Money, laptop and coffee...

I first reactivated [Pain Immunity] as I had deactivated it out of habit...silly me...

Turns out, my money is not valid here...why? cuz the past of this Earth is a bit different and the digitally stored money is also different than mine...what a bummer...but it was as expected from a new world!

Without further ado, while humming a tune. I open my portable self-made hacking program and made some changes to it so that the commands are able to work here. Turns out, that there are some obvious commands in programming that we take for granted to work every time, but in a different world, the same command has a different word assigned to it.

It was a tiring process and lasted for about an hour...I even thought about just making a new one instead because of how complicated it all became. A new program would take me about 2-3 hours though, so I carried on and now I am finished.

"Hais...making money is so hard nowadays...nothing is free..." I muttered tiredly. I am still sitting on the building and enjoying the morning breeze but it's getting a bit chilly.

"Welp...time to get some money and get me a laptop" I declared with a bit of glee in my voice. It never gets old to just yoink some of the hard-earned *pfft* money of criminal gangs with them none the wiser.

In a few minutes, I had about $300,000 in my account and it was increasing steadily. It will keep increasing till it hits $10,000,000 Thankfully payment by phone is a popular method of payment so I am set.

I open up my mapping app called "Appare Vestigium". Its name came from another harry potter spell, the description of which is 'A charm that revealed and illuminated traces of recent magical activity and showed magical footprints and track marks in an area'. I thought it appropriate as the name of this app.

It basically scans nearby radio signals and uses them to find the location of every point around me as needed. If I zoom out, then it processes and shows me a map of every area around me.

To make it function as a map, I had to connect it with my hacking program to find the location of my destination. Then the last step is that it processes the shortest route to my destination from my current point.

Voila! this is how a universally working mapping tool is born! I am indeed quite proud of it.

Anyways I found a gaming laptop store nearby. I casually started to swing there along with some parkour on top of some buildings cuz let's face it I couldn't find tall enough buildings sometimes. I can't just fire a web at the sky, can I?

Reaching the store's roof. I crouch down and jump to a nearby alley and will my carapace to form a black business suit....wrong! I changed it to a hoodie and black pants and white sneakers. I couldn't dress up too much! because a 16-year-old wearing a business suit would look weird as fuck!

I went to the store and bought the laptop with the best processor and memory. I also bought some black collapsible headphones. I didn't buy an expensive one cuz I don't want to worry about them breaking in this short stay of mine in this universe. If the movie is something to go by, then there is going to be a lot of action. I can leave the laptop at this universe's aunt May's house when I don't need it anyways.

[El Dorado is the city of gold

And I'll tell you all its secrets

If you don't tell a soul(yeah)

El Dorado is the city of Gold

And I met the fuckin' devil

Now I reap what I sow....]

I found this great song by accident while trying out my headphones and while listening to the "villain mode" playlist on Spotify (yeah there is Spotify here) I went out of the shop and searched for a cafe.

I walk to a cafe just about 200 yards from the store and ordered some cappuccino. I never liked hot chocolate for some always gives me a migraine and I don't particularly like tea so coffee is my favourite hot beverage.

I sit in an outside seating area to enjoy the morning's pleasant atmosphere. There is higher pollution in this place but it's still okay. Seriously, I don't like cities that much. I would rather live in the countryside or in a beach house or even on an isolated island if I could.

I don't like people...who knows where they have been and what disease they could have? Who knows if they wash their hands after peeing or not? I am so paranoid about this stuff for some reason that I even hesitate to shake hands with people...maybe something is wrong with me? Nah it's everyone else who is wrong...who told them to be so unhygienic...

The laptop has started setting up. The process took about 30 minutes and now with my coffee in my hands, I start uploading the programs I need from my phone through wifi. I don't trust the wifi of this cafe, so I hacked it and its server so that I can ensure that what I am about to do is not leaked in any way.

I start searching the world's current affairs and remembering the plot I started investigating Fisk industries. I know what they are doing and their plan from the movies but I don't exactly know how they are doing it.