Haha is the plot...blotched?

"Try and hit me old man Mwahahahaahahha" I said while dodging the lethal knives being thrown at me.

"Stop right there kid! I am telling you, you better stop doing weird things while looking like me!!!" an angry Noir shouted at me while trying to hit me.

Too bad for him, my reflexes are miles better than his. Well, he has been chasing me and attacking me for the last half an hour all for an innocent prank I did. Really...some people need to chill, or maybe...did I take it too far? hahahaha.

All I did was use my duck floatie while in Noir's costume and used [Age Manipulation] to look and sound the part. What followed were some funny jokes and short imitations of Noir. Obviously, he then started chasing me to get the floatie off. What can I do? I wanted some entertainment.

"Alright, dude let's get breakfast now! I wanna tell you all something." I said while deflating the tube while in the air still dodging his punches and kicks. Actually, the main reason for my riling him up was to analyse his fighting style which includes western styles.

I have seen videos in my breaks and free times of martial arts and even some hidden files of some experts of deadly fighters in the shield database. I can currently say that I have some proficiency in Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, Fujian White Crane, Judo, Karate, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Wushu, and Wing Chun.

There were a few more available martial arts but I found that they were derivatives of the ones that I have learned and only have a few special moves. I learned those special moves and then discarded those martial arts. With the theme I was going in I decided to learn some western styles as well but they were quite different so I had to put it on hold. I tried finding Iron Fist and any record of their martial arts but it was a blank. If I really want to find them then I think I would have to personally search for them, unless they don't even exist in my universe.

Dodging and tracing Noir's fighting style I have learned a lot. It seems practically seeing is still better for me as with my [Enhanced Senses] I am able to see every muscle movement in detail and process the data to enhance my progress in fighting techniques. I learnt a lot from him, but as he was going easy, I did learn much less than I could in a real fight. Should I provoke him more?

"hmph, consider yourself lucky that I didn't go hard on you. You aren't hurt are ya kiddo?" he asks. First, he was relieved that I had taken off the ridiculously funny floatie and then later asked in concern. Heh, is he a tsundere?

"I am fine dude! I got a good morning workout so thanks! also don't mind if I use your fighting style that I copied hehe~" I said while grinning.

"It's okay kid, let me know if you want a serious spar." He said while rearranging his clothes.

After this episode, we went to the house and sat for breakfast.

"Good Morning Peter and Noir!" Said Peni with her robot spider also waving to us.

"Goodmorning to ya folks!" Said Porker while splattering milk droplets while eating cereal.

"Good morning kid!" Said, Peter while reading the newspaper.

"Good morning hun!" said Aunt May while making tea.

"Hey, guys! good morning to you all!" I said in an upbeat tone. why am I upbeat? because I got to grow my skills!!! Really, very few people can understand the feeling of instant gains after a session of learning. Thanks to my intellect I sometimes feel like I am cheating as a lot of my practice time is cut when I use mental simulations to learn faster.

"Hn.." said Noir before grabbing a newspaper and taking tea from the table where May served it.

What the hell Noir? Are you an Uchiha or something? I wondered while enjoying my own reference mentally while grabbing a sandwich for myself along with some pretzels.

Oh wait, isn't today the day when Miles and potbelly Peter go to Alchemax?

"Guys wanna see a show?" I say while assuming a mysterious look.

"What show?" asked Peni curiously. I can see some eyes on me.

"You know, I found a few more spider people. So wanna see what they are doing?" I asked while pointing at my phone.

"Ugh...there are more? What the hell? how many got sent here" said Peter while raising his hand with the newspaper upwards in exasperation.

"Don't worry Pete, I checked and there are the only ones left haha, Peni does your robot spider friend have a projector?"

"Yeah, let me help you connect" said Peni while getting off her chair adorably. She then came to me and showed me how to connect. I could have done it myself but then it would be awkward if it is revealed that I can control her spider robot wouldn't it?

"Here's the live feed guys!" I say as we all pay attention to the holographic screen. We can see Miles and potbelly Peter swinging towards Alchemax.

"Hey! he looks just like me!! just older...and fatter...and..and...god! will I look like him when I am older?" said Peter, while being horrified.

"You won't be like that on my watch Pete honey!" said Aunt May while consoling the depressed Peter.

That was funny. Anyways, the scene continued to show their escapades. May, Peni and Peter wanted to go help but I convinced them by reassuring them by telling them that in the worst-case scenario I would be able to take over the inactive robots of the facility and even control the facility to support them.

Everyone watched as Peter goes in and Miles follows. There were a few gasps and glances at me when Miles turned invisible for a few seconds, then we saw them getting chased. Miles and Peter were able to escape the scientists with their guns but Doc Octavius was catching up with them.

"Peter do something! The kid is new to his powers and that other Peter is too slow!" said Peter while shaking me.

"Ok! ok! one sec this is no biggie~ just wait and see!" I say while cackling, as I press a button on my phone.

[Taking over Doc Octavius's suit...




"Tada!" I say while looking at the scene in anticipation. What we all saw was Doc Oc losing control of her suit, just as Gwen joined their group.

The tentacles and back support detached from her body and came out. The three spideys were still running, so I switched on the mike function on the suit and started using the mechanical legs to grip on trees and run after them shouting a sequence I had uploaded.

"Why are you running!!! Why are you running!!! Why are you running!!!...." It kept repeating while I was holding in my laughter. These uncultured people would find me weird if I started laughing.

Gwen, being the quickest to notice something amiss, turned and saw 4 of the many legs of the mechanical octopus arms making a heart while trying to stop them. Being a bit suspicious of it she took her distance and called the other two to stop as well.

"Who is this? What did you do to Doctor Octavius?" Gwen asked, still in a position to attack at the slightest hostility.

"Nothing much, I just took her gear away!" I made the 'now hijacked' AI in the arms say. I also used one of the arms to knock on the mainframe part of the gear. This was an attempt to force just one more famous anime meme into this operation to look innocent and silly.

"That...doesn't explain who you are?" she said.

"Eh...no fun! Well, you three are not the only ones who got into this universe you know. The rest of us are at Aunt May's house chillin' and watching you all run around hahaha well if you got this message just come here! I am sure you can find us! By the way, Miles! Peter Parker of your universe is now among the living again. Thanks to yours truly! Oh and by the way, no need to go back to get the data for the goober again, I have a solution already..."

"What?" Gwen and potbelly Peter were showing surprised faces...I mean mask expressions...I don't know how they do that? Is this comic logic?

"What?!?!" screamed Miles.

"We are going! let's go go go!!" Miles started swinging. His heart thumped loudly in his chest and he desperately wanted to meet the apparently resurrected Peter.

Pretty naive isn't he? to believe someone talking through hijacked villain gear. Anyways, I am quite excited to see if I can use Doctor Octavius's mechanical arms as raw material for my own as well.

Octavius's arms for reference----check


