Correction of Miles's fate...

[Advanced Technological Carapace

New abilities unlocked:

Carapace defence upgraded by absorbing: Modified coverall and is armoured like a military flak suit which protects the user from high explosive weaponry like anti-aircraft artillery, grenades, shotguns, land mines, shell blasts, and rocket fragments.

Gliding: The costume's cape can expand with air giving it a rigid shape and allowing the user to glide for short distances.

Jump boots: Rubber-insulated pneumatic boots. Highly compressed air in the boots allow the user to leap remarkable distances. Electric parts are replaced by the user's energy. Attention! To use this ability a power source is needed!

Steel Claws: The gauntlets have steel claws that facilitate climbing, and they can also be used as effective weapons in close-quarters combat.

Pneumatic Gauntlets: Shoot an assortment of projectiles; Sleeping gas pellets, cleaning fluid, steel darts, gas canisters capable of producing a damaging compressed air blast, and magnesium flares. The power and effectiveness of projectiles depend on how much energy is used. Attention! To use this ability a power source is needed!]

I got a lot of abilities, which seem to have good potential if the line "Power and effectiveness of projectiles depend on how much energy is used" is anything to go by. I just need to find a good power be honest, there are many options so I will choose them later.

I willed the [Advanced Technological Carapace] to combine the abilities that could be integrated into my current suit. So, gliding was combined with my trench coat which would now let me glide, and Steel claws were combined with my gloves to be able to morph when needed.

"Where did the suit go?" asked Gwen while looking at the place it was and to my hand.

"Do you have some kind of storage?" asked Noir curiously.

Hmm, they strangely don't seem to find it weird that I took away the suit. What is the logic here? Shouldn't they be a bit more cautious? Or is it the movie logic of trusting allies unconditionally?

"It's my ability, which lets me absorb tech armours to get their abilities, like this..." I said while morphing my gloves to turn into steel claws.

Instantly the gloves were replaced to form menacing claws like Prowler's but they were black in colour with red accents on their edges. All in all, I was satisfied by how I was able to change their designs and length according to my needs. Apparently, I could grow them to be as long as I want, but in my current form, half-meter-long claws are more than appropriate. I will have to check the right size when training.

"Whoa so cool! It would be so convenient if I could absorb my spider's friend's armour when not in use" Peni had stars in her eyes when she heard about this ability. I guess a fellow tech freak like her would indeed be excited by this, but isn't she just treating this like a armour storage? Well, there is nothing wrong with that.

"Uncle Aaron, why did you work with Kingpin?" Miles asked Aaron on the side which made us all pay attention to them.

Peter who-was-killed-by-kingpin and Miles whose-uncle-is-Prowler were standing in front of the powerless Aaron.

"You won't understand Miles, when I was young we, me and your Dad, needed the cash so we worked for gangs. Your Dad left for a better life later on and settled but I kept staying in business because of my greed. Thanks to the suit I managed to build I was able to rise up in the world of criminals and hitmen which led to me getting noticed by Kingpin and then threatened to join. I could not resist or else he would kill you and your family..." said Aaron sadly. He had seen how his suit was gone and he knew that even if he was able to escape here, which was unlikely, it would be too difficult to build his suit again. This is why he decided to come clean, another factor being the unexpected revelation that his dear Nephew got involved in this supernatural business.

"Uncle Aaron...I forgive you but you will have to ask Peter for forgiveness" said Miles while pointing to Peter.

"I heard you, Aaron, I forgive you for being involved in killing me but..., you will have to go to jail..." said Peter determined.

"It's alright...if you are able to stop kingpin then I accept..." said Aaron solemnly.

Well well well...I like this movie-like scene. It's interesting to see how my interference has saved his life but he seems to be willing to go to prison willingly. Interesting development oh well...anyways...


"Rooooaaawwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!" A huge green mass with short black wings roared.

The whole base exploded and the ceiling came crashing down. I am unharmed as I had perceived the danger and jumped out of the focus of the collapse and my own defence had risen enough to not get any scratch by damage of this level.

I spot Gwen, Porker, Noir and Peni who were not fast enough to escape uninjured but were still able to stand up. I spot Peter and Potbelly Peter who were beginning to engage Green Goblin and then I spot Miles...crouching in front of the now dead Aaron...

What is this? Is this the supposed destiny of Miles correcting itself? what the heck?!? spider people are truly trapped by fate...