Chapter 33: Newly Reign Chief

The village has now turned their houses strong and built good. Cemented and even have their roads. It was not as huge but they were satisfied.

"Now, let us all give a round of applause to our new reigned chief, Ambroz Morozov, the only and only son of his chief Logan." Zergee, who was already at the age, exclaimed as he raised his hand with a fist.

"This day, my son will be the one to answer your calls, lending you a helping hand, and assisting you throughout the years he'll serve. With help from me and he'll a good ol' chief of this village. Let us all praise thee and thou you shall bow." His father Logan seconded the motion of Zergee.

It was in broad daylight, the sun gleamed in the entire village with its orange lacquered rays. It lay beside their skin and caressed it with warmth. The people were gathered in the centre of the village, again, just like the old times. The elders who witnessed it all happen felt nostalgia inside them. It seems as if it happened only yesterday. Not only nostalgic but also melancholic, it all went through so fast.

"All hail to our new chief! We are looking forward to the changes you will bring!" An old woman shouted at the back, she was proud to announce it herself.

Everyone heard her and grew a grin on their faces. Together they yelled, "All hail!"

Even so, many things have changed and those changes are the only thing they could ever wish for. If there will be changes to expect out of him, it's for his own. Through the years and this little reign of theirs is the only thing they would ever do.

Ambroz saw how the people's eyes were filled with hope and contentment as they clapped their hands. Now, this village is in his hands. The day that he's been waiting for.

For the past few years, he trained himself and was dedicated to becoming an adequate warrior of their village. He believes that the only to succeed in this role is to have sheer strength. Someone who the people would trust and look up to.

He stands for his people. For the elders and the youngsters and there will be no results for an abomination inside. Even if he's a flawed human being, he has a strong sense of responsibility. He is committed to this fate ever since he was young.

Forge to this day and he is now ready.

"I won't let you down, my people!" Came out of his mouth.

The people never failed to create a huge cheering. They are not much but a people to lead them is better than none.

"Tonight we will be having a feast of our own. A celebration commemorated to our new chief. Make sure you have your beautiful dresses knit and your fancy shirts lads because we will be loud!" The second interaction of their announcement has risen from Zergee's maw.

The people looked at each other and started to whisper how excited they are for tonight. More than the fact that it was a celebration. Many of the young women are placing interest in his existence. He is one handsome fellow after all. Nothing could ever change that.

"Meryl, are you not pleased to hear this? It's your chance to show yourself to our new chief. Better strive your luck to him." A woman in the crowd whispered to the so-called Meryl.

This Meryl had her strands of hair hanging in front of her eyes, with her fingers she pulled it over to the back of her earlobe. "Well, would you help me decide on what to wear? I'll be having trouble with that, sister Lucy has a terrible taste in clothes, Thelia." She uttered with a faint agitation towards the person whom she just mentioned.

This woman Thelia sniffled her laughter as she hid her mouth with her palms. Her typical mannerism. "I'll be sure to satisfy you, even Ambroz would never take his eyes off of your beauty."

She laughed timidly. "I do hope so. Sister's been telling me that he has no such interest in women. But I refuse to believe it, she just wants Ambroz all to herself with all that trial and fighting. So unladylike!" She squealed in a reserved manner and her face turned stale.

Meryl and her elder sister Lucy has never once come to terms with whether it's in men or the things they like. Her sister has always been into learning how to be a warrior while she is far from that, the total opposite, she hates swords or bows. Anything related to the trial. She is far too delicate to even lift a finger with it.

"I agree but don't raise your voice, Meryl. Your beauty, it will destroy, happy thoughts as you may." She said and signalled Meryl to calm down.

Meryl followed and took in and out the air continuously. "Right, happy thoughts..." She said with a breezy voice.

The two kept chattering endlessly. Lucy who was only inches away heard every single thing they have said. She rolled her eyeballs and heaved a sigh. "These young girls do have a lot of energy. Even insulting her own sister. Oh, poor girls,"

"Father, there's no need for any of these fireworks. They are indeed gleaming in the night, but the trees might get affected by it that we may not notice, it will cause such a hazardous display." Ambroz exclaimed while holding the said fireworks. He was madly worried by it ever since they started creating it.

The fireworks he was pertaining was shaped like a cylinder garnering on the body part, edge having a rather sharp point and its tail has a small hoop attached where you lit with fire and it will be an advent of the lighting spectacle

They were walking in the hallway of their house. They tend to be busy themself. His father insisted to keep the fireworks as a need for tonight's celebration. However, he worries about what it will result to.

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about? This won't affect the trees, my son. Don't be ridiculous." His father sneered, entering the kitchen and seeing the woman working with her wife. "Darling, are the ingredients ready?"

He glanced at his mother and a few women engaged in boiling and simmering the goods of leafy greens. They were scattered everywhere across the kitchen. Holding knives, wooden spoons, and forks. It was loaded with chopping noises, every time the knife slams the wooden chopping board. The pans and huge cauldron were placed on the fire as it cooked the goods in it.

Ambroz was observing it all and he was with his father.

Maurelle who just placed the kettle on the table wiped off her sweat and sighed in relief. "Yes, darling. Everything is alright in here. The ingredients are ready and all we have to do is set the table for later on. Don't mind us, mind your son, there are various clothes in his room. Make him choose." She instructed the two.

Logan raised his thumbs up and grinned. "Sure will come one, son." He responded and head out.

Ambroz followed him with his hands on his back. If we are to speak truths here, he does not like the idea of a celebration. When he was still a child, he was surrounded by many people across the village, giving him flowers and various things, it was their way of giving their blessing to him every time he reaches the day of his birth. But, with this, it makes them sort of uneven.

He only wanted for them to treat him like the others. Not like some royalty or a noble. Even saying "reign" is far a bit too much. He's only a normal mortal being. He should be treated fair.

"Now, son. We know there are going to be a lot of women tonight. Fetching one will be haste to your hands. That is why you have to choose one of the clothes that will add to your charming display." His father gripped his shoulders as he muttered those words to him.

He heaved a sigh. "Father, you don't just fetch a woman. You have to wait for the right time to come." He blurted out his assertion.

His father scoffed in front of him. "Nonsense. And I am not telling you to just grab a woman and carry on. What I'm telling you is that you should settle with someone already, someone you can place a liking on."

"How do you just decide on that, father?" He asked, exclaiming the matter at hand.

Sometimes, his father is the worst advisor to subjects such as this. Even living a lifetime can never make him understand what his father is rooting for when it comes to love ad marriage.

He saw how his father head to his bed and seated himself on the sheets. "Come here, son." He called out to him.

He trace himself towards him and sat beside him. His father arm that was in his direction went towards his other shoulder.

"Look, when I was your age. I have settled with your mother already. When I first laid my eyes on her, I knew she was the one. After that, I made tough decisions in my life that I never thought I could execute. But, your mother was there beside me. Together we surpassed milestones." The look on his father's face changed and became warm.

Whenever his father talks about how he was with his mother. His complexion changes. His father has always been strict towards him, especially when he's shaping his future. However, his mother was the abode, his father source of peace, and the village form of hearthstone. An irreplaceable.

"To tell you frankly, father. Those are your days, as of now I don't have anyone I could look at like how you did with mother. It takes time, father. Loving someone is not an easy task, it's another sort of responsibility. I have a feeling that fate has someone reserved just for me. Let's not rush this, father." This man stared at his fingers as he played with them. "The village is more important, if I shall choose someone, then it would be someone who's strong, trusting, and independent, father."

The village will fall within the hands of unfaithful fellows. He needs someone to lead with him. Someone who will either accept him or fight alongside him when an absolute cruel rise. Ambroz has set his mind to reality. His movements have no malice. Its sole purpose is to improve and more.

His father stood up staring at him straight. He heard him sigh and whispered something he could not hear. After a while of silence, his father spout.

"Your persistence, sometimes I don't know where you reaped them from." His father uttered while massaging his forehead.

'I got it from you, father. Your persistence is too vulnerable now.' he thought.

"Very well then, son. I will grant you the chance of taking your precious time. I understand where this is going, however, the time is not long to take. Choose your clothing and head outside." His father exclaimed and went out of his room while closing the door.

He was left inside. Staring at the clothed placed on his bed. The man has never sighed so much in his entire life. Love tires him more than anything.

"Will I be alone? If this goes on, then dying alone will not be a problem anymore." He whispered and lie his head down.

Love and butterflies. He doesn't understand it. The only love he recalls is the kind of love he gives to his parents, the people in the village, and the elders. Never the romantic love. Being flustered or embarrassed, it was an anonymous feeling.

"What am I thinking? I shouldn't be wasting my time with this." He reminded himself.

The man took off and hurriedly dressed up. His father was waiting. Making him stand and dawdle around is not such a good idea, his father is losing patience the more he ages.

"Guess, the fortress towards the king's night is on. Flatter thee self and you shall deceive."

"Mama, papa! Chief's here! Chief's here!" A child uproar the nerves of his kin as his chief arrived at the scene.

The feast or shall we say celebration of his commemoration has begun. In the centre of the village was a long table placed. There was fire lighting up the entire surrounding. This feast was a night to spare an hour.

Ambroz has just reached that area. What he saw mesmerised his eyes more than it could ever be. There were lanterns on every door in each house, a table full of goods; bread, vegetables, soups, drinks, and even delicacies. The standard fire gives them lightly as the women dance. There were a lot of children running around the green grass, swarming around the table, playing with the chairs and with their piglets.

The mist night was as delicate as the breeze send them. The moon and the stars added up to the surface's mood. A ravaging aura gave them a tinge of shiver running down their spine.

Ambroz traced his way to his father and mother who was waiting for him at the table.

"My son is here, let us all grant him cheers." His father uttered and raise a bottle of drink. A drink fresh made from the violet grapes.

He sat next to him and also took a bottle. The other people also did as said. They gripped a bottle and raise it for him. "Cheers to our newly reigned chief!"


Atlas, they were now enjoying a feast of the food cooked for them. Maurelle, his mother, was happy to see all of them assembled as one at this very table. He can see it through her eyes, his mother has always been the sentimental one. In accordance with her behaviour, his father was the one to always stay by her side. 'What a bunch of lovebirds.'

He grabbed a spoonful bite of his food and sighed in delight. It was delicious! The taste touching his tongue was like an unrecognized seasoning. What a marvellous way to cook, straight to a man's stomach.

"How's the food?" Her mother muttered, asking him.

He was aching to answer. "Extraordinary delicious, mother."

She silently giggled. "Pleasure, my dear."

They went along together. They sang bounty songs from the historians and the people never fail to cease an end to their gathering. After having supper, the kids have played on the table, jumping and entertaining the grown-ups. It drew a wide smile on their faces.

After that, indeed a dance while holding their swords was made. Ambroz joined in and stump his feet on the ground. Their swords was existing side-by-side with their partners in front. Toes with boots tapped and made a sound spreading across the village.



"Merry! Oh, Merry!"

These shouts were heard within their dance. An expression explaining how glorious they are.

In the end, all of them went to rest. Some had an alone time together, the night was young and they were yet to sleep. Ambroz was found leaning on to a cottage, near the village's well, yes, they have created a well at the centre of their legacy. He was with his father, they chattering about something.

"So, son. Have you fallen for someone? You were truly happy dancing around there." His father smirked upon asking him that question.

His brows furrowed and were brought to a line. "Father, how much more do you wish for me to repeat my words? I said it will take me time to love someone." He exclaimed and his lips parted.

How could his father, an honourable former chief, would not comprehend a simple statement? As if turmoil was fair, he just had to contain himself.

His father raised a brow. "Oh, but, I did give you time. I gave you son 12 hours to find her and now you tell me this?" He uttered with a serious look.

'What?' Was the first thought that came up in his head.

"12 hours? Oh, father, don't be ridiculous. What I meant is it would probably years to take."

His father scoffed and shook his head. "Years? Now, you're being ridiculous here."

They kept arguing about senseless things when Maurelle, his mother, came as a form of luck. She halted that conversation like a champ.

Maurelle tapped his father's shoulder and embraced his arms right after. "Now, now, darling. I have something to show you come here." With a soothing voice came talking to them.

"Huh. What is it?" His father, Logan asked.

She completely took his father's attention without him even noticing it. He looked at his father and smiled.

Quietly, without even a single sound, this came out of his mouth. 'Thank you, mother.'

He heaved a sigh. Good thing, his mother was there. If not, he'll probably still be arguing with nonessential things. Just as he was about to enter the house, a woman who was still all dressed up with her elegant peach coloured dress, she had an odd fragrance with her and it made him scrunch his nose. He noticed who she was the moment he set his eyes on her. It was Lucy's little sister. Meryl.

"Uh, chief? Would you like to come and accompany me?" She asked with a high pitched voice.

He got confused. "Come? Where?"

"Erm, I'm a little s-scared to enter the woods. Mother has instructed me to pick some berries." She said and smiled timidly.

'Pick some berries at night? Surely, even Lucy wouldn't approve. Something's off, let me just keep on with her.' he thought. This was not making sense to him.

"Alright, then." He agreed to it. He saw how the woman jolted and her mood lifted up.

"Really? Thank you, chief." She squealed. Holding her basket with her.

Then they both went inside the woods. He knows where the berries are at and it's not that far. His hands were on his back while gripping a rock.

Suddenly, inside the forest, while they were picking berries already, the woman, Meryl asked. "Chief, what do you like about women?"

There, he knew what she was scheming. 'Clever, but not that clever.

"Hmm, perhaps someone who's independent and strong. Someone who'll be my alibi." He said humorously and gave a peek at her face.

He saw the woman got flustered and slowly widen her eyes. He silently chuckled but immediately halted it with a cough.

"A-alibi? Erm, did you know? My father and I went into the forest and searched for goods the other day. I must say, I sweat a lot that day. My father complimented me that I was such a strong woman." She replied with a stuttering manner.

"Huh, really?" He lifted the side of his lips.

She gazed at him with hazy eyes. "Yes!"

In the middle of them picking berries. He came up with a plan to reveal if she truly is a brave woman. The rock he was holding not long ago, with the use of it. He throw it on a bush and it made a rustling noise

She immediately dropped her basket and went to embrace Ambroz. As if she was terribly frightened. He felt her hands trembling while gripping his shoulders. "Ah! Wh-what was that?" She wailed.

He huffed out some air. 'And there's the answer I'm looking for.' he thought and slowly removed Meryl's hands away from him. "Alright, that's enough. You got your berries, let's head home." He said and the first to head back.

Meryl lifted the basket full of berries and came following him. The village attained few lights and the night was starting to dim. It was then when he decided to bid her a pleasant evening. But before he could have utter it, the woman said something that made him stop.

"Actually, chief. I like you." She muttered, her voice as if losing its volume. Nevertheless, he heard it loud and clear.

He smiled at her.

To be continued...
