Chapter 28 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 1

Tu Mi opened her eyes again and found herself in an unfamiliar world, and Ye Yutang beside her disappeared.

She was so surprised that she didn't care about observing her situation, and hurriedly looked at Sansheng who suddenly appeared.

"Sansheng, what's going on? Why didn't you respond when I called you before?"

Since Sansheng helped her to receive Zhao Mi's memory, he has not shown up. Tu Mi was looking for it one day later to find some information, only to find that no matter how she called it, it no longer appeared.

Only then did I know that there might be a problem there.

And just now, Sansheng suddenly contacted her and told her, "Get ready, I'll send you away."

Then, she didn't respond.

Will I never see that gentle and domineering man again in the future?

Tu Mi's heart was a little empty for a while.

"I have slept with you for so long, my cultivation base is slowly losing, and my brain is not very clear. In the previous plane, We may have accidentally revealed a little trace, and it was noticed by the heaven there, so it released us. With the force of repulsion, I was not prepared for a while, and was suddenly sent away."

The spot of light flashed in the air, the tone was still steady, but there was a hint of embarrassment.

The cultivation base is really too weak, so I have to seize the opportunity to recover.

Sansheng sighed inwardly.

It went on to say: "Then I found a plane with abundant spiritual energy, recovered a little bit of cultivation, and realized that your mission was completed, so I took you directly to the next plane."

"Then I'll just leave, won't it affect the people around me?"

"The way of heaven there will set things right."

"What is the way to set things right?" Tu Mi asked curiously.

"Since the original owner Zhao Mi has gone to reincarnate, Tiandao probably won't notice it. As soon as you leave, it will only want to fill the loophole. You have lived there for so long, and it will automatically condense your breath and recreate it. If you create a Zhao Mi, it is equivalent to that Zhao Mi still exists in that plane, and it will not have any effect. Moreover, this created Zhao Mi, if it is not someone who has a deep bond with your soul, she will not be able to detect her any extraordinary."

After all, the Dao of Heaven is only an ethereal law, not as shrewd as humans. It only wants to do its own job well, and prevent the planes under its jurisdiction from collapsing unexpectedly, and the rest will not interfere much.

Sansheng explained to her patiently.

"According to you, then this person who was created can't be considered a real person?"

Tu Mi grabbed the last sentence of San Sheng's words and asked.

"Yes, it's just a breath of yours. It's just like a robot that's worth entering into your thoughts and doing everything according to your thoughts."

So Ye Yutang is sleeping with a robot now?

Tu Mi's thoughts wandered inexplicably, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

But the next second, suddenly a little sad.

She originally planned to spend the rest of her life with him, but she didn't expect to be in another world so soon.

Then I will never see him again.

Seeing Tu Mi, Sansheng was a little disappointed and a little guilty, but he still tried his best to keep his tone calm and comforted: "When your cultivation is restored, you can go back to that plane to find him…"

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, as if he had no face to speak.

It is not going to admit that it was intentional.

In fact, it doesn't have to bring Tu Mi here immediately, it can completely cultivate on other planes by itself, and then go to pick her up when Tu Mi is dead.

Although it's not afraid of trouble, and it doesn't care about taking so much time.

As for the purpose of exercising Tu Mi, more than half of it has been completed, and it is not a big problem to leave directly.

What's more, coming to this plane early will only benefit the two of them.

But it didn't want that person to succeed so quickly.

Although it knows that the other party is really good to the little master, it is just not happy.

It feels like the cabbage that I have carefully planted and cared for has been arched by a pig.

Although the other party somehow lost his previous memory.

But it doesn't affect it at all, this is still a pig full of bad water and turned into sperm!

Just like this time, he believed that the other party would not be long before they would follow him again.

Thinking of this, Sansheng gritted his non-existent teeth bitterly.

Tu Mi, who had lost her memory, still didn't understand that the artifact beside her was not as pure-hearted as she thought.

She only felt that Sansheng was sincerely comforting her. Although she was not comforted, she still managed to cheer herself up and looked around, "Let's finish the task in front of you first."

It's too early to think about what is and isn't.

Sansheng circled around Tu Mi twice, glanced at her current body, and said, "This world is full of spiritual energy, and your body is extremely well rooted. You should take this opportunity to cultivate well, it will be of great benefit to you. "

Only then did Tu Mi carefully perceive her current body.

The Lingtai is clear and bright, the limbs are light and powerful, and every breath is refreshing, and the weak body seems to be able to release terrifying power at any time.

She wanted to stand up in novelty, but her neck was pulled fiercely and she stumbled. She hurriedly lowered her head and groped.

A heavy iron chain was tightly locked around her neck, and at the other end of the chain was a huge black iron block.

There is an unusual aura on it.

Tu Mi was annoyed for a while, who was it that humiliated the original owner so much? Like treating animals.

Although the environment is a little worse now, it seems to be a woman's boudoir. If anyone can lock her neck in her own room, it can only be her close people, right?

So, Tu Mi looked at Sansheng and said, "Give me the memory of the original owner."

Sansheng responded immediately.

Jiang Mi is the eldest young lady of Jiang's Xiuzhen family, one of the three major cultivators in Hengfeng City under the Fengyin Continent.

It stands to reason that life should be very happy and happy.

Actually not.

Ten years ago, the Jiang Clan was not among the three Hengfeng Cultivation Clan.

At that time, Jiang's father, Jiang Xiaotian, was still a young man with some achievements.

He first married Jiang Mi's mother, Murong Fu, the concubine of the Murong clan, one of the three major Xiuzhen clans.

This was only married by Murong Fu's father out of an investment-like mood.

But after Murong Fu gave birth to the daughter Jiang Mi, the patriarchal Jiang Xiaotian was not reconciled, and Murong Fu had a weak temperament, so he took several concubines one after another.

It is ironic to say that in the past ten years, not even a male has been born, but Jiang Xiaotian has two more daughters.

Jiang Xiaotian has been disheartened since then, but he is really stubborn. He didn't like his daughters in front of him, and it still hasn't changed at all.

He never cared about his three daughters, ignored them, and adopted an attitude of indifference to the end.