Chapter 5 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 4

Tu Mi deliberately reminded her that she also hoped that her mother would be somewhat wary of the Bai family from now on, so that it would be convenient for her to act in the future, so she should not worry about her mother, and it would be difficult to start.

Li Shuyuan calmed down, pondered carefully, and was shocked to find that it was exactly what her daughter said.

Every time she saw her husband Zhao Qilin with an unknown woman, it was when Min Yu took herself out for shopping and afternoon tea. In addition to this, she privately handed herself some pictures of her husband in the same frame as the woman.

Now that I think about it, there is indeed something wrong.

At that time, she only cared about her anger and felt that she had been betrayed and had no masters, but she ignored why when she was going to confront her husband on the street, Min Yu would have a tense face, urging herself to leave, intentionally or not.

Once doubts grow, more loopholes in the other party will gradually enlarge in her memories. For example, when Jing Minyu was comforted by this kind of thing, she didn't know why, but she was even more angry. For another example, when she just went out for shopping, Min Yu always persuaded her to remarry, but she was more anxious than herself about her own affairs.

Suddenly, she found that all things were led away by Minyu's nose.

Feeling that everything might be her own misunderstanding, Li Shuyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

The heaviness of the past few days was swept away, replaced by the guilt of her husband and the chilling heart of her long-time best friend.

"Tu Mi, your father… is he okay during this time?" Li Shuyuan was a little nervous and asked knowingly.

Seeing that her mother was finally willing to inquire about her father's current situation, Tu Mi sold her father without hesitation.

"No, it's not good at all. Since mom, you left, dad hasn't had a good meal or a good night's sleep, and lost a lot of weight."

"he doesn't want to work, he lost several big orders, the company veterans are getting more and more dissatisfied, and Bai Rongcheng is more and more popular."

"He's still absent-minded all day long. I've seen him wear his clothes and trousers upside down several times. Heh, he's perfunctory me, and he says he needs to know how to have some fun in life."

"Well, of course I smiled very face-to-face."

"He didn't bother you before, for fear that he was not qualified to make you happy."

"No, once I got the evidence to prove my innocence, I just wanted to come over in a hurry, and I ignored the company meeting. Fortunately, I was stopped."

"Mom, come back with me!" Finally, her tone was pleading.

"Okay, you little bastard!" Seeing that her granddaughter was about to cry, Li Shi couldn't help rubbing the top of Tu Mi's head and sighed.

Li Shuyuan felt more and more guilty, she thought, she must be the most incompetent wife and mother in the world.

She said to Li, "Mother, I want to go home with Ami."

The tone is firm, and some return to the heart.

"Alright." Mrs. Li looked at her daughter and pondered.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Mrs. Li was no longer dissatisfied with her son-in-law.

What's more, Zhao Qilin's performance in the past was also remarkable. He was filial to their elders, took more care of his peers, and truly loved his wife and daughter; his character was commendable and his career was successful.

Li is very satisfied with Zhao Qilin's son-in-law. His son-in-law has always been a capital worth showing off in front of his old friends.

That's why after this incident, Mrs. Li hated her son-in-law so much.

On the one hand, he truly cherishes his daughter, and on the other hand, the greater his hopes for his son-in-law, the greater his disappointment.

Fortunately, Qi Lin is still her good son-in-law…


When Zhao Qilin saw his wife returning home, he couldn't believe it. He wanted to go forward, but hesitated for a while.

"Pfft." Seeing such a rare expression from his mature and stable father, Tu Mi couldn't help laughing and fell into her mother's arms.

Li Shuyuan also wanted to laugh a little, but suddenly seemed to think of something, and felt a little awkward for a while.

Zhao Qilin saw his daughter making fun of him, and quickly adjusted his facial expression.

"I've found a tutor for you. The city library has an appointment. Calculate the time. It's almost time. Let Lao Lin take you there. Oh, yes, tell them when you go out, and give everyone a holiday today. They take a good rest."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand to make her move more swiftly.

Tu Mi stared, is there such a person who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge?

"What are you doing?" It's ridiculous!

Li Shuyuan roared with a blushing face, not knowing whether she was anxious or embarrassed.

"Some things, I have to explain to you." Zhao Qilin was serious.

"Teacher Ye?" Tu Mi was shocked.

"What? It's a surprise?" She pointed at the table with her slender fingers, Ye Yutang raised his eyebrows, his slender eyes looked straight at the girl very seriously.

"Sit." Then, without waiting for Tu Mi's reaction, he raised his eyebrows, glanced at the chair, and uttered a word, motioning her to sit down.

Tu Mi had to follow her words and sat down opposite Ye Yutang, her eyes were erratic, and she didn't dare to look directly at each other.

Tu Mi really did not expect that the tutor that her father found for her was actually Teacher Ye, who is now a popular figure in the school, and she only took his class in the morning, which was a coincidence and a surprise.

When I was in class in the classroom, I didn't feel anything. After all, it was so far apart. Now that I am in close contact with each other, I just feel that the man just sits there, and he has a natural aura.

This man has such a skill that people dare not ignore his existence.

As if aware of the girl's nervousness, Ye Yutang deliberately relaxed his body, leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, and opened the distance from the girl, although the distance was a little…

Seeing the girl in front of him, he thought she was secretive and relieved, Ye Yutang felt a little amused and a little puzzled. Could it be that he is a beast of a flood?

"We met this morning, so I won't introduce myself, you can call me Teacher Ye." The man said slowly.

"Okay, Teacher Ye." Tu Mi, who was slightly less stressed, quickly adjusted her facial expression, replied obediently, thought about it, and politely said: "My name is Zhao Mi, Mi of Tu Mi Hua."

"Well, I know," the man let out a low, hoarse laugh, looking at Tu Mi, repeating with an unclear meaning: "Tu Mi …"

The man's voice surrounds his ears, which is hoarse and full of indescribable charm.

Tu Mi's face turned slightly red.

Ah hey! Return the unattainable, distant and polite Teacher Ye in my class!

Tu Mi cried out in her heart.

"Okay, let's talk about giving you a class." Seeing that the girl's head was about to fall on the table, although it was very interesting, Ye Yutang knew how to close it when he saw it.

Ye Yutang coughed and said slowly, "I read your class schedule, there are not many classes, Java class on the first, third, and fifth, management on the second and fourth, and I will supplement you with other computer-related knowledge on the weekends and two days, the time and place are to be determined. , let you know when the time comes."

"In addition, this is the class schedule of java programming and management that I took. If you can, I hope you can come to audit." He said and handed a class schedule.

Seeing the girl stunned, Ye Yutang asked, "What's wrong? Is it inconvenient?"

Tu Mi returned to her senses, shook her head hurriedly, and took over the class schedule.

Ye Yutang is so strict and responsible, Tu Mi only feels fortunate that she needs a teacher like this right now.

She knew that if she wanted to learn her knowledge well and deeply, she would have to put in a lot of energy, and even in addition to the study time that Ye Yutang had arranged for her, she might need to spare more time for self-study, and hard work was inevitable.

But it does not matter.

Learning is the most fair and most rewarding thing in the world.

Tu Mi smiled.

So, this afternoon was spent in Ye Yutang's whispered analysis and explanation.

When Ye Yutang called to stop, Tu Mi was still a little unfulfilled.

"You are very talented." Ye Yutang admired that he had never seen a student with such a high level of comprehension in this regard, and girls were even rarer. Basically, they could understand without much explanation, and even draw inferences from one case. For a while, he thought seriously. "Maybe the class time can be relatively relaxed…"

"No need, Teacher Ye, I feel good now."

Before Ye Yutang could finish speaking, Tu Mi hurriedly interrupted.

She is really interested in programming.

Ye Yutang stared at Tu Mi with a deep meaning in his eyes, and then he was relieved as if he had thought of something.

"Let's go, it's getting late, I'll take you back." Ye Yutang took the lead in packing up his things and stood up, leaving a sentence and driving downstairs by himself.

"Need not..."

Before Tu Mi's refusal could be said, Ye Yutang's back disappeared at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor of the library. Seeing this, she reluctantly packed up the textbooks Ye Yutang brought her and chased out.

Tu Mi went downstairs and noticed that the sky had darkened unknowingly. By the time she walked to the entrance of the library, Ye Yutang had already driven the car to the main entrance.

Tu Mi approached.

"Mr. Ye, don't bother you anymore, I have a driver to pick you up." She faced the man in the driver's seat, looked him in the eye and said, indicating that she was serious.

Ye Yutang also listened carefully to Tu Mi's words without interrupting. After she finished speaking, he leaned over, opened the co-pilot's door, sat back upright, and smiled: "Get in the car, I have something else to tell you."

The tone is firm and unwilling to refuse.

Tu Mi carefully observed his expression, and for a moment, determined that she was really in trouble, and then got on the car obediently.

The air in the car is refreshing, but it seems to have a faint fragrance of crabapples, which is faint and faded, like a hallucination, and Tu Mi was confused for a while.

It was the same in the library just now. Occasionally, I smelled the fragrance of crabapple, but the fragrance was relatively weak. Tu Mi thought it was deliberately done by the library staff, and after sighing, she didn't care. But now that she smelled it again in this closed space, Tu Mi couldn't help but turn her attention to Ye Yutang.

"Could it be the scent of Teacher Ye's body?" Tu Mi murmured inwardly.

It smells elegant and pleasant, and there is a faint sense of familiarity that comes from the depths of time far away.

Tu Mi was in a trance.

"What?" Ye Yutang never took his eyes off of Tu Mi since she behaved in a wrong way.

"I seem to smell the fragrance of Begonia…" Tu Mi returned to her senses, replied subconsciously, then focused on her perception and muttered, "Maybe it's my illusion…" The fragrance disappeared again.