Chapter 21 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 20

"Do you need the little girl to discuss cooperation matters with you?" Zhao Qilin asked.

Zhao Qilin didn't mind either, he knew that Shen Yan was helping him, so he wouldn't take advantage of him.

"No need, our President Ye has already 'discussed' with your daughter." Shen Yan smiled meaningfully.

"President yt?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was really shocked.

Especially the girls like Su Yiqiu, when they saw Bai Xinxin instead of Zhao Mi on the screen, they knew that they had misunderstood. Especially when they saw Zhao Qilin getting angry, they were completely silent for fear of revenge, and let themselves be honest. Drowned in the crowd.

And this time, after hearing the content of Shen Yan's words, they really regretted it. If they knew this, they should have had a good relationship with Zhao Mi in the first place. With Zhao Mi's temperament, as long as they speak up, If you beg the other party, are you worried that you won't be able to see the president of yt?

It's all to blame for that bitch Bai Xinxin. She clearly knows the situation of Zhao Mi's family, and she allows them to misunderstand them. She always induces them intentionally or unintentionally.

The more the girls thought about it, the more angry they became, so they threw all their anger on Bai Xinxin, and shattered their silver teeth for a while.

Xu Xianfan stood in the dark and clenched his fists tightly. With his dark thoughts, he naturally sneered at Shen Yan's statement. He couldn't think of Zhao Mi and the president of yt living alone in the same room, and there was nothing to discuss.

But at this time, he could only stare blankly, constantly reassuring himself that he was fine. Anyway, letting the other party be good, Zhao Mi would not be tempted, because she had him in her heart.

Xu Xianfan was reluctant to admit it, he was timid.

He was afraid of causing yt dissatisfaction, and he was afraid that his Huatuan Company would be suppressed as soon as they stood their ground.

One day, I will grow up to the point where the president of yt will live by my face!

Xu Xianfan swore in his heart.

When Tu Mi came out of the bathroom, she saw Ye Yutang sitting on the sofa from a distance, she walked over and sat opposite him.

"Why are you so far away from me? Come sit next to me." Ye Yutang raised her eyes.

Tu Mi's hair exploded, instinctively not moving.

But it was all in vain.

Ye Yutang stretched out his long arms and took Tu Mi into his arms.

"Are you afraid of me? Huh?" Ye Yutang looked down at the girl, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous dark light flashed in his eyes.

"No, how could it be?" Tu Mi nestled in his arms honestly and docilely, hugging his strong waist tightly, "I'm not afraid of you, really!"

Simply desperate to survive.

Even so, Ye Yutang felt very relieved, but he did not intend to let her go so easily.

"Why did you act alone today and didn't tell me, do you know how dangerous it is?"

Ye Yutang hated this action of her, and couldn't help but patted Tu Mi's buttocks a few times.

"I'm fine."

It wasn't very hard, but it was a little painful.

Tu Mi is aggrieved.

She didn't think it was too risky, everything was arranged, but the only thing she didn't expect was that the medicine was too strong.

Moreover, in the plan, she would not be allowed to show her face. Only by hiding in this remote place would Li Minyu misunderstand that the calculation was successful, and the outside world would become more and more violent.

"Isn't it good to leave it to me?" Why do you have to toss it all by yourself?

Ye Yutang's big hand was always resting on the girl's soft buttocks, rubbing it unconsciously, and his strength increased slightly with the ups and downs of his mood.

The girl in his arms bit her pink lips uneasily. She thought that speaking out her inner thoughts would hurt Ye Yutang's self-esteem, so she didn't answer.

But her earlobes were gradually dyed red without knowing it, almost dripping blood, and the color was very attractive.

Ye Yutang's eyes darkened, he lowered his head without hesitation, opened his mouth and put the girl's earlobe in his mouth, as if she couldn't understand his hatred, and crushed his teeth a few times.

Tu Mi felt a numbness spread from the earlobe to the whole body, and the strength of the body was instantly pulled away.

But Ye Yutang let go of his hands wickedly, and Tu Mi had no choice but to cling to his neck tightly to prevent himself from falling.

In this way, it is more convenient for men to do whatever they want.

After a while, Tu Mi couldn't take it anymore, she still had a trace of reason, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Ye, I was wrong, I won't do it next time!"

As soon as she was excited, her voice was extraordinarily charming and soft.

She herself didn't know it.

Ye Yutang ignored it, and left leisurely after being teased enough.

But when he saw the girl's eyes soaked with tears, a layer of mist, dazed and innocent, Ye Yutang's breathing was messed up, and she involuntarily lowered his head again, and lightly pecked on the girl's lips.

Tu Mi defended the position with difficulty.

Ye Yutang smiled secretly, stretched out his hand to the girl's buttocks, and pinched lightly.


The girl was caught off guard and let go of her guard. Ye Yutang's tongue deftly pried open a gap, poked in, and entangled her fiercely, as if he was going to eat her.

After an unknown amount of time, Tu Mi only felt that her tongue was numb, her brain lacked oxygen, and her whole body was about to suffocate. Ye Yutang bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, and then separated his entangled lips.

Seeing the sparkle on the corner of the girl's lips, Ye Yutang rolled his Adam's apple, leaned in, and licked it clean.

"I'll let you go this time."

His voice was low and hoarse, obviously a bit depressed.

Tu Mi was so ashamed by Ye Yutang's full of action, she buried her face in Ye Yutang's chest, unable to live or die.

In the middle of the night, after all the guests had left, Tu Mi listened to her parents talking about what happened in the hall today.

"You mean the vice president of yt is here? Are you talking about long-term cooperation projects?" Tu Mi was surprised.

She thought that they didn't come at that point, and this project could not be discussed. Who knows, the vice president of yt came in person.

Originally, the purpose of this banquet was for yt's project, but when the other party didn't come so late, and Bai Xinxin's family was really ready to make a move, she immediately implemented the prepared plan.

In the plan, she didn't take the relationship of yt into account, she just wanted Bai Xinxin's family to taste the consequences of their own brewing.

But I didn't expect that once yt intervened, the effect was much better than expected.

"Hey, didn't you know?" Li Shuyuan asked suspiciously seeing her daughter's ignorance.

"Yes, Vice President Shen said that Mr. Ye is discussing cooperation with you, is it possible that you haven't met?" Zhao Qilin agreed.

Mr. Ye? ?

Tu Mi opened her mouth, but didn't utter a word for a long time.

What else does she not understand now?

No wonder!

It is not difficult to understand what he said.

But why did she misunderstand that the other party was an honest person who lived on teachers' wages and had no power!

Sure enough, this person is still too good at pretending!

Fortunately, she was afraid that the other party would not be able to help her, thus hurting his self-esteem, so she never mentioned her affairs in front of him.

Tu Mi felt annoyed.