Chapter 15 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 14

But Li Minyu thought that since Bai Xinxin left, her heart couldn't stop beating wildly. She stroked her chest with her hand, which relieved her a little.

After thinking about it for a while, she was still a little uneasy, but she didn't think that her daughter was wrong. She was afraid that the arrangement was wrong and the plan could not be successful, so she got up and walked to the hall. .

For a while, under Tu Mi's pre-arrangement, only the three of Bai Xinxin, herself and…

"Why are you crying? Huh?" Feeling that the delicate face held in his palm was full of tears, the man reluctantly released the girl's lips, but patiently kissed all the way up, and finally stopped by the girl's eyes and kissed gently. She ate the tears in her mouth from the corner of her eyes.

"Teacher Ye!" Hearing the familiar voice, Tu Mi's tense body immediately relaxed, allowing her limp body to lean into his arms.

As if as long as the man in front of her appeared, she would be fine. It was a feeling of trust that had built up without her even realizing it.

Ye Yutang was delighted by the girl's unconscious dependence on him, and the anger in his heart dissipated most of the time. He wrapped the girl hard, kissed the top of her head pitifully, and said softly, "Well,I'm here"

Tu Mi buried her face in Ye Yutang's warm and generous chest, and gradually her brain began to heat up again. It was obvious that the medicine had attacked. Tu Mi was extremely uncomfortable, and rubbed her head in a daze, "I feel uncomfortable."

Hearing her murmur of pain, Ye Yutang's anger rose again. He hardened his heart and didn't look at her expression, "I'm very angry."

God knows how he got here.

When he was about to come over, he received news temporarily that Bai Rongcheng took advantage of Father Zhao's busy work on Tu Mi's birthday party, and urgently gathered the confidants of the group. He was conspiring to do something. Apparently it was a big conspiracy.

Ye Yutang was afraid that Tu Mi would suffer, and hurriedly called someone to investigate. When he was busy with the arrangement, he found that Zhao Qilin was also prepared. The group could not have any major incident. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief when news came from the dark line he arranged that there was drunk man in Tu Mi's room!

That's great?

He hurried to leave, and the dark thread said again, Tu Mi drank the juice that had been drugged! For a while, the blue veins on his forehead jumped up, and he drove straight to Yanlan Villa regardless, stepping on the accelerator several times on the way, leaving a group of subordinates far behind.

As soon as she got out of the car, he saw Tu Mi's mother standing at the gate, holding her head high and looking forward, as if she was waiting for someone. With Ye Yutang's eyesight, she could see at a glance that it was deliberately spent. What does this mean?

Tu Mi clearly knew there was danger, but she still chose to stay in this dangerous place!

Ye Yutang was so angry that his teeth hurt, this daring woman!

He only felt his calm state of mind. Since he met Tu Mi, it has been fluctuating like a stormy sea, especially today.

He was very angry, and followed the route reported by the dark line to look for it.

Along the way, he was thinking about how to persuade, so that Tu Mi would choose to rely on him and leave everything to him.

Suddenly, there was a staggering figure in front of him from a distance. Ye Yutang recognized it without any difficulty. This was exactly what he was looking for.

The girl was wearing a gorgeous red dress, which was even more conspicuous under the dim light, like a goblin wandering out at midnight, exuding a seductive breath all over her body.

It's just that this is a weak and powerless fairy who is only slaughtered by human beings.

After he found it, Ye Yutang was not in a hurry.

Just looking at each other, he felt that he should do something to keep the girl's memory long.

He wanted to wake up the girl with a roar, did she not understand men?

Appearing here like this, is she underestimating her own charm, or overestimating a man's self-control?

So, he quietly approached the girl.

Thinking of the complicated feelings before, Ye Yutang hated the iron and glanced at the culprit.

Good guy!

The little girl is busy unbuttoning his shirt.

Ye Yutang held the girl's hand and stopped her from continuing to make trouble.

But he was also surprised by the heat radiating from his hands for a while. He hurriedly touched her face. Sure enough, the temperature continued to rise, and his eyes were closed, which was obviously an unconscious action.

Ye Yutang was so distressed that he immediately bowed his head and declared himself a minister. How could he still think about those who did not have it?

He leaned over and gently picked up the girl, touched her lips lovingly, pulled the girl's restless hand over his shoulder, and then walked to the room in front.


Everyone was talking loudly. Suddenly, all the lights in the hall went out, and the huge display screen that was playing the photo of Tumi also went black. Before everyone could react, the display screen came on again, but this time Not a photo anymore.

The dim bedside lamp hit the bed, illuminating the three figures who had no idea on it and were sweating hard.

The crowd was eerily silent.

Who will tell them why such a ridiculous and disgusting scene is here?

Zhao Qilin stood there in a daze, the moment he recognized that it was his daughter's room, he was so concerned that he couldn't bear to look at these pictures again. He was so distressed that he wanted to suffocate, and there was only one thought left in his mind, desperately working with Bai Rongcheng!

His daughter is so smart and cute, and he was heartbroken for their parents. Before he could fulfill the responsibility of a father, he was assassinated by the tricks of Bai Rongcheng's villain. He was in pain.

His poor daughter!

He only regretted why he didn't solve Bai Rongcheng in the first place, he had to listen to his daughter and plot slowly.


Just when Zhao Qilin was about to lose his mind, Bai Xinxin gasped and woke him up. Although he didn't know who it was for a while, he was sure it wasn't the voice of his precious daughter.

His heart fell back to his chest in an instant, and a huge ecstasy overwhelmed him.

Not his daughter is fine.

This is the cruel voice of this kind father at this moment.

Zhao Qilin thought, all the misfortunes come to me, as long as they don't hurt his family, he will continue.

"My God, is this Zhao Mi?"

"I didn't even see it, it's disgusting!"

"I'll just say, this is a lowly woman in her bones."

"Oh, what kind of driver is it? There is no evidence. Of course, we can only let them say what they say. Now it's all played out in front of our eyes, let's see how she can argue!"

Su Yiqiu and the others were about to move again. Seeing that there was still a photo of Zhao Mi on the room table on the screen, they seized the opportunity firmly and immediately convicted Tu Mi without hesitation. The words were very firm, as if about to be able to pull that tall person down.