Chapter 10: Skinship

[Warning: R18+ contents ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED]

He woke up with the loud noise outside the cave. Looks like it was already in the middle of the day. His body was numb and most especially his thighs seem to be throbbing.

"Ah, my eyes ... and ... my thighs?" He spouts in a hoarse voice.

Theon's eye was heavy to upright, subsequently, everything was indistinguishable.

Nevertheless, why does he feel so sluggish and dirty? Moreover, this is the first time he complained about his thigh throbbing.

His brows furrowed and confusingly said, "My thighs throbbing?"

As though his eyes focused in a few blinking, he lifted the cloth that was again, covered around his body with reasons he can not come across, with solely one hand. The moment he saw what was in there, Theon turned bright red and widened his eyes.

He sat promptly and without delay as he covered his naked body right back. Yes, naked body. Everything flashed back, this happens almost every time he awakens inside this cave. It's as if a life circle that makes him remember things only if jiffies passed. Utterly bothering.

All of the things he just did with Ambroz. It wasn't only because he was a man but it was his first at that!

"Seriously, what is wrong with me? Have I become a nut head?" He mumbled in a gasping tone.

He blushed again remembering what happened with him and Ambroz just a few hours ago. Asked himself why in a million years he gives in to a man of lust. A man who did nothing, merely anything that can forge to his escape.

"What was that? As if I was lured in together with his," He paused and tried thinking of a good word to describe Ambroz's early situation. "Heat?"

Speaking of Ambroz, he felt a weight above his hand.

"Tell me this is not who I think it is because this is the last person I would want to see the first thing I wake up." He tried convincing himself. He does now want to further embarrass himself.

However, the moment he gazes at the holder of such weight. The urge to distance away hit him, but he could not even move. All he did was panic and turn bright red. He is smoking with all the fervour plastered on his face.

"Ah! It is him." He yelled.

Theon knew that this man will appear in his eyes and yet he still hoped for it to not be him. He's already embarrassed enough to wake up naked with his thighs slightly covered in the clear white liquid that is a bit slimy— semen. Speaking of which man, it's Ambroz.

He pressed his lips upon staring at Ambroz. He thought this view would never emerge once more to his sight and yet he is heretofore. Theon was pissed at how Ambroz was calmy sleeping when he's panicking all over.

"You'll create holes on my face with all your staring," Ambroz exclaimed with eyes closed that caught him off guard.

He avoided looking at him and diverted his gaze elsewhere.

'He saw me staring!' Panicked, again.

Ambroz smirked and sat. With his long and slender fingers, he brushed his long silky smooth hair backwards.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze first thing in the morning."

"It's noon," Theon mumbled.

"Alright. First thing in the noon, then?" Ambroz teased. "So, why is a curious and all touchy-feely person like you, avoiding me?" He repeated his question.

Theon thought at the back of his head. 'I know he is aware of why I am acting like this and he chose to pester me.'

Ambroz was observant. Seeing how Theon went silent made him scoot closer to Theon. However, Theon acted immediately and created a gap between them. But of course, Ambroz was surprisingly persistent and tried to scoot even closer this time. Then again, Theon made a move.

Pissed already he exclaimed, "Would it inconvenience you if you stop pestering me?"

"It would most certainly not. But, why are you avoiding me?" He scoot over and Theon did not distance away. He leaned beside his ear and whispered, "Is it because of what your initial did?"

The man froze and his body hair failed to listen to him and began to rise.

"I see, so you are avoiding me with that matter at hand." Ambroz figured as he saw how Theon reacted to his words.

Ambroz stood up and arranged his hair. He grabbed Theon's clothes that he placed at someplace. Theon was just feeling Ambroz's movements behind him. He did not know what to feel nor does he know what words to utter.

"You're disgusted by it." Ambroz spout after a while.

Theon felt the stung in remorse of Ambroz words. He immediately responded.

"No! I was not, it's just—"

"Just what?" Ambroz asked.

"It was not because I was disgusted by it," He exclaimed. "It was because that was my first..." He whispered.

Ambroz heard it very clearly and yet he had the urge to instigate it furthermore.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you." He even pretended to slant his head and faced his ears towards Ambroz.

Theon was flustered by it. He thought, 'Did he really not hear me? I am too embarrassed to say it again.' He was indeed, embarrassed, it was not the usual words he says to someone. Saying it twice will surely make him to just want the land to swallow him whole.

"I'm waiting, Theon." Ambroz caught his attention.

"It was my first..." He whispered again. There's just in no way he would say it out loud.

"What? Speak right on, I can not hear you." Ambroz reasoned out.

"I said it was my first!" He shouted "There! I said it already. Should you be asking me a lot of times or you just don't have the ears to hear it? I said it not twice, thrice! And yet, you kept wanting me to repeat it. It's embarrassing..."

Theon stopped blabbering when he saw how distinctive Ambroz was staring at his eyes. He groaned in frustration and placed his palms on his face. Now, he just wants the whole land to swallow him literally.

This is not only flustering him but it is making him emit smokes above his head with all the chagrin his feeling inside.

"C... Can you stop staring at me? I am utterly embarrassed here." He stuttered with his eyes still diverted else well.

Theon heard Ambroz sigh, not in frustration more like in relief. His brows furrowed in confusion. 'Was he relieved that I was not disgusted by what we just did? What's to feel relieved about that? Seriously, this man is bewildering.'

Ambroz sat beside him, he felt it. His bottom was numbing, he did not stand up for a single yet.

"Why didn't you go on with your journey? Weren't you so itchy to get out of here and go look for your people?" Ambroz inquires of him.

This time, Theon comprehended Ambroz's seriousness. He swiftly looked at him on the right side and let out an air of dismayed.

"I am sorry." That was what came out of Theon's mouth.

Ambroz was taken aback by what he said. "What are you apologizing for?"

It took seconds before Theon could answer. "Earlier this dawn, I was about to leave you here all alone. But because the woods played another trick on me, I ended up here again. Even so, I should have woke you up and we should have escaped this forest."

"You shouldn't apologize for that reason. It's not your fault that I am lingering inside this forest." Ambroz leaned his back on the walls of the cave.

"Well, why wouldn't you come with me. Those conquerors are already planning to evade the whole forest. What's stopping you?" Theon picked his nose again with Ambroz's matters.

"Let's not talk about it. I told you already if you want to leave, go on your own." He exclaimed. "This forest and its enchantments will all just hustle you and your little mind. There's nothing you can do about it."

As if the buttons have turned, the mood between them has tensed up once again. He really does not know about what Ambroz is talking about.

'What enchantment? What does he mean by nothing to do about it?'

Ambroz has again left him in confusion.

The entire day, Theon was all anxious about his surroundings, although, he was already dressed up with the clothes he still used. While Ambroz spent it like any other day. However, things changed up a bit. Theon just does not know whether it was because of the happenings earlier this morning or something really did happen with Ambroz attitude. But, the man he thought that was reserved, foul-mouthed, and mind full of animosity. Somehow, was sticking to him like how tree roots grasped on the land.

Theon was looking for sticks to sharpen and make himself a weapon to use in case he might need it. Sharpened them by rubbing on some rocks. He sat and started doing it when Ambroz sat beside him and stick their bodies together.

'What's with this man?' He said at the back of his head.

He let him do his own commodity. He was just too busy sharpening the sticks he picked up a while ago.

"What are you doing?" Ambroz later on asked.

Theon's brows met as he weirdly looked at Ambroz. Still, on session with sharpening the sticks.

"I am sharpening these sticks. I've lost my sword with some of the hallucinations I had upon entering this forest. It was not even that evident, I just had to choose what I believed in. That sword was the only thing I had and I've lost it. Such acts, am I really a soldier." He opened his blabbermouth again.

But he noticed how Ambroz wasn't paying attention and kept leaning in his neck. Is he trying to sniff it?

"Ambroz?" He called out to him.

The man seems to not have heard him and continued leaning in.


"Hm? What is it?" Ambroz was caught off guard.

Now, what is truly going on with this man? Where did his cold side go off? And for another man to try leaning in his neck? Is he insane, well keeping earlier's happening aside of course?

"Are you sick?" He was tempted to ask.

Ambroz shook his head as he went inside the cave. Theon was not expecting that, what is truly happening with him. As the man Theon is, he went and traced the road where Ambroz set foot. He couldn't find Ambroz again as he further walked in.

'Is this a man of darkness? Why does he have a hobby of lingering inside a narrow place.'

He searched for Ambroz. But he was just sitting down there and panting. He walks towards him as he can now see the air in his breath. Ambroz was yet again looked like it was suffering some sort of illness.

This time, he placed the back of his palm on Ambroz's forehead. He gasped and gulped just right after he felt Ambroz. The man was ridiculously hot. Now, he most certainly knows that this man is sick. Not only because it looked feverish and body heat was way more than normal.

"Ambroz, are you alright?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

Ambroz kept panting with his eyes all hazy.

"Stay right here, I am going to grab you freshwater. We need to lower your temperature or it might just get worst." He told him.

He was about to stand up when Ambroz grabbed his risk.

"Stay." The man said to him, gripping his wrist even tighter to its grasp.

Theon was worried about how its temperature might just worsen if he stays and would not grab some water to put on Ambroz. However, this mas as persistent once again and would not wish to let him go.

"Alright, I will stay." He exclaimed and smiled softly at Ambroz. "But we need to cure you soon."

He gave in to temptation again. What does this man do to him?

"Don't go. Stay here with me."

"I will don't worry." He replied.

Theon was genuinely worried about this man. All his thoughts piled up and were crowded already with so many presumptions on Ambroz's behaviour.

Ambroz panted but manage to look at Theon straight in the eyes. He was mesmerised by it again, those vermillion eyes that he first laid his sight on. The eyes of a mysterious man.

But what he did make Theon froze. He escalated his hand to Theon's neck up to his face. Theon shuddered and he pressed his lips. There it is again, the feeling of an unknown tinge in his stomach. A feeling that was anonymous to his perspective, an unidentified sensation that is making him accept things that he never thought he would accept, and to thought, it was a man. A mesmerising, fetching, and well-built man.

They looked at each other as Ambroz brushed his thumb in Theon lashes making him close his eye.

They were silent but the mood circulating them is making Theon weak. He can feel his strength losing to Ambroz's touches.

Its other hand went to Theon's waist. Pulled him closer in his arms and hugged him. There, Theon felt the heat of Ambroz's body, he got worried again.

"Ambroz, we really need to cure you first hand." Theon implied.

"No... Stay here." Ambroz exclaimed.

"But it'll worsen if we just let it surface your body, you're very sick and you might fall into the depths of suffering if we keep this on—"

"Shush," Ambroz uttered and placed his finger on Theon's lips.

He softly runs his fingers into it. And what can Theon do? He did nothing as he was distracted by it. As they get into the mood, Theon saw how Ambroz crumbled when it felt a sting in its chest.

Theon groaned. "You... You need to accompany me and won't go away. I need you, Theon." Ambroz said.

"I'm here. I will not go. I will stay with you, it's alright." He comforted.

But in all honesty, Theon was still preoccupied with Ambroz touches and he thought. 'That was very close, I thought I was going to die.'

Just as they hugged each other, he felt something hard was poking his thigh. For a moment, he was put in a still.

'What is this? Something hard poking with my thigh.'

He gently gaze at it and to his surprise, it was Ambroz's hard member. Even though Ambroz was all covered with his cloth, it was not an obstacle for it to barge and bare out.

It was so surreal but Ambroz's was huge and nothing like his. And he can not believe he has touched it once already.

He glanced back and saw how Ambroz was already looking at him with heavy pants. Slowly, it lean on him and he was too stunned to speak and utter the words of pause. He could not even stop Ambroz, as the man lean in to give him a kiss. At that moment, even his mouth was just slightly open— he could not fret about it as it was his fault.

Ambroz pressed his lips against Theon.

'What? What are we doing?' He thought.

He wanted to push Ambroz away but no matter his strength he could not utter it. Ambroz pushed his tongue inside of Theon's mouth, playing and slurping his tongue and then went to licking his lips. Their saliva united as one. Ambroz's eyes were close and yet his was wide open trying to grasp reality.

He sure knows he's already bright red. He couldn't stop and as if his lips and body has their mind, it move and replied to Ambroz kisses.

'No, I need to stop him. This is not right and yet why is my body responding to it? Why couldn't I push him away properly? Why does my body feel like it was meant for him to touch? Have I come to be a man I despise? A man who vitiate rightfulness? Even so, this just feels too good that I am luring into his touches and kisses.'

He was obviously going insane; overthinking things through.

Ambroz kept kissing him deeply when it decided to escalate down to his neck and gave it a few pecks.

He almost flinched as Ambroz licked all over his neck.

"Ah..." He unconsciously moaned but immediately acted to it and covered his mouth.

Ambroz looked at him in surprise. "You are actually feeling it."

He caressed Theon's chest. Theon then, finds it hard to contain himself and not let out another weird noise.

"I am not feeling it... Hm..." He asserted his antithetical thoughts to Ambroz's conclusion.

But he thought that maybe he is actually feeling it and he only kept denying it because Ambroz was a man.

"Are you sure?" Ambroz asked in a teasing manner, rubbing his palms down from Theon's chest to his abdomen making Theon go all hazy.

"Why are you doing this to me," Theon asked as he gripped Ambroz's shoulders.

"I am only doing you a favour so you won't miss your sensation. I have asked you to stay away and yet you were there provoking me and even lending me a hand. What do you think I was supposed to do?" Ambroz asked of him.

"But, now you are definitely sick."

Ambroz neglected his words and kept caressing Theon's chest and waist.

Even after saying that he is not feeling Ambroz's touches. He would not deny that his body opposed to him. He felt his, too, became hard and earnest. It strung up and it was too late for him to cover as Ambroz already had seen it.

"You're hard." It whispered in his ear and snorted softly.

Ambroz looked like an expert when he slowly removed Theon's undergarments. He had no strength to push him away. 'What is wrong with me?'

It was too late to push him. His hands were already in Ambroz's grasp. He flinched as it rubbed his tip.

"Ah! Don't do that!" He pleaded.

Ambroz started rubbing it with his hand up and down. Slowly and gently at first but as the seconds passed by he started grasping it a little tighter and stimulating his pace even faster.

"Ah... W... Wait. Ambroz, I'm going to burst!" He exclaimed and his semen splurged it never did.

The semen was all over Ambroz's hand. Theon was gasping for air after his release. He looked at Theon and saw how it was red as his eyes were filled with ardour. Ambroz could not resist and was provoked by Theon's face right at this moment.

"You're making a face I have not seen before," Ambroz whispered. "It's making me want to do things to you."

Theon shuddered upon hearing his words. "W... What do you mean to do things with me?" He stuttered with his eyes wide open.

"As you know, men do it and one of them must take place as the receiver." He whispered right-back while mixing Theon's semen with his hand.


"I will be inserting mine. As men do it from behind."

It took Theon a few seconds to understand what Ambroz just said and when he did. He felt Ambroz running fingers from his testosterone to his butt entrance. He flinched and this time he was brought back to his sanity and pushed Ambroz with all his might.

"No stop! I am not ready for it." He wailed with his voice trembling.

A corollary to his actions, Ambroz's head slammed into the walls of the cave.

Unintentionally, he fainted and Theon witnessed it all.

"Oh no! I pushed him too strong." He worriedly said.

He stood up and fixed his undergarments, he was sweaty and wet however, he was more troubled at what he did to Ambroz.

Before going out he adjusts Ambroz's posture and gently lies him down.

"I sincerely apologize, Sir. Oh, I meant Ambroz. Luckily, you are asleep." He said.

He went out but halted beside a tree and hold onto it for support. His heart couldn't stop beating. It was all because of Ambroz's last touches. That memory kept repeating and repeating as he went to the river. He went inside the water and washed his hands and face. However, he could not forget the predictive blissful memory. He punched the water. He truly felt beleaguered. Embarrassed. Everything, you name it.

"Why did I give in with that sensation. Ambroz this is making me confused." He uttered while covering his face.

Nevertheless, he still grabbed something to place the water so that he could bring it to Ambroz and wiped all his excess body temperature away. After all, he slammed the man and led him in deep sleep.

"I will be screwed once he wakes up," He exclaimed. "However, I'll tell him it's his fault."

As he walked back. He stared into the sky and the faint cerulean taint of it. Rubbed his chest. And asked himself, "What is this feeling? Mother Zynthia, what is this?"
