Chapter 29 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 2

Jiang Xiaotian is obsessed with cultivation all day long, pinning all his hopes on himself, hoping that one day, his name can be famous in Jiuzhou, which is another kind of continuation of his, Jiang Xiaotian.

His efforts were not in vain. With his perseverance, he finally broke through Nascent Soul. Since then, Jiang Clan has occupied a place in Hengfeng City.

But he still hated Jiang Mi for many years, and he hated her the most among his three daughters.

Because the other two daughters have been cultivating since the age of five, and now, one has practiced the fourth level of Qi, and the other has practiced the fifth level of Qi.

Only Jiang Mi, who has practiced for five years, is still at the first level of Qi training.

Not long after that, after the Jiang family squeezed into the three clan families, Jiang Mi was detected as a five-spirit root when Jiang Mi was recruiting new disciples in Hengfeng City, the first sect of Fengyinzhou, Tianjianzong.

The Five Spiritual Roots can almost be called the Heaven-defying Spiritual Root in ancient times.

Because of the abundance of spiritual energy in the world at that time, almost everyone with five spiritual roots can grow into a great monk who dominates one side.

However, since the great change in the spiritual energy of the world, the five spiritual roots have existed like chicken ribs. People who have five spiritual roots have never been able to cultivate to the perfection of the Qi training period in a lifetime.

Therefore, Jiang Mi can be said to be a disgrace to the dignified Jiang family. Jiang Xiaotian even wanted to strangle her several times.

However, Murong Fu dared to stop him.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why Murong Fu blocked it was for herself.

She wanted to occupy a place in Jiang Xiaotian's mind with this cheap daughter.

She has been afraid all these years, afraid that the husband she admires will give up her just like her father back then.

This is what she said to Jiang Xiaotian at the time: "Xiaotian, don't be impulsive, this little bitch is good-looking anyway, we will leak some resources from our fingers and try to improve her cultivation. Dealing with someone to gain friendship, you can give her away, so it is also a favor, after all, there are still people who are rare. Anyway, we don't lack her resources, don't we?"

In front of Jiang Mi.

Every word of her comes from the heart.

Treat her like a cat and a dog, and say that she can be given away at will. I never thought about how long a girl with a low cultivation base would have to live if she was treated as a furnace.

She doesn't care.

The ten-year-old Jiang Mi listened indifferently, and since then he has become cold to her family.

She only had one wish in her heart, to leave this ridiculous home and go anywhere, as long as she could escape the fate of being used as a furnace.

At the age of fourteen, Jiang Mi finally broke through the third level of Qi training, and she decisively chose to realize her wish for many years.

She escaped.

In fact, escaping is not always the case, because no one pays attention to her.

Jiang Xiaotian never cared about her from beginning to end.

Murong Fu was busy fighting wits and courage with those concubines all day long, and she also took pains to hang Jiang Xiaotian. She would not take pains to pay attention to a little chess piece that she didn't know if it could bring her own benefits.

So what Jiang Mi had to do was to find a loophole from Jiawei of the foundation-building period.

Fortunately, except for an old woman who brought Jiang Mi a cold meal from time to time, almost no one in the Jiang family had seen this so-called Miss Jiang.

So Jiang Mi was ruthless, and gave herself courage. She clenched her sleeves tightly with trembling fingers, and barely pretended to be swaggering and walked out.

The doorman really regarded her as a new maid.

Jiang Mi was both happy and sad.

After leaving home, Jiang Mi went to Tianjian Sect, where she worked as a kitchen maid, without attracting any attention.

She used her spare time to help replace the floor-sweeping maid in the martial arts hall, and sometimes she could learn a trick or two while she was working.

Just when she thought that she wanted to spend her life like this, she would either run out of life essence and die, or survive the foundation building and travel the world by sword.

She met Mu Han, the son of the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

At that time, she accidentally met Mu Han who was seriously injured, and with pity, she took him back to her residence and took good care of him.

Three days later, when Mu Han opened his eyes, he was greeted by a woman who looked extremely weak. He endured the discomfort and helped him deal with the wound that was seriously decomposed due to the lack of precious medicinal herbs. His heart suddenly moved.

So, Mu Han took Jiang Mi back to his Hanfeng Academy, and despite the opposition of the head and the elders, he accepted Jiang Mi as his first apprentice.

When the two got along day and night, Mu Han was almost attentive to Jiang Mi, instructing her in her cultivation, and taking care of her everywhere in life.

As if Jiang Mi was not his apprentice, but a partner who wanted to accompany him for the rest of his life.

He even tried his best to get a lot of precious medicinal pills for Jiang Mi to take.

He told Jiang Mi that he hoped that she could break through the foundation building, live longer, and find the avenue for longevity with him.

Therefore, his daily task is to find ancient pills and rare medicinal materials, so he ignores the cultivation, which causes the cultivation to stop moving forward.

Jiang Mi watched him running around for her, and couldn't bear it. She persuaded him, but the stubborn Mu Han, with a tired face, said affectionately that he did everything for her willingly, and now he can only feel wronged. He made her his apprentice, but as long as Jiang Mi could break through the foundation, he would be able to block the mouths of everyone in the sect and become a double cultivation partner with her.

Seeing this, Jiang Mi's heart, which was wounded by family affection and was closed, finally opened a crack for him.

She practiced desperately for herself and for their future.

But the head Mu Yue saw that his proud son was so depraved for a low-level female cultivator, and he was very angry for a long time.

But he was familiar with his son's character and knew that he couldn't be forced. The more he was forced, the more he would go against him.

So, he silently summoned his confidants to find a woman with a similar face to Jiang Mi, but with potential. If you really don't have one, look for a woman with a beautiful appearance, but she must have excellent qualifications.

He thought that his son must be fascinated by Jiang Mi's beautiful face.

Unexpectedly, he really found such a woman.

Coincidentally, her surname is Jiang, Jiang Yu, and she is 60% similar to Jiang Mi.

I heard that both her parents died and she was adopted by a couple from a declining family. Their daughter had died.

The couple actually have a daughter as old as Jiang Yu, but she has been ill.

After Jiang Yu moved in for two years, they finally couldn't bear her to die.

So the couple put away their grief and poured all the resources accumulated by their ancestors into Jiang Yu's body. They only hoped that Jiang Yu, with their daughter's share, would be able to cultivate successfully, which could be regarded as a continuation of their daughter in this world.

Jiang Yu really lived up to their expectations. Her own aptitude was not bad, she had two spiritual roots in water and wood, so even though she was only thirteen years old, she had the cultivation base of the third floor.

Just in line with the middle stage of son Jindan!

Mu Yue looked more and more satisfied, he kindly asked Jiang Yu's wishes.

Seeing her excited and shy, she nodded in agreement.

Mu Yue was simply overjoyed.

Immediately, He called the son who had just returned to the sect from running outside.