Meeting the spiderpeople!

Messing with Peter was fun! I do believe I gave him a good welcome back. Right?

We are now in front of Aunt May's house and I am feeling jittery because I would be meeting so many Spider-people. On one hand, I am excited to meet them, on the other hand, I don't want to socialise...with other people...I was an introvert in my past life, it's not my fault that my social skills are bad!

*Ding Dong*


"Coming!!!" We heard the voice of most likely Aunt May.

We hear footsteps and, the door opened to show an old lady with white hair, who looked strikingly similar to her movie version. She didn't seem too old like Toby Spiderman's universe and seemed relatively fit. She had a smile on her face...which faltered when she saw Peter in the same clothes as he was buried in. On a side note, maybe I should have made him change his clothes?

"P-P-P-Peter? Wha-how? are you from a different universe too? wait come in first!"

Hmm...she didn't seem surprised to see me? I guess Noir and the others must have arrived already. We followed her in, and we reached the living room. I made myself comfortable and looked forward to the show.

"Aunt May!"

Peter couldn't stop himself anymore and went to hug her, maybe because he couldn't bear May being silent.

"Peter is it... really you?" Aunt May said while tears came out of her eyes and her voice cracked.

"Yes, it's me, Aunt May! I did die, but then I came back. No, I didn't actually come back myself it was this kid who revived me. Don't ask me! I don't know how he has those powers but he did! What's important is that I am here now! Don't be sad" Pete said.

Yada yada yada....their boring overemotional and cringe reunion carried on. I only watched for 5 minutes but after that, they started stupidly repeating the same things in different words. Aunt May kept checking his body to make sure that he is real and Pete reassured her while both were crying. I just opened up my laptop and started studying the designs I had downloaded. Yes, I am not kidding, they really took a long time.

Tch. crybabies. Why do you have to be so overdramatic? He came back! be happy and stop the waterworks will ya?



"Won't you introduce me to our benefactor and your friend Pete?"

"Believe it or not he is also a spiderman Aunt May! Also, his name is...what is your name again?" Pete said while awkwardly laughing.

Their talk seems to have finished. I closed my laptop and replied, " My name is Peter Parker too. I am from another universe as you can see"

"Your name is Peter too? that's interesting. We now have four Peter Parkers in the house. Can we see your face?"

"There are four? Well, you can I guess" I say as I will [Carapace] to remove my mask.

I look like Andrew Garfield so we don't actually look similar. The other two Peters currently in this universe do look similar though.

"Oh, we don't look alike! Good! it's less freaky this way" Pete said with relief.

"Alright kids, want some cookies? I know it's late but you could always have some!" Aunt May said looking a bit happier.

"Ok Aunt May"

"Ok Aunt May"

We both replied at the same time.

While eating them, Peter turned to me and said, "*nom**nom*I told you there will be cookies! Aunt May's choco-chip cookies *nom* are the best!*nom**nom*"

"Don't speak while eating Peter! Also, when you two are finished, there are some people I would like you to meet" Aunt May reprimanded Peter and then said this to us.

"Is this about the other Peter you just now mentioned? Are there more Spiderpeople here?" I still asked while knowing the answer.

"You are a sharp one aren't you? Well yes I don't know how they came here but as soon as they arrived they found me, they are staying in the spare rooms in your bunker Peter" She said to me and then turned to Peter for the end part.

"Great! more people with superpowers! just great! that Kingpin! I told him it was not a good idea, didn't I? Now it's my responsibility to get these people back...never a free day for poor old Spidey..." said Peter in a bit of a frustrated voice.

"Don't worry bud! I got the collider's sequence and I can close it remotely from anywhere" I said casually while waving my hand.

"You what?" he says in a surprised Pikachu voice?

"I said I can remotely control the collider to close and if given more time maybe I can do more stuff with it?" I said wondering about the last part.

"Great! so you are a hacker too now? I shouldn't be surprised. And no need for anything else, I have checked that closing the collider after everyone has gone through it when it is on will be enough" He said while raising his hands in defeat.

I chuckled and said, "Ok dude, let's talk with the others and then plan on crashing on Kingpin's next party"

"Ok, little guy" he also chuckled.

After we were done with our discussion with Aunt May looking at our conversation in amusement, we went to the shed which I knew was the entrance.

It opened up with the same effects but it was cooler now that it was near midnight. We got on the elevator and then descended...

"Who is it?" A deep gruff voice greeted us and then came Spiderman Noir!

"You are not sleeping yet, hun?" Aunt May said to him.

"I can't sleep on some nights Aunt May, anyway aren't you dead? and are you me?" He replied to Aunt May and then pointed to Peter and me and asked us.

"And I am you?" I also said it to him.

*cricket noises*

"Ok ok that was a bad joke...dammit it was fun the first time!" I complained under my breath. Noir seemingly can't get a joke and was too intimidating instead of the innocent Peter.

"I will explain after we have everyone here" I say to him.

Just then, a gate on the side opened and Peni Parker and Peter Porker came out. They did their intro in a hyperactive way after seemingly understanding that we were doing introductions. I can't bother to describe it, it was chaotic. The robot spider was jumping around and Peter Porker was summoning cartoonish wooden hammers.

They all glitched along with me after their intro, like I have been every 5 minutes since coming here. I am used to it now though cuz I have kept [Pain Immunity] on all this while but seeing how the others fell in pain for a second, I am glad that I can stay unaffected.

"Ok...people I am also Peter Parker and I seem to have the same impeccable taste in costume as Noir here, I already have the code to close the collider with me and I can close it on a timer and remotely control it. I can probably revive you like I did this universe's Peter, but don't count on it too much because your body needs to be mostly intact."

"Woah! cool powers!! I wonder why you got them! but it's not surprising really! In my universe, Green Goblin revives all the time!" Peni Parker said.

Did they just ignore the glitching incident? Maybe because they are used to it by now? Who cares? they are going to be fine till they are gone according to the plot timeline.

The only reason I have not yet killed myself, to stop the glitching is that I am not sure if my returning without the glitch will mess up the other's return to their universe. I think I can go back after dying here anytime and come back here anytime as well with the precondition of dying.

"What a coincidence! My universe's Goblin Goblin can revive too...huh...I guess it's not too shocking a's such a nuisance to keep fighting Norman though..." Said Peter a bit relieved along with getting a complicated face in the end.

I and Peter explain how the collider works and our possible reason for glitching and coming to this world.

"In any case, our way back home seems to be secured" said, Noir.

We chatted for some more time and then Noir went brood...I guess. I don't mind! he is cool!

Peter went with Aunt May to get some rest. He has had a long day, reviving and all you know?

I and Peni Parker surprisingly hit it off well, I shared the data I got from Fisk industries and she was very excited. She praised me a lot and asked me a lot of questions, mostly about how I got past their web security. It was surprising that she was so attached to me so quickly. Maybe it's because we are fellow tech users.

So, as I felt good from her praise, I also started teaching her my techniques and tips for hacking. I didn't teach her everything though, just a few of my techniques are enough to keep her occupied. Later we studied and discussed the Super collider's workings that she was also interested in. She requested for a copy and then we both started reading it in silence. I didn't need to sleep, and she seemed too active to sleep. I wonder where she got her energy?

So, for the rest of the night, we read and compared our notes and thoughts on some of the advanced stuff...