Chapter 2 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 1

"Miss? It's time to get up."

Tu Mi frowned, opened her eyes slightly, sat up and looked at the environment she was in.

The room in front of you is bright and bright, and the lazy morning sunlight rushes through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the east side and sprinkles on the white and soft carpet; a pure white dresser is placed parallel to the soft and comfortable solid wood carved bed, and on the ceiling The hanging European-style retro crystal chandeliers are extremely exquisite and luxurious.

The scene in front of her made Tu Mi both familiar and unfamiliar.

Although her past was blank, she knew the names of these furnitures and their uses. As long as she came into contact with them, the information would bereleased as if she had touched an organ, giving Tu Mi an ethereal sense of reality.

"Miss? Are you awake?" The servant outside the door reminded her at the right time, seeing that there was no sound in the room.

Tu Mi cleared her throat and said "um", signaling the servant to step back.

"Sansheng, are you there?" Tu Mi whispered in her heart.

"Well, I'll always be there."

"Do you want to receive the plot?" Sansheng's unique voice without emotional fluctuations sounded in Tu Mi's mind.

"Well, let's start!" Although Sansheng's words did not contain a trace of emotion, his answer still made Tu Mi calm down.


The original owner, Zhao Mi, is the daughter of the famous Zhao Group. She should have lived without food and clothing, but her father was plotted by a traitor and the family was broken, which caused the original owner to lack love, so when she met such a person, she showed a little bit of it to her. After a well-meaning person, it is a matter of course to fall in love with each other.That person was Xu Xianfan, who came from a commoner's background, proud and inferior, so their love was destined to end in tragedy.

After marriage, Xu Xianfan was very ambitious and tried his best to take the Zhao family as his own.

The simple original owner is still immersed in the beautiful dream of a happy life after marriage, and she does not know that even the marriage is a conspiracy between Xu Xianfan and the original owner's best friend Bai Xinxin.

So, when all the misfortune came, the original owner panicked and tried to save the situation, but found that the time was too late, no matter what she did was in vain, so after all her relatives were killed and passed away, she was burdened with great grief and guilt. The original owner died soon after...

Tu Mi, who inherited the original owner's memory, was almost suppressed by the original owner's strong resentment. She knew that it was her touch that awakened the original owner's unwillingness buried deep in her soul, so she hurriedly reassured, "Relax, from now on, I am you. It belongs to you. Yes, I will get it back for you!"

As if Tu Mi's words gave her a sedative, the grievances were slowly subsided, and finally a cry came, and the discomfort that suppressed Tu Mi receded like a tide.

But Tu Mi was still affected by the negative emotions after all, and was a little stunned.

"You need to adapt quickly." Sansheng's ethereal voice echoed in the air.


Tu Mi managed her emotions, changed her clothes, finished washing up, followed her memory and went downstairs to the main hall. The servants were busy, and when they saw the little master appear, they bowed respectfully to say hello. Sitting on the sofa, Father Zhao, who was reading the morning newspaper, saw his baby daughter coming downstairs, so he quickly put down the newspaper in his hand and walked to the dining table to sit down.

Tu Mi also walked over and sat down, calmly looking at the weathered middle-aged man, he sat there casually, with a loving smile on his face, but revealed a hint of majesty for no reason. A natural momentum brought about by staying at a high position for a long time.Although he was only in his early forties, most of his hair was white. Thinking of his bitterness and forbearance, Tu Mi couldn't help feeling heartache.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Qilin asked nervously when he saw that his daughter's expression was not quite right.

"It's okay, Dad, I want to learn about computer technology and management. Can you help my daughter find a tutor who is good at this?" The original owner was never interested in these things, so she didn't know anything about it after taking over the company. Several wrong orders led to heavy losses for the company, and it was once about to go bankrupt. So far, the original owner was lost in the company. When Xu Xianfan proposed to help the company, the original owner was grateful to him, trusted him more and more and depended more and more on the other party. In the end, Xu Xianfan planned step by step, completely emptying her power, and the original owner didn't know anything about it.

Fortunately, the original owner is still in her sophomore year, and it is still too late to study. Although she now has a way to reverse the situation after knowing the plot, she still wants to learn more knowledge and enrich herself. In this way, whether it is the next thing or the interface to go later, it may be possible to cope with it. will be much easier.

On the other hand, Tu Mi also wanted to take this opportunity to resolve the stalemate between their father and daughter.

"Ami... what happened? Didn't you always like this?" Zhao Qilin asked his daughter carefully, he was a little uneasy about her rare docile attitude towards him.

He knew his own daughter, and he had discussed with his daughter before, thinking about letting this child learn some skills and taking over his own company when he was old. After all, he was just such a child, and he didn't really want to work hard for most of his life. The fruit falls into the hands of outsiders. But this child grew up pampered and never endured hardship. Moreover, since that incident, the relationship between her daughter and her has become a lot estranged. She never takes his words seriously. I secretly changed my major. In desperation, he also went with her. He had already made plans. He thought about choosing a husband with outstanding ability for her in the future. After passing the examination, he would hand over the company to his son-in-law, and his daughter could continue to live a comfortable life. .

"I want to enrich myself and make myself good enough, and I don't want to let my mother down again."

Tu Mi pursed her lips, and finally chose this rhetoric. She didn't want to disturb her father by speaking out what had not happened, and let him worry about her.

"You... are you still blaming Dad?" Zhao Qilin asked bitterly.

"Dad, you're not sure if what happened that night happened? Why don't you try to check Bai Rongcheng?" Tu Mi pointed.

"You uncle Bai? Impossible! He has helped your father and me so much, how can you doubt him? Don't you and Xinxin get along the best?" Zhao Qilin was a little excited. He didn't agree with what his daughter said, and he didn't want to doubt anyone. To doubt my cousin, when I first took over the company, a large group of people disapproved of him. They felt that he was too young to take on such a big responsibility. It was his cousin Bai Rongcheng who took care of him everywhere. The two of them made some achievements together. Those who disagreed The voice gradually became smaller. At this time, Zhao Qilin only thought that it was his daughter and her cousin's daughter Bai Xinxin who had a conflict, and deliberately said angry words.

"Dad, do you want to wait until you have checked before making a conclusion."

Tu Mi didn't want her father to take any precautions against the bad guys in the family.

"And...I want to have a whole home, like before...Dad, don't you want mom back?"


After Tu Mi had breakfast, she was sent to B University by Uncle Lin, the exclusive driver assigned to her by Zhao Qilin.

B University has a long enough history from its establishment to the present, and it is the largest university in B city. Master b has strong resources, and most of the recruits are elites from various fields and even returning from overseas studies.

Because of its reputation, people must be proud of being admitted to this school, so every session will put a few rich second-generation in various relationships. After all, the school costs a lot of money.

Although the Zhao Group is one of the major shareholders of B, the original owner Zhao Mi was admitted by virtue of his true talents and practical knowledge.

"Hey, did you see it? Zhao Mi got out of the old man's car again! Now you can see it with your own eyes and believe it?!"

"Bah! It's so shameless! A normal person would definitely hide and hide when he finds such a person. No matter how rich he is, he won't be able to withstand his old age, and he will bring it out to show off!"

"Haha, you're crazy!"


Tu Mi calmly walked to the back row of the classroom next to the window and sat down. Hearing their choreography, which seemed to be whispering, was actually not low in decibels, she laughed mockingly in her heart.

Narrow-minded people are always like this. They don't see the good of others, and they often choose to believe what they think.

"Ami, don't take it to your heart, they are all stubborn, they are worried about you, don't blame them, I am also a little worried about you!"

Tu Mi was opening the book, preparing to preview the knowledge of this class, and a person sat next to him, listening to these specious words, he didn't need to guess who Tu Mi was.

"Why are you worried about me?" Tu Mi turned her face to look at the person who came, and asked whether she wanted to smile or not.

"..." Bai Xinxin's words to "comfort" were stuck in her throat, she was a little stunned, feeling that Zhao Mi seemed to be different from usual.

Did she notice something?

"Dan...I'm worried that you can't stand their words." Bai Xinxin explained embarrassingly, her eyes flickering.

The girl in front of her was wearing a short white skirt, with a slender body and a weak expression. She looked pitiful. With those innocent eyes, if she hadn't known everything, even Tu Mi would have believed that she was sincere for herself. All right.

Tu Mi sighed in her heart, the original owner was not too wronged, and if you want to blame Bai Xinxin for being too good at pretending, this is probably a habit carved into her bones.

"I'm just a little sad... I want to be alone..." Tu Mi pretended to be hurt and lowered her head. She knew that now was not the time to tear her face, she had to wait and she planned everything.

Seeing the performance of 'Zhao Mi', which was no different from usual, Bai Xinxin felt a little contemptuous, cowardly and incompetent, and the daughter of the Zhao family was just like that, but she finally let go of her heart.

Very good, the heir of the Zhao Group should look like this.

After comforting Tu Mi a few more words, Bai Xinxin walked to her own seat with a worried expression again. When passing a seat in the front row, her footsteps stopped a little.

Tu Mi casually listened to Bai Xinxin's friend scolding her for being ignorant of her kindness, and listening to Bai Xinxin's "explaining" words for her, out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced ahead to Xu Xianfan's distressed expression of Bai Xinxin, and smiled noncommittally.

The higher you climb, the more painful it is to fall, Bai Xinxin!