Chapter 9: Something Phenomenal

[Warning: R18+ contents ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED]

Theon opened his eyes, tried grasping and chasing after his breath. It was arduous to do so. He was not drowning but had just woken up by a nightmare. The usual nightmare. The people are being slaughtered and Eliaz regrets leaving the people in his hands.

He heaved a loud sigh. It seems that he can't sleep anymore.

"This seems to be a sign that I should move, isn't it?"

It was still dark and dawn outside. The frigid air entered the cave and touched his skin and he shivered. He turned to his right side and saw Ambroz sleeping right beside him.

He gasped quietly. "Ambroz?"

It was his first time waking up and caught a glimpse of Ambroz right beside him. Staring at the man's face was the first thing he did. Truly mesmerising and mysteriously looking.

When he realized what he thought, Theon stood up almost immediately.

"Did I just think this man was mesmerising?" Theon exclaimed in a surprising tone. "Sake, I must be insane."

He placed his palm on his forehead and massage it in frustration. There really is something going on with the changes of his perspectives in looks. Truly not the change he expected.

"Well, I was not that interested in such things before." He voiced out to himself.

Looks like the man is overthinking a lot of things. He heaved a sigh. It was quite a loud sigh that Ambroz made a slight movement. It groaned softly.

He covered his mouth in instinct and thought, ' I sighed a bit too loud. His presence beside me is just too surprising. Did he feel cold? Maybe.'

Ambroz was now sleeping while faced in a direction diverted to the cave's entrance. He could hear how it snored but with a low range of volume. He just stood there staring at him for a few moments when he decided to head out. And just as he stepped outside, the memory from yesterday flashed back through his subconscious.

'So that's why my head felt like it hit something when I have just woken up.' Thinking about it made him scratch his head. He hissed by the slight pain he felt.

What happened yesterday...

"Ambroz!" He kept calling the man. "What do you mean caged?"

Ambroz was walking straight and did not even bother to turn around, the usual. Theon was walking and half running, he still can't run with the injury he acquired to himself. It was a bummer, but it was done and passed, all he needs to do is adjust. And he really is trying.

"Ambroz, listen to me! This is the right time to talk things out and disregard the fact we're total strangers to each other, please I beg you!" He kept shouting.

It looks like Ambroz won't budge anytime soon. He continued walking with his huge steps towards the river. And when Theon was also trying to reach him, he attempted to step inside the river when he slipped and hit his head in one of the par sized rocks. His view became blurry but he heard Ambroz running in his direction.

"This man really... THEON!" Ambroz's voice echoed inside his ears

Theon felt his head become hot and heavy. "Bloody ... Hell ... Ouch."

The second he knew he was already immersed in darkness and his eyes was bought to a blur.

"Guess chasing people is not such a good practice." He said and held his head.

He could not even persuade Ambroz. Can't even invade his thoughts into coming with him and escaping this land together. He knew any moment the evil conquerors can spot them still in this forest. To augment reality, the people are far from his capability. He has no idea where they subsist, he can only hope they survived and was not found.

He turned his head and looked inside the cave. There, Ambroz who was sleeping in a position diverted from where he stands.

"Ambroz, I am sorry. But the time I spend here befriending you just won't help me get out of here fast." He spouts with a tone of gloom.

His eyes were filled with remorse. Thinking back, they ate together, spend almost a day together — although it was one-sided. The man might not welcome him in a way he thinks people would do, but he was saved unintentionally.

He shook his head. "I am deeply sorry." He uttered in the most silent voice.

Theon started heading towards the river. He remembered about the time Ambroz said to him that there's a possibility for him to be able to arrive at the other side of the mountain if he follows the currents of the river.

"At the very least, it's the only detail that was useful."

No weapons, no armour, not even something to keep him away from any danger. Just like an open casket ready to sabotage by any hungry animal. The sword that he had with him even got lost by the said Dragon that he just probably created inside his delusions.

"I should have known better that at times like that, unbelievable things would enter my thoughts. I panicked and it was my fault." He said to himself.

He arrived at the river. He stared at it with suspense. Thinking twice if this is what he is meant to do. He then started following the currents of the river without stepping inside the water.

Theon ran fearlessly and with no doubt. As if he is sure that there will be no threat ahead of him. Each step he takes, a hard breath will suffice for nature. The trees rustle upon his footwork and the leaves underneath would crunch.

Thein however is not sure where to take himself. The only thing that keeps him intact was the river.

"Ha... Ha... I have been running for a while now and yet all I can see is the river with no end." He complained on top of his panting.

He is now asking himself if this will surely lead him to the end of the mountain?

He stopped and held his knees to give him support as he gasped for air. His head was bowed down. Even though the cold was surfacing him, the sweat traced to his head down to his chin and dropped down to the land. Making him feel ill with the heat and cold mixing together.

"I need to keep going. Presumably, the other side is near." He motivated himself. "Right?"

At this point, he wished he persuaded Ambroz a bit more.

"— He won't even budge a little, too persistent." He made a fuss.

Then he was reminded of how Ambroz said he was caged and can not be able to escape, as he ran.

Was it even true? Did he mean it literally or only mentally? That, he does not know. How would he know if he has not heard a word about Ambroz?

He heaved a sigh. And when he realized how much he sighed already, that made him sigh again. All the things that have happened, it's making him pessimistic and miserable inside.

Stuck inside his reverie, he bumped into a huge tree.

"Ah—" he yelled.

With such force, Theon fell over and surely this time, only his bottom got hurt. The leaves surrounding him lifted for a few seconds and then fell instantly.

He scratched his head and hissed. "This feeling is familiar." He uttered through the bit of breath he had.

As he lifted his head with his feet at rest. He groaned and open his eyes that were closed by the pain he felt by bumping through the tree.

Upon opening his eyes, Theon was brought to a surprise at the sight he was seeing. The river he was following a while back has come to a dead end. Only the small space canal, precisely a hole that was receiving the water was there. Aside from that, it was all the woods; huge trees, foggy surface and leafy ground. The sun was almost setting as he stared at the view.

He shook his head continuously. The man can not believe what was before his eyes.

"This can't be," He said with brows met and mouth left in awe. Slowly he stands up and held his head. "No... No... No..." He said while panicking.

He walked near it and peak at the canal. Dark, shallow, and opaque. It felt emotionless, it looked like it was there for so long already. He lifted his head only to be dismayed. He could not be more disappointed and regretful for the decision he has made. He is not managing at all.

"Why? What have I done for the world to be this unfair to me?" He murmured and almost break down.

His chest was filled with excruciating pain and panicking already. He knew he can still return and keep the process going of him planning to befriend a total stranger who has helped him be protected. But, he's standing before a dead end river that he managed to run before sunrise. No one knows, but this could be or could not be the way out.

"I can't fit through this canal. Hell knows where I'd end up." Theon said with worry plastered on his face.

Honestly speaking, only a mindless person would do such thing as enter a canal with a destination of nothing but a mere guess. Now he is completely out of ideas.

Theon glances at the woods. It was nothing but tall gloomy trees.

"I have no choice but to follow my instincts in this." He uttered before entering the deep woods.

"Arg—" Ambroz groaned when he felt his nape arched in pain.

He must have slept in an uncomfortable position. He opened his eyes and stared upwards. After staring at the rough and rocky top. He glance to his side and saw that Theon was not there.

He wasn't surprised nor was he sad. But, felt confused and sat while thinking where the man could be.

The sun has already risen from the depths of the sky and brought light inside his cave. It was not a fresh light, t'was rather a dull feels brought upon his morning.

"Where could he be?" He asked.

He stood up. Somehow, he is feeling a bit obnoxious in his insides. His head was a bit muzzy. Befogged by it, he tapped it twice. Shook his head continuously to lose the weight in his head. Ambroz's heart started palpitating fast, breath racing, and knees shaking. It was the sign that he wanted to avoid every year-round.

"F*ck, not now!" He cussed harshly.

He held his head with his left hand and placed his palm near a wall he can hold on to.

Ambroz was feeling it again. The overwhelming heat coming from his inner organs. It'll happen again. He felt his member groined. Slowly, he went to the deepest part of the cave where the light does not touch. He then slumped down and almost ripped his cloth but remembered that it is the only cloth he has.

"This witch, can you see that Theon's out of sight already?" He shouted and his voice echoed inside the cave. "That's right, you think I won't know he already left, isn't this what you've been wanting to do?"

He could not shout anymore. His voice has gotten rusty and itchy. His member was hard and aching. He hates it because he can't even satisfy himself with his hands if this prolongs. The thing he is most afraid of happening will happen once more.


Before he realized it. The texture of his cheeks changed as he roared loudly.

"Where am I? I am walking in circles." He groaned in frustration.

Theon has been accidentally roaming around the same circle inside the forest. Every tree he sees is all but tall and gloomy, nothing makes any difference.

"This tree..." He pointed to a familiar tree. "This looks familiar, or it isn't? Or maybe it is? No?"

He groaned and held his head with his hands. "Now, I look like a complete fool."

He kept walking around. Until the forest zoomed in and out of his vision. Whenever he walks, it seems as if a certain meter gets farther away. He felt dizzy and diverted his vision to every possible direction. He only stopped when he heard a faint noise of some sort of roar.

A flock of pitch blackbirds flew over him. He turned into that path where he thinks he had heard something. As soon as he did, he toppled with his own feet.

It was him and his clumsy self. "What was that?"

His vision was turning but he managed to stand up with the tension he felt after hearing such noise. It was not too loud but with the faint volume, he can determine whether it was a natural noise or not. Especially, when he is still under the quarters of the land.

It was not a noise from an explosion; outburst and forward. But more of a growl consists of a thick layer with its voice. Nothing like a mortal being.

He started walking again and even after feeling terrified by the noise. He wanted to know where it came from. However, he is lost and does not hold any map to tell whichever way to go.

"All I did was walk like an idiot. And my curiosity can't even help me." He said.

He did not know how he bumped back into the cave but he did. He was trying to search for the holder of such noise he heard but when right back to where he left off. It seems that what Ambroz told him was true after all, that the forest is real and it knows how to fool people around. Unaware of the reason as to why the forest has been keeping him inside nor does he know who is behind all of this commotion.

A lot of questions has been piling up in his head. But, he can only put the people as his top priority.

"I hope Ambroz is still here. Will, he even noticed I planned to leave him?" He mumbled.

"Even so, why am I changing my decisions every time I can? Everything's chaotic like at sixes and sevens. I kept stumbling places I went off already and end up back to where I left off like someone's controlling me, putting me under some sort of illusion. Ambroz words, nothing is making any sense yet." He said stacking all the pieces of information he has.

Theon did not notice that he was already at the entrance of the cave. From his viewpoint, there was no Ambroz. He walked in and halted as soon as he recognised where he had slept in.

"Where is he? Did he perhaps—"

A hard moan was heard that made him pause through his sentence.

"A m-moan?" He stuttered.

Theon narrowed his eyes. Entering the cave even more as he was sure he heard it further in.

"Ambroz? Are you in there?" He asked.

His eyes were not accustomed to the darkness just yet. But when it already is, he saw Ambroz's vermillion eyes shone through the cave. He narrowed his eyes even more and what he saw stunned him, slightly opened his mouth, and left him no words to utter. Ambroz was slumped down with his cloth wide open, face covered in sweat, gritting his canine teeth, as he groped his hard member and tried bestowing himself a satisfaction.

With the tension surfacing both of them. Ambroz ends it with a statement of demand. "What are you still doing here? Get out right now!"

Theon on the other hand got goosebumps. At the back of his head, he thought. 'How did things turn out like this?'

"Get out, you fool!" Ambroz yelled and groaned afterwards. Theon did not even move an inch. "Staying here is no good! Get out before I do things you wouldn't want someone to do to you."

Theon witnessed how Ambroz was suffering for a reason he does not know. He also saw how Ambroz turned from pale to reddish. His skin was somehow turning scaly, lamellate and quite squamous. But it would disappear after a while. He could not pay attentionto it as the act of the man was a much distraction already.

Unknowingly, with what came up to his mind but slowly he walk towards the man who was undergoing an unknown pain causing him to want to satisfy himself with lust.

He stared at Ambroz with his head slightly bowed. Ambroz was raising his head to level Theon's view. Theon then kneeled. At this point, they are only a few inches away. He can already feel the hot panting of Ambroz who was still groping his groin member.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ambroz asked.

Theon stared at him in the eyes and diverted it right back to his member. To be honest, he doesn't know what lured him into wanting to help Ambroz ease whatever pain he is undergoing. All he knows is that he can just leave the man all alone and in pain.

"I don't know..." He replied and gently placed his hands with Ambroz's.

"What are you— argh—" he made a fuss.

Ambroz frustratingly widened his eyes, furrowed his brows and flinched. It was for a quick moment, that he felt a sense of satisfaction as Theon's warm hands touched his. He was about to turn robust but somehow it was stopped by Theon.

Ambroz's sexual urges got the best of him and so he placed his head in Theon's neck and sniffed it. For a man to smell so good. He got addicted.

He positioned his hands on top of Theon's and guided him to reach his climax.

Theon shivered with what Ambroz had just done. He can feel the outrageous veins in Ambroz's thing. It was nothing like his.

"Don't stop. You brought this upon yourself, take responsibility and do it right, focus." Ambroz whispered in his ear.

He swallowed greedily. He's also yet but another man. Regardless, Ambroz was making him feel things inside his stomach.

'What is this feeling?'

He gently shook his head to waver his thoughts and focus on reality. Just as how Ambroz guided his hands. It went up and down continuously. As he touched it, he felt every part of Ambroz's thing; the veins, slithery covering, and feverish temperature. It was making him lose his senses and the sun was early up in the sky.

They did their thing for a few minutes. When finally, Ambroz held his waist and made him turn around. Now Theon is on all fours. Ambroz gently pressed his back to arched.

"Wait, what are you doing?" He asked when he noticed how rushed Ambroz's actions were.

"You're hard. It's only right for me to bring back the favour, is it not?" Ambroz replied.

"What? No... No, you don't have to do that— ah,"

Ambroz removed his undergarments and it made him jump in surprise.

"Then let me borrow your thighs, your hands aren't enough." He exclaimed.

"My thighs?" He asked and looked at his thighs.

And then he saw how Ambroz placed his member in between it. It made his eyes widen and also hardened his thing as Ambroz thrust and hit it. His face turned red and very flustered.

"Ah—" he moaned and covered his mouth by instinct.

Ambroz thrust in and out as if it longed for it. Theon on the other was restraining his voice to burst out. The friction created with all Ambroz's thrusting is making him feel bewildered and every time it hit his testosterone sack it is making him shiver in such a weird way.

Ambroz was hugging him from behind. With its eyes close and gritting his teeth. It thrust furiously.

"Wait, I... I'm about to burst, Ambroz, Ah—"

Both of them reached their limit and burst out what they have been piling, semen. Ambroz leaned back as he panted hard while Theon was drooped down flatly. He tried gasping for air.

'What did I just do? Is this my fault? Am I piled up?' Theon thought.

He wanted to stand up yet his body won't follow up with his mind. Can't even raise a vessel, blurry vision he accumulated and as though he has not slept, Theon slumbered upon his subconscious and darkness brought to eyes.
