While I am crying the two dimensional gods look uncomfortable.

After a while I stop crying to relax to see that they are still present.

The presence: "I'm sorry kid for the event, I know it was ugly but we thought it was necessary."

The one above all: "Yeah, after all that's like an initiation, I didn't think you were going to fight darkseid as a suicide, even if you weren't ready."

Richard: "how can that be an initiation."

the one above all: "you are going to be a dimensional god you have to have a detachment to mortals or you will end up broken boy we tell you that because that happened to other dimensional gods many take their own lives after the people they love die he loses interest in continuing to live."

Richard: "I..."

The presence: "I know you'll say you wouldn't do that, they've said it a thousand times, that's why we accept the idea of alter, we need a god that can stand up like agur, he loved the amazons intensely, that's why he never had relations with them, because when he chose one of them, they would take away the immortality of the others."

Richard: "but I had chosen one."

the one above all: "you are the grandson of Gaia, she adores you, so she will not take away the immortality of those women, they are your property."- He said it without much importance.

Kori: "why do you say as if they were objects."

The presence: "you are all small objects not to sound cruel but you are only for the mere amusement of us or the other lesser dimensional gods."- He said it without pity.

She could only open her eyes in surprise.

Kori: "richard tell me that's a lie that everything that happened wasn't because of that we are just disposable toys."- She said it looking me in the eyes.

Richard: "I'm sorry Kori but it's true that's the way the dimensional gods are as long as I keep the multiverse running everything will be fine."- I said it carving my hair.

She just looked at the ground while I saw how she was clenching her fists little by little to see the presence and the one above all to attack them.

I just grabbed her preventing her from getting any closer to them.

Kori: "let me kill them."

Richard: "You can't."

Kori: "You'd rather let them live and know that we are mere toys."

The presence: "You don't understand truth you are a toy he is a dimensional god that died for insignificant beings like you don't know how dangerous the multiverse was to collapse and we even though we play we know that is a very serious matter."

Kori: "richard do you also see me as a toy as a simple disposable piece."- She said it looking me in the eyes.

I just caressed her cheek to kiss her.

Richard: "no kori I have been trying to win. So you don't suffer."

the one above all: "you will love this we make poker games where we bet what we have memories, feelings, creations, unique minerals, and rights of pillar type beings."

Kori: "you bet with our lives."

The presence: "well it would be yours and your versions, but I don't think they care after all the winner gets to keep what they bet like once Richard's memories and not the dimensional keys."

I just squeezed my hand to stick it to me.

Richard: "we bet what we have to win something what I believe my memories or feelings between us is what is worth the most money or fame is no good."

She just clung to my shoulder for what I said.

Kori: "you bet to have me."- She said it with a trembling voice.

The presence: "well this time you are a payment he has to connect the rebooted universe with this one making a stable and permanent bridge to both dimensions."

Kori: "How would he do that."

Richard: "that will be my problem kori don't worry just stay by my side and let's spend time together."- I said it making her relax while they both snort.

the one above all: "too much love i don't like romantic things i think i feel like betting with reincar to see if i can catch an alcardian bull."

The presence: "that's cruel, but I like it. well boy we're retiring reucerda you have to do your part for her to stay by your side and if you want it to be for eternity well you'll have to ask your grandmother Gaia for the favor."

Richard: "as I would ask my grandmother."

the one above all: "I tell him or you tell him."

The presence: "I think I'd better tell him."

The presence: "boy where are we at right now."

Richard: "on earth two in the hyper extended solder system."

The presence: "Exactly we are on earth the planet that belongs to Gaia in a nutshell Gaia is a multidimensional entity she is a low dimensional god boy."

Richard: "wait my grandmother has been present at every moment."

the one above all: "sure she hates us but she knows she can't do us any good making our favorite dimensions cataclysmic at times but hey we deserve it."

Richard: "there is no version in this dimension of Gaia in human form."

The one above all: "That one is gone, only the real one is left, you just have to thank her and you know make her recognize you as her grandson."

Richard: "Well that will take time."

The presence: "we know that. enjoy your time."- he said smiling.

With that they snapped their fingers so that all the time started running again and disappeared.

I just sighed.

I felt someone looking at me, I just turned to see Kazuha who looks at Kori with surprise, while the others have different looks, but the one I see jealous is Lilith who still keeps a loving smile and lets out a little of her power.

That caused many people to move away quickly.

I just sighed to reach out my expensive hand to caress one of her upper wings which made her eyes widen and I noticed how she started to blush in a way and her eyes relaxed.

Lilith: "how good it feels to have you touch my wings."

Richard: 'note her upper wings are erogenous points.'- I thought I was interested.

Kori: "Richard, where are we?"- She asked looking at the people and many were startled to see her float a little.

Richard: "ho yes welcome to the land of cowards and corruption."

Kazuha: "eh I am not a coward and there is not much corruption I think, well yes there is but there are no cowards."- She said proudly.

Richard: "Well come on, I want to get my things ready to leave here, I've already had a lot of problems, besides the assassination attempts, I've already had a lot for two years."

Cherry: "It wouldn't be for a lifetime, Mr. Demon."- She said it mockingly to whip her ass making her let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Richard: "to hope for a peaceful life does not exist, at least I hope there is not so much chaos in my life."- I said calmly.

She nodded.

Jeanne: "right well in the house we can enjoy the different things we have and it's good to see you again kori."- She said smiling.

She nodded while holding her hand with mine to continue our way.

I watched as the Viking arrived with my information and Winston with a smile coming down.

He stopped when he saw Kori.

Winston: "Yes this means we will begin the conquest of these filthy apes."

Richard: "No Winston, I will not conquer any planet."

Winston quickly ran to get on Kori's shoulder.

Winston: "help me convince him to be king of these stupid animals."

Kori: "Winston Richard doesn't want to be king because he won't have time for you or the others besides why does he want to be king if he already owns a dimension."

Winston: "you have a point well we have to improve the technology create the accepts that worship Richard as the god he is."- He said it with pride.

Kazuha: "Is it normal for the possum to think that."

Jeanne: "ho is very normal honey after all Richard is an amazing person."

While kori started talking to Winston about his plans to conquer or improve my dimension I have to go back to.

As I gather my things Winston settles back into his ship to start following us.

Richard: "You got everything."

Winston: "yes sir don't leave anything to those nasty inferior beings so just go to the take off zone to get the hell off this crappy planet."

Richard: "Winston I have friends in this world remember and it's not a crappy world it's just very, very outdated I think if a little bit of technological advances I think the standard of living would improve a lot."

Winston: "My master knows that these inferior beings feel threatened by the fact that you are building things that will take money out of their pockets."

Richard: "I am very much in the public eye and that stupid nickname they put on me went against them because even though everyone recognizes me by that silly title I am very well known in the scientific community and my death will take away all the knowledge I have developed."

Winston: "that's why you don't mind the title so much do you sir."

Richard: "right as it is a great way for them to think I am still a silly kid that they can make fun of and I am still recognized by the community whether for good or bad."- I said it calmly.

Winston: "as I expected from my master always ready for anything."

Richard: "well I'm going back to my house it was a good time spending time with you kazuha but not with your grandfather."- I said smiling.

I just said goodbye to start walking to the take off area to return to my planet where all my loved ones are waiting for me.

On the way I see some people taking out their phones to take pictures of Kori who is standing next to me and looking with distrust at the people around her.

Richard: "relax kori I know this world is very different from the one we knew before, but it is very peaceful, well I haven't seen galactic destroyers so I take it in a good way."- I said it smiling.

Kori: "There are no gods?"

Richard: "well that is not very correct terminology what is known as gods in this dimension are high humans so they are not gods in themselves only superior humans, like the devils that are something like a dryad but instead of pure nature magic their body consumes negative energy to turn it into the famous demonic magic that has the ability to various attributes since it is negative energy while the angels of this dimension are only enlightened so they are not really angels they are closer to the valkyries than to the true angels only that these only handle light magic."

Richard: "I think this would be an important piece of information to share if I tell the public this would greatly diminish the fear and prejudice towards the over-natural population."- I said it with a smile.

Winston: "Why would you do that master?"

Richard: "Well if the supernatural population is better off they will begin to give more support to the human population and greatly improve life as some could farm in minutes and those could teach people to starve and with magic it could make life easier."- I said excited.

Winston: "as I thought of my master, always thinking of the inferior and weak beings, his compassion knows no limits, he said with a smile full of devotion."

Richard: "Well Winston, your ship can now leave for home by breaking the gravity barrier."

Winston: "Yes, with the upgrades I have everything ready."

Richard: "Excellent, start by going ahead."- I said seriously.

He nodded and the Viking began to rise, breaking the sound barrier quickly to get out of the atmosphere and start his flight home where the others were waiting for him.

Richard: 'I think I have enough money to carry them with my axe.'- I thought about it looking at my stuff.

Richard: 'stupid aureolines asking for extra payment for weapons.'- I thought it annoyed.

I just get to the woman who is going to dispatch me to pay for the tickets to ground one where the closest flight is the next hour so I just relax next to the girls who settle in next to me.

Richard: "flying to another planet is expensive I think I'll build my own ship to come along for the ride."- I said it calmly.

Cherry: "if you do put a bar inside and a nice king say bed to enjoy the trips."- She said it smiling.

Richard: "I can do it I already have an island to start the construction I just have to expand it so I can build it, but I'll just build some robots and that's it I will have free labor."- I said smiling.

As the hour goes by everything goes relatively quiet relative because Lilith sits on my lap making Cherry jealous and start arguing.

I just calmed them down by kissing them both and starting to talk to them both that their behavior is childish and the only one with the body of a brat is me not them well Lilith I don't know but she likes me to see her as an adult even puffing out her chest with pride.

That's kind of cute.

Well our ride arrives so we hop on to start the ride home again where everyone is waiting for me.

I just lean back pull out my phone to call.

Richard: "Hello."

Honey: "Richard, is that you?"- She ask excited.

Richard: "Honey, how are you?"

Gogo: "You got yourself a new girl."- She said it appearing next to Honey who gave him an annoyed look.

Richard: "Well it's three not two but you're on the right track."

Gogo: "Great, more competition"- She said sarcastically.

Richard: "why are you even competing if I love all of you."

Honey: "we love you too when are you coming over?"

Richard: "I'm on my way, I think I'll be there in about two hours."

Honey just opened her eyes in excitement to just watch him jump up and down to see her celebrate a little.

Richard: "honey thank you for waiting for me."- I said it while a warm smile forms on my face.

She just blushes so she gets pushed and looks at gogo.

Gogo: "well it's great to have you back what did you do on that trip will you tell us."

Honey: "gogo that has to be top secret."

Richard: "yeah because I don't think they would like to know what I have been doing and my slave work."- I said it funny.

As I start to tell about some events I see kori who is laying on my shoulder mumbling things I don't understand I just sigh as I relax to feel someone sitting on my legs again I just ignore that to reach out my hand to start caressing whoever is on my legs when my hand keeps touching the back it goes up until it barely touches the end of the leather that makes me raise an eyebrow.

I open one eye to see cherry settled on my legs.

I just sigh a little to use my hand to wrap it around her waist as much as I can to pull her closer to me.

I hear a little squeak of surprise to make her notice my hand caressing her stomach.

She just relaxes to close her eyes.

I keep counting a little more until we reach a colony so we can get something to eat before continuing on our way we go down to start investigating the colony.

'I am always intrigued by how they made the colonies orbit the earth perfectly, each place has its 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness and each colony has its own culture.'- I thought about it while looking at the colony and this one is more oriented to the Chinese styles that have a slight combination with the English so it resembles Hong Kong to some extent.

To my amusement I see many cheerful people as we arrived at a festive time.

Lilith saw with excitement all around her, Kori was taken by surprise about the space colony and has started to ask me about what else is in this world. Cherry, who is with Jeanne, saw a small bar and is pulling me to accompany them to drink, although I have a childish body.

Winston just looks at people with boredom so that some of them point their fingers at him and come closer to try to take him away.

When he jumps me with joy to climb on my shoulder.

And to finish uzaki stands next to me watching all the people.

Richard: "well this I like this what a good time."- I said it seeing as it is the Chinese year.

Up to here.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 30 Chapters ahead

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