Scorpion and Tombstone


I see Scorpion and Tombstone jumping down to the base while Goblin is still fighting. Before the others could engage with them I webbed Scorpion.

[Abilities: Superhuman strength(inferior), Superhuman speed and reflexes(inferior), Energy blasts, Acid spray(inferior) Status: 65% compatible]

Hmm? I can use appraisal on them through my web's contact? Interesting...

I also webbed Tombstone,

[Abilities: Superhuman strength(inferior), Superhuman speed and reflexes(inferior), Superhuman stamina(inferior), Superhuman Defence(superior), Status: 50% compatible]

Whoa...this is the first time I have seen any ability that the system deems as Superior ranked. I definitely need to take it. I brought the two of them to me effortlessly. It is to be noted that my web's strength grows with me so someone would need to be at my power level or above to get rid of them.

First I use my steel claws to decapitate Scorpion and then remove his body from his suit. Then I use [Advanced Technological Carapace] to absorb his suit. His suit is actually quite trashy for me but I appreciate any tech. I will check it out later. Then I removed the part of the mask on my mouth and licked some of the blood off my claws.

A/N: I know that he has a power source. MC will use it later.

[Using adaptability to adapt to compatible powers...



Ability compatibility: 65%



Failure! Not compatible ]

Oh...well this is a first...the extraction failed. But it's no big deal, energy blast is the only one I was interested in but there are better versions out there so I am not worried.

Next, Tombstone. I looked at him and he was desperately trying to get out of the webs.

"Time's up bud!" I say and use my metal claws to behead him.


"Huh? Is this because of that Nigh-Invulnerability?"


My hands get surrounded by a purple sphere and I use venom blast on him but there is still no damage.

"..." Tombstone still didn't say anything. Is he mute? He does look unfocused though. So even if he has very high defence, he does get affected and feel the impact.

Hmm, how do I get his body part?

I touch his skin and use [Age Manipulation] to accelerate his ageing. I decided to try it out because I had time. All the other spideys are busy fighting Goblin for some reason and there is no other enemy in sight. Hmm, Powler is out, Doc ock is out so yeah I guess these are the only ones left.

I somehow can tell that his body is rapidly ageing because of my ability apparently, but it has been 5 seconds and I have using the ability at full power but he doesn't seem to look affected. Is he immortal?

Oh wait! something's happening!

His skin starts to crack. I pick up a small piece of it and thrust it into my hand after removing the carapace from that part. I don't want to eat something like that...

[Using adaptability to adapt to compatible powers...



Ability compatibility: 65%



Partial Success!

Sub skill to Superhuman Durability: Superhuman Defence(High) obtained

Description: Higher defence by two levels permanently

Current level: High 8-C: Large Building Level

Defence level: 8-A: Multi-City Block level ]

It's disappointing that one integration failed and the other only gave me a watered-down level of skill but I guess it is fine. My current defence is at the peak of the 8th Tier so that's always a good thing. I shouldn't expect much from low-level enemies anyways.

I quickly used two Venom shots to dissolve the bodies of the two so that the other kids don't get traumatised. I bet the Noir and Peter of this universe must have seen what I did but the others were weaker and busy concentrating on their battle.

"Anyways, now the juicy part begins!" I say with some excitement as I look at the battle between the hulky green goblin and the spider people. I see that the spider people have the advantage but they are not able to overpower Goblin either. Kinda a stalemate and them dodging attacks that they can't handle.

A/N: Warning! Mild gore scenes ahead!

I wipe the drool out of my face. Bad Peter! I shouldn't look at enemies as walking talking ability givers!

I control my urge and swing up to join the others.

"Hey, guys! How are we doing?" I say while dodging a punch.


"We have it under control! Good job with the others kid!" says Noir while webbing Goblin's hands to a part of the floor, albeit for a short time.

We are still in the basement by the way. It is larger and deeper than shown in the movies so thankfully there is no worry about casualties, though I suppose the noise must have alerted people.

"What did Peter do? uhh I mean Soren" says Miles while just dodging. He doesn't seem to be able to help much.

"I don't see anyone else? Did I miss something?" says Gwen while landing a kick on Goblin's jaw and rebounding.

"Nevermind that Miles, it's 18 plus only and we are in a kid's movie. Nothing wrong with a little crazy mate! I get ya!" say's Spider-Ham. Unexpectedly he seems to be aware that he is in a movie plot. I guess it must be a cartoon power quirk. Ugh...I shiver at the thought of even considering taking his power. I wouldn't want to know if my life is being written or watched by someone.

"Guys how about let me handle it?" I say as I web Goblin's shoulders and swing myself towards his face.

"Haha you think you can handle him alo--" Potbelly Peter laughed before his jaw comically dropped.

Goblin got hit right on the head and got launched backwards with a lot of force for about 20 meters. I could have hit harder but there are space constraints.

"You were saying something? " I say with sass as I stood posing by conjuring Noir's hat on my head and tipping it with my finger.




A/N: I researched a lot about Tombstone's so called nigh-invulnerability. I found out that he can still be pierced so he is not really invulnerable. So I could only conclude that his defence is so advanced that he is unkillable by normal means.