Chapter 7 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 6

If he could know her before Xu Xianfan, would she like him?

If so, he would definitely not make her sad.

He won't give up.

Although there are many emotions and thoughts in his heart at this moment, he does not reveal the slightest on the surface.

"What happened?"

Ye Yutang's question made Tu Mi come back to his senses.

If Tumi learned Ye Yutang's heartfelt thoughts, she would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry.

Looking at Xu Xianfan and Bai Xinxin, she was thinking about how to deal with them next, and what kind of ending they should get to be worthy of their unrelenting calculations on the original owner.

It's a pity that Tu Mi couldn't hear Ye Yutang's voice at the moment, so she shook her head and said nothing.

Tu Mi's non-denial made Ye Yutang feel a strong sense of jealousy from the bottom of his heart, he even wanted to hide the girl desperately, only he could touch her.

With this thought, he couldn't control himself more and more, his eyes became heavier and deeper…

"Teacher Ye, Teacher Ye!"

Locked by Ye Yutang's dangerous gaze, Tu Mi was a little fidgety, and pulled his sleeves and called out twice.

Fortunately, Ye Yutang was woken up in time by her. His breathing was messed up, and he quickly lowered his head to cover up what was wrong with him.

Just when Ye Yutang was thinking about how to explain to her, a voice came over.

"Ami! Why haven't you returned home so late?" His voice was gentle and gentle, and the concern in his words was evident.

It turned out that it was Bai Xinxin who noticed that someone was looking at her. She followed her line of sight and found that the eldest lady of the Zhao family was sitting in the cheap restaurant opposite, and that the other party was accompanied by a man. She was surprised and realized that it was a man. Unmissable opportunity.

Bai Xinxin firmly believed in the truth that if you want to gain something, you must give something, even if it is unscrupulous.

No, during this period of time, she seemed to have unintentionally created many "coincidence" opportunities with Xu Xianfan, revealing her advantages without a trace, and Xu Xianfan was hooked as expected.

Xu Xianfan ran over this afternoon and told her that he had broken up with Zhao Mi, and also told himself that he had fallen in love with him a long time ago, but he had to delay the breakup due to love, and humbly begged him to ask her if she would be his girlfriend?

Different from the pretense in the past, he is really tempted now.

Because even Bai Xinxin has to admit that Xu Xianfan is excellent. He is not only handsome, but also full of ambition, which is very similar to himself. Whether as a partner or a partner, he is very much like herself and match her.

It doesn't matter if his family background is low, the important thing is that Xu Xianfan is someone Zhao Mi likes!

Now that the person Zhao Mi likes likes him, is this person who has been praised by her elders since she was a child finally incomparable to her in one aspect?

Haha, what a sense of accomplishment!

She couldn't wait to see Zhao Mi's sad expression.

She believed that Zhao Mi still deeply liked Xu Xianfan, and regardless of who the man sitting next to her was, she must make good use of this opportunity, so that Xu Xianfan's misunderstanding of Zhao Mi deepened, and she felt even more disgusted with her. Allow her possessions and the possibility of thinking about others.

Immediately, she walked over impulsively.

Tu Mi looked at the person who came, Bai Xinxin's weak expression concealed a bit of arrogance and schadenfreude, Tu Mi also suddenly lost interest in cooperating with her in performing family dramas. It's also a little more relaxed, as long as Father Zhao can't take advantage of the loopholes, pay more attention to precautions, I believe they won't be able to overcome many storms.

Glancing back and forth between the two of them, Tu Mi guessed their intentions, and then smiled, not smiling: "so it is you?"

"We're together!" Just as Bai Xinxin was about to speak, Xu Xianfan hurriedly stood in front of her, for fear that Zhao Mi would hurt her unreasonably.

In his opinion, Bai Xinxin is like a weak little white rabbit, who only gets hurt in front of Zhao Mi's evil beast.

"It's me who doesn't love you anymore. If you have anything, just come at me and don't hurt the innocent."

Tu Mi's expression never changed, which made Xu Xianfan very uneasy. He was afraid that this was the tranquility before the storm, so he glared at Tu Mi and warned viciously.

Tu Mi didn't feel anything yet, Ye Yutang, who was sitting with her back to Bai Xinxin and Xu Xianfan, was furious.

What is this for? Ah? He held the girl whom he felt a lot of pain in his hand, and he had never been willing to say a harsh word to her.

Ye Yutang was so angry that his heart hurt, did he come here like this before?

Just as he was about to stand up and teach the so-called idiot a lesson, Tu Mi winked hard at him, motioning him not to interfere.

Ye Yutang saw that she really didn't want to let herself come forward, and she didn't look like she was sad, so she struggled to hold back the act to beat, but the next second he thought about several miserable sufferings for Xu Xianfan in his heart and many means of torture.

Xu Xianfan, who was still on guard for the violent attack of Tu Mi, felt a chill behind him. He was a little inexplicable, but he didn't have time to think about it for a while, because at this time the person he was protecting came out from behind him.

"Ami, don't be sad, don't hold it in your heart, be careful that you will damage your body." Bai Xinxin saw that Tu Mi was not as excited as she expected, and her goal was not achieved. She was a little unwilling, so she said such a paragraph to herself. , "I didn't mean to rob you. It was because Xianfan didn't get along well with you, so he came to talk to me… I didn't dare to like him, how dare I? I… I'll give him back to you."


This made Xu Xianfan even more anxious, and Xinxin almost agreed to be with him. It can be seen that she really likes her, but it is because of her girlfriend's love that she has been so reserved and dared not reveal her feelings to herself, which makes sense. In the past, Xinxin used to look at him with those kind of affectionate eyes, and the more she thought about it, the more distressed she felt. He only hated himself for not having a showdown with Zhao Mi earlier!

So Xu Xianfan, who thought he knew Bai Xinxin very well, quickly expressed his sincerity, "Nonsense, I have always liked you, and I will not be with her!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed at Tu Mi and Ye Yutang, and said to Bai Xinxin, "Look at her appearance, how can she compare to you? She just revealed her true nature, and it took only one afternoon to find a good home, bah! Watery flowers, no self-esteem and self-love, deep down, who would be blind…?"

Xu Xianfan talked about the back, and Bai Xinxin, who was next to him, tickled the corner of her mouth without a trace, and she felt more and more proud, especially when she saw that Tu Mi was even more expressionless, she felt extremely relieved.

Look, this man who can't wait to crawl at her feet is the one that Miss Zhao family likes!

Bai Xinxin can't wait to tell the world!

"Enough!" Ye Yutang finally couldn't bear it any longer when she heard these foul words, and scolded loudly.

"Teacher Ye?" Bai Xinxin and Xu Xianfan were surprised.

It's all because the two of them are too impatient, they don't have the heart to pay attention to other things, plus the man always has his back to them, it is really unexpected that Tu Mi will have an intersection with the famous characters in the school.

"Don't say that he is a student of our school in the future. With such low quality, the school can't afford to lose this person." Ye Yutang said lightly with a cold face.

Finally stood up and walked straight out, Bai Xinxin and Xu Xianfan subconsciously avoided each other.

He quickly walked to the door, then stopped, turned his head, slowed his expression, and whispered to Tu Mi: "Come here, I will take you back."

Tu Mi obediently followed.

Stopped in front of the two of them for a while, glanced at Xu Xianfan lightly, and said meaningfully to Bai Xinxin: "Since you have shown such grievances, you can see that you like him a lot, so how can you easily give in? This will only make me doubt your feelings."

Then she changed her expression again, becoming more gentle, "Forget it, good sister, this man will be treated as if I let you, you should cherish it!"

After speaking, without looking at their faces, she walked quickly to Ye Yutang and left together.

Xu Xianfan and Xu Xianfan were left standing awkwardly and their expressions were constantly changing.

"Mr. Ye?" Tu Mi looked at the man who was driving the car with a heavy expression on his face. She was amused and moved at the same time.

"If someone treats you like this in the future, you don't need to be patient. You can fight back as much as you want. If it's not easy to solve, just come to me."

Tu Mi was silent for a while after listening.

If I remember correctly, this is the second time he has told me this.

"Are you taking care of me as a teacher?" Tu Mi asked tentatively.

Is it because Xu Xianfan and Bai Xinxin are not his students, so they are particularly partial to her and take care of her?

In addition to being moved, Tu Mi finally realized the deep meaning of Ye Yutang's actions, thinking to herself, did the other party take care of her too much?

However, Tu Mi, who was eager to ask the result, found that Ye Yutang was always silent, so she thought that the other party didn't want to answer this question, so she didn't worry too much, and she even wondered if she thought too much.

Zhao's house is not far from the Baiwei Museum, a five-minute drive away, and the time is up in the blink of an eye.

When the car stopped, Tu Mi took her belongings and prepared to get out of the car. Holding the door handle with one hand, she was about to say something to say goodbye to the other party, but she found that the door handle could not be turned, and the other party locked the door!

Tu Mi was stunned and looked at Ye Yutang.

Ye Yutang slowly unfastened her seat belt, faced Tu Mi, and smiled: "As for your question just now, I think I need to answer you directly and solemnly."

"Those words, I said as your future partner. At the same time, I hope you can give me this opportunity."

Word by word, very serious.

Tu Mi looked at Ye Yutang's deep eyes, her heart pounding uncontrollably, she opened her mouth, but said nothing.