Chapter Six: Mom's Pregnant

"Bye." Clara said to everyone once they were ready to leave. Then her mom and dad came home, then they came into the house through the back door.

"How did your party go?" Mom asked and slightly pinched my cheek, while I was seeping my hot coffee.


"I want to know all about it." Mom said.

"Okay." Clara said. This is really unlike mom. Clara wondered.

"Me too." Dad pitched in.

"No way dad, this is girls stuff." Clara said and stuck out her tongue for her dad. Then me and mom, went upstairs to my room, and I told mom everything that happened. And unlike my mother she was excited to hear it all. I also noticed something unusual mom was playing with her hair the whole time, and mom does that only when she is so happy. So I had to ask.

"Mom this is really unlike you, and you have been playing with your hair the whole time." Clara said.

"I know right, it's because a so happy." Her mother replied, grinning widely.

"Why mom?" Clara asked curiously.

"No, no, no. I would tell you later. Anyways; would you like to hang out with your dad and I, since today is Saturday." Her other said.

"Ok mom, that would be really awesome." Clara said.

"Okay dear, take a shower, your dad and I are waiting downstairs. You can invite Charlotte if you want" Her mother said, smiled at her then left.

In the living room,

"Darling am so happy." Clara's father said.

"Me too am so excited, I can't wait to see her reaction." Clara's mom said, and chuckled.

"And also when we tell her I've got a better job." Her dad said and kissed his wife.

Clara then came down the stairs.

"Mom, dad am through." Clara said as she came down the stairs.

"Okay dear, so where do you want us to go too first?" Clara's father said.

"Um, to the movies. And mom, I called Charlotte but she said she couldn't make it." Clara said.

"Okay dear, then it will be the three of us alone then." Her mother said.

"Okay then let's go already." Her father said. Then they filed out of the house. In the cinema, Clara went to the teen section, while her parents went to the adult section. I bought tickets to watch a vampire movie called nosferatu the vampire. It was a really old movie though, but it was still scary. I was watching and taking my popcorn and soda, when a boy came, and sat on the empty chair by my left.

Then he started talking to me;

"Hi my name is Bob; may I know yours?"

"Mines Clara, nice speaking with you bob." Clara said.

"Its nice meeting you two Clara." He said and stretched out his hand to shake me. I cleaned my hand on my handkerchief, and shake him.

"Can we talk and get to know each other?" Bob asked.

"Sure." Clara said.

"My name is Bob Clinton; my dad's is the owner of Clinton enterprise. I have a little sister, but she's not so little, I senior her with a year. And I really have to say this, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Bob said. Clara's face flushed red immediately, she didn't know why, because when other boys told her she was beautiful or gorgeous she didn't really take their word as anything, so she wondered why she felt this way.

"Thanks, my name is Clara Vanderlin, I am the only child of my parents, I have no siblings. Actually that's all I can say about myself, am not so interesting." Clara said and chuckled lightly.

"Okay; am in the tenth grade, how about you." Bob asked.

"Same. Could we just concentrate on the movie?" Clara said.

"Oh okay." Bob said and fell silent. During the movie, Clara couldn't help stealing glances at him, then she noticed that he was handsome. The movie ended and Bob and Clara chatted a little.

"The movie was really interesting, I loved it." Bob said.

"Yeah it was." Clara said.

"Do you mind if we swapped numbers?" Bob asked.

"Nope I don't mind." Then Clara texted him the number. And they parted ways; Clara then texted her mother wondering why they hadn't come out, because the movies were ended. Few minutes after the text she saw her mom and dad walking hand in hand. 'That's strange.' She thought to herself.

"How was your movie?" Her mom and dad asked almost at once.

"Great; what's up with the both of you?" Clara replied.

"So were next are you we going?" Her dad asked.

"How about you and mom decide this time?" Clara suggested.

"Umm, okay. You could select where we are to go next." Clara's dad said referring to her mother.

"Hmm, it wouldn't be bad for us to go to the pizzeria, and get a slice of pizza each." Mom suggested.

"That's a good idea." Dad said. And we got into the car, and drove to the best pizzeria in town. Ordered, and sat down, to eat.

"Okay Clara the reason your dad and I have been acting strange is." Her mom began once they sat down to have their pizza.

"Go on mom." Clara said keenly.

"Your dad has got a new job." Her mom exclaimed.

"Whoa!" Clara was speechless, cause her dad was framed and no company wanted to employ him, so this news was so shocking.

"He was hired by the biggest company in town." Her mom added. Clara wasn't able to say anything anymore, she just felt tears roll down her cheeks, she didn't even know when she started crying; this was really tears of joy. And probably the best moment in her life.

"Mom, dad, I don't know what to say am speechless." Clara said wiping the tears of her cheek with her napkin.

"It's okay dear, you don't have to say anything." Her father said. They kept on chatting merrily, till they were done eating.

"Whoa!!, the day is really hot, how about we go get some ice cream?" Her dad said. Clara and her mom just nodded. And got into the car while her dad drove. When they reached the ice cream parlour; Clara asked for chocolate and banana ice cream, that was her favourite when she was a kid. Her mom and got Strawberry flavour; then they drove the car to the park, sat there and had a lively conversation. Then Clara sighted a little girl sitting alone in a corner, and she had no one to play with, then Clara walked over to her.

"Hello dear little damsel." Clara said and patted her hair.

"Hi." She said with her little but charming voice.

"Whats your name; Why are you here all by yourself?" Clara asked.

"My name is Tiana. No one wants to play with me, and I lost my way home." The girl said, and Clara saw a drop of tears roll down her beautiful cheeks. Clara wiped it away with her thumb.

"Okay Tiana, I will help you go home, stop crying okay. Here have my ice cream." Clara said and carried the girl.

"Thank you." She said. Clara walked with the girl to her parents.

"Mom, dad, I saw this little girl by the corner, she has lost her way home, I will help her find her way back." Clara said.

"Okay dear we will wait for you." Her dad said.

"I hope she isn't frightened?" Her mom asked.

"No she isn't." Clara said, and they walked away. Clara walked for thirty minutes, and finally they met the girl parents. They thanked Clara, and wanted to give her some money but she refused. She parted ways with the girl and went back to her parents. When she got there, she saw her mother resting her shoulder on hr dad's neck.

"I dropped her off with her parents. When we were walking she sighted them, and called out for them so I gave them their daughter, and they thanked me." Clara said.

"That was very good of you." Her mom said. Clara just smiled.

"How about we go have some dinner, am starving." Her dad said.

"Yeah that's true, am also hungry." Her mom added. Then they drove off. During the ride, Clara was chatting with bob, and he was so funny. She didn't even know when they got to the restaurant because she was so lost in the chat. Clara's jaw dropped in awe as she saw the restaurant they just arrived at. It was the most expensive restaurant in town. They had high food quality.

"Let's go in dear." Her mom said and patted her on her shoulder. They got in, and ordered. They ate their meal in silence, when they were done, they went for milkshakes.

After that, they headed home. Clara and her parents fell down on the couch exhausted.

"Today was awesome." Clara said.

"Yes it was. Guess what Clara?" Her dad said.

"Dad I don't have any strength to guess dad, so spill." Clara said.

"Okay. YOUR MOM IS PREGNANT." He said excitedly.

"Wow!!" Clara said. "Yay, Yay, yay; am going to have a baby brother or sister so cool." Clara said and jumped around like a child, then went into her room. Took her shower, and went to press her phone. Charlotte told her what had happened, and she told Charlotte everything, then slept off with a big smile on her face.