Chapter 24 A gentle and elegant teacher? Nonexistent! 23

It's a pity that the strength of this company can be regarded as middle and upper.

Later, it was handed over to Xu Xianfan. In fact, neither of them had the ownership of Huatuan.

And now, he and Zhao Qilin had a falling out, so he didn't have to worry about him anymore.

At the very least, if Huatuan was taken into his hands, he would still have room to turn around.

Seeing Bai Rongcheng say this, Bai Xinxin thought he was sincerely seeking justice for her: "Dad, don't worry, we will definitely win, and I have enough evidence."

She raised the phone in her hand with a smug look on her face.

Fortunately, she made both preparations, and Bai Xinxin was fortunate.

Knowing the daughter's smug smile, Li Minyu immediately understood what Bai Xinxin was referring to as evidence, and was overjoyed for a while.

So they started to prepare for the lawsuit.

The days were spent in their triumph, and in a blink of an eye it was the day of the court session.

Bai Xinxin's family and Xu Xianfan himself came to the scene.

Litigation begins, and things are going well.

Bai Xinxin stated the content of her complaint, claiming that Xu Xianfan had raped her, and she asked the other party to be responsible.

Xu Xianfan was annoyed, "You said that I fucked you, what evidence do you have?"

Bai Xinxin seemed to be waiting for his words, and proudly released the second half of the video after giving Xu Xianfan the medicine that night.

The unpleasant voice in the video spread, and everyone present, including the judge, was embarrassed.

In order to achieve her goal, Bai Xinxin is also shameless.

She looked at Xu Xianfan and said firmly, "It's okay if you don't want to be punished by the law, then if you want to marry me, I won't pursue it."

Xu Xianfan sneered and sat there, noncommittal.

Seeing this, Bai Xinxin became more and more complacent. She thought that the other party had no way to refute, and she had won, so she sat down quietly.

Then, Bai Rongcheng also took out the preserved evidence and threw it on the table, plausibly saying, "Hua Tuan Company should be mine!"

Just when they thought it was over, the lawyer behind Xu Xianfan stood up, raised the documents in his hand and said slowly, "I think my defender, Mr. Xu, is innocent. I have a video from Mr. Xu's home here to prove it. The ownership of the company belongs to Mr. Xu, and it has nothing to do with the Bai family. There are documents with official seals here."

After speaking, regardless of the reaction of Bai Xinxin's family, he picked up another dozen documents on the table and said, "We want to sue Bai Xinxin, she is mentally ill, emotionally unstable, and repeatedly harassed Mr. Xu, which has caused serious damage to his life. And troubles him"

The judge sitting in front secretly glanced at Xu Xianfan, and then said, "Oh? Then the nature is different!"

Bai Rongcheng saw their interaction with sharp eyes, and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the judge took a look at the documents presented, and promptly acquitted Xu Xianfan, and then escorted Bai Xinxin into a mental hospital.

Xu Xianfan smiled proudly at Bai Rongcheng and his wife, and walked away slowly.

What else does Bai Rongcheng not understand?

The judge must have been bought by Xu Xianfan!

That's right, the story of their Bai family was spread out some time ago, and they were ridiculed for so long. Others have long known that they have no power.

And he didn't know what method Xu Xianfan used to hold Huatuan firmly in his hands.

Although this does not mean that Xu Xianfan has power, but as long as he is willing to smash it with money, I believe that all smart people will choose to stand on Xu Xianfan's side.

After all, judges are also human beings, and they also have to live.

Bai Rongcheng, who had figured out all of this, was furious and vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Li Minyu was at a loss and rushed forward to help.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Xianfan has been busy with the company these days, just to keep the company firmly in his hand, so he has no time to go to Zhao Mi.

Moreover, in his heart, it was easy to coax the other party back, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

That night, Xu Xianfan was lying in bed, thinking that the hard work of these days was really not in vain, the company had completely stabilized, and his body was tired and relaxed.

Let's go to Zhao's house tomorrow, Xu Xianfan thought.

Zhao Mi must have been very happy when she saw him. Maybe before he could speak, she stubbornly grabbed him and begged him not to leave.

In that case, he would accept her with difficulty.

Seeing her daughter like this, Zhao Qilin will definitely not object again.

Then he will coax Zhao Mi, get married quickly, settle down, and let Zhao Qilin hand over the Zhao family to him with peace of mind.

After that, the Zhao family was completely taken over by Xu Xianfan, and the group grew step by step in his hands. In the end, he had to stomp yt under his feet, making everyone look at him with admiration!

Thinking of this brilliant prospect, Xu Xianfan slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep, with an arrogant smile on his face, as if everything had been accomplished.

After a while, a pitch-black figure appeared outside the house, and her footsteps were a little weird. She stood at the gate and suddenly stopped there.

After a moment of silence, she finally took out the key in her arms, inserted the door, turned it a few times, opened the door, and quietly walked into the room.

Not long after, she stood in front of Xu Xianfan's bed, her pure and white face had long been ruined by a dark brown scar on her forehead, and she had a vicious look, and her whole person was like climbing up from hell. The devil.

This person is Bai Xinxin.

Since she was sent to a mental hospital, she has been living a troubled life since then.

In the mental hospital where Bai Xinxin stayed, there were very few people as young as her, and most of them were old men who existed like wolves.

And because Xu Xianfan was particularly disgusted by Bai Xinxin's drugging him, so he held a grudge.

Xu Xianfan thought indifferently, since you, Bai Xinxin, are so dissolute, then let me fulfill you!

Therefore, Bai Xinxin was specially arranged by Xu Xianfan next to this group of people. It was like a hungry cat meeting a mouse, and what happened was logical.

Bai Xinxin was tortured so miserably that she couldn't walk for few days.

The scar on her forehead was obtained by a group of old men who pressed her to the ground from behind. She couldn't resist with fear and fear, so one of them grabbed her hair and slammed her into the corner of the bed.

Living such a life as death every day, her spirit is really abnormal, and she is a little confused.

It was also on this day that she suddenly woke up, stole a knife and sneaked out.

She wanted to seek revenge for Xu Xianfan, and it was this cold-hearted man who made her suffer so badly.

Thinking of the hardships she had endured in the past half month, she resolutely pulled out a fruit knife, and without any hesitation, stabbed it towards Xu Xianfan's heart, blood splashed on her face, and she remained unmoved.