Chapter 14: At The Lake

"Before I hop in with you, you have to promise me one thing," Theon said.

Ambroz raised his brow, indicating confusion with Theon's demands. Does he think what could this man want him to promise one thing?

"What is it? Are you sure it's nothing oddly mortifying?"

"Absolutely, not mortifying. You should promise me not to lay a single finger on my skin." Theon uttered.

He heard Ambroz hardly sighed that made him confused. Nevertheless, he defied it and walked towards the lake. He was about to settle his foot inside the lake when Ambroz spoke.

"Should I turn now?"

"What? No, after I rested my body, then you should turn this way." He quickly responded when he saw that Ambroz was about to move its body direction.

Theon resumed in settling his body in when Ambroz poked fun at him as it took a promptly turn to face Theon's naked body. Theon was quick to reflect and so he immediately sat down and it throbbed his arse. Ambroz was dismayed.

"What was that, Ambroz? I told you to not turn and yet you disregarded it?" He exclaimed in an elevated tone. Theon was annoyed, he thinks that Ambroz is taking him lowly.

"Well, my bad. My foot slipped and it made me gaze in this direction." Ambroz shrugged and settled his body down as well, levelling their stares at each other.

Theon rubbed his bottom with his palm, he can feel it slowly getting rubicund. He exhaled and believed at Ambroz words.

"Oh, is that so?"

Ambroz looked surprised, 'He's much naive than I thought he was.'

Although Theon saw how Ambroz shook his head, the man only narrowed his eyes.

They were inside the water for quite some time now. They were both silent while Theon was comfortably settled, the water was not freezing cold and enough amount of heat to freshen and scented his body.

He glanced at Ambroz. Crossed arms and closed eyes, it looked like it was tired somehow. He stared at him, with his long lashes, furiously looking brows, and the lips of a manliness. It was weird but Theon was not that anxious about it.

'I am not sure about this feeling, but I won't runway.' He thought.

As the silence goes on, Theon could not just keep on pressing his mouth closed.

He cleared his throat.

"Ambroz, what were you like when you were still a boy."

Ambroz opened his eyes and met his. He inclined more with the rock behind him and threw his head back.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He went back to looking at the water.

"Just like any other."

Theon made a line on his brows. "Any other? Can you explain it further?"

"Naive and innocent, all I think about was how I can be the cock of the walk for my people."

When Theon heard that, he was barely able to breathe. The man he thought who was led to astray was once a leader of men? Or is he?

"Your people? You lead people?" Theon asked with his eyes slightly poked wide open.

"Curiosity kills, Theon. I rather you won't ask any further than that."

"I understand my position. But, at least I need to know about these things."

Ambroz let out a harsh breath. Theon alarmingly jolted. He saw how Ambroz raised his head and gazed at his eyes. He was frightened but he hid it. He knew he was poking his nose into someone else's life however, there might be things that he needs to know.

"There are things better left unsaid." It exclaimed.

Theon did not dare to utter another word for he saw how Ambroz looked a bit chafed.

"And there are things that you also need to do for me." Ambroz went on.

That gave him a signal to talk once more.

"Things that I need to do for you? He brought a line to his brows. "What is?"

Under the water, he felt Ambroz's hand holding his wrist and pulled him in between his thighs. Theon who was innocent with what happened, while Ambroz pulled him in, Theon's foot was stuck with a water vine and it made his face plunge in the lake.

Ambroz laughed at him. He lifted his head only to be annoyed at the man cracking up. He gritted his teeth in irritation, this time, it was not embarrassment that seized him but annoyance. He is getting used to Ambroz's unjust behaviour.

"Bah! Confound you! And here I thought that we will finally be having a serious conversation." He yelled and went on his knees.

Seeing Ambroz laugh so contagiously with its eyes closed was making him lose his crumbling face and embarks on a gentle smile. However, he was still high in blood by what it did.

'He really does not listen to anyone, does he?'

"Alright, laugh all you want and I'll get going—"

He was about to get out of the lake when Ambroz grasp his hand. "Wait!"

"It seems that you're enjoying yourself," Theon said and diverted his gaze somewhere.

He can still hear Ambroz's deep chuckles. "Y... You were just too hilarious, you sink your face in the lake,"

"Alright, let me go." Theon hastily tried to pull out his hand but Ambroz just tighten his grip.

"I won't laugh anymore," Ambroz said to him.

"You won't?"

"Yes, with all grace." He exclaimed.

Theon gave him a hard stare, intimidating him to not make fun of his actions. "However, I am pissed at you for pulling me in without my permission, I told you to promise me and not lay even just a finger, right? What do you want?"

Ambroz gazed down and back to Theon. "Here, sit here with me."

"No." Theon gave him a quick answer.

"Can you see? I'm cold all over."

Theon then looked at him, as Ambroz pretended to shiver. "Then get out of the water."

"I am still madly stinky," Ambroz said as he looked at Theon with eyes that begs for touch.

Ambroz had turned moody. Theon can never understand what's circulating in this man's head. With all of his scheme that successfully coaxes him in with nothing to go on to. As if the water currents pushes the dried fallen leaves into the end zone, he was just like those leaves. Ambroz somehow controls him and it knows and feels nothing about it. He is always the one trying to adjust for things with this man that only gave him his name.

Although he can leave in a mere second, the forest won't even allow him and his conscience would also engrave into him if he leaves this man behind. But, if he never leaves then he would never know about his people whether they survived or they perished to death.

What would be left of him? He is pressured and everything is off course for him. How can he live?

His head was over the clouds, but he ended it all in a harsh groan.

"Fine! But don't you dare do weird things or I'll punch you to death." He warned him with his eyes narrowed and brows met.

"Is hug from behind also prohibited?" Ambroz questioned him by the time he sat in between his thighs.

For him to feel comfortable and safe, he bend his knees and embraced them. He dismissed his thoughts.

"Dash it all, do whatever you pleased. No tickles or else..."

Ambroz giggled a little. "I won't."

It was a moment of silence only the night's little creatures was heard. Theon's beating heart was slowly calming down, for a moment he thought it would jump out of his chest. Being with Ambroz surely changed him. Wars and blood flee inside his head. His subconscious is far from peace yet the heart is at calm state.

But, the question is, why isn't Ambroz hugging him? That, he does not know.

"Ambroz," Theon called out to him.


"Why are you not hugging me just like you said?" With the softest voice, Theon uttered.

He did not hear anything from Ambroz but after a few seconds, he felt its head leaning on his back. He felt the warm breath touch his skin, he almost quivered but had to put a stop to it for Ambroz won't be disturbed.

"You might run away if I do that." He spoke up, mumbling.

He was flustered red as Ambroz said his thoughts. Look at him, could not even retort or even respond back. Why is he feeling this way?

"It's not like you're some kind of beast for me to run away." He had to respond.

And as soon as he did, Ambroz removed his head on his back. It made him exhale in relief. He was waiting for Ambroz to utter and yet it had already stood up and went out of the lake.

'Is he cold already? Or did I say something wrongly infuriating?'

Whilst he was thinking to turn his way towards Ambroz he could not, panicked, as if he could see the man's manhood again. He wouldn't want to trouble himself.

When he did not hear of any sort of movement, he veer around and saw Ambroz was sitting there, looking at him. When Ambroz saw Theon, it stood up and tilted its head signalling him to get out of there already.

"Let's get going. If you don't want a true beast to seek at you."

Ambroz went out and crossed the vines that closes the area.

Theon on the other hand was waiting for him to fully lose his sight. When it did. He urged in moving out of the water and took his clothes. He soaked it in the lake to remove the dust and dirt and used it just as it is. It felt terrible but there was nothing he could do.

In a twinkling, he thought, Ambroz may be choleric, nevertheless, he could not see why it would just walk out of him after he uttered the word...


"Beast, huh."

Theon went out still feeling sodden all over. With his right hand, he opened the vines, expecting to see Ambroz waiting for him.


But only the air welcomed him. He faked his laugh.

"Ambroz, so you like playing hide and seek, I see."

There was no one. His heart began to palpitate at a ridiculous pace. He didn't know why he's so frightened of the fact he can not see Ambroz.

"Ambroz, this isn't funny anymore. You should stop jumping on to people, that's not a very good behaviour." He almost stuttered. "Ambroz, come on, come out now."

He roamed his eyes but the darkness was shadowing his sight. Nothing but trees were there, nostalgia was climbing his core as he felt the cold breeze brush the bristles of his hair. He was already freezing up as he has just gotten out of the water, also with his cloth soaked wet. And the air breeze has just yet to worsen it.

He shook his head and smiled in dismayed, bowed his head and rubbed his palms in his arms.

"What am I being so afraid of?" He asked to himself. "This is what was meant to happen, it was to be expected. I left him first as well, he did not complain. In the end, I only have myself."

He looked at the entrance of the lake. "If I go back in and enjoy the scenery, who knows what'll happen to. Especially, when I always ran with hard luck. Like coming to a cropper." He shifted his gaze back at the trees. "But if I also go on ahead. I'll probably die."

He sighed. He bend his knees as he indicated a squat. Shoving his face in his knees. With that gesture, he was also warming himself up.

But, also putting a stop to his mind trying to reminisce a torturous past. It was like he's back to where things has started to crumble in his eyes.

He hit his head not hard but not that gentle as well. "These thoughts, I have to stop it."

While he was calming himself, he remembered the necklace that was given to him by his mother Zynthia. He gripped it.

After a few moments, he stood up. Inhaled and exhaled.

"This is unlike me, all I have to do is to get back to the cave." He enthusiastically said. "That's right! Maybe Ambroz just got pissed off by something I said. I bet he's not that far."

He was about to commence his journey towards the cave when he remembered about the trees and the forest playing with him.

"I won't be fooled." He scoffed.

It was not all dark as the moon gave him a faint light. He wandered his eyes pm the ground hoping Ambroz left footprints as he walked out. And what do you know? He was right!

The mark was just about Ambroz's foot size, not enormous feet but definitely bigger than his. He gulped.

"Oh good gracious, hope I get lucky this time."

He proceeded to trace the footprints. He was proud of himself for thinking twice before starting things. Following the footprints was not hard at all, he would only stop when the clouds above the sky covers the moonlight. He would then continue to walk right after it is denuded.

After walking for some time, he halted. It was only for a moment but he saw how something covered the moon and gave such a powerful air to his direction. Even his hair waved.

"What was that? It couldn't have been a monkey, right?" He lifted his head and roamed it around the trees while narrowing his eyes to focus on staring.

There was none. "Of course, monkeys sleep at night, maybe I'm just dreaming." He nervously laughed.

He continued to trace the footprints. But what he saw added another shock to his body, shivers running down his spine.

"It's gone. The footprints, does it stop here?"

He raised his head only to see the unfamiliar trees. He looked back down and saw it clearly with his two eyes how it ended right in the middle of it.

"That's not possible. Did he climb up in a tree?"

However way he looks. There was nothing. Now he was anxious. The trees were making him lose his sane. He wondered when did he go wrong?

He went to a near tree and extended his hand onto it. It's making him dizzy and feverish. He panted heavily.

"W... Why am I feeling l... like this?" He said in between his breaths.

'Maybe, it is just the water getting into my head. I have always been a healthy man, is this because of hunger? Maybe it is. Ambroz, where are you?'

He slide down the trunk and now he is seated. He didn't know if he had said it out loud. But as he looked at the moon with his eyes hazy, a blur, and steamy, he had seen a silhouette figure of a man with such long hair coming towards him.

"A... Ambroz? You came back for me. I'm sorry." He whispered with his eyes closed, only waiting for his body to shut itself down.

And before he could dwell in the obscurity of the darkness, he heard a thick baritone voice muttering something.

And that something was, "I'm here, Theon. I'm sorry, you don't have to worry."

Until then, everything was pitch black and he has lost to his deep slumber.

Theon was disturbed every now and then, he was still so feverish as the freezing air caressed his face. He slightly opens his eyes only to see a blurry enormous moon. He wanted to lift his eyes fully but with all his might it just won't do the trick.

Apart from the huge moon, furthermore the object he was laying onto seems to be moving up and down continuously. It seems like it was breathing but the texture of it is quite rough and loutish. He could not explain his situation.

'Maybe, I'm still dreaming.'

Well, his head was indeed all but whirling.

He has slept once more and this time he was not disturbed by any sort of odd situations.

'Theon, oh dear, Theon, wake up now, it's time for your worms to roam on your foot, oh Theon—'

"No, worms!" Theon shouted as he got up.

Ambroz who was wiping his head was stunned. "Worms? You must be dreaming."

Theon looked at him with his eyes widened and gasping for air. He was panting hard.

Theon was out of words for a moment. He roamed his eyes with his head and was shocked to see that he was inside the cave and it was already morning as the sun brighten up the small space in front of the cave, enough to make things clearer to see in there. The last time he knew about his situation is that they were in a lake and Ambroz may or may not be annoyed by how long it took him to dress up or also the way he spout out words.

Somehow, seeing the cave made him feel relieved.

"Hah," He let out a sigh. "Did I pass out?" He asked innocently at Ambroz.

"You did," Ambroz told him and started soaking the cloth in the water and twirling it. "You should lie down, for now, your head still hurts."

After Ambroz said that, Theon realized how objects for his eyesight was still twirling and twisting. He rested his head back to the ground and let Ambroz wipe his forehead.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I know you're mad at me since I have said or did something last night. I ended up wandering on my own again."

Ambroz was just quietly wiping him.

"In the end, I could only rely upon you." He whispered.

After a while, Ambroz thought he was already asleep but his eyes were only rested. He can't sleep anymore. His head just hurts so bad that he can not stand up.

Ambroz was finished wiping him off. He heard no cluttering anymore, but Ambroz leaned closer to him.

"I am the one who's sorry, you can rely on me but I wouldn't say anything for you to only run away from me." He whispered and gave Theon a peck on his forehead.

Ambroz stood up and went out of the cave.

As for Theon, the moment Ambroz had left, his face was red all over and he was flustered to death. It's almost like his head was smoking with the tingling his feeling inside. He was about to explode with just a peck on his forehead.

"What just happened?" He asked himself.

The cold and unwavering man he met named Ambroz gave him a peck on his forehead and above it all, whispers of such things he knows nothing about was heard.

Now, he asks himself. "Does that man have feelings as I do?"
