Chapter 4 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 3

"Dad, have you found the evidence?" Tu Mi said affirmatively, staring at the leaves swaying by the breeze on both sides of the trail.

"Well…" Father Zhao's voice was not very real, vaguely heavy and complicated.

"Mom may still not see you…" She deliberately said in a hesitant tone, "And my grandmother took my mother back to Li's house, and persuaded my mother to let her remarry…"

Tu Mi decided to force him, lest the two of them miss out like this, she knew her father too well.


Sure enough, as soon as Tu Mi's words fell, Father Zhao couldn't sit still.

"Chairman, where are you going? What about the meeting?"

"Postpone, postpone, wait until I get back…"

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Tu Mi hurriedly reassured: "Dad, don't worry, send the evidence at hand to your daughter, don't worry, your daughter will definitely bring her mother home today!"

Otherwise, if it goes like this, I am afraid the door will not let him in.

After trying to persuade her father, Tu Mi hung up the phone, squinting her eyes and smiling silently.

Then I called Uncle Lin again and asked him to pick her up at the school gate, then got up and walked towards the school gate.

Li family hall

On the Western-style elegant and soft sofa, Tu Mi was entangled with the old lady Li, softly acting like a spoiled child, "Grandma… Would you like to accompany A Mi on her birthday next week?"

After Tu Mi finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue secretly.

Acting like a spoiled child is really not suitable for me, but the original main character is a bit naive and romantic, and this is the only way to avoid suspicion.

Li Shi has just passed her 60th birthday. Although she is no longer young, she is well maintained. Although her skin is wrinkled, it is not ugly. Anyone who sees her will be attracted by her graceful and luxurious temperament.

Li rubbed Tu Mi's head with one hand, with a kind face, "Then grandma will hold another party for you here."

The implication is that she will not go to Zhao's house.

Tu Mi raised her eyes and asked carefully, "Aren't you willing to forgive Dad?"

Li's other hand patted Tu Mi's little hand on her lap, and her tone gradually became serious, "Silly child, you are still young and you don't understand, don't mention your father in the future, especially in front of your mother, she will sad."

Shu Yuan finally regained her strength and was willing to go out with her friends. She couldn't bear to see her in a trance all day.

After thinking for a while, he told his granddaughter carefully: "When your mother comes back, you can't make her unhappy."

Seeing her grandmother being so serious, Tu Mi was both happy and sad.

She is thankful for her mother, who has a family who loves her wholeheartedly when her love is 'betrayed' in life.

At the same time, she felt wronged for her father. That was the case with the Li family, with clear love and hatred. When I treat you well, I treat you wholeheartedly; when I am disappointed with you, I will ignore you to the end.

After the father was abandoned by the Li family in the plot, the Li family never paid attention to his news again. Originally, the original owner and the Li family were relatively close, but since her mother remarried, and the original owner was instigated by Xu Xianfan after the marriage, she became increasingly estranged from the outside family and cut off contact. The Li family gradually became disappointed with the original owner and no longer insisted. . So later the Zhao family was defeated overnight, and the Li family was caught off guard and missed the opportunity. Later, she couldn't bear to see the original owner being lonely and pitiful, and when she tried to save it, she caught up with her, and her huge family fortune disappeared in an instant.

Tu Mi made up her mind that she didn't want them to repeat the same mistakes.

Tu Mi looked into Li Shi's eyes and said firmly: "Grandma, Dad, he was framed by a traitor."

Seeing Li's noncommittal expression, Tu Mi hurriedly took out her mobile phone and showed her the video.

Slowly, Li Shi's expression gradually loosened and became more and more incredible. Finally, she let out a long breath and tightened hierarms holding Tu Mi.

"This is what Dad found from his cousin's house. This may be the last piece of evidence. Without proof, Dad can't explain this kind of thing." Tu Mi strikes while the iron is hot, and sympathizes with him, "Since my mother left home, my father has no intention of With work, our home is becoming less and less what it should be."

"Good boy, I have suffered you."

Li looked at the increasingly sensible granddaughter in front of her, and couldn't help but redden her eyes.

She also didn't want to be this villain and prevent their family from reuniting, but she was too disappointed with her son-in-law, and she couldn't bear her daughter's grievances.

It's not only the daughter who has been wronged by this incident until now.

Tu Mi looked at the old man's extremely fast white hair growing in these days, shook her head, and said nothing.

"Miss, you are back!"

Suddenly, the voice of a servant came from the courtyard.

Then came the whispered reply.

"The little miss is here!" The servant continued, with a cheerful tone.

Tu Mi looked at the slender figure that had obviously quickened her pace and seemed to be in a hurry, and couldn't help standing up to meet her.

After Li Shuyuan saw her daughter, her expression lightened, she hugged her daughter tightly, patted her back lightly, and teased, "What's wrong? Miss your mother so much?"

"Well, Yes!" Tu Mi muttered.

When Li Shuyuan heard the words, she was stunned. This child was not so clingy and emotional before. She sighed slightly. What happened during this period had such a profound impact on the child, and I don't know whether it was good or bad.

If she goes back to Zhao's house, she can't do it. Although she still loves Zhao Qilin, she can't do it like nothing happened.

Zhao Qilin's betrayal was a thorn in her heart.

For a while, Li Shuyuan's mouth was full of bitterness.

After a moment, Li Shuyuan came back to her senses and looked at the smiling old mother sitting on the sofa. She smiled embarrassedly, opened the tea, and led her to sit on the sofa, asking her about her daughter's grades and daily life.

"Mom, did you go shopping with Aunt Minyu today?" Tu Mi suddenly asked.

"Well, yes, thanks to your aunt Minyu for this period of time, if it wasn't for her persuasion, I'm afraid I wouldn't have come out easily." Speaking of this girlfriend who had a good relationship with her when she was a girl, Li Shuyuan couldn't help but be grateful. After a pause, she looked at the old lady with guilt, "Mom, I've been worrying for you during this time, because I'm ignorant."

Li smiled and shook her head lovingly.

"Mom, did she instigate you to remarry?" Seeing her mother like this, Tu Mi couldn't help but get angry.

"Ami! Why do you say that about her? She is your elder!" Li Shuyuan sullen, no matter what, she didn't want her daughter to lose her upbringing and become mean.

"This was found in the Bai family. Li Minyu and her family are the culprits that caused our family to break down!" Tu Mi was extremely aggrieved.

Seeing the video footage handed over by her daughter, Li Shuyuan subconsciously wanted to escape. She had already witnessed the footage of her husband cheating, but it didn't mean she wanted to see the filthy whole process.

However, seeing her daughter's indignant expression and her mother's indifferent expression, she rationally controlled herself and stared at the surveillance video.

This is a room inside a five-star Taiyi Hotel. Surveillance shows that at 11:45 in the evening, the door was opened, and two tall and sturdy men in sturdy clothes were holding a drunk man. After entering the door, he lifted the man to lie down on the bed, and stripped off his underwear, leaving only one piece of underwear before exiting the room.

Li Shuyuan clenched her fist tightly, her back was straight, and she gritted her teeth bitterly. Having been with him for so many years, she could see at a glance that it was her husband lying on the bed.

There was no movement behind the screen until 4:30 in the morning, when a scantily clad woman pushed the door and walked in.

Li Shuyao's face was tense for a moment, and the idea that was not right was thrown to the back of her mind.

In the picture, the woman walked to the bed, looked at Zhao Qilin who was drowsy, then carefully took off her clothes, walked to the other side of the bed, pulled the quilt and lay down.

After staring at the screen for a while, Li Shuyuan found that they were really just lying down and sleeping, and finally collapsed on the sofa.

Don't watch the next picture, Li Shuyuan knows.

Because she received an anonymous text message 20 minutes later, she rushed into the room angrily, saw the messy picture on the bed, and woke Zhao Qilin without saying a word. At that time, she wanted to hear what he had to say, but she was sober. Zhao Qilin, who was more at a loss than her, couldn't say a single word.

Afterwards, Zhao Qilin only kept her back. She couldn't accept it, so she said that she wanted to divorce. Zhao Qilin disagreed, so she went back to her parents' home.

"Your dad…"

"Dad, he thought that he really did something wrong to you. He was full of guilt and self-blame, and he was anxious, so he would only keep you. Besides, all he could do at the time was to try his best to keep you, but you…" Still go. .

Tu Mi looked at her mother sadly.

In addition to feeling aggrieved for her father, she was also a little funny. She was so shrewd in the business field, but her tongue-in-cheek father behaved so poorly in front of the people he cared about.

"Ami, you don't understand. Mom didn't deny him just because of your father's incident." Although Li Shuyuan sympathized with her daughter and could not bear her suffering, she herself was wronged.

This incident was just the last straw that overwhelmed her mind.

"Mom, think about it again, since what you witnessed this time is a conspiracy, don't you think it's a coincidence and suspicious of those things that are non-existent?"

Tu Mi knew that if she didn't completely eliminate her mother's suspicion, she would be as proud as her mother, and it would be impossible for her to return to the past with her father.

If I don't take the opportunity to explain it clearly now, I am afraid that the parents will go further and further apart due to more and more 'misunderstandings' that will appear later.

Those various so-called misunderstandings, Zhao father did not know, he was deliberately guided, so there is no way to explain. Even the original owner learned from her mother's uncontrollable complaints before her death that it was too late to say something even if she wanted to.

"Mom, is Li Minyu always there every time something happens?"

Seeing her mother's expression dazed and helpless, Tu Mi had no choice but to be ruthless and persevere.

When my mother was in Li's house, it was equivalent to growing up with a golden spoon in her mouth. Everyone's love inevitably led to her mother's innocent and romantic temperament. Later, after marriage, my father loved my mother like an eyeball, and never let my mother come into contact with the darkness of society. , even less understanding of the human heart.