Chapter 18 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 17

His eyes became hotter and hotter, and the sleeping girl seemed to sense danger, her eyelids trembled, and then slowly opened.

"Hmm…" The girl murmured, woke up, and looked at her surroundings, her expression a little dazed.

She remembered that she seemed to have seen Teacher Ye earlier? Strange, how could he be in the bathtub by himself?

Tu Mi raised her hand soaked in the water and wrapped it around her shoulder.

Feeling a little cold right now.

In a coma, she felt very comfortable, and even wanted to bury her head in the cold water, but there was a strong palm supporting her head, and she couldn't succeed.

By the way, hands!

Tu Mi turned her head and saw the person she wanted to see.

"Mr. Ye!" She frowned, feeling happy.

"Is there any discomfort in your body?" Ye Yutang smoothed the girl's hair and said gently.

During the time when the girl woke up, it was enough for him to adjust his expression.

He felt the girl's emotions. Infected by her, Ye Yutang's eyes also have a smile.

Tu Mi thought of her own carelessness, and shook her head in embarrassment, "Well, it's alright."

"Then bubble hot water again to warm up your body, and don't catch a cold."

Ye Yutang stretched out his hand and drained the cold water one by one for Tu Mi, then turned up the temperature of the water temperature gauge, and put in hot water.

The whole process does not look sideways, and is very gentleman.

Tu Mi sat in the bathtub, quietly watching Ye Yutang working for her, an unspeakable feeling rose in her heart.

Seeing that the girl was indeed fine, Ye Yutang felt fortunate in his heart.

It may be that she took protective measures by herself, the dose was small, and the poisoning was not very deep, and it was relieved by soaking in cold water.

He had seen the drug parameters handed over by the dark line. Li Minyu was indeed vicious. If he ate all of this drug, he would have to have sex with a man to detoxify it, and it would cause great damage to the body.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened again.

"I'll go out first, call me if something happens, remember not to fall asleep." Ye Yutang urged softly.

Tu Mi looked up at him, nodded hastily, and was very obedient.

It seems that this way, Ye Yutang will not settle accounts with her.

Ye Yutang hummed inwardly, hooked his lips, and turned to go out.

After closing the bathroom door for the girl, Ye Yutang walked to the balcony, took out his mobile phone, found a number and dialed it, and was quickly connected by the other party.

The other party was very aware of Ye Yutang's style of doing things, so he didn't talk nonsense, and quickly told him what was happening in the outside world.

Ye Yutang listened gradually, his face slowly filled with haze, until he finished listening, he smiled cruelly, and said a few words to the other party at a very slow rate.

Finally, before hanging up the phone, he paused again, as if he had inadvertently remembered something, his face softened a lot, and solemnly explained a few things to the other party.

In Zhao Mi's room, Bai Xinxin opened her eyes in pain.

She didn't understand what was going on. Her body would be so painful. It wasn't the first time she was as uncomfortable now, and someone was shaking her?

Bai Xinxin wondered, what the hell did Xianfan do to her today?

She wanted to take a look at the surroundings, but what caught her eye was a beer belly full of white flowers, and she was instantly blinded.

What's the matter, Xianfan?

A strong unease rose in Bai Xinxin's heart, and she forced herself to look up.

When she saw that wretched face, she froze there as if struck by lightning.

For a moment, she realized that there is nothing about Xu Xianfan, and it was her own imagination from beginning to end.

Her face was pale, her hands trembled but she tried her best to push Zhang Luo away, and then she slapped Zhang Luo and asked, "You bastard, what have you done to me?"

Zhang Luo was slapped unprepared. He was so furious that he didn't even think about it. His hand also slap back, without any pity and sympathy.

Bai Xinxin was beaten and leaned back. Tears flowed out all of a sudden. She had never been treated so rudely since she was a child. He just let himself fall backwards, thinking about getting rid of this devilish man in front of him.

However, this request did not meet her wish.

Her body was tightly embraced by a pair of rough hand walls sticking out from behind her.

The man smiled lewdly: "Haha, is this little beauty throwing her arms around?"

Why are there two men? Was she being raped by two men? !

Bai Xinxin completely collapsed.

She yelled, "Do you know who I am? Let me go! Zhang Luo, Liu cheng, you two idiots! You won't even get a penny this time!"

I will make you disappear without a trace!

Bai Xinxin thought viciously in her heart.

She can't let them go out, she wants to be Xianfan's wife, she will never allow the slightest accident!

Did not see that Zhao Mi was just rumored before, did Xu Xianfan break up with her?

If he saw this scene, Xu Xianfan would feel even more disgusting and unacceptable.

Even she herself felt disgusted.

However, after going through these things at the moment, Bai Xinxin obviously forgot about the harmful part and the negative process of the display screen.

Zhang Luo and Liu Cheng felt that something was wrong when Bai Xinxin called out their names.

Liu Cheng let go of his hand subconsciously, and Bai Xinxin, who was free, immediately crawled to the side of the bed, bowing her head and retching.

Thinking of herself sleeping with these two scumbags, she wanted to spit out all the filth in her body.

Zhang Luo didn't care about Bai Xinxin's reaction, he asked suspiciously, "Aren't you Zhao Mi?"

Bai Xinxin raised her head and said fiercely, "I'm not Zhao Mi! You are mistaken! I am the daughter of Li Minyu who hired you, idiot!"

Although she said it, she didn't know what she thought of, her eyes lit up again, and after thinking for a moment, she felt that it was more feasible.

Bai Xinxin looked at the two opposite her who knew her true identity, she looked terrified and pale, and finally collapsed on the bed, her useless body trembling slightly, she was extremely contemptuous.

But there is no other way at the moment, she tries her best not to make her voice too cold.

"But you have to say this to the outside world. You two are sleeping with Zhao Mi, the daughter of the Zhao family! All this is not to be blamed." After a pause, he continued: "Don't worry, after today, the Zhao family is nothing to worry about. Instead, my dad will not pose any threat to you. On the contrary, if you don't do what I say, prepare for revenge!"

Zhang Luo and Liu Cheng were already caught off guard by such a freshman situation.

According to what Li Minyu said earlier, the Bai family will be the second Zhao family from now on. The Zhao family is completely in decline, and they will not have the will or ability to retaliate against them, so they have the courage to take over this job.