Chapter 13: A Day To Spend 

"Theon, didn't you say that my bow and arrow was rusty? Although, you also claim it to be as quite the murderer. Why let me teach you with this weapon?"

Theon was taken aback by what Ambroz had asked him. In all honesty, he doesn't even know what to say.

"Why do you have a lot of questions to ask? I just wanted to master it so that I can persuade you when the right moment comes. That's all." He responded however he was looking at other places.

"Is that really all of it?" Ambroz looked at him strangely and eyes full of suspicion.

"Yes." He assured.

"Persuade me with what? You mention that you'd stay until I am in some sort of life or death situation. Does this mean you want to fight along my side?" Ambroz asked him with his brow slightly raised.

Theon's mood brighten up and he turned to face Ambroz. "That's right!" He uttered, full of enthusiasm.

Ambroz just shook his head at Theon's grinning face. "I agreed to teach you a few of my knowledge, but I don't intend to change my mind. There's no repeating of what I told you already."

Theon stopped grinning and went back to his straight face. Ambroz's words a while back emerge through his head.

The word "caged". What was Ambroz trying to say to him? If he would ask it one more time, will he get mad and ask him to keep on dawning on his thoughts until he leaves his sight? Most certainly not his plans at all.

"So are you going to stand there all day or we'll begin our training?" Ambroz called out to him as he stroked his hair back.

Theon witnessed that and thought, 'How manly.' But of course, he retorted his thoughts and shook his head.

"What now?" Ambroz was impatient.

"Oh, uh, coming." He exclaimed and went towards Ambroz.

How scary, Theon thought. He's beginning to see the changes already of what he prefers. Yet, he doesn't understand himself as well. It's not because he did odd things with Ambroz. It's because it was Ambroz that he never thought of the consequences that might come right after his decision. For him, no matter what was Ambroz sex, it does not really matter.

But why does he think this way? That's what he wants to know.

The faint feeling of being lured in with the sensation, the things he feels inside his stomach, and being flustered with small things that he can't believe he is feeling flustered about. Rather than feeling strange, at this point, mother Zynthia would certainly tell him the words that he truly wants to hear.

"With love, everything is alright, there is no limit nor boundaries."

"Hey, what are you muttering about? Was the enthusiasm all talk, now? Because, If you retreat your words now I'll gladly receive it." Ambroz blurted out.

"Oh, pardon me. But no, let's begin. I just had my mind somewhere." He said.

Ambroz signalled him that stand beside him. He went and followed it all.

"Since you already know of the basics, then let's start with your aiming, shall we?" Ambroz uttered.

Theon nodded and did his stance. His left hand was holding on to the wooden bow and his right hand was pulling the string in. He blink close his other eye and opened his dominant eye. Ambroz made him aim at the 'not-so-far-away' tree whose stem is quite on the smaller side. It was not a huge tree.

He was about to let go of the string and aim for it when Ambroz stopped him.

"Your stance is not to my liking. You can do better than this." Ambroz criticised.

"How?" He asked still with the same stance.

"Well, you see..." Ambroz was behind him. He guided Theon's hands and with that distance, he can hear the heartbeat of the cold man he once knew of.

It was making him anxious and wary of Ambroz's breath.

Ambroz was still guiding his hands from behind and it looked like he was hugging Theon.

"Do you get it now?" Ambroz said behind his ear.

"Y... Yes."

Well, actually he could not hear what was Ambroz trying to explain to him when he was too distracted with their position. Luckily, he manages to breathe out when Ambroz distance a few inches away from him.

"Focus," Ambroz said.


"Now, aim." As soon as Ambroz said that, he let go of the string.

The bow didn't hit the target that adequately. Theon made a face that says, "oops."

He turned to Ambroz and the man just wanted to burst into laughter with his aim, although it pretended not to at all cost.

"What was that? Definitely, not a warrior's arm. How come you are a man of your village when you couldn't even aim for that target? Even a woman can do that." Ambroz scolded him.

"Well, we just have to train more, don't we?" He responded with a gentle smile.

At that moment, Theon rejoiced at what he replied. That was the wisest response he said since meeting Ambroz. Not flawed or contains fraud at all. With that, they could get closer to each other and who knows? They would probably leave the forest as soon as possible. If Ambroz won't make a fuss.

Ambroz looked at him and his face says it all. Looks like his words didn't go as planned.

After that, Ambroz and Theon kept going on with their training. With the same tree and target, until Theon could do it. With that time spent, they laughed and even made fun of each other's aim. For once, he felt the happiness. It's like there's no danger coming for his way. It was calming and he felt alright.

Ambroz asked him to rest for a while when he decided to go back and grab something at the cave.

Currently, he was at the river, soaking his feet with the fresh water and letting the currents sway it calmly. Somehow, when he is alone, the inimical thoughts kept coming. Until this exact day arrived. He thought he would have never spent a day without serenity and consensus in his alliance and yet how rare it is for him to not avoid a breakdown.

"Did I make the right decision?" He mumbled to himself as he stared at the sky.

Nothing but solemn silence responded to him. Apart from the subtle river streams and the tree branches' rustling.

"I wonder if Ambroz would eventually give in. He agreed to train me but said that he won't change his mind, left alone here." He recalled. "Does that mean he cares for me?"

He slapped his face with both of his hands. It seems that man is blushing from his own thoughts and inventions.

He groaned. "What am I saying? Of course, he does not care about me. We don't know each other." He answered back to himself.

He sighed so hard that he almost slap himself once more. "I'm overthinking this. Zynthia might not like my behaviour at this moment."

Theon has a hobby of assuming what Zynthia might or might want with his behaviour since he grew up under her care, she would always put the woman's opinion in front of her hold. Because, in his entire life, he made good decisions when it was advised by Zynthia.

He placed his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his palm. "If you were here, I think things would go smoothly for me. But you are not..."

Again, he almost had a tear race down his chin but he ought to stop it. Dwelling on it might not be such a good idea. It won't be advised by Zynthia.

Theon was engulfed by silence. No thought just blank space in his head.

"But what if he did care?" He has brightened up again. "Ah, I don't know anymore—"

"What are you whispering about when I'm gone?" Ambroz instantly appeared out of nowhere and whispered behind him.

He was startled. "Ah! Ambroz!"

And because he was startled and was shocked by what Ambroz did. Unexpectedly, he fell in the water and was wet all over.

Ambroz helped him get out of the water by lending him a hand. "Why do you startle that easily."

Instead of reaching out for Ambroz's hand. He accelerated all on his own, exasperated. With his brows furrowed, he precipitously walked his way out of the water. He arrived quite far from where Ambroz was standing.

After he tapped his wet cloth, huddled, and twirled the water out. He glances at Ambroz.

"Don't you ever talk to me not until I would initially talk to you?" He said in a voice of irritation.

Ambroz shrugged off at him. "What are you getting worked up for?"

Theon was about to ignore him until he saw how it attempted to walk towards his position.

"Don't come any closer!" He yelled.

Ambroz stopped quite instantly. He presumed that it won't be following him anymore. Although, truthfully, it was just an excuse to hide his embarrassment again. He can not believe that Ambroz was just right at his back, and he does not know that he might have heard what he said. That would be such slander to his side.

He feels like he just betrayed himself. What a humiliating situation he's in.

He was already walking far away from Ambroz. He looked at the tree they used as a target earlier and he had the intuition to punch it to get all of his embarrassment out.

It might not be to his intention, but he pulled out enough strength to cut the tree in half. He punched and slammed his fist on it and without realising it the tree was already falling in his direction.

"Aye!" He heard Ambroz shout from afar, ut was pointing at his back.

When he gazed at it, the tree was already close enough to embark on his body. He was brought to a still and all he did was close his eyes. But, he felt someone pull him out of where he stands and they rolled away from it.

The tree landed on the ground and as it landed the dust was all over them.

'Am I dead?' That was the first thing Theon thought.

He opened his eyes and he saw Ambroz making a painful face. Still handsome and furious but looks like his ego was stepped.

This totally feels nostalgic for Theon. He immediately grasped his situation. He was on top of Ambroz. Because he was all soggy that resulted earlier with his fall, his wetness was also transferred to Ambroz. With their situation, he can feel all of Ambroz, its heat, chest, abdomen, and even the skin that he is not ready to feel yet.

Yes, that skin under there.

Ambroz opened his eyes. And as if the seconds paused. They stared at each other. He knows he has seen it already, but he felt perplexed by it again, indeed, those vermillion eyes.

Anybody who have just taken their time to only stare at this man's eyes. Eyes that can tell a story to your entirety, decipher the truth in your soul, or even in the night his eyes lit the way, he was a seer, of that he was sure.

When Theon felt as if he was staring a bit too long.

He thought 'Will he be mad? I did something so reckless again.'

He was about to stand up, "I deeply apologise."

But Ambroz embraced him and locked him in his arms. He couldn't move and his hands were placed on Ambroz's shoulders.

"Where do you think you are heading?" Ambroz asked him full of gaiety.

"Let me stand up," Theon murmured with his face all red up.

"You can't, I have things to question to you," Ambroz said.

"You can reserve all your queries and ask me that after I stand up." He responded.

Ambroz narrowed his eyes and he tried avoiding it by looking away. "And what, you will just ignore me again and ask me to distance away from you."

"Well, for one thing, you dislike it when I try touching you." Theon almost rolled his eyes in annoyance. He can not believe the man that hated his kind touch is now hungry for it.

What a cunning pious man. His hypocrisy and duplicity are making his head hurt and ache with all Ambroz's misleading words. He has never met such a man like this.

"That was all in the past now, shouldn't you be forgetting about these things?"

See? That's what he was about. Clearly, this man does not hear himself.

"It was not long ago!" He opposed to Ambroz and this time he looked at him.

Ambroz furrowed his brows and cleared his throat.

"It was, even I have already forgotten about my actions back then, you should entirely forget about it already. Shouldn't you be?" He asked of Theon.

"Alright, shall we stop imposing on this topic? Ask me what you ought to ask." Theon has had enough.

Ambroz sneered and stared at him. "Was it that problematic for you to be knocking the poor tree down?"

As if his mouth was stolen, he pressed ur close and was mend to silence. If he had heard of what he was saying, he would want the land to swallow his existence and erase his whole.

Ambroz was confused. "Hm?"

"Sort of... You were the one who soak me up! It was all your doing." He said with peevishness.

"Now, now, I apologize." Ambroz chuckled.

"Alright, I answered your question. Let go of me already." He demanded to Ambroz.

"No can do." He contradicted Theon's wish and embraced him tighter.

"What why?" He asked in frustration as he attempted to escape in Ambroz's arms however, his grip was too strong even his strength could not compare.

'Ah, this man's resilience is unbelievable.'— he thought inside his subconscious mind.

"Let us stay like this for a while." "I want to feel your heat." He whispered in a gentle voice and guided Ambroz's head to rest in his chest.

He was moved by that. It felt calming and tranquillity was brought inside his limbs.

'That is oddly impeccable, I must say, but what can go wrong.'

Oh, but something did go wrong. The more their bodies stick to each other, the more intimate it gets. He could feel that Ambroz had much more heat in his skin and inside him, nothing like his warmth, the palpitations of his heartbeat is making him beat with it. With this kind touch, he feels that it unites them, their soul and feelings.

However, that is far from his concern. He was worried about Ambroz's member that kept on hitting his legs. It was huge even though it's rested.

'Right, terribly wrong.'— he thought and raise his head.

But before he could have uttered a word, Ambroz was the one who initiated it.

"You stink, Theon." He whispered in his ear.

He blushed and looked at Ambroz apoplectic with irritation.

"So do you, so let me go already." He exclaimed and fled from Ambroz's hold.

He was the one to stand up first, he tapped away all the dust that clasp in his cloth. Wet and covered with dust, what a great situation to be in. To top it all up, he was still embarrassed at what they have just done.

'This cold man, don't you know the things that you make me feel?' He thought as he looked at Ambroz who was just rising from his fall.

Ambroz arched his back and its backbone crackled. He sighed in relief after that and then that's when he gaze at Theon. He saw how uncomfortable and anxious Theon was.

"Come, Theon. I shall bring you to someplace where you can get off that stinky smell." He said to Theon.

Theon felt insulted but he knows that's not Ambroz's intention so he asked, "And where is that?" Raising a brow.

"Not that far. We shall head to it or the sun will set and the night's obscurity would engulf the surface, you won't want to be malodorous don't you?"

Theon shrugged and look elsewhere. "I don't. We shall set foot there, that might feel nice..." He whispered.

After that, Ambroz began to walk and almost left Theon alone. He followed Ambroz and did not utter any word, his throat is already hurting by not talking. Yet, he is still disturbed about the fact that Ambroz might really hear him.

He sighed.

"We're have arrived." Ambroz caught his attention.

He looked at what's in front of him as Ambroz opened the vines out for him because it was enclosing the said place.

He was left in awe.

Smooth, oval rocks lined the bank of the secretive lake. Discarded and neglected; overlaid with spongy moss and choked by fallen, decaying leaves from the unclothed and withering trees above. As the lake swelled around the ashen boulders, icy, black water lifelessly lapped against the long, thin beams of wood holding up a rickety pier.

He wandered his eyes all over the place, observing and tantalising little details of it.

The structure was covered in splinters and ragged, iron nails, and as it reached out into the centre of the sombre lake, it became more and more distant. Half-cut beams lined the sides of the pier, as nettle patches hissed from the shore when the water drew too near. Small, stagnant puddles, on the uneven planks of timber wood, reflected the dark, brooding sky above - rarely disturbed by the callous slices of moonlight seeping through the clouds, creating a specular reflection through a ripple in the languid water.

Surrounding the lake, lay a rigid, pine forest, which stretched far past the mountainous boundaries — rising high, around the solitary lake. A bare death-like mist pervaded through the trees enveloping them in a gelid, cutting fog. A silent, lonely willow shivered as the still, biting air engulfed its aged branches in an icy cage and suffocated its stiffened lungs, causing each freezing breath to drag.

For a mere lake, he was mesmerised.

"This place, I have never seen such astonishing water port." He described what he saw.

"It's a lake," Ambroz said to lack​a​dai​si​cal​ly.

"I know but I have never seen such a lake as this. This looks... enchanted." He roamed his eyes around the surrounding once more.

He can not help but get flabbergasted and stunned his mouth open. Such scenery he has never seen.

While he kept admiring the view, Ambroz was engaged in removing his cloth. Theon was not yet looking at him, he was too occupied.

But as soon as Ambroz stepped inside the shallow depth of it, he looked at Theon.

"Get yourself in here already. It's almost getting dark." He requested Theon.

Theon was being called to his attention and so he gaze at his back to look at Ambroz but he immediately avoided it as he saw how naked Ambroz was.

"You want me to hop in there, with you?" He asked while covering his eyes.

"Where else?" Ambroz asked him with his hand wide open. "Or would you rather prefer resting yourself away and might get bitten by some lake creature."

"Lake creature? There's such thing in this beautiful lake?" He asked in disbelief

"Yes!" Ambroz exclaimed, raising a brow or two.

"A... Alright." He uttered.

Even though he was supposed to refuse it, there he goes again.

'Don't stress it, Theon. You're just taking a water bath, nothing else. You both have the same thing going on under there. Nothing could go wrong.'— he closed his eyes as he started to shed clothing.

