Chapter 12 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 11

Li Shuyuan pulled out her arm calmly. She was a little innocent, but not stupid, so she didn't make any progress after suffering so much.

"Why do you think so? If it weren't for your Xinxin, how could we Ami have a chance to prove our innocence? We are really grateful." Li Shuyuan looked equally sincere.

Li Minyu's smile froze, why did she sound so awkward? As if it meant something.

It shouldn't be, although Li Shuyuan didn't know why she reunited with Zhao Qilin, but she asked herself that she didn't show any clues, so that she would not suspect herself.

Li Minyu shook her head secretly, secretly said, it is impossible, she must have thought too much, she knows Li Shuyuan, if the other party know that everything is her fault, with the other party's simple and direct temper, then there must be something to say, so she would not be smiling to her.

So, Li Minyu, who had figured it out by herself, put all these questions to the back of her mind.

She gave someone in the crowd a veiled wink, and the other party was always paying attention to her, so she naturally received it.

Li Minyu felt relieved.

"Hehe, what's the matter with us? Shuyuan, please don't be polite to our mother and daughter. Well, today is Ami's birthday, we won't talk about these disappointing things. Come, come, Ami, auntie is happy today, I have to be with you. You have a drink, but don't refuse Auntie." Li Minyu happily took the credit, and did not deny it, she brought the topic in a few words, pulled over Tu Mi, who had been smiling all the time, and said kindly and kindly.

Tu Mi had been watching calmly just now, and also wanted to see what kind of reaction and attitude her mother would have when facing her former so-called best friend after going through so many things.

Fortunately, my mother has become more rational, and no longer listens to everything, and can't be easily fooled.

Her performance made Tu Mi completely relieved.

After all, as his father's status, as his wife, she still has to have a basic defense against others.

Looking at Li Minyu's enthusiastic face, and then looking at Bai Xinxin, who seemed to be a little quiet behind her, who was rarely a demon, Tu Mi's heart moved.

At this time, Li Minyu had already stopped a young servant and brought a glass of wine. Tu Mi slightly lowered her head and narrowed her eyes.

Deliberately slowly shaking her head and rejecting: "No, I can't drink."

The original owner was a physique, and Tu Mi could not guarantee that he did not inherit her characteristics.

Especially in the case that the person in charge of the yt project has not arrived for some reason, no matter what, it is obviously inappropriate to be drunk at this time.

Li Minyu was not surprised to see her rejection. She subconsciously regarded her reaction as because her boyfriend was empathetic and had resentment in her heart, so she didn't want to see her boyfriend's empathic object, nor did she want to see her mother.

She was secretly contemptuous, but she still didn't make any progress.

So, Li Minyu didn't force it, put down the wine glass, and pretended to apologize, "Alright, girls, it's better to drink less, because Auntie was too happy and neglected."

Just when Tu Mi was surprised that she gave up so quickly, Li Minyu pointed to the juice in the servant's tray and said to Tu Mi, "It's okay, it's the same as drinking some juice with Auntie."

Looking at Tu Mi's unmoved expression, Li Minyu pretended to be sad and said, "Or are you still blaming Xinxin and Auntie?"

Bai Xinxin next to her also cooperated to show the look of crying, as if Tumi bullied their mother and daughter. It is easy for people who don't know to think that Tumi is very naive, unreasonable to elders, and hard-hearted arrogant

Under such circumstances, Tu Mi can already be sure that the other party has bad intentions.

"If I don't drink again, do you have to say that I don't know what to do?" Tu Mi looked at Li Minyu and said lightly.

Then he took the glass of juice and glanced at the young servant inadvertently, and the servant shrank.

"How could it be?" Li Minyu didn't care, she answered casually, her goal was achieved, she relaxed, and didn't want to be too serious to cause suspicion.

Seeing that only one cup was taken away from the tray, Li Minyu looked at Li Shuyuan unintentionally, and said angrily: "Suyuan, let's have a drink together. You said that you are not available for shopping with you these days. I also understand that a long absence is better than a wedding. , today is a lively day, you have to clink a glass with me, right?"

After she finished speaking, regardless of whether Li Shuyuan refused or not, she took the cup at the front of the tray and stuffed it to her.

Li Shuyuan was forced to accept it. Although she was a little wary of the other party, she looked at the people around her and thought that there would be nothing wrong with coming to the public, so she didn't refuse. With this hypocritical woman who doesn't have a word of truth in her mouth, she is false and condescending.

Seeing this, Li Minyu hurriedly picked up the two innermost cups in the tray, handed one of the cups to her daughter, and after touching the cups with Tumi's mother and daughter, "Let's do it first, and wish Ami a happy birthday, Find someone who truly loves you as soon as possible, and at the same time wish Shuyuan and her cousin a deep love and no doubt about their love."

The first to drink it all, Bai Xinxin followed closely behind.

Seeing them like this, Li Shuyuan dispelled the last trace of doubt, picked up the cup, and drank it slowly.

Tu Mi, unprepared, raised the cup in his hand and drank the juice.

Li Minyu swept the cups in their hands vaguely, and then relaxed.

She raised her eyebrows at the servant, and the servant understood, took a few steps forward, stretched out the tray in her hands, and wanted to take away the empty cups in their hands, but she was unsteady, and her whole body fell forward, "Ah! "

Being caught off guard, Tu Mi and others didn't have time to dodge.

This time, the remaining drinks in the tray were all sprinkled on the clothes of the four of them, and the wet and light dresses were tightly attached to the skin, which was somewhat inappropriate.

"Ah, what's the matter with you!" Bai Xinxin screamed, her carefully chosen white dress was now printed with a cloud of red.

Li Minyu hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her daughter's shoulders, using her palm slightly to signal her to calm down.

God knows that she is also wondering what happened to the servant that her husband found. He clearly explained that he only needs to soil the dresses of Li Shuyuan's mother and daughter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" The servant blushed and was at a loss, watching them keep apologizing, as if panicking to the extreme.

After all, whether this lucrative job can be saved is another matter for the time being. Even if the four of them are wearing expensive dresses, even if they sell her, they must not be able to pay for one of them.

Li Shuyuan can also understand the other party. Unintentional loss is inevitable. Besides, she also realizes that she is wrong and apologizes. She doesn't want to be too embarrassed, but comforts the other party: "It's okay, you go down first, remember Be careful next time, don't make this kind of low-level mistake again."

Seeing the gentle attitude of the employer, the servant immediately felt relieved, replied repeatedly, lowered his head and hurried down.

Li Shuyuan confessed a few words to the steward who heard the news, and asked Li Minyu and the two to go to the guest room to change clothes, and then, together with Tu Mi, went back to the room to dispose of the dirty clothes.

"Mom, is it done? Where's Zhang Luo? Have you hid in that bitch's room?" Bai Xinxin asked impatiently when the rest of the people had left and there was only her own in the room.

"Baby, you can rest assured. All the parents have arranged everything, not only the show, but the rest are also in place. From now on, you can just wait and watch the show." Li Minyu smiled proudly.

"Well, that's great!" The show is about to begin!

"Why isn't Xu Fan here yet?" Bai Xinxin was happy, but also thought about Xu Xianfan. It was agreed last night that we would come together today, but when we were about to leave in the morning, the company had something to do and said we would come back later. It wouldn't be a big deal if it was put on a regular basis, but today is indeed an important day, especially later, when Xu Fan is absent when the good show is on, what's the point?

"You! Xu Fan has just joined the company and is in the adjustment period. Of course he's busy, he's not as busy as you." Speaking of Xu Xianfan, Li Minyu had a rare expression of admiration on his face, "Xu Fan is a very talented kid. He also has a good mind. If it is not unexpected, he will achieve great things in the future. Xinxin, don't be stubborn when you get along in the future, men, no matter how much they love you, they will never have so much patience, always coaxing you to follow you. On the contrary, you should follow him and decorate the weakness appropriately, who doesn't like gentleness and carelessness."

Bai Xinxin nodded with a blushing face.

Seeing her daughter's shy and charming face, Li Minyu smiled with satisfaction. In fact, she believes that her daughter can handle these things very well by herself, and these small tricks have been taught to her since she was a child. Over the past few years, watching her daughter have achieved her true heritage, her origins have become more delicate and lovable, and she is also very Satisfied, I have always been proud of teaching such an excellent daughter, but as a mother, I still can't help but raise points everywhere.

Li Minyu thought of something again, and her face became serious again.

"After today, your father will become the Zhao family… no… it's time to change to the Bai family group at that time!" Li Minyu, who was going to talk about business, thought of the Tu Mi's mother, she couldn't maintain her dignity. Disregarding the image, she laughed.

Bai Xinxin was also full of joy.

After a while, the two regained their composure, but their eyebrows couldn't stop rising.

"At that time, your dad will focus on cultivating Xianfan. As long as you hold on to his heart, you will naturally have no worries."

It means to appoint the future son-in-law as the heir.

The couple originally wanted to decide on their own daughter, but her character was too weak and might not be suitable for a person in power, so they hesitated.

It's impossible to go to great lengths to grab the group, and Bai Rongcheng will lose his heir after a hundred years.

At this time, Xu Xianfan appeared. His talents, skills, and brains all surprised Bai Rongcheng and his wife. This is simply the perfect heir given to them by God! And the other party is their future son-in-law, a family, so it was decided naturally.