Chapter 17 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 16

Who would have thought that after the banquet had passed for so long, yt didn't even see a shadow, but instead, there was a scandal of Zhao's daughter's excesses.

Well, now their chairman Zhao has not only lost the qualification to choose his daughter as his heir, but his plan to choose a future son-in-law is stillborn.

What? You mean the grandson and granddaughter of Chairman Zhao?

Oh sorry, they can't wait.

At this time, Bai Rongcheng swears and promises to them that as long as he is elected chairman, within three years, he will train them an excellent heir who can lead the Zhao family to glory, and this person is reliable enough to be able to follow them. Firmly tied to the same rope.

The high-level people are heartbroken. God knows how much they have broken their hearts for the group to have an heir!

But their reason is still there. They asked to see the ability of the man Bai Rongcheng said, and Bai Rongcheng agreed.

So Bai Rong made a deal to Xu Xianfan's small company to take care of it. They observed it secretly, had a panoramic view of Xu Xianfan's means, ability, and mind, and nodded secretly.

Although there is no comparison with the president of yt, it is enough to lead Zhao's prosperity.

Zhao Qilin looked at their appearance, what else could he not understand?

For a while, his mouth was bitter and his heart was disheartened. Could it be that he had been busy for most of his life just to end up in such a ridiculous situation? Then what is the purpose of Ami's efforts these days?

Yes, and Ami, his precious daughter, she has not been defeated by Bai Rongcheng, the old fox's tricks, how can he? How could he have the face to give up? How could the group fall into the hands of a vicious and cunning person like Bai Rongcheng? If you let go, then their family will have a safe life in Bai Rongcheng's hands?

Thinking of his daughter, Zhao Qilin instantly became full of fighting spirit.

Besides, who said they would get what they wanted?

Zhao Qilin looked at everyone, unable to hide his anger, "Then ask this reporter friend to look carefully, who is in this picture!"

Everyone was in an uproar, what? Could it be that this lascivious woman is not the daughter of the Zhao family but someone else? How can it be? This is obviously Miss Zhao's room. If you want to shrink it, you can't treat everyone like a fool like this, right? For a moment, he looked at the display angrily.

Bai Rongcheng looked forward calmly, disapprovingly in his heart.

Oh, but struggling to the death.

Li Minyu next to him smiled sarcastically, heh, he still refused to recognize the reality.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhao Mi? This is the medicine she has worked so hard to get. She watched the mother and daughter drink it with her own eyes, but she could not solve it casually.

And it has been so long, the time is almost up, the medicinal properties are about to pass, and Zhao Mi should wake up.

Seeing the messy scene in front of her, she should scream!

Then let her explain it to everyone in person and see how they can break it!

Although Li Shuyuan didn't know what happened to that bitch, but the medicinal properties are probably almost the same, right?

Oh, maybe she has woken up now, and found that the person she is lingering with is not her husband, then, this extremely conservative woman will definitely live without face, right?

Then Zhao Qilin will definitely regret that he failed to take good care of his wife and daughter, and he was in so much pain, right?

Thinking of this, Li Minyu felt very happy in her heart.

"Auntie, what are you looking at? Where is Xinxin?"

At this moment, a thin figure crossed the crowd, stood beside Li Minyu, and asked.

The visitor frowned slightly and looked at the screen, his eyebrows were sharp and ruthless for the first time, and he no longer deliberately concealed it.

He is still dressed in the brand-name style, and looks a little thin and weak, but the smooth sailing of his career makes him look very confident.

It was Xu Xianfan.

However, Li Minyu's first impression of his shyness and respect was very deep, and he was completely unaware of his change.

With admiration in her eyes and a smile on her face, she replied casually, "Didn't Xinxin go to find you? What, didn't you get together just now?"

"I haven't seen her yet. I just went out to answer a call, you know, the Chinese group is on the rise, and it's quite busy."

Xu Xianfan replied absentmindedly, not caring.

Who knows if Xinxin is lost, the Zhao family villa is so big, it is possible to get lost.

His mind is now on the screen.

He knew that the woman who had passed out and was slaughtered and had her face covered by two men was Zhao Mi. He knew a little about Bai Xinxin's plans in advance, but he never thought of coming to inform Zhao Mi, and of course, he doesn't regret it now.

He was just a little complicated.

He didn't expect that the identity of the ex-girlfriend who he had always misunderstood was so big, and he was shocked and ashamed at the same time.

Why didn't Zhao Mi tell him? Would you rather break up without explaining it to him? Do you just despise him?

Xu Xianfan clenched his fists, the only guilt dissipated before it even rose.

Now he is standing in front of the screen watching silently, feeling the pleasure rising from the bottom of his heart.

What about Zhao's daughter? It wasn't the broken shoes that Xu Xianfan threw away, but now it can't be broken anymore. Her only sense of superiority in Zhao Mi no longer exists!

As for the Zhao family, no accident, he will take over all of them one day in the future.

Now, all he needs to do is to get along well with Xinxin. This kind of result is what the Bai family and himself are happy to see.

And Zhao Mi turned the page completely.

Only then did Xu Xianfan come back to his senses, and he threw out of his mind what he hadn't realized yet, what he couldn't explain, the little bit of melancholy or lost emotion.

He remembered that he was going to find Bai Xinxin, this is no accident… no… there will be no surprise, Xinxin will definitely be his wife!

He turned around firmly to go out.

However, at this moment, a scream came from the screen.

Xu Xianfan suddenly turned his head in disbelief and looked at the woman on the screen who suddenly woke up and looked panicked…

And this time remote rooms.

Ye Yutang had a headache looking at this grinning goblin who was still restless even after falling asleep, trying to rub against him.

He glanced at his incredibly honest body.

In this case, who should take a cold shower?

Ye Yutang sighed helplessly, leaned over and hugged the girl under his body, biting hard on her neck, as if venting his anger, and then he resigned and carried the girl into the bathroom.

Then he adjusted the water temperature with one hand and felt that the water temperature was suitable, so he put the girl in the bathtub with her clothes closed, and gently supported the girl's head with one hand to prevent her from choking.

Seeing that the girl fell asleep and her symptoms were not relieved, Ye Yutang slowly lowered the water temperature.

As the water temperature dropped, the girl's complexion slowly returned to normal, and her tightly wrinkled brows also loosened. Under the erosion of the water temperature, her face was full of tenderness and fragility, and the red dress soaked in water was tightly wrapped around the girl's exquisite shape. There is a stunning beauty on top of the beautiful body.

Ye Yutang watched this scene, his breathing became heavier and heavier, his eyes gradually became darker, and the idea of taking the girl away and hiding her involuntarily came up again.