I got killed...a lot of times it seems?

*blink* *blink*

"Ughhh...." I groan as I feel pain in my whole body. I am still in motion and it seems I am falling like a human-shaped missile towards a billboard.

I quickly activate [Pain Immunity] and immediately I am able to now get into focus and shoot out webs to the side of the poster with one hand and shot a web to the light pole behind me with another.

"Whew!...that was a close one..." I exclaim.

"Why do I feel more powerful for some reason?"

'Appraise Power Level!' I command in my mind.

[Current Power Level of Appraised Individual: High 8-C]

"Wtf!!! I was just 9-B wall level last time I checked though!! Did something happen in that black space for me to grow so powerful? I think this level means that my strongest attack can destroy large buildings like skyscrapers..."

"Whoa..." I was in a daze when I noticed some noises from camera flashes.

"Dammit, I will check later..." I notice that I was still wearing the duck floatie and looked ridiculous. Damn, I am so embarrassed...glad I have a mask.

I quickly detach the web from one of the hands and swing myself towards a dark area. I parkour through the buildings and stop when I reach a tall enough building. I then collapse and sit comfortably with hands on the surface and legs straight and relaxed...and I randomly started glitching!!!

"what the..." I don't feel pain so I am not inconvenienced but it sure does feel weird to see your body glitch in various colours.

"Hello? System? are you a system? I always call this thing appraisal and it responds like an ability so appraisal? can you tell me what happened??"


"No response?"


"umm please tell me? I am happy that I magically grew stronger but could you please tell me what happened?"


"Is this thing really not sentient? Do I need some trigger words? What about 'Enemy?'"


"Ok...so 'reason of death'?"


"Ok I can only think of this last thing that could be a keyword without being unrelated, 'Log']


[.....showing death logs]

"yaaas! So it really is showing more options with the right trigger word"

[1. Self-kill ---revived on the selected location

2. Self kill---revived on the selected location

3. Attacked by a Spider totem avatar ----revived in the same place

4. Attacked by a Spider totem elder avatars ----revived in the same place

5. Attacked by a multiversal entity: spider totem ----revived in the same place

6. Attacked by a multiversal entity: spider totem ----revived in the same place

7. Attacked by a multiversal entity: spider totem ----revived in the same place





99. Attacked by a multiversal entity: spider totem---revived in the same space]

My eyes metamorphically bulged out!

"Dayum I died so many times? Maybe they tried to kill me because I am an anomaly? I must not be tied to destiny because of [Anti-trap] and that might have brought me to their attention?"

"This is so above my level...why kill me though? why not talk like civilized people????" I was exasperated but also grateful for my abilities.

"My thanks to the god who gave me these powers. I would die in my sleep for no fault of my own otherwise..." I sigh and say this with mixed feelings.

"Anyways did they abandon me or what? Did they throw me away after seeing that my body grows stronger by adapting and gets stronger every time they kill me with different techniques?" I mused in amusement.


[Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Durability, Healing Factor(major), Spider-Sense, Heightened Senses, Wallcrawling, Organic Webbing, Camouflage, Venom Blast, Five Senses Boost, Pain immunity, Night Vision, Carapace(customizable), Stingers, Adaptability]

[Abilities pending to be integrated]

[Integrate? Yes/No(stored)]

"hmm? my healing factor increased? what the heck?!?! How will I keep killing myself in the future if this keeps increasing? I guess it is kinda useful, cuz I won't have to kill myself to heal but....Damn! what a letdown....in any case, what abilities are pending?"

[Abilities pending(absorbed by [Adaptibility]): Humanoid Spider Transformation(2xall spider related abilities)]

"Ughh...that ugly transformation is the only thing possible? Yuck...but...that sweet 2 times multiplier though...umm...I guess I will keep it...only as a trump card..."

"No time better than the present, Yes!"

[Affirmative, Integrating 'Humanoid Spider Transformation' in 10 seconds...




Starting now]

I.....didn't feel any pain. Duh...cuz of [Pain immunity] but I did feel as if something inside me changed. I don't know how or where but I know that I could use this ability on thought and multiply my power by two at any time....for the negative of a gross look...

"The price of power..." I shake my head lamenting and felt amused by the fact that I am disdaining a power just cuz of looks, truly how spoiled I have become...

I stand up and deactivate [Pain immunity] and then fish out my phone.

"Alrighty then! I guess I should find out where I am and figure out why I am glitching every 5 minutes..." I muttered. I opened up my phone and was glad to see that it is still working then I opened up news first to see...

[Breaking news Spider-Man has passed away! Our friendly neighbourhood hero was revealed to be a youth named Peter Parker. New Yorkers everywhere are devastated! and many are praying for our hero's soul to rest in peace.....]

I was gobsmacked and then memories from my old life came rushing to me...

"Now now, isn't this plot and my glitching point to that movie Into the spider-verse?...."


I continue investigating this world and start configuring my hacking programs to work in this world's tech...and also to get some money...







A/N: Any ideas on how to convince slouchy peter who doesn't want kids to start wanting them when he is back in his world? My MC coming here would change and fasten the plot a lot...so maybe he won't get the same motivation he got when he was convinced by miles.

Anyways I will meditate on how to make it work while waiting for you guys' suggestions.

Happy reading! Ciao!