Chapter 14 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 13

Seeing that she was still a step away from the room, Tu Mi didn't have time to be happy when a figure rushed over, pulled her over without hesitation, turned around, and was pressed against the wall. When he reached her mouth, she was forcefully eaten into his mouth.

Tu Mi stared anxiously, but unfortunately the lights were dim, so he couldn't see the person's appearance. She only felt that he was tall and powerful.

Could it be the rascal scoundrel arranged by Li Minyu? Shouldn't he just sit back and wait in his room? Why can you still find her here? Are you waiting impatiently to come out to find someone?

At this moment, being held in this person's arms has no resistance, let him do whatever he wants, Tu Mi is angry and anxious, quite regretting his recklessness, coupled with the medicinal stimulation, the tears flow uncontrollably.

"Xianfan…" And Bai Xinxin went out, walked out of the guest room area, near the master bedroom, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, and leaned against the wall with a weak body, feeling faint for a while.

For a moment, she realized that she was abnormal, and she also realized that she might have drank one of the two glasses of wine by mistake. She was very anxious. Not a single one, for a while, I hated it very much.

But then, she didn't have the energy to ponder these harmful thoughts any more, and the turbulent and strong feelings in her body attacked in waves, destroying all her unwillingness and destroying all the scum. She gradually lost consciousness, panting weakly against the wall, dawdling, the last trace of clarity in her mind disappeared, and she only recited Xu Xianfan's name full of her heart, as if this would make herself feel better.

Just when Bai Xinxin was so sad that it was about to explode, a body that was equally hot, but with a strong masculinity came over. Kneading and kneading, he roughly tore the neckline of her skirt.

"Well, ah! Xianfan, why did you come here?" Bai Xinxin didn't seem to be dissatisfied with being treated almost rudely by the person who came. She even pushed her chest forward and took the initiative to send it to the door, just expressing her dissatisfaction coquettishly.

Maybe it was too unbearable, Bai Xinxin squinted slightly, subconsciously taking people as Xu Xianfan and her salvation. Because she never thought that someone she didn't know would treat her like this as soon as they came up, the only possibility was Xu Xianfan, who had been pestering her in bed these days.

Is it too urgent to just tear off the clothes this time? Today's Xu Xianfan seems to be more enthusiastic than ever!

Bai Xinxin was a little surprised in addition to being confused.

The visitor also endured the unpleasantness, but still tried his best to maintain a trace of vigilance, as if he was afraid that the exposure would cause Bai Xinxin's suspicion, so that the meat that was about to get out of his mouth ran away. He didn't even think about opening his mouth, he avoided Bai Xinxin's lips, kissed her neck all the way down, panting eagerly and vigorously, but when he was about to make the next move, he was stunned, as if thinking of something, it was difficult. He restrained his urgency, looked at the torn rag in his hand through the dim light, and reconfirmed that it was indeed red before carrying it back to the nearest room by the waist.


Poor Bai Xinxin didn't know that Xu Xianfan's enthusiasm these days was because he was afraid that Bai Rongcheng and his wife would not try their best to train him and give him enough resources, so he made up his mind to get Bai Xinxin. To be completely obsessed with him. In addition, this was indeed the first time Xu Xianfan had done such a thing with a woman, and she was a woman he cared about the most after removing the career prospects and other factors, in his impression of being weak and pitiful, incomparable to Zhao Mi, and so on. It is inevitable that these things are a little unfinished, and I have pestered Bai Xinxin a few times.

I have to say that this is an ambitious but selfish man. Usually, there is no accident. People like him will definitely succeed. And it turns out that he did succeed. It's a pity that he met Tu Mi in this life.

"Hey, buddy, are you still waiting for that old lady?" The man walked straight into the door, threw Bai Xinxin on the bed, and turned to the figure standing by the window.

When the light hit his face, it was a wretched and overindulgent face. It was the market scoundrel invited by Li Minyu, Zhang Luo.

"What old ladies? Although Miss Li is married and has children, her figure is first-class. Although it's not as good as the one you got, it doesn't have a good taste."

Liu Cheng bowed his body slightly and retorted Zhang Luodao in a low voice. However, her eyes involuntarily looked towards Bai Xinxin, who was disheveled on the bed, her eyes became more and more red.

"Okay, don't be rude." Zhang Luo looked at Liu Cheng's expression, laughed tremblingly, and suggested evilly, "Together?"

Liu Cheng was obviously moved after hearing this. The two of them often did this, and he wasn't surprised when Zhang Luohui said that.

In their circle, they shouldn't use too many tricks, otherwise Li Minyu wouldn't be able to find them.

Especially when he looked at Bai Xinxin, whose face was flushed and lost consciousness on the bed, but he was still groaning with his mouth open, his hands unconsciously touching his body, and his eyes were straight.

But Liu Cheng still has his own concerns.

"Heh, have to wait for Li Shuyuan? Are you sure you can afford it?" Zhang Luo gasped and laughed, without much persuasion, he just undressed himself.

Liu Cheng kept his eyes from Bai Xinxin, watching the other party's more and more reckless actions inspired by the medicinal properties, and threw himself up in less than a second.

Mother, I really can't wait. The people who invited them seemed to be torturing Li Shuyuan's mother and daughter on purpose. They even gave him and Zhang Luo medicine, but Li Shuyuan's mother and daughter didn't return to the room for some reason. They could only do it. Wait, it's not too cool. They've always been the only ones who have given medicine to women. This is the first time they've been asked to take medicine by themselves. If it wasn't for the high remuneration, plus the employer said that the other party was the director of the famous Zhao Group. The wife and daughter, driven by excitement, agreed.

At the same time, Liu Cheng also sighed in his heart that it was thanks to the Zhang Luo brothers who were with him this time, otherwise he might have confessed here this time.

It turned out that this was the case. Zhang Luo was impatient waiting in Zhao Mi's room, so he came to Li Shuyuan's room to inquire about the news with Liu Cheng. Only then did he know that the person who was supposed to appear in the plan did not appear, and he was anxious about what to do. Zhang Luo Hearing the voice of a woman outside the door, he opened the door and glanced at her secretly, and in a blink of an eye he recognized that this was Miss Zhao.

Liu Cheng sighed and sighed, but he was not idle, and together with Zhang Luo, he peeled Bai Xinxin clean.

It didn't take long for the room to hear a burst of breathless roars…