Chapter 54: The Truth

The deaths, blood, and flames flooded the village that was now smoking within the darkness of the woods. Cacophonies with clamouring effects on the ground as the fire spread across the village.

The people's whines and cries echoed throughout the village, splashing red liquids on their mouths as their bodies slumped on the surface.

Everyone was dead, including Ambroz. His eyes widened as he saw the corpse of his beloved man. He was shaking, in fear that he lost the one who he wanted to protect the most.

Ambroz, covered with blood, was dead!

"Hah!" Theon blinked his eyes open, panting and chasing for air as he woke up from his nightmare.

Appeared to him was the brown ceiling above. Will walls on its edges. It was an unfamiliar sight to see when he woke up. It was unusual, perhaps, one would say. Every time he wakes up, he got used to the cave's walls and the face of the man he loves the most in this trapped world.

"You're awake. It's still dawn, you should head back to sleep." A woman's voice was heard beside him making him go back to this sanity.

He settled down and leaned on the back of his bed. It was a soft one with white sheets. It was comfortable and not rough, to begin with, but a wet fabric fell off of his forehead. Mikka took it away and soak it in the bucket of water.

"What happened?" He asked.

Mikka twisted that fabric before pressing it to his forehead multiple times. "You fainted in the middle of that commotion. You seemed very tired that is why on behalf of these people, I apologize."

Theon grabbed the warm fabric and pressed it to his own forehead so that Mikka could properly face him. "I remember now, it wasn't their fault. They were only worried about their own safety, that is valid." He reflected. "I am glad that all of you are safe or else I could have just left myself to die. That would be much better." He turned his gaze to the window.

Indeed, it was a breeze of dawn.

Mikka looked at him worriedly and heaved a sigh. "Don't say that, dying is never in the choice. No one should decide that but the fate itself. But, these people are kind and they wouldn't kill you even so." She explained.

"I did think of that. One of them tried to befriend me." He admitted and plastered a slight smile.

Mikka then chuckled. "I reckon it was Rubin, am I right?"

Theon widened his eyes and looked at her. "How did you know?"

Mikka then giggled as she scoot closer to him. Mikka tapped her shoulders, signalling Theon to lie down his head. Theon earnestly followed and the ache in his head lessened.

"He did the same thing to me when we all first met. Rubin calmed all of us down with his humorous jokes. That was the form of comfort he send to us. They are very kind, Theon." She started off, but her face turned from smiling to sadness. "You know, that night when we escaped. All of us were running without a stop, heading to whichever was safe. The youngsters were crying and whining as their feets started to give in. We tried our best to keep our voices to ourselves. We were scared, Theon. We almost died us our bodies almost gave upon us." Mikka's voice's trembled as she is blurted this out.

Theon lend his ear, he also just wanted to know how they have conquer to this place while he was lost in the woods that led him to meet Ambroz.

"But, they came. With their horses and their swords. They risked their lives as they crossed that borderline. When we thought that it was over for us. They saved us, Theon. Hearing the noises from our land was their signal. They knew there were people in the land as the history goes by and said." She sounded hopeful and her tone became calmer.

As she retold this happening, he remembered the first time he saw Luca. 'Like a man who was word-for-word 'a knight in shining armour, with his horse neighing as his sword swinging. That was the first time my heart thumped so fast like that. And that resonated inside me and I decided to call it Love after ten seconds.' She thought.

"We were brought to this land and as I woke up the next day, I realized that you were not with us and that itself brought tremor to all of us. We waited for hours until it became days. Not a soul of yours was seen. That's why I wanted to ask you, what happened?"

Theon removed his head from her shoulders and cleared his throat. "Nothing happened, I wasn't found. I was just lost in the woods. Struggling to find my way back until I did and now I'm here, everything is fine now. We're safe and the people too." He said continuously, resting his head back on the pillow.

Mikka was quiet for a while. Theon waited for her to ask him more questions, but he barely even answers them. He thought that if he said all that has happened inside that forest, she will only be confused with him. Especially the part where he falls in love with that being. Oh, he could just imagine what face they would put in front of him.

"You know before you fainted your eyes were very swollen and it looks like you had just cried your heart out. Even now, your eyes are still a bit swollen from back then." She blurted out. "I am just worried, Theon. You know you could always tell me anything."

Then, he shuddered. As the memories from that night reminisce inside his head. Remembering what Ambroz told him. Almost all of what happened to them at each night and from the night he escaped their village made him cry once again.

Mikka heard him and tried to comfort him from behind. She noticed his silent cries and she too second the motion.

After all, it was her mother and father with his true brother that was slaughtered and killed. They might accept their deaths to free their souls but they would never ever forget what such an evil and sinister thing that conquerors did to them.

They both end up sleeping at each other's side, like siblings they were. Theon tried to chase down the sleep that he lacks and when he woke up, the sun was the one to immediately welcome him.

"Hmmm," he groaned and stretched his body out. He furrowed his brows and sat down. "What time is it? Midday?" He asked himself. He laid down his feet on the ground and massaged his face. He bowed his head down. "I cried too much, what am I a child?"

He stayed like that for a couple of seconds until he felt a stare in front of him, he lifted his head and saw the youngsters standing at the door. Watching him. He smiled at them and opened his arms wide open. One by one they run towards him and embraces his body.

"Brother Theon, we thought you were dead already." One said and was sobbing in his chest. So, he caressed his head to calm him down.

"Theon was alright, no need to worry now. But I missed you, children. Have you all been well?" He plastered a smile and the children nodded altogether.

Mikka who was leaning outside smiled as she observed them. "Now, now, the food's ready. Let Theon get out of the bed or else it will bug him later." She called out to them while clapping two times.

The kids pulled Theon up and some pushed his back to head outside. Theon chuckled and so did Mikka. It took them a while for this bond to happen again. Turns out, all their people were waiting at a long table filled with goods.

Theon roamed his eyes around and all were familiar faces.

"The chief in this village humbly gave us this comfortable abode. We were not that much, to begin with, and so we slept together here while we work in the morning." Mikka explained and pulled a sit for Theon. "Now, have a seat and children you should head to yours too," Mikka asked of the youngsters.

The people and a few elders smiled at him. One said, "We are very happy to see you come back alive. Dear, how have you been?" An elder woman asked him.

Theon lifted the edge of his lips. He nudged a smile. "I am as happy as you are. It was hard to escape but I have done it and there is no need for you to worry." He convinced.

She just nodded and began eating. All of them started eating and enjoyed each other's company. While Theon was quiet all along. He could not find the words to say and what to open up with them. So, instead of troubling their heads, he remained silent.

When they finished eating, Mikka told him that they will be roaming around the village so he would get used to this new environment. He agreed to it.

And so, they began and stepped outside. Theon was truly mesmerised right now that it was morning and the structures were clear. It was like a whole other world out there. Nothing like their village. He came to realise how late their class were. The houses were huge and if remembered it right, there was a wall and a gate they went past inside.

"For now, let us head to a place where there they sell a lot of goods. There is hardly any mangoes in here and it is saddening but you know? A bunch of berries, they say, it was delicious and I have never tasted anything of the sort. You should try it!" Mikka was so excited and fired up.

He only nodded. The people they came across with welcomed them and some apologized to Theon and he only ever said, "It's alright, it was my fault too."

Mikka firstly introduced him to the marketplace, where he widened his eyes in amazement and they sparkled as he slowly run towards each stall. There were fruits he has never seen off and he asked them its name. But instead of selling to him, they gave him one to try.

Mikka smiled and followed him.

"Now lad, you should try this too." A red fruit was handed to him. "It fits well with this booze."

Mikka widened his eyes. "Uh, sir? Let's not give him booze shall we?"

"Eh, why should we not? His one huge fellow." The owner asked her.

Theon was earnestly eating the fruits that were handed to him she was clueless about what they were talking about.

"Hmm, I get the feeling he is not good with liquor. It would be troublesome. Besides, isn't it good to have a dig up on it when night?" She tried to sound convincing.

"Well, whatever you say, lady. It would be odd to see a handsome fellow wobbling in this town. Wait," the owner furrowed his brows at Theon.

Mikka was alarmed. "Y-yes?"

The man narrowed his eyes on Theon while Theon was getting uncomfortable with all the stares the man was giving him. 'Have I done anything wrong?' He asked at the back of his head.


Mikka and Theon flinched in surprise.

"You're that man from last night? Buzz my geezer, I apologise to you, kid. I was there and was one to burst my bubbles. We accused you badly. You know, it was midnight, things come and goes around here." He laughed. "Here, grab this box of more of what you are eating as an apology." He handed Theon a box and Theon accepted its pleasure.

"Thank you so much, sir." He exclaimed and bowed a little bit.

"Me pleasure, lad. What a respectful man, aren't you? Well, enjoy your roundabout and I best be readying those fruits over there— oh! There's the man almost at fault!" He halted from going back in and shouted at a man who was just arriving from somewhere.

Turns out it was Luca. He was not supposed to see them for a while as he still can not face the mistake he did. But, with the owner forcing him to come, he had to face Mikka and Theon.

"H-hello, there. I see that you have met Mr Volkswagen here?" He awkwardly asked, shaking his eyes as if avoiding Mikka's.

"We have, erm..." Theon looked between Mikka, who was glaring at Luca, and Luca who was gazing elsewhere. "Something wrong? If it's about last night, then let us all set that aside, shall we?" Theon took another munch of the fruits he was eating.

Luca heaved a sigh. "Still, I apologize for that. We almost whipped your back without further awareness of your identity."

Mikka shook her head and crossed her arms.

However, Theon is suspecting Mikka's behaviour. Something about this two is odd and Mikka is acting way repulsive in this situation.

"It wasn't your fault that I fainted. Exhaustion burdened my back as I was walking through that lake. Everything was a mere coincidence." Theon tried to calm the tension off of Mikka's head.

"Right!" The owner agreed. "Besides, you can't help but think he's an enemy. Enemies tend to be handsome, and this fellow's face is no joke, I tell ya'!" He pointed at Theon and looked at Mikka.

"So, do you mean those good people are ugly, is that it, Mr Volkswagen?" Luca raised a brow.

"Oh, shush, you lad. You see that I am trying to help you here!" He exclaimed.

Luca laughed but then ended it weirdly when Mikka was still looking at her badly. He faked a cough and scooted over to stroke her back. "See? He's fine." Pertaining to Theon.

"You really should do something with that memory of yours. It's not working like how it used to be." He complained and Luca just smiled while scratching his head.

Theon observed them and already had a hunch. He slowly sighed. So then, Luca helped Mikka introduce every part of this territory. The farms, the guard's structure where he is sure that he'd be in no time, craft shops, and more relevant houses they had visited.

Luca toured him all around and they even took a blissful bath inside the house that Theon also found very interesting. He asked about what nobles lead their kind but there was none actually. They only had guards on deck with silver armours and full of sharp weapons because they chose to only cooperate. With an elder chief to assist them. Theon has realized how this part of the world is entirely different from theirs. It feels safe here and there are many people which he can not even remember one so easily if he had not stayed here for years.

Theon was with Luca as they set a duel to who hits the target sharply. Luca was too competitive and so was Theon, but Theon's calm demeanour overlaps his body's posture in which complements the hit too well to even realize.

Mikka was watching with Rubin beside her, he had just recently joined them in.

"Is he really your brother? Don't be offended, alright? Although you two seemed related but not to the extent of siblings." Rubin said.

Mikka turned her gaze to him and chuckled. "I was never wrong to assume that you truly have keen eyes. Have you been staring at Theon that much to assume that?" She teased the man.

Rubin widened his eyes and almost choked on his saliva. "W-what? No, just as you said. Just an advantage of having keen eyes, I am after all good with distinguishing people." He defended himself.

Mikka burst to laugh. "I'm just kidding around. You're right, he is not my brother, he's a cousin. But, ever since we were just a child he was already living with us. I don't know many backstories but I just knew that his parent, which is my aunt and uncle, died as soon as he was born. The details? I don't know."

"Hah! I was right, looking at his eyes it was truly different. It was more sensual and curved. His ears were also a bit round and laid back, and his—" he was about to continue a sentence when Mikka's smirk halted him. "No! No! No! I wasn't looking at him like that, alright? U-uh, it was an instinct, a face like that tends to be observed, alright? Alright?" He immediately retreated.

"Alright, Rubin. Whatever you say."

He looked relieved. "Phew. Close." Muttered after.

They kept their distance as the two were still in the middle of a duel. Rubin commented on how high-strung Theon was, he was never out of energy but Mikka sees different. Rather than being lively, he was more quietly distracting himself from something.

It was night and Luca gathered the men into a bonfire. Just like theirs inside the village. It was massive but they retained their distance to not commit any injuries in the future.

They were all jamming around with booze and goods. Shared how their day went and this time Mikka had the chance to talk with Theon. Theon was sitting on the ground while the men handed him food to eat. He thanked them and took it.

Mikka scooted over to him. There were only a few women as the others had already fallen asleep.

"Theon, is there something going on in your head?" She asked.

Theon was caught off guard. But, Mikka didn't see it because he was a few inches behind her. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I know you Theon. We have been together for years. Earlier this morning you were not your natural self. If there is something weighing on your mind, you should freely talk it out to me. I don't want you hesitating." She exclaimed and leaned back her head, using both of her hands to support her body.

They were both silent for a while, only the men's waves of laughter were heard. Theon looked at Luca who was being teased a lot by Rubin and the others and back to Mikka's back.

"Are you and that man named Luca in love?" He naively asked without any filter in his mouth.

Mikka was stunned but she ended it with a smile. "Indeed, I might be in love is the right thing to place it. After all, he was my saviour and he was the light in that pitch darkness."

"I see," Theon said. Mikka was about to exaggerate when he continued. "But, how do you not hesitate with love. Isn't it complicated?"

Mikka giggled as she turned her gaze up to the sky. "It is. Funny how you are way older than I am and yet ask me these questions, however, it is true that love is complicated. But, the one thing I love about it is because it has no boundaries nor limits."

"No boundaries?"

"Yes! Love is in many forms, Theon. We have our own definition of love. You can call it love whenever you want and it only strengthens when you want to stay with that love forever. Love may be the oddest thing out there but no one can ever defeat it. It's the most powerful thing in this world. Love." Mikka felt nostalgic but never melancholic.

After that, Theon opened his heart. He was ready. Hearing that from Mikka, maybe, just maybe everything would be fine.

And so, in that night, when they went home Theon faced Mikka.

"I have something to tell you."

Mikka heard it and she lent his ears. As Theon told him everything about what happened to him inside the cave and the truth upon all these cruel and ruthless deaths.

"What?! Why haven't you told me this way before you just came here?

To be continued...
