Chapter 6 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 5

When Tu Mi talked about the fragrance of Begonia, Ye Yutang's eyes instantly became deep, and her expression was unprecedentedly certain.

"No, it's not an illusion…" he murmured.

It's just that I can smell it myself before, and it is no exception to be as close as a mother, but since then, there is another you.

Just like night and loneliness, dawn and excitement, they are no longer related to me alone.

Very nice...

"Haha…" Ye Yutang laughed in a low voice from the bottom of his heart, he almost used all his strength to control his turbulent emotions and control his urge to touch the people around him.

Slow down, step on your foot, and the car slowly starts.

Although Tu Mi didn't know why, she didn't get to the bottom of it.

Looking at the regressing night scene outside the window, suddenly, as if thinking of something, she turned her head and asked curiously, "Mr. Ye, do you also manage school?"

"Well, since high school, I went to my dad's company for an internship during the winter and summer vacations. Later, when I went to college, he handed me over to a small company. These few years have been considered a small achievement." Ye Yutang glanced at Tu Mi, slightly With a smile, he continued: "Later, I felt it was necessary, so I went to take a certificate."

Tu Mi snorted and noticed the route the car was traveling. Only then did she realize it later, and said in surprise, "Mr. Ye, do you know where my house is?"

Ye Yutang tilted his head slightly and glanced at her: "When I take up tutoring, I have to know everything about the other party before I consider whether to take it or not."

The implication is that he has already understood all the information of Tu Mi. Of course, this refers to the information on the bright side, which naturally includes the address.

But the real situation is like this. The principal came over at noon with a few pages of documents and just started talking. When Ye Yutang saw the photo on the information bar, he agreed without thinking.

At the time, I felt impulsive and inexplicable, but now I am fortunate.

"Is Teacher Ye still satisfied with my student?" Tu Mi tilted his head.

Coincidentally, it was a red light at the moment, Ye Yutang stopped the car, nodded slightly towards Tu Mi, and promised, "Well, of course."

Seeing that she had been affirmed by Ye Yutang, Tu Mi didn't have time to be happy, but under his unfathomable gaze for less than 3 seconds, she turned her head away, pretending to look straight ahead calmly.

Ye Yutang saw that her reaction was very interesting, he was deliberately embarrassed, he spoke quickly and clearly and spit out a series of numbers. Seeing that she turned her head to look at himelf, he smiled with satisfaction and explained, "This is my number."

Tu Mi hurriedly took out her mobile phone and saved it word by word, word by word.

But I didn't expect that the girl's memory is so good.

Ye Yutang didn't care if the goal was not achieved, and only warned: "I will notify you on the phone in advance of the class time and location in the future. In addition, if you encounter anything, you can call the number just now." He thought about it then emphasized: "Remember, no matter what, I'm not afraid of being disturbed."

If the information is correct, there are still many uncertain factors around the girl, and he doesn't want the person he likes to be hurt without his knowledge.

Seeing Ye Yutang being so serious, Tu Mi thought it was unnecessary, but nodded and agreed.

When the green light came on, Ye Yutang drove.

"It's late, let's go to dinner first."

As soon as Tu Mi heard this, she wanted to refuse, and then she thought of her parents who had been separated for a long time. She smiled helplessly and did not object.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked again.

"Well… xx Road Baiwei Restaurant, its spicy beef noodles is very good!"

After turning over the original owner's memory, Tu Mi had been thinking about this for a long time.

The original owner didn't like it very much. She only ate it once, and she couldn't stand it after just a sip.

The reason is too spicy.

But for the taste of Tu Mi, she can be said to be full of spicy food.

It happened that this store was on the way, and it fits the name of the store. It has light, sweet and sour, spicy and other flavors, and it can also take care of the tastes of the people around you.

There was a hint of greed on the sly face of the girl beside him.

Really cute.

Ye Yutang was in a happy mood and drove to his destination.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the number of pedestrians on the roadside gradually increased, and naturally more people went out to eat.

When Tu Mi and Ye Yutang arrived at the Baiwei Restaurant, there were only a few vacancies left.

When they appeared, the eyes of the customers present involuntarily followed them.

There is no way, such a talented and beautiful couple, just looking at it is also seductive, and it is a dessert before and after meals.

Tu Mi glanced around and hesitated for a while.

"Mr. Ye, are you going to the box?" Tu Mi asked in a low voice.

The environment was noisy and noisy, she was afraid that Ye Yutang would not be able to adapt, and she really couldn't imagine how such a noble person would look like in such an environment.

At the same time, she was annoyed by her own neglect.


Ye Yutang's eyes fell to the position by the window, and he led Tu Mi straight over and took a seat.

Even if the surrounding noise is extremely noisy, it can't cover the bearing of his whole body.

Tu Mi couldn't help sighing, then took the order menu on the table, quickly ordered what he wanted, and then handed the order to Ye Yutang.

"No need," Ye Yutang waved his hand and said to the waiter who had already stood at the table, "I eat the same as hers, so just give us two servings according to the above."

"Okay, sir." The waiter took the order and turned away.

"Mr. Ye, do you like spicy food too?" Tu Mi asked casually.

"I usually don't eat spicy food, so I suddenly wanted to try it." Ye Yutang pondered for a moment, stared at the girl in front of him, and said with a deep meaning, "Maybe you will fall in love with it as soon as you touch it. ."

Unfortunately, before Tu Mi noticed it, the waiter brought the food.

Seeing the spicy beef noodles that she was thinking about, Tu Mi immediately turned her attention and introduced Ye Yutang enthusiastically: "Teacher Ye, try the beef noodles in this shop, it's delicious, fragrant and spicy. , but it's enjoyable. The beef is well-done, with a unique strength, and it doesn't have a fishy smell like other restaurants. Since the last time I ate it, I have been thinking about having time to eat it again. "

She talks a lot but he doesn't feel noisy, and it looks full of charm.

A smile appeared in Ye Yutang's eyes.

The little girl hasn't grown up yet, don't worry, just let it be.

Ye Yutang said in his heart.

So following her intention, he picked up the chopsticks and took a sip, savoring it carefully, "Well, it's really strong."

He relaxed his body, lowered his head slightly, and chewed slowly, just sitting there was a beautiful scenery.

It was obviously very sparse, ordinary and even very cheap, but he was forced to eat it as a delicacy.

It seems that no matter what angle you look at, you can't find flaws, and you can inadvertently seduce the minds of others.

Seeing that her mind was about to fall, Tu Mi hurriedly turned her eyes away from the man.

Hanging her head, she absently picked up a small chopstick surface, and when the tip of her tongue touched the taste of the noodles, she instantly felt cured.

Tu Mi decided to concentrate on tasting the food, and put her mind on the food. Then she noticed the layer of green floating on the soup surface, and Tu Mi's delicate brows wrinkled.

Oops, I forgot to tell the waiter not to put celery.

Tu Mi was a little annoyed.

"What? Don't like to eat?" Ye Yutang, who had been keeping his eyes on the girl, immediately sensed her emotions.

"Put it in my bowl."

"Ah? But…but this is what I've eaten before!" Tu Mi's eyes flickered subconsciously.

"Don't waste food." Someone was serious.

Tu Mi tried to turn her muddy mind around, but she couldn't, she wouldn't be able to think of other ways for a while, but let her eat celery…

That is impossible!

Tu Mi froze.

"Huh?" Ye Yutang urged.

After a long while, Tu Mi responded in a low voice, "Oh."

What else can I do?

With nine years of compulsory education, can she still waste food in front of her teachers for granted? Obviously not!

With an almost tragic expression, Tu Mi stretched out her chopsticks…

Ye Yutang smiled.

The next meal, regardless of how Tu Mi felt, Ye Yutang thought it was very delicious.

Twenty minutes later…

Ye Yutang's face paled, and she said to Tu Mi, who was gasping for breath, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Tu Mi's own hot head was dizzy, so she just waved her hand and didn't notice his abnormality.

After Ye Yutang left, Tu Mi drank the last sip of soup, leaned back, and slumped on the chair. She was so hot that she couldn't close her mouth but didn't care, and smirked to herself with tears in her eyes.

This is the satisfaction of happiness!

It seems that it is at this moment that she truly realizes that he is really reborn.


Ye Yutang bent down slightly, took out a small pill from her bosom, twisted open the cap, poured out two small pills, and swallowed it together with the warm water she asked for at the front desk.

After a while, realizing that the pain was somewhat relieved, Ye Yutang straightened his waist, looked at herself in the mirror who was slightly pale, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

A few minutes later, Ye Yutang returned to his seat, his expression returning to normal.

"What's up?"

After being seated, Ye Yutang couldn't help but feel curious when he saw the girl staring out of the window in a trance and didn't even notice when he came back. Following her gaze, his eyes sank.

Opposite the Baiwei Restaurant is a five-star restaurant. The decoration is gorgeous and elegant, noble but not vulgar. It can be seen that it is a place where the rich can only get involved.

There is a couple sitting at a table by the window in the restaurant. The boy always has an impeccable smile on his face. He looks at the girl tenderly and affectionately. From time to time, he stretches out his chopsticks and gives her a dish of her favorite food. He is considerate and dedicated. Anyone who notices his behavior will sigh with a three-good boyfriend.

The girl showed a shy smile, blushing in a low voice, her inadvertent weakness aroused the pity of the boy, and the girl seemed to have no idea.

Soft lights hit their faces, illuminating their features.

It was Xu Xianfan and Bai Xinxin.

Seeing Tu Mi staring at them without turning her eyes, Ye Yutang felt pantothenic acid in his heart.

Is she still sad for him?