Unexpected result...

It took some water and a few sandwiches for my famished state to settle.

"Umm Pet-I mean, Soren, you revived Peter before right? could you revive my Uncle Aaron too?" said Miles. From his tone, I could tell that after the adrenalin wore off he must be desperate enough to throw away his fear of me, to ask for this favour. It's been approximately 30 minutes since Aaron died, believe it or not, fights between supers finish fast if there is a major gap in power levels.

'Appraise Power Level'

[Current Power Level of Appraised Individual: 8-A: Multi-City Block Level

*New* Description: Characters who can destroy multiple urban city blocks or equivalent area of space]

Ooh, so I get the description now as well? That's kinda nice. I hadn't memorised the description of the power levels of marvel in my past life so it's good to know a comparison parameter. So...I am now as powerful as the Green Goblin of this universe in terms of pure strength but I am still more durable thanks to Tombstone. Nice! This will give me an edge in endurance during fights. The healing factor is also nice, it's a good addition but there are better out there.

"Sure dude, mind helping me up?" I say. Miles held my hands and pulls me up. I did grow in weight for some reason but not enough to be hard to lift for him.

I wobbled a bit, not used to my bigger height, weight and changed centre of balance, but I balanced myself and got in control after a few steps. The others followed me and Miles silently, most probably because of the sombre tone in the air because of the unexpected death of Aaron.

We reached Aaron, his bones looked to be crushed and there...was a lot of blood. The ceiling that fell on him when Goblin crashed in must have impacted him hard.

I touched the skin which had the least amount of blood on it with my gloved hands and mentally willed,


[Scanning body to see if it qualifies for resurrection...




Percentage of the body intact: 45%

Condition: >75% intact----not fulfilled

Bond of person to host: 0%

Bond Type: No Bond

Possibility of resurrection:






"Ahh Miles sorry to say dude but the probability of him resurrecting is only 15% because my ability has some conditions which need the person being resurrected to have some bond with me. Also, Aaron is too injured, which decreases the probability" I say worriedly. The probability is very low, I am still new to the ability so I don't know how this will turn out.

"What? What do we do? What do we do? We gotta do something! Do I bring a med kit?" say Miles pacing around and moving frantically.

Peter and May were about to go run for some bandages but I stopped them.

"Yeah, closing the wounds would have helped by saving blood flowing out but it's too late now. Look it's starting" I say.

The whole world around me went dark, I was in a room kind of like the room where I go when I die. It was only me and the lying body of Aaron with a black fog hovering over him.

Then the fog faded away and I could see with my [Enhanced Senses that his heart was still not beating and he very much still looked dead.

Immediately after, I was back out and in front of Aaron.

[Resurrection failed.

Reasons: Too much loss of blood, heavily damaged body, no bond with the owner.]

[*New* New case of Resurrection failure...




Conditions for 100% resurrection rate revealed




Condition: Bond of person to host needs to be 100%]

"This...what the fuck!" I mutter when I got the message. The system seems to have unlocked some new information. So, no matter how much a person is damaged if their bond with me is 100% then I can successfully resurrect them? But that doesn't help here, does it? What should I say to Miles?

"Is it done, Soren? Is Uncle Aaron going to be alright?" Miles asks with hopeful eyes.

"You both went invisible for a second there, so is the dude going to wake up?" asked Noir.

"Uhh...I don't know how to break this to you... " I began but Miles's face turned pale realising what I was about to say. The others were showing shocked faces too.

"Sorry to say that my ability failed. He was too injured for it to work. He needs to be 75% intact..." I say but Miles started to hug Aaron and cry.

We moved Aaron to the house and left Miles with Aaron. He clearly needed time. I felt bad that I wasn't to revive him but I also deep down felt that I didn't really have that much attachment to Aaron. I have just met them recently you know? To me, this is just another person dying. What I did feel bad about is the revelation that it would be hard for me to resurrect random people because of this bond thing.

"Don't take this too hard on yourself kid, it was not your fault" said Potbelly Peter while putting his hand on my shoulder sympathetically.

"Yeah I know, I won't beat myself on it. I am not a kid." I say while removing his hands from my shoulder. This guy was fighting too and he is covered in dust, which is something that I don't want on me. My Carapace thankfully according to my will keeps me clean from anything outside. If something dirty falls on me, it gets auto-cleaned. Is my OCD going too extreme?

"Well everyone, I think we need some time off..." said Peter. Agreeing with him, everyone split up. Peter and May went around the basement to salvage anything they could while fixing it and handling the authorities that had come here after the noise. We let him handle it. Noir went out saying he needed some fresh air. Spider-Ham went to explore New York. Gwen, me and Peni went to explore New York.




A/N: This is no Mary Sue story. People can die, and abilities can fail. Resurrection won't work every time. This is what I wanted to teach MC this time. Blind confidence in the ability will do MC no good.