Chapter 1 Wedge

This is an isolated space that has been left untouched for many years.

Not to mention that the four seasons are as usual, even the sound of wind and rain has nothing to do with this place. There is only boundless darkness, silent and extremely strange.

Year after year passed, and the outside world could not disturb it, it was like a beast, sleeping soundly.

Suddenly one day, a light lit up in the center of the darkness. It was very faint at first, and then gradually became stronger, until the light shrouded the surrounding area.

Under the low-light mapping, the same object slowly appeared in the halo.

This is a crystal coffin. The body of the coffin is engraved with large and large flowers. In the dim light, the fiery red petals are extremely beautiful and prosperous.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the coffin, which was especially abrupt in this quiet environment.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy coffin lid seemed to be slowly pushed open by a pair of invisible hands.


With the sound of the coffin lid rubbing against the coffin body, the dead space seemed to come alive in an instant.

All kinds of organ formations are in operation in an instant.

Even louder noises scrambled to resonate, and even the distant edge of darkness, which was not covered by light, was echoed with roars, which seemed to mean that the storm was about to come.

However, if you listen carefully, you can feel the unspeakable excitement and cheers in the clutter.


After the coffin lid was completely pushed open, there was a screeching sound from the coffin. Then, a long, white hand rested stiffly on the coffin rim. After getting used to it, it slowly sat up straight with strength.

This is a young girl in a fiery red dress. Against the background of the thorn flowers on the coffin, she is majestic and inviolable, just like the king of flowers. However, the girl's delicate face had the dazed look of just waking up, which made her look particularly pitiful.

After the girl appeared, the noise from the darkness became more and more exciting.

The sharp sound came into the ear, and with a little discomfort, the girl scratched the coffin wall.

Strangely, she didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, as if she knew that no one would hurt her here, and she even felt that there was an almost absurd return to the mother's kindness here.

Even the far edge of darkness gave her a fatal attraction.

Driven by curiosity, the girl slowly moved her body, and the moment she was about to climb out of the coffin, the girl's eyebrows lit up, and a ray of light flashed out.

"Have a rest."

A voice without a trace of emotion traveled from mid-air to the edge of the darkness. It was calm but majestic. The next second, the noise in the darkness stopped, and then it seemed to be wronged, and it receded like a tide.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The girl's attention was immediately attracted by the small light spot in mid-air, and her dark eyes were full of puzzlement.

Can light speak? Is it born of intellect?

But why is it in my brow?

The puzzled girl unconsciously stroked her eyebrows, becoming more and more brilliant, her demeanor unpredictable.

It's a pity that the only one who can see this scene at the moment has no heart to appreciate it, and its attention is completely put on the girl's words.

"You really don't remember?" Looking at the girl's dazed expression, although it was mentally prepared, when it faced the result, it couldn't help being disappointed and overwhelmed, and even the sound that had been flat and unwavering couldn't stop appearing trembling.

"Hmm... what's wrong with me?" No matter how she recalled, it was blank, and the sharp girl immediately realized that something was wrong.

In the face of the girl's inquiry, it chose to avoid talking about it.

"You know me, right? Can you tell me my name?" Although she didn't remember the past, the girl had an intuition that this question was very important.

"..." After a moment of silence, it said in its unique tone: "Tu Mi, 'Thousands of Zhong still want to get drunk together in spring, and Begonia'

"Tu Mi? Tu Mi... Begonia..." The girl said silently, a subtle sweetness came from the bottom of her heart.

"Then who are you?" the girl asked again.

"I am the artifact of the master's magic weapon, the World Mirror, my name is Sansheng, and you are my little master."

"Oh... No wonder..." No wonder, seeing you, there are always some vague images in my mind.

The deepest and clearest thing in my memory is this scene, a little girl in a little red dress, about five or six years old, lazily nestled in a woman's arms, and they looked at the woman's hand with a big Mirror. The woman has a beautiful face and unfathomable mana, but she is always gentle, kind, and patient with the little girl, telling the little girl about the warmth and coldness of the world she has learned in her long years.

Tu Mi had an intuition that the little girl was herself, but she couldn't remember the identity of the woman. The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt.

"Can I recover my memory?" Tu Mi asked Sansheng nervously, she was eager to know everything.

"Well, yes, it's just that you have just been reborn, and your spirit is unstable. You need to go to the world to practice a few times to strengthen your body, and then you can slowly recover in the later stage." Sansheng paused, then said: "Of course, there is another kind of choose."


"Lie back in the coffin and sleep for tens of millions of years and you can recover as before, but I don't recommend you choose this."

Hearing this, Tu Mi already had a choice in her heart, but San Sheng's serious tone made her involuntarily ask, "Why?"

"Your enemy will not give you this chance," Sansheng floated away, glanced at this area where no outsider had set foot, and after a long silence, sighed: "It will be impossible to stop here. "

Tu Mi pursed the corners of her mouth, and there was a trace of sadness in her heart.

"It's not too late, I'll send you there." Sansheng floated back to Tu Mi and explained, "Remember, in the three thousand worlds, there are many people with unsatisfactory lives, and you are in every small world. You need to fulfill her last thoughts for one person, so as to end the cause and effect of borrowing the body. You lie back and wait for me to cast the spell, and I will tell you the details later on the way."

Tu Mi finally looked around, calmed down, adjusted her dress and lay back in the coffin.

The spot of light shook, and an aura swept across Tu Mi's body, and then, the girl's figure disappeared, leaving the empty coffin in place.

After Sansheng finished everything, he was about to follow the girl, but he seemed to sense something and turned around.

A black clothed man came from afar, stepping on the heavy machinery, with a calm expression, as if walking on the ground. The existences in the dark seem to have seen the power of men. Even though he looks extremely weak at the moment, he does not dare to violate it easily, so in the blink of an eye, he arrives in front of Sansheng.

Sansheng was not surprised by this, just surprised by a fact.

"How did your cultivation fall so quickly?" Sansheng was shocked when he saw the man's pale and and vicissitudes of face, and hurriedly paid attention to his cultivation.

The man let out a low laugh, leaned towards the coffin, raised his hand to put his hand on the edge of the coffin, caressed it carefully, and avoided answering, "How is she?"

Sansheng rolled his eyes subconsciously.

"Didn't you see it in the dark?" It's all like this, but I haven't forgotten it completely.

Sansheng's tone was still flat, without any waves.

"Haha..." The man showed a gentle smile, and even the exhaustion caused by the long-term rush and busyness was swept away. He didn't mind Sansheng's attitude, and only said: "I'll be with you."

After saying that, without waiting for Sansheng to react, his figure dissipated and disappeared in place.

In the long years to come, I will protect you, I will entangle you to the end, and never part again.

Sansheng was in the air, feeling complicated.

After a while, the light flashed and disappeared.

It left the distant edge of darkness tumultuous, but in the end it returned to silence, as if it is trying to recuperate and waiting for their return.