Chapter 7: To Unleash

Theon turned out to be quite the observer without even making himself visible to Ambroz's eyesight. With all the loom and dark green coloured trees shadowing them and the significance of the leaves rustling now and then, most definitely helped Theon in hiding and to not be heard. Well, at least he thinks he is not being heard of.

But to Ambroz's perspective, it was different from what Theon thinks. The presence of Theon behind him was drawing away from his patience. It seems like Theon really is curious of him, he presumed.

'He asks for it and I shall deliver.' Ambroz smirked as he thought of this.

While Ambroz was casually walking towards a certain location, Theon was shifting trees after trees, or rather trunk after another thick trunk to hide himself. Slowly with only the tip of his toes touching the ground.

About five jiffies of walking and Theon disguising, Theon heard the streaming of water.

'The river? I just came here a while back.' Theon thought.

But, it was not the usual sound he was hearing. It was even louder and audible, unlike the usual river where Theon hunted for the fish.

When they finally set their eyes on it. Ambroz head to it while Theon was still hiding behind the tree that was nearby.

Even though Theon did not follow Ambroz, he could see it and he was astonished by it.

"It's a waterfall, I have only seen it once but that time my memory was unclear. Now, that I get to see it. Following Ambroz would not be much of a tiresome way." Theon whispered to himself.

The waterfall was Mediterranean-blue and magical. It was swishing over the rocks joyfully. It was thundering down into the pool like a gigantic water spout. When it toppled into the ecstasy pool, it foamed it at the bottom. The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, enabling them to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.

Also, there were plants and flowers. The nectar sweet smell of the spring flowers perked up his spirits.

The waterfall was nothing like any other waterfall. It was beautiful. This cheered up Theon's soul, that death might visit them one day but there's more to nature and life.

"I should really hurry up with this observation of mine," He said to himself. "Where is he, anyway?"

He searched for Ambroz, but he found the man relaxing in the waterfall naked already. Its cloth was lying on the land while he was sitting and sunken with only his upper portion was seen. Ambroz's weapons are also with his cloth.

Theon's eyes widened.

"Does this man have no ounce of shame? And to think he didn't even want me to lay even just a finger on him. And now he's all but naked." Theon furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head.

Then he looked at his hands. Overthinking, that he might look much more as a peasant rather than a decent man. But his hands were just like any other warrior. Then he diverted his thoughts to his visuals.

"It might be because I look terrible?" He questioned himself.

Oh, Theon does not really know what he is spouting about when he is such a looker for his age.

Nevertheless, he decided to brush off that behaviour and go on with observing Ambroz.

Its silky hair followed the currents of the water, with his eyes shut and his mouth was slightly opened. Breathing in and out as if it was calming itself from something. Theon was mesmerized by his visual once again. He thinks that if one's eye is only focused on Ambroz, he looks much more like someone with an intimidating history.

'What could have happened that led him to that cave? Did he rebelled from his family?' Theon could not stand but think.

Later on, Ambroz stood up and Theon immediately panicked and closed his eyes. Or he could have just seen something he should be seeing.

"Oh, that was a close one." He muttered with his eyes still closed and as he turned around for Ambroz to not spot him.

On the other hand, Ambroz simply looked at how Theon reacted from afar. It was hiding but the tree was a little too thin for his back to be hidden well. He chortled and shook his head.

"Clearly he doesn't want to see me naked. What could it be, this man." Ambroz mumbled to himself.

Ambroz slowly waved his hair and gripped it to remove excess water. He then wore the same cloth. Theon waited for the proper timing to veer around again.

After Ambroz tied his hair, he grabbed his bow and arrow. And he began to walk towards a certain tree. Thein felt his footsteps so he slowly turned and saw that Ambroz was doing a proper stance to shoot an arrow.

"Is he training?" Theon whispered.

He narrowed his eyes to see how Ambroz's form was actually very impressive. Ambroz was right-eye dominant, he would hold the bow in the left hand and draw the string with the right hand. Then, he smoothly released the string and it hit the targeted place that Ambroz assumed.

Theon was in awe. "He does know what he's doing. Was he just joking around when he almost hit me?" He hummed and sighed because he was thinking other irrelevant things when he was supposed to be observing Ambroz.

So far, Theon has not seen anything suspicious. Apart from its skills in archery, that was far from what he thought since the bow was totally rusty and it might not be quite of use in battle. But, Ambroz delivered it quite alright. Now, he presumes that with his skill in archery and with the dragon, they might be invincible.

'But is there really a dragon? Or such creature that the man he met at the river was so frightened about? I am not so certain, however, I, need to follow him the whole entire day. Because this will surely take a whole day. I just hope I won't hunger myself.'

Theon was in the middle of his reverie when he noticed that Ambroz wasn't there anymore, it already walking back inside the woods. He quietly ran and followed him.

When he followed him, the next thing that Ambroz did was climb a tree and take nap. Such a long nap that took Theon 2 hours to just sit and rest from afar. He groaned at how the process was not really showing up. At this point, he is already thinking if he could have found out something out of Ambroz.

After that, he exercised his muscles by hanging himself in a tree branch with only his two hands gripping the branch, lifting himself up and down, up and down, and repeatedly. Then performed another sort of exercise, and another, followed by another one and stopped when he already felt sweaty and exhausted.

Ambroz was enjoying pissing Theon off although he still does not know why Theom kept hiding himself and avoids his gazes whenever he could find the chance to glance at him.

'I can clearly see him, what an innocent guy.' He said in his subconscious.

He sat and leaned on a tree and relaxed himself. After a while he stood up and saw Theon sleeping so soundly with its eyebrows furrowed. He looked so frustrated and irritation was plastered on his face.

'He seems like his dreaming about how I am pissing him off.' Ambroz thought.

And without noticing it he laughed so hard he even held his stomach.

"HA HA HA HA ha ha ha hmm..." He stopped it with a cough as he realized that h has never laughed that hard in years.

He gulped and eyes slightly dilated.

"This is dangerous. I didn't just laughed at something like that didn't I? Crap, I did." He indicated a facepalm. "Nevermind, I should head to Aranyani's root already." He reminded himself.

He was about set course to his destination when he realises how Theon would be lost and it might chase him with his STILL ALIVE CONSCIENCE.

Ambroz lips were tightly pursed and he blinked hardly just as he heaved a sigh. This man has drawn to him, it would absolutely benefit him if he had just left him there. It would mlst certainly not affect him or so. Yet, he flipped its forehead. He immediately walk away for Theon to mistaken that something just fell of his forehead.

And it did work well enough, Ambroz technique.

Theon groaned as he felt his forehead throbbing in pain. He rubbed it as he slowly opened his eyes.

"That was hard as rock, what could it be?" He raised his head and the tree was all merely leaves to it. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Odd." He uttered in annoyance in his face.

He realized that he had dozed off whem he was supposed to look after Ambroz actions and what was absolutely unusual et he ended up relaxing his arse.

"Oh snap where is he?" He panicked and turned his head around.

Ambroz was already far ahead yet thankfully he could still see him. He stood right up and tapped his thin cloth. He ran again to chase him and to lessen the gap or distance between them.

He kept following the man in front of him as he should be. They passed trees after trees. They walked so far already and Theon's feet was starting get numb.

The night was pass approaching. With the darkness, obscurity, ambiguity and shallowness closely engulfing them, their shadows were slowly fading as the night's fog swallowed surrounded them. But, the moon gave them light and life as Ambroz was tracing his destination and Theon trying all his might to stay quiet and refrain from letting out any hint of noise.

The silence was quite hurtful for Theon's ears, he would usually hear kids giggling and snickering, the women of their village dancing and chattering, and the men that our toasting and enjoying each other's compatriots. How Zynthia his aunt who he treats as his own mother, if she had only live up until now, he could have already cooking for them with her speciality and they would together enjou their feast.

He is starting to overthink again. Could not even forget and swallow all that has happened. Yet, he focuses on what is in front of him and what he needs to do.

This world is all but war. This fate has always been behind us and it will always be like this if no one strives to make a change.

Ambroz stopped and so did he. He headed to a near stem of a three and hid himself while peaking at Ambroz.

"What is he doing in this part of the forest?" He murmured and asked himself.

He saw how Ambroz faced the huge tree. It was the largest tree from where he is standing. Theon narrowed his eyes and tried to catch a glimpse of what was Ambroz doing. Then, Theon saw how Ambroz bent his knee and looked intensely at the roots of the tree.

"What is he staring at?" Theon whispered to himself.

Ambroz was mumbling words that Theon can not understand. It looked gibberish but he looked so serious so Theon reckoned that he is doing sine rituals right at this moment.

"Did his parents died there?" Theon whispered to himself one more time.

Theon leaned his head and tilted it to try and listen to Ambroz words. But he only heard lme thing from him which he has no clue on what it truly is.

As he leans in with his hands holding the tree trunk Theom heard Ambroz spouted.


And before he knew it, his hand slipped from the tree trunk due to him leaning so hardly and it caused him to stumble his knees and face on the ground full of rocks and pebbles. He ended up bruising himself with his clumsiness.

"Ah, shoot!-" Theon covered his own mouth.

By instinct, he settled rapidly and examined his bruise. It was not such a huge bruise to make such a huge fuss. However, it gave him such smarting pain.

He hissed. "Just so I think it could get any better."

He glanced back at Ambroz only to see that he had disappeared. Where did the man went to? Theon frowned as he diverted his gaze left to right.

"Where did he went off to- AH!" He was cut off. As he felt a hand gripping his shoulders.

The man was just behind him, smirking.

"What do you think you're doing? Hiding yourself and then got bruised?" Ambroz whispered behind him.

Theon was tickled by the warm breath behind his ear. He was brought to a still when he realized it was Ambroz voice.

How did Ambroz found out? Was it because he screamed too loud?

"I ... I was just wandering. Yes, I told you didn't I? That I will be uh... Looking for fruits to eat." He reasoned out, stuttering.

He could not look Ambroz in the eyes as he was afraid that he would get found out. He might anger Ambroz with all his suspensions.

Ambroz had a smug face but Theon couldn't see it because of the dark.

"Really? Why would you end up in this part of the forest? The trees here are dry and old. With no fruits." He crossed his arms.

Theon was still not able to look him in the eyes. "Well, things happened and as you can see, I might have just stumbled and uh..."

"And what? D'you not have the slightest mind to think that there's no fruits here?"

"— I am telling you, I fell here by accident." Theon said.

"Then, how come you can not meet me in the eye?" Ambroz raised his eyebrows.

Theon was caught off guard. He slowly but awkwardly face him. His breathing was in crucial state because he had mixed feelings of pain and embarrassment. He closed his eyes and breathe smoothly trying to calm his self.

He opened his eyes again and raised his head to meet Ambroz eyes. "I am looking at you now. It was really just an accident I did not mean to... Peak on... you..."

Ambroz can see how the whole situation is making Theon anxious, although he was curious as to why Theon was following him, he did not tempted to to ask anymore.

He heaved a sigh. This man is really getting into his nerve.

"Let's head back. Can you stand up?" Ambroz asked him.

Theon looked at his bruised knee. "I think so. This is just a small, what can go wrong?" He nervously laughed.

"Stand up then. I don't like the idea of helping you." He walked in front of Theon and traced his way back.

Of course, the sensitive man Ambroz would not want a feeble but touch on his skin.

Meanwhile, Theon was struggling and thinking on how he could stand up still when even a tiny movement will give him a smarting pain.

He held onto a tree and helped himself. He began to walk like a limp just to be able to follow Ambroz's steps.

After just taking a few steps, he realised how hard it was to walk still and straighten his foot. He halted every tree he can see and rest his foot, then he would start to walk again.

Theon was panting hard. "This is harder than it looks." He whimpered.

Ambroz was already far ahead. He noticed how there was no sound of footsteps following him from behind.

He furrowed his brows as he already knows that Theom was far behind. This man is really getting into his nerves.

He turned to see where was Theon. And it looks like he walk for only about three steps from where thy started.

Seriously, this man.

"What are you doing? Hold onto a tree?" He asked.

"It hurts and uh," Theon couldn't even say it.

Theon kept doing what he had to do to reach Ambroz pace. Ambroz stared at him for a few seconds. As Theon struggled on walking, he groaned in annoyance.

He sped up to Theon, also it was getting dark he can guarantee what might happen to them in this forest when someone still has grudge against him.

"It can be any other time, yet they chose the wrong one." Ambroz said with a groan.

"Why did you came back?" Theon looked at Ambroz nervously.

Will Ambroz slaughter him right now? Maybe he got ijto his nerves again. He knows how clumsy he can be.

"Rely on my shoulders. With you walking at this pace, I don't see how we can arrive there on time. It will take us 'till sunrise." Ambroz complained.

Theon was confused. But he still followed what Ambroz said and relied on his shoulders. At first he couldn't really put his weight on him but the longer the distance they walked, his body warmth had almost transferred to Ambroz.

He felt comfortable. On the other hand, Ambroz was felt different. He knewbit was coming but this feeling was worse. His hormones was rising yet he had to stop it.

'Bloody nightmare, what is happening to me?' Ambroz thought.

He tried to hold it in because he know that this will be the first and last time they'll touch each other. At least, he thinks it will.

Theon felt so comfortable with him even though the man frightened him. But, he was dismayed by the thought that he was not able to discover about Ambroz.

'Aranyani, was it his lover? What was he staring at that tree?' Was what bothering Theon.


Thinking about it, they are total strangers. Theon does not know why he needs to know about such things in Ambroz life, when in fact he has no right to know of.

But it worries him that he does not know about the forest and this man probably knows a lot.

They kept walking until they ended up back in to the cave. Ambroz rested him carefully in the cave and went out.

"Ambroz, are you hiding something?" Theon asked when he couldn't see Ambroz anymore.
