Chapter 23 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 22

It's okay, then let her die completely, and he doesn't want to use other methods to make things worse.

So, without objection, he stepped aside and let Bai Xinxin walk in.

Bai Xinxin was secretly overjoyed, it seemed that Xu Xianfan really still felt bad for her.

So she walked into the room on her own. Bai Xinxin was no stranger to this place, because her first time was also here for Xu Xianfan.

And this house was bought by Bai Xinxin for Xu Xianfan at that time, but there was no furniture at that time. Now he holds the Huatuan Company in his hand, and gradually he has a lot of money, so he bought a lot of luxurious furniture and carefully arranged the room.

Bai Xinxin didn't care about being reserved, and walked quickly to the bedroom.

Xu Xianfan pursed his lips unhappily, and followed in annoyance.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Bai Xinxin sitting directly on his bed, Xu Xianfan finally couldn't bear it any longer and roared in a bad tone.

Bai Xinxin saw him standing at the door and didn't come in, with an undisguised look of disgust on her face. She finally realized that the other party really hated her and wanted to not interact with her.

You are ruthless, then don't blame me!

She stood up slowly, twisted her delicate body, came to Xu Xianfan, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and cried until it was like a pear flower with rain, "Xianfan, I know that I am dirty now, you don't want me , I don't blame you. But I love you so much that I can't see you from now on. But don't worry, I won't pester you and let you marry me. I'm also afraid that you will be implicated by my father and the company's performance will suffer. As long as you can meet me in private in the future, I will be at ease."

This is what it means to be willing to be a mistress.

Xu Xianfan looked at Bai Xinxin's charming face, and after listening to this confession, he couldn't help but be moved slightly. It seemed that he was wrong, Bai Xinxin might really love him to the core.

However, as long as he thought about the scene that was staged in front of everyone in the hall that night, he still felt a little sick.


He also had to ask Zhao Mi's forgiveness to marry a wife with a detached status!

Just when he was about to refuse, Bai Xinxin pulled off the clothes in her hand, pulled Xu Xianfan off, stood on tiptoe and kissed him.


Xu Xianfan was furious and opened his mouth to scold. In the next second, a pill was taken in by Bai Xinxin, and the tip of his tongue moved, and the pill slid down his throat.

Xu Xianfan was startled, he pulled Bai Xinxin apart with force, and after flipping her to the ground, he hurriedly bent over and retched.

Bai Xinxin was treated rudely, but she didn't mind. She sat on the ground, wiped the tears from her face, and smiled extremely happily.

"Hehe, it's useless. This medicine will dissolve immediately after you take it, so you don't need to do useless work. Xianfan, can't you try to accept me? Are we as bad as before?"

Xu Xianfan vomited for a long time, but didn't vomit anything, so he was shocked and angry, pointed at Bai Xinxin, glared at her, "What did you put in my mouth?"

This vicious woman!

Certainly not to be taken lightly.

"Something that makes you happy." Bai Xinxin smiled viciously.

While Xu Xianfan was angry, he was also relieved.

As long as it's not a life-threatening drug.

He hasn't lived enough, he can't die, he hasn't fulfilled his wish, he hasn't stepped on the hateful yt under his feet, how can he die easily!

Xu Xianfan's tense body relaxed.

Love potion or something, he believed that he could control it, and he would never let Bai Xinxin get what she wanted.

He thought so, however, in the next second, a fiery heat slowly spread from the lower abdomen to his chest, an unprecedented emptiness enveloped him, and his eyes gradually turned red.

At this moment, Bai Xinxin, who should have an ugly face, was incomparably beautiful and attractive in his opinion.

He clearly should stay away, but his footsteps did not obey the command.

He didn't wait for him to struggle for a long time when the heat wave hit again, and he eagerly pulled the people onto the bed and covered them, leaving no gap between them.

Bai Xinxin smiled brightly. She took out her phone, fiddled with it a few times, and left it beside her, her hands tightly clinging to Xu Xianfan's neck and kissing him.

After a while, there was an ambiguous sound that made people's hearts red…

When Xu Xianfan opened his eyes again, what he saw was Bai Xinxin's sleeping face.

After a little bit of recollection, I suddenly remembered everything.

As soon as he got angry, he lost all reason, and mercilessly grabbed Bai Xinxin's neck, with extraordinary strength, using 12 points of strength.

Bai Xinxin couldn't breathe properly, and then woke up.

I just didn't expect the other party to be so cruel.

She held Xu Xianfan's hand that was pinching her neck, scratching and scratching, but she was not polite.

The nails were sharp and strong, scratching the skin, and blood immediately appeared.

Under the stimulation of pain, Xu Xianfan regained some sense and let go of his hand.

But Bai Xinxin didn't get his good face, Xu Xianfan put his palm on the quilt and wiped it with a cold face, as if he despised the other party's filth.

Then he lifted the quilt, ignored Bai Xinxin, walked straight into the bathroom, and slammed the door in front of Bai Xinxin.

Leaving a sentence: "When I'm out, and if you haven't left yet, don't blame me for being rude!"

The tone was extremely indifferent.

Bai Xinxin was so obviously disgusted, and the other party was a man she loved very much, she was so angry that her face was pale, her lips trembling uncontrollably.

"Why should I leave? I gave you this house. What qualifications do you have for me to leave?"

Bai Xinxin faced the bathroom and roared.

The only answer to her was the sound of water splashing.

"Very good, Xu Xianfan, we are not finished!"

Bai Xinxin quickly got dressed, ran to the bathroom door, kicked hard, but the door didn't move at all, so she threw a harsh word and walked away angrily.

Inside the door, Xu Xianfan sneered.

He thought that Bai Xinxin might not have reacted to her current situation.

Now he wants to kill her, but it's easy.

Although it was a little troublesome, he didn't want to endure the other party's unscrupulous jumping.

Bai Xinxin returned home, found Bai Rongcheng and Li Minyu, and said, "I want to file a lawsuit, I must let Xu Xianfan marry me, or I will make it difficult for him!"

Li Minyu saw the bright red five-fingerprint on her daughter's slender neck. She was surprised and asked, "What's going on? Xinxin, how did you get like this? What about Xianfan? He won't accept you?"

Bai Xinxin pulled her face and told them about Xu Xianfan's reaction.

Bai Rongcheng's slightly vicissitudes face showed no smile. After listening with a calm face, he said angrily: "Then go and sue! No matter how, you must take back Huatuan group, this wolf-hearted man! I will never be finished with you"

It seems that there is no selfishness, and he simply holds injustice for his daughter.

In fact, all the secretly operated shops under Bai Rongcheng's family have been picked up and now closed down.

The only thing left is Huatuan Company.