Chapter 55: Will Set You Free

"Shush, you're going to wake up the children and the elders!" Theon placed a finger on Mikka's lips, as he whispered shout him those words.

Mikka made a face as she made a mistake there. "Pardon me, but why would you ever tell me this just now? Theon! This is one huge piece of news for us!" Mikka whispered as she embellished a statement.

"I know! I know! Everything that happened made me truly think about it for a while, to process what was going on. It was heavy on my shoulders so I... I had to keep it in for a while." He whispered and lowered his head.

Mikka sighed and shook her head. "Oh Theon, I am glad that you already opened up to me but you could have at least told me this sooner. How many hours have we risked?"

Theon thought that is true. He wasted a lot of time for his own sake. Even after crossing the borderline. Their life is still at stake because those conquerors won't choose a specific victim. But what could have he done when he is still confused and thinking it all through. Process it in his head while he was touring around with these humble people.

"Pardon me, I had to think it through. Face my dignity and the judgement I may hear. It's not easy for me to just tell you that I had done it with a man and above that, he was cursed and had history among the past and for many generations. All the more that there are many other fallacies living inside that land. The witches and the goddess, I myself is shocked too." He explained while his face was filled with worry.

Mikka sought through his uneasiness and gave him a tight hug. "I didn't know you went through such a thing and I will never judge such a thing, Theon. What do you feel about that man? It's your feelings and as I told you, it is fine." She tried to comfort him.

After a while, Mikka remembered about the past. "But, Theon. E-everything makes sense now."

"What is?"

"I was still innocent and naive back then but I always overheard mother and father talking about a creature and about their purpose. I never understood it and I had only seen an ornament on their hands." She blurted out and furrowed her brows trying to remember all the details of each night that has grown inside her memory.

"Ornament? Indeed, he told me about it but It never was put to use. It did nothing." Theon retorted l, thinking how he almost even destroyed it but failed, still.

Mikka was still thinking it too deeply. Her fingers were tapping the wood and her feet was stumping on the ground."And ah! You know what? I also overheard about them saying how you should be the one to realize about that creature's existence, so the love you might be feeling now is all fate's work." She concluded and then remembered one thing. "To think that they might also know the arrival of their deaths even sooner is sad to think, but I already had accepted it. And maybe that is what they wanted long before." Her face was drowning back in sadness but was the aftermath.

"I just don't understand what was the purpose of the necklace and why they have never spoken it out to my open ears. If they only did, it might have been different. Nevertheless, I see no reason for it to work. It does not work no matter how I put my hands into — oh no!" Theon panicked.

Mikka raised her head and looked at him with shock. "What?"

"My necklace! It's gone!" He shouted and it made Mikka forcibly cover his mouth and silence him down.

"Where did you place it?" Mikka asked him.

"I don't know. Now that I noticed it, I have never felt my necklace even way back at the lake. My neck felt light so I might have lost it inside that forest."

Now it was completely hopeless. Everything crumbled in front of Theon. He heaved a sigh.

"Or, he might have taken it! That is a huge possibility, ain't it?" Mikka tried to convince him but he never listen. "Theon, listen to me, alright? There must be a way for this to be solved. It is arduous to do so but we will think about it. We still haven't felt that tremor and it means nothing has happened yet. You should be optimistic like always!"

"Nothing is going to happen. Everything is gone."


"He told me he hated it! He hated everything, his life, this fate, and including me! What choice do I have when he tells me all of the things that would snap my hope away? Tell me, Mikka, tell me, what do I even have to fight for this?" He asked as his eyes turned red and his hands turned into a fist.

"And you believed him? You told m yourself he was a selfish man and that he admitted it, but I thought of it different. Both of you men are just making things complicated but Ambroz did that because he cares for you! Theon, it's far from hate. He wanted you to be safe and if he did hate you, he would never come along with you come across that borderline." Mikka told him.

Theon wanted to believe her. Believe her words. If it is the truth behind the man's actions, then why is he still pessimistic? Maybe because has nothing to help the curse go away? And how to end that witch?

"For now, you should take a whole lot of rest, Theon. We can not think correctly and factual when we lack sleep." Mikka stood up and was about to leave when the man spoke up.

"What will you do?" He asked as he gripped Mikka's wrist.

"Whatever it takes for the future." She exclaimed and left the room.

Theon was left alone and he started to stare at the moon beyond. The roundness of its edges, the stiffness, and the opaque hues of the sky. As the quivering breeze surpass the window. Theon thought about Mikka's words.

"She sounded like mother Zynthia." He muttered before lying down on the bed. "Well, she is her daughter after all. What silliness am I going on about?" He slept with a tinge of ache inside his chest.

What was it?


Morning came, Theon walked out of the room and was searching for Mikka. He went out of the house and saw her talking to someone. He rushed to her and tap her shoulders.

"Theon, you're awake, I am looking for Luca. He seems late again. Where is he, Evan?" Mikka asked the one she was talking to just a while ago.

Theon roamed his eyes and not for long, he saw the guards marching in front of them. He tried to rub his eyes and narrow them, trying to reassure him he was not just dreaming, but still, it was nothing like a dream.

The village was huge, and there are even more places in this land that he has not gone to, seeing this thunderous amount of guards with their silver armour, shocked him.

"What is this about, Mikka?" Theon then inquired of Mikka.

Mikka had a straight face as she waits for the soldiers to arrive at their standing. "Remember what I told you last night? This is my plan, Theon. There is no such thing as everything is gone, if we don't move then we might be the reason why the future is still bearing the evilest institution of slavery. An abominable threat to many people. Do you think that is what mother risked their lives for?" She turned her gaze towards him.

Theon pressed his lips and thought deeply. It was true if he lose his hope now. Then, what was all the sacrifice for? He was a fool to think that it will only end with a stain of blood on the surface. After all, it was not just Ambroz's sake, it was everybody's. To think he slide the matter away is insatiable to his behaviour. He should have fought more than he could afford.

"But, how can we stop the curse?" He asked but then Luca and the many more soldiers or guards of their town hs arrived.

"Here we are, Mikka. I have gathered all of them and this is us." Luca said to Mikka. "You told me last night to gather them here for a certain mission, but what is it actually."

Mikka looked at Theon before telling Luca about the many happenings inside the forest. She told him everything including the past, the curse, and the man named Ambroz who was behind all of this. She shared with him what had happened the night when they escaped and what appeared to occur between Theon and Ambroz, well set aside the fact that they had to do sensual things together.

Theon was only listening from a few steps away. While Luca? He was too stunned to speak. Every word from Mikka was making him lose his sanity. He was frozen to his spot.

"And so, Ambroz brought him close to the borderline and there they part ways. Is it not put to shame that Theon almost gave up? I am glad he told me about this." Mikka heaved a sigh, she looked at Luca and Luca was just frozen to his spot. She reached her hand and tapped his face. "Are you alright?"

Luca was brought to himself. "Y-yes and no! But, the legends were true!" He then exclaimed as he called all the soldiers.

"Huh, what legends?" Theon asked Luca.

Mikka also had plastered on a confused face. "Legends?"

The soldiers who were placed in front were now able to listen to them.

Luca cleared his throat. "Soldiers! Has any of your elders told you about a cursed dragon?" He shouted at them.

The soldiers looked at each other and after that everyone nodded, as their metal helmets let out a sound. A sound of it was heard with clamouring noises off the bat.

One had to speak up, "All of my old folks crossed over this story and claimed that for almost five hundred centuries this was told over and over again throughout the years. A cursed dragon that was once a chief led their village with kindness and hospitality. But, the witches came by and placed hate upon him. The dragon burst out and almost killed everyone, but luckily there were many guards at that time who let people to escape. That is, until now, this was the place that these people came across with and here they start a new one. Isn't it a good ol' tale, Luca? I never thought you gathered us here only for that story to be told." The soldier laughed and along with the others.

Theon who heard the story was shocked and surprised too. He never thought that every single thing that happened made such changes today. He reminisces Ambroz's story at that time and the man told him that he hated himself because he killed his people, but he never knew the perspective of the people. Turns out, their kinds was alive.

"Wait! So, what do you mean to say that this story tells you that a dragon was once your ancestor?" Theon had to raise a question.

Luca took a deep breath. "Turns out, soldiers, this was not just a mere tale. This is true and Theon and Mikka here who are from that land proved its existence."


"Hold on!"

"This can not be true!"

Everyone started creating a fuss and murmured their insights.

"Is it true? That the dragon was and still is alive? So, about this never-ending war and clamouring might also be from that dragon?" One asked.

Luca walked over to Theon. "You are right, Theon. This dragon might just be our long-forgotten ancestor. Well, if he truly is out there fighting this treachery, then we are ready to put ourselves to this feud and end them once and for all. We have been on guard for many years and we are done being a coward in disguise."

Theon looked at his eyes and he saw all of it. The sincerity in those words. It was all that he needed. To think that he is not alone after all.

"Soldiers of the great town of the unknown! For once, we should put a name to our kind! It has been proven that the dragon inside that land is our long ancestor." Luca faced the people and even the bearded chief was there, he heard all of it.

"We still are very confused with this, Luca. The mountains and its highlands were covering its existence after all? Where did it reside?" One asked.

Luca looked at Theon. Theon cleared his throat. "He only changes his form when the witch from the enemy said so. But, he stays long in his human form for now." He said indirectly, hiding the fact that Ambroz needs human warmth and touch to calm that curse form. "He resides inside a cave for the goddess of this land sets punishment upon the ruination he did on that raging dragon form. After all, he can not control it." He lowered his head and as well as his voice.

"If he does not have control over it, how come he has not changed his form when the invasion happened? Is it not that the witch is alongside those horrid conquerors?" Luca asked with his brows met.

Theon find it hard to reveal what truly happened to them, Mikka heaved a sigh when she saw how the man struggled to open his mouth. "It's because of Theon that he still has not changed. To tell you the truth, our families were created with white witches of our kind. My grandmother was a white witch and died in the same feud that happened years ago. She struggled to create a cure, it was her purpose. And through her purpose was brought and carried by his daughter's son, which now is Theon. He may not cure the curse but he can stop it." She explained but it was more proper.

Theon glimpsed at Mikka and muttered, "Thank you."

Mikka then smiled. The soldiers were silenced and as they were, one by one they bowed their heads to Theon. As if thanking him that he avoided the curse for a while.

"Well, don't you have a lot on your plates, lad!" The bearded man said.

"Chief, what do you say?" Luca asked him.

"Hmm, I say we go and charge for it!" The chief shouted and all of the soldiers raised their swords to the air, shouting.

Mikka went to Theon and rested her head on his shoulder.

That same day, the chief, Luca, Mikka, and Theon gathered inside the chief's place, where Mikka shared a map that she made with a bunch of hunchs inside her head. Not guaranteed it is all of the lands but at least it will serve them as a guide throughout the charge.

"Everything said and done, how are we actually going to forge a victory? We do not know their movements and if so, what if there are tons of them there?" Luca sat down leaned on his chair.

Mikka took a second to think while Theon was trying to recollect the happening from that time. It was as dark as the smoke-filled surface. Too distracted, he remembered that he saw men carrying a weapon he has never seen before.

"They had advanced explosions on their side, I'm not certain about it but if we are attacking them, we need something that would block those hits." Theon contributed his thoughts.

"Explosions? But," Luca was cut off by his chief.

"I see no hardship in that matter, explosions or even weapons with sharp iron bullets. I have heard about it but never knew how to mend such. But, I have gathered craftsmen for years now. We have shields to block it." The bearded man sounded confident with his statement.

"Are you certain, chief?"

"Who do you take me for, Luca? There is a reason why I, Berth Thragon, am the chief of this vast town. I know what I said and what to say."

Luca then looked at Mikka and at Theon. "You heard him? You did. Now is there any other important information we should have to listen to?" Luca then implored to know.

"This is just a hunch or might be untruthful. Nevertheless, you should know that they are led by a witch and also a man of an immortal being. Their kind has been living for hundreds of years and they have collided together to destroy us. Theon, here, has talked about this with Ambroz. And it is possible that the men working for them are under the influence of curses too. So, these men attained dead bodies and are practically moving with their master's accord." Mikka shared in serious conduct. Her brows touched each other's edge as she thoroughly conveyed what stayed inside her head.

Theon then nodded. "That's right, it was a blur of memory, unfortunately, but I saw one man from the enemy who had dark pale flesh, it appears that they are being controlled."

Luca heard it the first time and already concluded things. "So, all we have to do is target their master while we avoid their piercing and deadly weapons, am I getting this right?" Luca asked them.

"Yes, the witch's head above all that," Theon responded.

Mikka sat and heaved a sigh which made him and Luca worried. "What's wrong, sister?" Theon had his eyebrows arched.

"Nothing, just the thought that the goddess could stop all of this is weighing in my head. Why is she refusing so much to just help us?" Her face was down on the swamps.

Theon also sat beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "She was the reason I knew about Ambroz's identity, way before Ambroz himself shared to me about the past. She abhorred all of it, she wishes to undo how she even let them in in the first place. It cost her her body which is the land itself. Right up until now, she can not help but not forgive him. And because she is a God. She refuses to step across the surface and help, maybe that's why the conquerors stay in our village and won't attack unless the dragon appears." He exclaimed.

"That means, it's all us?" Luca asked to make sure of it.

"It's all us," Mikka replied.

When all of them looked down on their selves, the bearded chief stood up in the middle of their table. "What are ya' all down for? We need no help if we got ourselves. The evil will always lose the battle. Ya' hear me?" The chief lightens up their spirit.

"Yes, chief!" Everyone, including the soldiers outside, shouted back, except Theon.

So Mikka, nudge her elbows on his. "Y-yes, chief... ?" He awkwardly replied.

"That's the spirit, lady and lads! Now, we shall ready our weapons and horses before those sizzling pieces of slavery go ahead of us." The chief left that remark and left the room, Luca followed behind him.

Theon was enthusiastic too, but he can not help but overthink things.

"Look, Theon, everything will be alright, you hear me? Not only do these people need you to guide them. But, Ambroz, needs you. More than anything, he needs the love of his life to be there, alright?" Mikka tapped his back. "So, cheer up! You are not acting like yourself here."

Mikka followed Luca and they all head to their workplace where the weapons and the training would be done. They are all rushing. While Theon was covering his flustered and red face because of what Mikka said.

"Should I have not said that I was truly in love with Ambroz?"
