Chapter 8: Drowning In His Arms

"Here cover this with your wound," Ambroz instructed him.

He handed Theon leaves such as Curcuma and a moist like a leaf. He find this rather essential for wounds like Theon's so he went out earlier to grab it. Not like he actually cares but it was sort of his fault for dragging him in that part of the forest. However, Theon does not need to know that.

Theon was sitting still inside the cave as he stared at what Ambroz brought. He has never seen such leaves in his entire life.

"How?" He looked innocently at Ambroz.

"What do you mean, how?" Ambroz asked as he furrowed his brows in confusion.

Theon looked back at the leaves and pointed it.

"How do you cover that with your wounds?"

"You're a warrior yet you don't know how to cover your wounds?" Ambroz was frustrated when he asked.

"— Well, the woman at our village used to cure our wounds but only with the use of a liquid and bandaged it with a white piece of cloth."

"This leaves, cover it like how the woman's do it."


"But what now?" Ambroz asked with irritation in his voice.

"I ... I didn't get the chance to notice how they do it," Theon admitted and diverted his gaze elsewhere.

Ambroz just looked at him straight in the face trying to contain himself and not get irked by what Theon just said. This man is absolutely getting into his nerves again. Just because Theon does not know of things such as bandaging himself.

He breathes smoothly to calm himself.

'Testing my patience, we will see how this goes.' Ambroz thought.

He crouched to level Theon's view and apply the herbs himself.

"Observe well. If you bruise yourself again, I will not be doing this to you but you will do it yourself." He exclaimed in his dark voice.

Theon was silent when he was being applied to by herbs. He hissed whenever Ambroz was trying to settle the herbs on his knee.

'If only I did not lean so close, trying to hear what he says, this awkward atmosphere would not have happened.' Theon thought as his brows were carved in pain.

Then, Ambroz grabbed his long cloth and ripped a small portion out of it with his canine tooth.

Ambroz saw how Theon was staring at him intensely.

"What are you looking at?" He asked with one of his brows upwards.

Theon blinked a few times then avoided Ambroz gaze because of embarrassment. He shook his head afterwards.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," Theon uttered.

Ambroz scoffed and continued what he was doing. His left hand were pressing the herbs softly on Theon's knee while his other hand was about to wrap the piece of cloth around that certain area to secure it. When it was done, he then stood up.

"Now you know how it is done. Don't be too clumsy, I am not responsible for you." He uttered.

Theon nodded. He was just thinking how caring Ambroz was until that last sentence he said. There was still a distance in between them after all.

"Uh, where are you heading to? Do you not want to sleep?" Theon asked when he saw Ambroz about to leave again.

Ambroz stopped. "There are some things in the night that we can not predict, you sleep and I shall stay awake."

"What do you mean? Will the conquerors spot this part of the mountain? If so, then I should also stay awake with you." Theon blurted out.

Ambroz gazes back at him with his face filled with confusion and irritation. But he let it go.

"Do whatever you please. I have somewhere I need to be." He said and then left after.

Theon tried to stand up but his knee still hurts. He stayed there just sitting and filling his mind with thoughts about what he observed about Ambroz.

The man just looked like it was flexing at him a while back. Did he perhaps notice that he was following Ambroz? He sure did hide himself very well, he thinks.

He heaved a sigh. There was no sort of creature he discovered not even a normal animal. Was the man he saw at the river, just making a fuss? How did that man know about Ambroz, anyway?

He should have never believed any stranger's words. The chance that he was fooled was high, besides that man did not look trusting one bit. He was now ashamed. Realizing how he doubted Ambroz, when all the man did to him was keep him low and even let him stay.

"Where were my manners." He sought and indicated a facepalm.

"I should stop thinking of useless things and focus on befriending Ambroz more to be able to look for my people as soon as possible." He exclaimed.

He stared upwards waiting for his knee to get numb and wash away the faint of pain he is feeling but his eyesight got blurry and the next thing he knew was that darkness engulfed his vision and fell into oblivion.

THE NEXT DAY Theon was heavily irritated at himself for following his instincts and slept. That was just not so warrior-like move. His actions are getting vulnerable and it was probably because he knew Ambroz was just around the area. This is not good.

He went out of the cave still not walking adequately but he can manage this much pain so he looked for Ambroz. But the man was nowhere to be found again. He just shrugged his shoulders and started remembering the trees filled with fruits that he spotted while following Ambroz.

Hell, That was the only benefit he got from following the man.

He traced the direction towards those trees and he grinned wide when he located the trees near the river.

"Only at this time that my memory actually served me right." He chuckled.

He was about to climb the tree when he realized that someone was looking at him. With his brows furrowed he turned at his back but strangely there was no one.

"That's odd." He whispered with full of suspension.

Later on, he continued climbing the tree that was filled with yellow mangoes. Luckily, his foot and knee were no near severe anymore. He silently thanked Ambroz.

'What a kind but short-tempered man.' He thought and smiled all by himself.

When he realized how long he was smiling while picking some mangoes. The man halted and put an end to his smile. He has never smiled like that ever since what happened in the village yet look at him. He shook his head a few times.

There were three consecutive mangoes hanging in the highest branch. So alluring that he applied a lot of effort to reach for it. He grunted trying to reach for it. And as soon as he got to touch it. The cloth that was attached to his wounds got stuck on some small branch.

He tried dragging his foot but it only resulted in him losing balance and falling.

"Ah—" He yelled as he reached the ground with his buttom who landed first.

He groaned but another incident was to happen when the three mangoes fell on top of his head. He scratched his head. "Ouch, that hurts." He hissed.

"HA HA HA HA," Someone laughed.

Theon looked somewhat confused. 'Who dares to laugh at me—' but as soon as he saw Ambroz, the man almost rolled his eyes.

Of course, it couldn't be any other.

That explains why he kept feeling uncomfortable and felt somewhat was silently observing him. This man really is weird for him.

Ambroz was even holding his stomach probably because it already hurts from laughing so hard.

"Stop laughing and please help me stand up." He said, trying to not exasperate.

Ambroz was not stopping and when he did Theon glared at him.

"Done laughing, sir?" He asked in a tone of sarcasm.

"Haven't laugh like that in years." The man said still chuckling from time to time. "What are you even doing? Climbing a tree when you just bruised yourself?" Ambroz asked him

"Well, I was trying to pick some mangoes and—" He stopped when he saw the face of the man still wanting to laugh at him. This man really.

He groaned. "—why are you even asking when you already knew? And you did not even bother to help me when we're going to eat these anyway," he carried the mangoes.

Ambroz seemed to pity him already that is why he walked towards him and already helped him stand up.

"Stop trying to act tough, at this point, how are you going to look for your people? Also, I do not meed those fruits, eat them all by yourself." He exclaimed.

Theon was now confused and frustrated. "What? I picked this for the both of us to eat."

Ambroz just looked at him seriously in the eyes and in an instant he understood what was Ambroz trying to indicate. He does not want to eat it or rather eat with him again.

'Why does he dislike to eat foods other than the fished at the river? Or does he not like the idea of eating with someone he barely knows? Did he not find me worth to trust?' He thought as he glance back at Ambroz that was walking towards the river.

Ever since he met him, all the man did was make him ask his nature if he truly does look genuine with all the action he has done. Considering the act of following and spying on Ambroz's movements yesterday, that was truly his mistake and such reckless doings should not be deemed as kindness. He sighed.

All he did was head back to the cave and keep his profile low, it was another day, the danger is always on guard. Avoiding it will be the best way for him at the moment. With all the mangoes he carried, he insists to keep it and wait 'till Ambroz would consider eating it.

But, since Theon was trained to be a warrior, he already started to think of ways and try to create a weapon he can use when the time comes. Who knows what the future holds for him.

The man only hopes that the forest will grant him his wish and let him smoothly find his way out and to his people.

AMBROZ however decline Theon's offer simply because those fruits belongs to Aranyani. He is indebted to her and taking what belongs to her might just destroy his dignity ever worst.

But it is better than bringing that man's hopes up. He probably thinks he can be all generous and kind around him just to point out where he can actually find his way out.

Oh man, he knows nothing about him alright.

He stayed at the river for a while. While resting there, the thought of him laughing earlier brought back to the back of his head.

"Why did I laugh like that?" His eyes were filled with shock in a manner of suspense.

Ever since humanity has destroyed his inner soul and turned him into something that could violate nature, he has never been able to show what he feels but instead isolated himself and was forced to stay beyond the land's extent.

So why? Why give in to someone he barely knows and is also his entire identity is suspicious.

"Maybe it is just the heat. Of course, it's the heat." He dismissed his thoughts and went back to rest.

THE OTHER DAY, Theon woke up and saw how few fruits are there in the place he put. To be precise, it was about six mangoes and now it was only one left.

"Where is it?" He furrowed his brows in annoyance. "I've picked that myself and even fell from—"

He halted in the middle of his sentence when realized that there is only two of them staying inside the cave.

It was Ambroz. Who else could it be? He heaved a sigh as he shook his head in relief and also the stress that man-caused him. With his hands placed in his waist.

"He declined my offer of sparing him fruits and now he ate it without even asking me, also when I was asleep."

He just ignored and actually felt quite pleasant. At the very least, he considered eating it. It was for both of them.

He went outside to look for Ambroz. First thing in the morning and he can not glimpse at the man who'll help him soon? He needs to take further action.

"Alright, I don't need to follow him anymore. I'll stay on the safe side and normally befriend him. Yes, as I should." Theon gave himself a warm smile.

He started another optimised day with NORMALLY befriending his... well...

Now he's thinking if Ambroz can actually be considered as his friend. For one thing, the man does not even show him a bit of interest. But, of course, that does not count as a reason for him to stop. It takes all to achieve something, and it is to save his people. With a little more push, surely Ambroz would give in. If Ambroz perhaps knows about the forest that is.

He sighed. "Did he really not lie when he told me about how the forest took us as hostages and none could get out of it, but how about my people?" He uttered with worry grasped in his voice.

He shook his head. 'Come what may' for all he knows, the people is his priority. And he is sure they are safe somewhere.

"That's why I need to talk this through with that guy, but how? When every single time I woke up. There's no sight of him." He bit his lower lip.

'AH!' he thought.

"He probably is at the river doing absolutely nothing like all is well."

As soon as he said those words, he rushed to the river and he was right. There he is, the man he was just looking for.

Its half lower body was soaked in the water while its upper body was above the water. His head rested in a flat stone and elbows were placed on the surface.

"Ambroz!" He yelled, upon calling its name.

It didn't even bother to turn around and answer his call. This man, really.

"Ambroz!" He called one last time.

As he walk toward him and stood beside it just a few distances away with his head. Ambroz was ignoring him and he is entirely annoyed.


"I can hear you, stop being such a blabbermouth." Ambroz paused him with its deep voice.

Theon saw how Ambroz opens his eyes and it met with his. Then again, those eyes that strike him even a while back. Fiery vermillion eyes.

He was stunned by it and could not utter what he was about to say. His lips were pursed close.

"Now you are silent." Ambroz caught him in his reverie.

He blinked a few times and gulped. "Well, I was thinking."

"Glad you still got your brain inside ya'."

"Of course, I do," Theon replied. "As I was saying, shouldn't we be already discussing how to get out of here and if you don't plan on coming then at least show me the way out of this already."

Ambroz stood up instantly. The water raced from his upper body to his lower part of the body. Theon covered his eyes, expecting that Ambroz is naked.

"Why are you covering your eyes?" Ambroz asked.

He can already feel that Ambroz was just right in front of him standing. He took a few steps back. But, Ambroz also kept walking towards him.

"I'm begging you please stop walking towards me." He pleaded still covering his eyes.

"Why are you covering your eyes? Did you not wish to talk?" Ambroz asked, but to his perspective, he was already quite annoyed so playing with Theon eases it quite a bit.

"You are naked. We can not talk."

"You also have what I have. What's the huge fuss?"

"But it is a matter of trust with your dignity. You should already wear your cloth."

Ambroz scoffed and snorted right after. "But I am wearing my cloth."

"Are you?" He parted his two fingers away to peak if he is telling the truth.

And he was indeed wearing a piece of cloth around his waist. "Oh," His hand dropped immediately with no delay. "Guess it is."

Theon fake his cough. Wonder what came up with his mind thinking Ambroz was naked. Silly him.

"Now, what do you think we should discuss about? And what part of 'My memory won't serve you right' don't you understand?" He asked furiously with his brows carved in a line.

"You're lying," Theon argued back.

"Lying? Lying?! I may have not known you and I don't plan to but whatever's going in with your mind is not my area to barge in. I am not a good fellow, not what you're expecting me to be, and will not be a help to you. I can point no direction to you nor can I join your quest. You are alone or safe. You choose."

Ambroz was about to leave him with no words to utter back but this time he held his wrist and gripped it. They faced each other. Ambroz was filled with turmoil and he was abducted by his sadness.

"It's not supposed to be like this. I am telling you. Hope will always be in our hands if we only strive to hold it. Let us escape this together. There's no such thing as a hostage."

"But there is." Ambroz retorted.

"Ambroz, don't you want to cross over the border?" He asked with his thoughts wanting to flee what was truly in Ambroz mind.

"It is not a matter of wanting to or not wanting to." He exclaimed with his voice calmed down already. "I am caged Theon and the key is with someone I am not able to reach."

Ambroz removed Theon's hand on his wrist and avoided his gaze. Theon witnessed how Ambroz fixed his soggy cloth and like he always does, the man walk away.

It was the first time Theon heard his name was said in that tone. With sadness and desperation. It was like someone is pleading with him to help them but with no direct words. He couldn't really understand Ambroz's sentences yet he knows that something is holding the man back. And he needs to know it as soon as possible.
