Chapter 32: Suspicious He Was

The sea was like a rippling blanket of brochure-blue. Squabbling seagulls flew overhead, harassing the beachgoers in their endless hunger. Gannets were dive-bombing the stretched surface of the sea far out from shore. The horizon was edged with a silver tint and a cormorant was flying into that place where sun and water meet. His wings were a blur of motion and he soon faded from sight.

"What a wonderful view, never seen like it."

But that was not the only thing he saw. A ship was there and it caught Ambroz's eye. He never once witnessed the sea. It was only kept inside the depths of his dreams. He had his eyes widened as he stepped in the sand after removing his boot. He spread his hands and felt the wind breeze pass through him with a flicker smell of the sea. It was salty.

He was too distracted and almost forgotten about Lucy with him. He glanced at her and the woman was eyeing the ship. The ship that he had never once seen before.

"This, was this the ship you were telling me a while ago?" He asked pointing to the ship that was placed on the shore.

Lucy removed her boots and walked towards him. She breathed and nodded once. "It is." She muttered in an airy tone.

Slowly, it made sense to his awfully naive mind. He has never been here nor was he told that this place coexists with their land. So it seems that his father has numerous things untold to him. Even his mother told nothing about their past and where they originally came from.

He sighed. "Do you know that there was a seaside connected to our land?" They wandered themself off towards the ship while he implored Lucy.

"I have known about it years ago, Ambroz. I somehow realized it myself and I went here, seeking it all alone years ago. I was curious myself as to what lies in the sea." She tapped the ship that was right in front of them as she replied to Ambroz's question. She also invited him to the ship while she was at it. "Should we head in?"

"Sure," he agreed to her. Together, they set their foot on the wood plank and did not even hesitate to climb themself up inside the huge ship. It was huge, even more, enormous than their house. "Please proceed, what happened when you came here all by yourself?" He was fuming to know what she has kept over the past few years.

This will be a blast of information for him. Any information that might help him unlock a few things.

"There was nothing but this ship with the sea. When my parents found out what I was scheming behind their backs, they forbid me to come here." She continued, stroking her palm on the wooden handrail of the ship, a barrier to keep them from falling out.

"Forbid? Why? What do they have to hide?" He asked once more, his forehead creased as he did. There was no better feeling than to reveal all the unsaid stories of their past. He is dying to know.

"I'm not certain, Ambroz. The only details they answered to my queries is that the sea's far more dangerous." Lucy looked at the vast sea.

"Dangerous? I don't understand this, Lucy." He complained, caressing his hair to the back.

"Neither do I, Ambroz." She replied to him.

They entered the ship and the cabin inside it. Roaming themselves and stroking their hands past the wood. Eventually, they get out of it once they were done.

They stayed there staring and admiring what was in front of them. But Ambroz? His mind spread wide, wider like the galaxy. He was confused with what there is to the past, why his father and mother have not mentioned a thing or two, and what does it have to do as to why they kept it secret.

His father told him that he will be the next chief in force of the village. This means, if the shoe fits as you may say, he will soon lead his father's people. These things should not be unfamiliar to his account rather it should be mindful. If he won't discover anything after this, what shall he do?

The two have decided to head back, the afternoon was approaching them already. He knows he has to head back. Scolding might be given to him but that's not the case.

Following Lucy was not a regrettable choice. Because of it, he has now unlocked a new chapter to his knowledge.

"Chief's son, where have you been with that black sheep? You sure will have a good one at home!" Came from one of the lads in the trial. Arriving at the village and this is what they get.

The lad's mother hit his head lightly, warning him about the lack of delicacy in his words.

"Then, I'll be home now, Ambroz. I wish you good luck with your father." She said before heading inside their house.

Ambroz never held back. He wants to know the truth. The truth to who they are and where they came from. He has been living in a sanctuary of an unknown abode all his life. But to whom are they living for? Are they in peace? Or has he been living in a fallacy that they are in peace?

All of it. All of the truth. He wants to know it.

"Father, I want to go to the sea." Was the first thing that came up to his head.

To reveal a dime you must first dig on the top. He won't get an answer with haste.

His father was seated on a chair narrowing his eyes towards him as if he had said something terrible. Worries plastered on her mother's face. Seeing how they react to a simple request rang the bell inside his subconsciousness. Something does not sit right.

His father stood up and said, "You escape the trial on your very first day of the examination and yet you arrive home not only did you bring upon us solicitude but spout something terribly impossible." The chief, his father seems upset with this.

"Look, father. I apologise," he responded with his usual palms in front of them. "I saw the sea and a ship. Wandered around the forest and somehow it has brought me there. Impossible, father? I've seen it with my two bare eyes."

His father scoffed in fury. "Hah! Sea and a ship? What nonsense are you saying?" His father raised his voice to him.

It made his brows furrow. He already saw it with his own eyes why is his father lying to him? What are they hiding?

"Father, I already saw it with my own eyes. What are you hiding from me? You told me that I would soon lead this village. If such pieces of information left untold, how would I know what right things to do?" He blurted out in concussion to his insides.

His father head to the door and pointed out towards the village. "Very well, Ambroz. Since you have the voice to raise to me now. I'll spare your disrespect. But that trial is all the information that you have to know. Apart from me teaching the roundabout of our village, nothing else is important. Going to the sea? What will you do, Ambroz?" The anger was bare to his mouthful of words.

He bowed down his head as he thought of something to retort to. All he wants to know is the truth. What's so wrong to want and know the truth?

"Whatever the sea and that ship hide. Father, I just want to know who we are and where did we come from?" Now he has said it. He inserted his hands into his pocket and reached for a paper. "While I was lurking in that ship. I found this map. Our land, why is it not here?" With his hands, he spread the map open.

At this point, he can't even explain the look on his father's face. He sure finds this situation unpleasant, doesn't he? But, Ambroz? He is too persistent. His persistence has settled off because of his father. His mother always told him that he has an attitude of not giving up.

If his always unaware of what is lingering from the past and who they are. Then, when will he know? He can't just sit and wait until he's the chief of their village.

"Has Lucy embarked upon your head? What did that woman tell you?" His father replied as he headed over to him.

Lucy? Why is he putting this on Lucy right now? He's the one concerning this issue. Rather than putting someone else on the spot. His father shouldn't be wasting his efforts trying to hide it from him.

"Lucy? Lucy did not tell me anything, father. I went there all alone without someone else's help. Lucy has got nothing to do with this father." He responded still with brows met.

His mother went to him and placed her hands on his shoulder. "Son, you should not talk like that to your father." She said in a low soft voice.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "I just want to know if we are relics or if we are descendants of some land." The more he speaks the higher his tone rise.

His father cleared his throat and snatched the map from the table and from his hand. "We are neither of those, Ambroz. Now head to your room and reflect on what you sow. Tomorrow, I'll be giving you stern training. This is for escaping today's trial and for worrying me and your mother."

Logan left the scene. Maurelle saw how her son had a rough complexion. He walked out and head to his room. Maurelle was supposed to head together with Logan but chose to follow her son. She needs to comfort him at least.

Ambroz did not know what he did so wrong into wanting to know what secrets lie in the sea. The map, the trial, and his parents. Altogether undertaking his head. He heaved a sigh and laid himself on the bed. He stared at the ceiling blankly. But pictures came flashing to his head.

It was fire, full of flames, and crying commotions. The village was destroyed and he saw his parents suffer to succumb to their deepest slumber to death. He sat almost instantly as he held his chest. His heart was beating rapidly as that flashed through his head.

"What was that?" He muttered between his breathing.

It was just like a nightmare. . . somehow it felt like that. Just right after he argued with his father this is what he sees? Where in the universe did that come from? He has never even had a dream like that before and it's terrifying that he is awake when he saw that.

His heart's not stopping.

"Son, can you open the door for me?" His mother called out to him after knocking two times.

He flinched for a second before immediately standing up to open the door. He placed his on the iron holder of the door and pulled it. There revealed her mother. He guided her to enter his room.

"Have you calmed down now, my son?" She asked, sitting on the chair inside his room that was placed close to the window.

He inhaled and exhaled once before giving her mother a nod. He pretended that he did not just experience such a thing. It would be an awful way to end the night if they talked about it. Come to think of it, why is her mother still not sleeping?

"You should understand how your father is, son. He just wants this for your future." She spoke up and held his face with one hand. She stroked his skin and gave him a warm smile.

"I don't understand, mother. Why won't you tell me about the ship and that map? The sea, I just wanted to know about us." He then ended up asking his mother.

His mother looked at him, her eyes were not staring at him straight. She's avoiding him and he knows. Even his mother is hesitant. She cleared her throat.

"Just like your father said, my dear. We are not relics or descendants. It's better if you just listen to him, the sea is just far more dangerous. The waves and all of the strong winds. You just can't, son." She shook her head and her brows curved.

It seems that she is avoiding the topic. 'Mother, what are you hiding from me?'

"Alright, mother. I won't do this again, I promise." T'was the only thing he could say to reassure her mother. The edges of his lips curved upwards as he conveyed a smile to her mother.

Maurelle settled down with his words. She thought that even after all that, his son still listens to her.

"Very well, my dear. You should head to sleep you will be having training tomorrow. Don't you want to strengthen your mastery of it? Go on now," she stood up and helped herself get to the door.

"Good night, mother."

"Good night, son."

Indeed, his mother did think and believe him. But he could never rest until he finds the truth himself. He just needs to do it all alone or maybe. . . grab some help from Lucy? She knows a lot of the village's roundabout, he can catch up some more informations with her knowledge.

While he was thinking of a way to explore the truth. The excruciating flashback from a while ago gave torment in his head. Hagridden by horrendous images, he could not sleep until he calms himself. To dwell into it, he hopes it was not true.

"I should sleep all of this. What an unfortunate day." He sighed and closed his eyes to sleep.

"Don't you think you have gone too far with our son?" Maurelle asked her husband who was waiting for her outside Ambroz's room. He was listening to what his wife and son were talking about earlier.

"Is he asleep?" Logan asked.

Maurelle sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder. "Uh-huh, and it appears that he listened to what I have to say. You should have contained yourself, darling."

Logan heaved a sigh. He knew he made a mistake by delivering it in the wrong way. He should have let it out more distinct and proper. His agitation won over him best. "You're right, darling. He's growing up so fast, I doubt we could hide it from him longer. Especially, when he'll reign as chief soon."

It made Maurelle think things through. "Do you think we did the right thing, darling? Hiding it from him and also about me?" She asked of Logan.

Logan faced her and held her face with both of his hands. He stared at her eyes and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "We discussed about this. You should never blame yourself for this. We all decided this for our better future. Remember, it was all because of you that we are now at peace. Who cares for who you are, darling?"

Logan has repeated his words again. He's right once more. She's now regretting settling on a negative ground again.

"Will we tell him?" She asked.

Logan slowly nodded to her. "We will, when the right time comes." He responded reassuringly.

After that, they both went to their room. Their footsteps were heard by him, Ambroz. That's right, he could not sleep. He was just about to head and grab himself some water when he stopped and eavesdrop. He knows it's wrong, however, he can't help it.

"So, they are hiding something from. Mother, what about mother's origin? What is happening with us?"

That night ended up to be disquieting for him. The turbulence of his core never did halt. Every day he spend after that was torture for his mind. He kept thinking about it. He felt even more pressured. How will he overcome this?

How will he surpass all the secrecy?

What will become of him after years of waiting for his father to reveal the long-awaited insight of the past?

No matter what will happen. He will unlock it himself.

But what he did not know was the treachery of fate that will play against their prosperity achieved. What truly awaits for him? He does not know. Whether he would worry himself with the past or be more frightened with the future.

Surely, nothing will happen that's a twist to evolution. Right?
