Chapter 22 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 21

After thinking about it, it seemed that the other party didn't hide it from her deliberately. Thinking it carefully, there were many actions worth pondering. On the contrary, she herself was too preconceived.

So, she talked to Zhao's father and Zhao's mother about Ye Yutang and her, ignoring the fact that they had already been in contact.

Father Zhao had heard it and sighed again and again, but he never thought that the tutor he casually asked someone to find for his daughter was the president of yt group.

This fate, simply!

Zhao Qilin, who did not know the inside information, immediately told Tu Mi to study with Ye Yutang. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to get the personal guidance of this business boss.

Tu Mi nodded in agreement.

Seeing that his daughter was so well-behaved, Zhao Qilin couldn't help but said again: "If you encounter something disagreeable between the two sides, don't try to disobey him, but follow him and be obedient and obedient. People in high positions are always a little temperamental."

Tu Mi, who was always swayed by Ye Yutang's hands and feet, stretched out her hand and rubbed her face that was gradually stiffening.

My father, this daughter can't agree.

Fortunately, at this time, the housekeeper came in to talk about the servants, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother were distracted, but they didn't notice the strangeness of Tu Mi.

Zhao Qilin and his wife also only knew that Tu Mi was in danger before. Although she is sitting here well now, she also emphasized that she will be fine, but the husband and wife are still afraid.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qilin glared at his daughter again.

Tu Mi laughed embarrassingly.

"Those who betrayed will be sent to the police station, we don't need such food and drink. As for the servant who betrayed and made up for the merits, he will also be sent out and give him enough money to keep hid rich for the rest of his life."

Zhao Qilin was angry and said mercilessly.

Although the latter, under the threat of her daughter, replaced the expected cup with another, and completed the plan with her daughter.

But it is undeniable that he did have a heart of betrayal before, but only after her daughter promised heavy benefits and threats, did he agree to her daughter out of fear.

Zhao Qilin would not dare to keep this kind of person. After one betrayal, there must be a second and third time.

The butler responded and went down to deal with it.

Tu Mi did not object to this result. After all, when she talked to the servant, he also promised to give her enough money, which did not violate the original promise.

And that servant was probably ready to leave.

In this regard, they both know each other.

The next day, what happened on the day of the banquet was reported by major media, causing a stir and being known to the public.

"Wow, the Zhao Group is about to regain its former strength now! I have to hurry up to enter the stock market, I can't miss this opportunity!" This is the mind of stock speculation.

"I didn't expect Bai Xinxin's pure and weak appearance to hide such a vicious heart. It's really scary." The classmates and friends who knew Bai Xinxin and had a good impression of her.

"God, the yt group has made a statement! Then the business I have privately negotiated with this old guy Bai Rongcheng must be cut off quickly, or else I will get into trouble." The voice of someone who has business dealings with Bai Rongcheng.

For a time, Bai Rongcheng's family became a lost dog, and everyone could not avoid it.

Bai Xinxin also hid, not daring to go to school.

She regretted it very much, but it was not that she regretted calculating Tu Mi, but why she blurted out her plan and exposed it in front of the public.

While she hated Tu Mi, she also hated her mother, Li Minyu. She felt that it was all Li Minyu's bad idea.

But she seemed to have forgotten how much she agreed with it at the beginning, and the idea of giving medicine to Zhang Luo and Liu Cheng was her own idea.

Now she only know that Li Minyu is hurting her by stopping her and not letting her go to Xu Xianfan. She felt that even Li Minyu is hindering her from finding her own happiness.

So I became more and more excited, and my emotions were a little abnormal.

Bai Xinxin didn't know that the reason why Li Minyu stopped her was because she saw Xu Xianfan turn his face yesterday, and realized that they had looked down on this young man before, and his vision was far ahead of them.

But now her daughter Bai Xinxin is so unstable, she is afraid that her daughter's reckless search for the other party will cause the other party's annoyance, so she tries her best to stop it.

She wanted to wait for her daughter to calm down a little, and after the wind of this matter gradually subsided, and then let her daughter go to Xu Xianfan to cry.

I have to say, in fact, she also has a glimmer of hope in her heart. Her daughter is delicate and delicate, which can easily arouse a man's desire for protection. All she has to do now is wait. He will definitely fall under my daughter's pomegranate skirt again.

Li Minyu then comforted Bai Xinxin in a soft voice.

"Xinxin, don't panic, you can wait a few days in peace. When Xianfan has almost forgotten about this matter, you will appear in front of him again, beg him, pretend to be pitiful, and you are afraid that he will not be soft-hearted?" Li Minyu's face with a familiar ruthlessness, she said, "It really doesn't work, just give him medicine! Mom has another medicine here. It was given to mother by your grandmother at the time. There is only one medicine, and I have always been reluctant to use it. I will give it to you this time, you give it to Xianfan, and when the time comes, are you afraid that he won't follow you? My dear, between lovers, no matter what happens, it can be solved on the bed."

Bai Xinxin was attracted by the pie that Li Minyu drew, so she stopped making trouble, regained her composure, and waited patiently.

Bai Xinxin doesn't do anything every day, just stays at home with peace of mind, fiddling with her skin and taking good care of her.

Every time she looked at herself in the mirror and was not satisfied, she felt that Xu Xianfan would definitely accept her again.

Xu Xianfan will definitely belong to her again, Bai Xinxin is determined to win.

Without her presence to remind everyone, the rumors gradually subsided.

That night, she dressed very delicately and lightly, and quietly came to Xu Xianfan's door.

She knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened from the inside.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Xianfan frowned in dissatisfaction when he saw it was her.

"Xianfan, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much."

Bai Xinxin looked at Xu Xianfan with tears in her eyes, very weak and pitiful.

Seeing Xu Xianfan standing there unmoved, Bai Xinxin's heart gradually sank, but she still tried her best to maintain a calm, gentle tone, "Xianfan, I'm cold, let me in, okay?"

Xu Xianfan looked down at Bai Xinxin, saw that she was wearing so little, and immediately understood what she was thinking.

Forget it in normal times, he knew that she was a little careful, but he thought it was an expression of her love for him, and he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But now he knows her true face, and her body is so disgusting and dirty, he won't touch her.