

You can also see Cherry and Jeanne come in arguing.

Cherry: "seriously these guys are so unfriendly look at them all serious looking like fools."

Jeanne: "I can't deny that cherry, but don't say it out loud at least when you look down on them do it in a low tone."

Cherry: "Jeanne honey you are my best friend we have known each other for 500 years I will say what pieces of shit they are without caring about the feelings of some poor devils who don't understand how fragile and weak they are."

Jeanne: "Look you can tell them, but we are with Richard I don't want you to leave a bad impression because of us."

Cherry: "if Richard cared about a good impression he would have brought doll and chamuel after all one is a high tech machine made for combat and the other is the archangel of love who has a lot of power plus he loves us do you think he will abandon us for telling the poor devils to their faces that they are trash."

Richard: "no I will never abandon you, but I will have to whip your ass a lot harder and see if I can find methods of punishment that will please me."

Cherry just turned to give me a big smile that faded when she saw Lilith.

Cherry: "Dwarf I'll get off my god's legs and let me sit with him."

Lilith: "as if I would listen to you fat ass."- She said it in a playful tone while kissing my cheek.

Cherry just grits her teeth in rage getting ready to pull out her weapons.

Richard: "before you start a shootout that could end up destroying half the forest with the city behind us I want you to behave yourselves."

Lilith: "Of course, honey."- She said it standing up.

Cherry just saw the opportunity to sit on my lap and relax.

Karin: "You have a very unique back guard."

Cereza: "ho midget we are just a front the demon lord is strong enough to withstand most of the enemies out there so you can say that we are his sexy and very dear companions."- She said it calmly.

Karin: "I see what you defend yourself with."

Richard: "the onigami style katas and some weapons I think."

Karin: "you are an interesting martial artist how many fights have you won."

Richard: "I don't count them, I've just beaten a lot of people of different races."

Karin: "I like that, you have never lost."

Richard: "yes I have lost, but to my blood grandfather who crushed me without much effort"- I said it calmly.

Richard: "Well if you're going to get into my privacy first become my friend and we'll get started."- I said it to give a spank in the ass to Cherry who let out a little moan.

Richard: "well we have to prepare the ship, I have to go back home and enjoy the vacations that are pending because I missed my classes, but it's not much of a problem."

With that commented we left the room to start going back to genectis to collect some research and other data that I got from the stigmata that can be very useful for the construction of other things.

Inside the room karin who kept a serious look settled in her seat.

Karin: "shibazaki I want all the information about Richard agustus Parker, what he likes to do, where he lives, who knows him, even what he likes to eat."

Shibazaki: "understood karin-sama." He said it bowing.

Shibazaki: "anything else you want to know."

She just carved her forehead to sigh.

Karin: "it was so easy to read me."- She said it with a hint of annoyance.

Shibazaki: "no karin-sama, but Richard is the embodiment of his motto."

Karin: "yes I don't know what his motto is you know."

Shibazaki: "yes karin-sama his father has tried to trade with Richard's father, but he is not the owner of the inventions and his father refuses to trade with a child so he has not been able to establish a relationship with the new and emerging Parker Industries."

Karin: "tell me his motto."

Shibazaki: "one step towards making impossible dreams possible."- He said it calmly.

Karin: "I see after all geniuses have flaws he is a dreamer."

Shibazaki: "no karin-sama he can't fall into the category of dreamer because when he dreams something he builds it so he doesn't fall into that category."

Karin: "I see you have been following his information from the beginning haven't you shibazaki."

He nodded.

Shibazaki: "he has a special deal with the devils especially serafall leviathan who apparently has a great affection for him but he is surrounded by many particular people the runaway daughter of Ragyo Kiryuin, the abandoned daughter of the kanroji house.

Shibazaki : "And the great granddaughter of the kosaka clan, the candy lover and cold and calculating hotaru shidera, the daughter of the current greatest researcher of magic Rick lemon, among other women who are very dangerous and difficult to study plus his friend Fred lee the first quirkless hero in history."

Karin: "he is surrounded by so many powerful or influential people I like him, but his behavior is that of a simple commoner that should not be acceptable."- She said it with some annoyance.

Shibazaki: "the method he uses is to go with the flow karin-sama he joins in with the other population he knows their slang, idioms and ways of speaking so that they feel they are with someone else but like them he doesn't wear anything fancy or well that doesn't appear to be fancy."

Karin: "Well I want to gain his trust so first I have to know everything about him so I know where to enter and he likes me quickly."

Shibazaki: "sorry for saying this karin-sama, but I think you should earn it by being you he will quickly find out that I investigated you and you are being fake so he won't accept your approach."

Karin just sighed in annoyance.

Karin: "well I will listen to your advice shibazaki, but remember he will enter the list of people in love with me."- she said proudly.

Shibazaki: "Yes karin-sama after all live by the family motto."

Karin: "Yes, all you need is victory!"- She said proudly.

He nodded to wait for another order from his mistress.

While with Richard.

I walk calmly and comfortably in the city.

Richard: 'it's wonderful that nothing radioactive or monstrous is attacking me.'- I thought smiling.

Richard: 'Oh that's right, you're catching up helpi.'- I thought a little worried.

As I move forward I feel time freeze.

Richard: "I had to think about it, I don't always have to screw up thinking something stupid."

The presence: "come on, I'm not that bad company or the one above all. "- He said it smiling.

Richard: "The presence I didn't think I'd see you so soon."

The presence: "Come on we missed you boy poker games aren't the same plus God is a little busy with the dimensional collisions that have been happening and they are becoming more and more frequent."

Richard: "You know I can't get my hands on that."

the one above all: "we know that don't worry we just wanted to tell you that the multiverse is getting amazing you have to see the things that are happening a lot of the collisions instead of destroying the two dimensions they are merging so easily it's exciting."- He said this appearing behind me.

richard: "hey don't appear behind me."- he said it when i jumped out of shock.

the one above all: "sorry but boy this multiverse got so chaotic it's having a new kind of order."

Richard: "like a new kind of order."

The presence: "you see everything is moving and the merged dimensions are connecting in the footsteps of the shadows with other realities something that was broken for eons is reactivating itself."

Richard: "and I care why."

the one above all: "a new kind of destiny-breaking beings are being born the alternati. I shout it with excitement."

Richard: "you just came up with the name didn't you."

the one above all: "it sounds great doesn't it."

Richard: "I give you an 8 out of 10 if you had put in a little more drama I would have given you a 10."

The presence: "what we want to tell you is that the dismissal of alter was something very important because the multiverse is creating a new source to keep its being balanced so we will only ask you not to kill the alternati because we want to study them first and if you don't kill them we owe you a favor."- He said smiling.

the one above all: "you know that if we owe you something you can ask for anything you want."

Richard: "so you don't want me to kill the variations when I enter your dimensions, but if they enter mine I will eliminate them."

the one above all: "I don't have a problem with that."- he said it quietly.

The presence: "sure."

Richard: "well that's just it."

The one above all: "Tell me you want some nice girls from my dimension to hang out with, you know a Laura Kinney or another one in particular."

Richard: "I want the female masters to get their memories back that they destroyed when they rebooted the multiverse. I meant it."

the one above all: "well you'll have to figure out how to get their memories back but after you do that you'll have to kiss them to make them remember I don't think that will be a problem."

The presence: "Well Diana is more violent because of the disappearance of her mother and sister and a part of the Amazons so she might try to rip your head off if you get too confident."

the one above all: "true the dimension is no longer the same your presence made it more peaceful, but without you I must say that this dimension will go to shit as it is going."

Richard: "You know you're just causing me concern, don't you."

The presence: "yes we know, but you don't have to worry you just have to be category A so you can put order in that dimension and that's it and if you want you can make a bridge from that dimension to this one it would be wonderful and it will be the first dimension permanently connected."

Richard: "if you want me to do that pay me."

The presence laughed a little to hand over to the Tamaranians, Starfire in full.

Richard: "good pay me some ninth metal and we close the deal."

The presence: "just a little bit seriously, well."- He said it to snap his fingers and a block of 30 kilos of ninth metal fell into his hands.

Richard: "Good amount, excellent to study it."- I said it looking at it, I felt that just by touching it my strength increased as well as my other abilities.

I just sighed for the sensation.

The presence: "And to show solidarity."- He said it to snap.

In front of me appeared star that her eyes glowed in power while she kept her gaze furious and her hands expelling energy.

She stopped abruptly to look around.

Starfire: "Where am I?"

Richard: "Why did you bring Kori here at this time."

She heard her name to see me.

And in a flash she tried to grab my neck only for me to catch her hand gently.

Richard: "Kori, don't worry, I won't hurt you."- I said it approaching her.

The presence: "ho how nice to be so loving."- He said it in a mocking tone.

Richard: "hey don't tease me."- I said it looking at them.

Kori: "qui...en are you why I feel so calm next to you."- She said it puzzled.

I just put my hand to her cheek to caress her gently.

Richard: "Kori, you don't know how happy I am to see that you are well, although it hurts me a little that you don't remember me."- I said it as my hand goes over her chin she doesn't struggle she just relaxes the energy she expels starts to fade away.

She sticks her hand to my cheek as I feel the warm sensation of her fingers passing through my skin reaching my hair.

Kori: "who are you I feel a joy it's like my stomach feels strange and my heart won't stop pounding."

Richard: "ho kori."

I could only utter that to pull her to me she didn't struggle and I planted a kiss on her lips as she opened her mouth for my tongue to enter hers I watch as her green eyes sparkle with emotion that changes to a look of love and then to anger and then back to a look of longing.

When I pulled away from her.

She slapped me hard.

That knocked my tooth out.

Kori: "You let them kill you."- She said it with fury in her eyes as tears began to flow from them.

Richard: "I'm sorry, but I couldn't let that dimension demand that you be able to create others just like it."

Kori: "It wasn't your duty Richard, your duty was to be with us and say that everything would be alright, that you would always protect me, not die against that monster."

The presence: "not if it was your duty to keep the balance of life little one."

Kori: "who do you think you are to say what he has to do."- She said it with force.

Richard: "he is the presence a dimensional god."

the one above all: "I'm just inspecting boy I'm not a responsible god."

Richard: "Say it until you believe it yourself."

the one above all: "so you can thank me for doing you this wonderful favor."

Richard: "Nothing wonderful about it, if I had stayed dead all life in the multiverse would be lost."

the one above all: "that's fucked up, but it's true."

the presence: "if he's right there would be no shepherd's taco wednesday."

the one above all: "shit that's a big loss."

They began to discuss the dangers they ran into if he entered the reincarnation cycle.

Kori: "they really are dimensional gods."

Richard: "Unfortunately for me they are."

Kori: "I was expecting something else..."

Richard: "kori my beautiful wife they have lived thousands of years do you think they will still be sane or think like sensible people well god does, but he has work to do all the time."

Kori: "wait there is a god of humans."

Richard: "well he is more like the god of karma so if you have enough karma points whether positive or negative you will be reincarnated."

Kori: "wow reincarnation exists that says you reincarnated that's why you are talking you knew that would happen."

Richard: "Yessssssss."- I said it nervously while my hand is carving the back of my neck.

Kori just gave me a dead stare.

Kori: "you didn't know that if Emma hears this she will slap you and then force you to have sex with her for a whole week."

Richard: "well Emma is always intense that's why I love her I like that she is a manipulator who lets herself be manipulated by me to keep me pleased."

Kori: "yes she doesn't stop thinking about you all the time I spent with her made me remember all the time we spent and you ate my typical tamaran food."- She said it smiling.

Richard: "kori do you want to stay or go to Gaia again to wait for me or go somewhere else."

Kori: "I will stay with you, I have waited long enough."- She said it seriously.

I just smiled softly to kiss her again.

Richard: "well you will have to wait to have sex again because my body is not yet mature enough to please you maybe I can eat your pussy, but nothing more than that."

Kori: "you are in the transition to maturity I think sex helps you mature faster don't you want to try it Richard."

Richard: "you will have to argue with a succubus, the girls and the others."

Kori: "the others."

Richard: "in my travels well I've been hit on by several women you'll love them I think you'll love serafall she likes magical girls and the others."

Kori: "Richard, what are you going to do with the others."

Richard: "I'll get them back, I'll get back everything I lost kori right now I'm not like my former self I'm just reaching a threshold of strength that can be considered a lower god and I'm still not even close to hitting superman if I end up fighting him."

Kori: "I understand."- She said it softly while hugging me.

For the first time since I was reborn my tears fall from my eyes and I feel my strength disappear.

Richard: "I'm sorry Kori I'm so sorry."- I said it while holding on to her.

Every word I say at this moment is filled with my anger and fears.

She just clings to me as she lets my head cling to her chest.

So far.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 30 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform


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