Chapter 13 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 12

But later, they were afraid that their daughter would have an opinion, so the couple discussed to test her ideas before making a decision.

But now, seeing the expression inherent in a woman in love on her daughter's face, Li Minyu's uneasy mind fell into place.

Men struggle outside, women are at home with husbands and children. This is the way that Li Minyu has always recognized as a husband and wife, and she has spent this way over the years, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. As long as a man's heart is on himself, what is there to worry about?

Therefore, Li Minyu has always been proud of these methods of her own.

I have to say that the Li Minyu family has really thought deeply, and the matter has not been settled yet, as if the Zhao Group is already in their own pockets, and even the question of the next heir has been figured out.

"Mom!" The more Bai Xinxin listened, the more red and hot her face became, and her body was still a little weak, but she didn't care too much. She felt that she was embarrassed by what her mother said, and she just drank a little wine. These symptoms are not surprising. But there were signs of continued increase in temperature on his face, so he hurriedly stopped Li Minyu, not allowing her to say any more.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Li Minyu looked at her daughter's shyness and said angrily, "You child, why don't you ever feel ashamed in front of your mother?"

After all, she was happy in her heart, which also proved that her daughter really cared about Xu Xianfan.

With a "ding" sound, Bai Xinxin's phone screen lit up.

"Xinxin, where are you? Why can't I see you in the hall?" She turned on her phone, a message popped into her eyes, and her heart was sweet for a while.

"Xu Fan is here, I'll go look for him, Mom, come down soon." She was about to meet her sweetheart, and it would not be long before her long-cherished wish would come true. Bai Xinxin was so excited that her body became more and more I didn't pay much attention to the discomfort, grabbed my mobile phone and other belongings, opened the door excitedly and turned away.

"This child!" Li Minyu looked at it with a smile and shook her head helplessly.

Here, Tu Mi and her mother walked to the master bedroom together.

When he was about to reach the room, Tu Mi suddenly stopped, Li Shuyuan saw this and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tu Mi raised the mobile phone in his hand, wondering why: "The person in charge of yt is here, and my project schedule is still in the room. Mom, can you go and entertain them for me first? I'm afraid that I will make them wait too long. They would have a bad impression."

The reasons were somewhat untenable, but Li Shuyuan didn't notice it. She only knew that this project was very important and it was about her daughter's face. At the moment, he couldn't care about the stain on his chest, and quickly replied: "Well, go and get it, I'll go back right away."

Turn around to go.

"Wait a minute," Tu Mi hurriedly grabbed her, never knowing when to catch up with their steward, took a cloak and draped it over Li Shuyuan's body, temporarily covering up the unsightly stains, only to be satisfied.

Li Shuyuan felt that her heart was soft, she raised her hand and gently stroked her daughter's smooth hair, and then hurriedly turned and left.

Looking at the back of her mother leaving, Tu Mi slowly put away the smile on her face, and said lightly to the housekeeper who was standing quietly beside her: "Follow over, look after my mother, I won't allow her to lose a single hair."

"Yes!" The steward looked at the young master's cold and stern face, and replied respectfully, daring not to be disrespectful.

In the past few days, he followed the girl in front of him and watched her act. From the beginning of disapproval to now, he did not dare to hold any contempt for her at all. The change in his attitude was only a momentary thing. For her, he truly admired her.

There are clear rewards and punishments for subordinates, including this time, in this ancestral building, because the owner does not live here, the servants are used to being lazy and don't pay much attention to the rules, so that outsiders give some benefits, some people ignore the owner regardless and was sold. Because of this situation, he has an inescapable responsibility as a steward. Most people would have dismissed him long ago in such a situation. However, she was willing to give him a chance to make up for his faults, and he was very grateful.

Moreover, the girl in front of her treated herself hard enough, knowing that there was something wrong with the drink, she drank it without hesitation.

"Are you all right? Do you want me to find someone to take care of you?" Although he had just drank and was ready, he was still a little worried.

"It's okay, leave me alone and do your business."

The tone of voice remained unchanged, still calm and extraordinary, and the manager was relieved. He responded and turned away with a fast and powerful pace.

Seeing the steward leave, Tu Mi's expression softened slightly. In this place where dragons and snakes are mixed, she dares to let only such a steward guard her mother because he has a very good kung fu.

After successfully removing his mother, Tu Mi walked to the bathroom not far away.

She propped herself on the sink, put her clean fingers into her mouth, and touched the arch of the pharynx and the back wall of the pharynx, which made her sick to her stomach and spit out all the juice she had drank for a while.

Then I wet my face with cold water, and I felt that the persistent dryness had room for relief.

Tu Mi felt very light for a moment, thinking that there was nothing serious, leaned on the sink, pondered the next plan in his mind, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

She didn't know when her body became a little weak. She looked at the mirror, and the girl inside was blushing. Under the light of the soft light, she looked particularly bright. The eyes that were usually a little deserted were filled with mist, especially when the girl was not at all. When he bit his lip consciously, the whole person looked seductive and sexy. I'm afraid that a man who usually sits and is not chaotic will not be able to help pity when he sees it.

Tu Mi smiled bitterly, thinking that she was too big.

I thought that I had taken the high-priced detoxification pills that were not available on the market this morning, and then I thought that it would be okay to induce vomiting after drinking it, but I didn't want to underestimate the medicinal properties of the medicine Li Minyu carefully prepared.

Going back to her room now is obviously a death sentence, and it is obviously inappropriate to stay here. If someone comes in and sees her like this, how should you explain it?

Tu Mi thought about it for a while, but decided to go out and find an empty room. It would be more appropriate to come forward when the medicinal properties in her body dissipated.

So I dragged my limp body, opened the door of the bathroom, and walked out, deliberately avoiding the area of my room.

After a while, Tu Mi saw her goal from a distance. She knew that this place was empty and empty. Usually, even the servants rarely came. They only came to clean from time to time. Most of the guests would be arranged in The guest room area not far from the master bedroom.

Tu Mi almost cried with joy, her body was about to be unable to support her, her body was hot and her mouth was dry, and a shameful emptiness swept over her. She felt that these symptoms could only be rushed into the room and bathroom. It may be relieved by burying your body in icy cold water.