Chapter 32 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 5

"Well, then let's count the third sign from the left." Tu Mi thought for a while, then said.

Sansheng replied and collected the other wooden signs, leaving only the one that Tu Mi had selected.

Then I saw it muttering words in a low voice, and the wooden sign was cut off from the middle, and the broken part seemed to be a small storage space entrance.

Sansheng took out the contents and took a look.

It is a thin booklet with the words "Five Elements of Chaos" printed on the cover. There is no doubt that this is a cultivation method.

Sansheng turned around and wondered, "You may be able to use the exercises. Your body has five spiritual roots, so it's not a big problem if you think about it. As for Chaos, I don't understand it."

The more you look at it, the more it seems that you need to cultivate with both people in order to achieve greatness?

Sansheng was confused.

But it did not doubt, anyway, the things the master prepared never missed.

"It's okay, wait and think about it later."

Tu Mi didn't quite understand it for a while, but she decided to put this matter aside for the time being.

Because Jiang Yu has come to Wanxi Forest.

Tu Mi's consciousness immediately transferred to the outside world.

Immortal Forest is as silent and terrifying as Tumi's memory, standing quietly in that area, no one can ignore it.

At this time, Jiang Yu was about to abolish Tu Mixiu.

Tu Mi racked her brains thinking, how to avoid being abolished without a trace, and how to make Jiang Yu think she is dead, after all, the less trouble, the less trouble.

At this time, Jiang Yu's hand had reached the Tu Mi Tianling cover.

Tu Mi was planning to ignore everything and just follow along, forgive her and Jiang Yu did not dare to enter this forest of immortality with her.

"Listen to me, don't resist. This exercise says that if you want to practice this exercise, it is best to abolish your existing cultivation and start all over again."

Sansheng's voice spread from Tu Mi's sea of consciousness.

Hearing this, Tu Mi thought for a moment, and gave up resistance.


Jiang Yu cast a spell, and a breath rushed towards Tu Mi, she couldn't hold back, and groaned in pain.

Tu Mi only felt that the nerves were pulled and throbbed, and there was a buzzing in her ears, and she couldn't even hear Jiang Yu's voice.

"Master, first hold your spirits to guard one, and recite with me," Sansheng in the sea of consciousness looked at the first paragraph of the main chapter of the Five Elements of Chaos.

Tu Mi didn't even hear the arrogant spirit calling her "Master", she could only subconsciously follow it and recite, "Daosheng one, one life two…"

As she read it, Tu Mi felt that the pain had really eased. Although her body was losing her cultivation, she felt that there was another more comfortable force that was slowly gathering in her body.

It rose from her dantian and merged into the bones of her limbs, silently.

Jiang Yu didn't know anything about all of this. After she abolished Tu Mi's cultivation, she then kicked her into the immortal forest below, thinking that Tu Mi would definitely die, and then left.

And Tu Mi was immersed in that mysterious and mysterious state, allowing her body to fall freely.

As she got closer and closer to the ground, her clothes were slashed by the branches of trees, and a lot of skin on her body was cut with blood in different shades.

Tu Mi still closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn't know that she was about to follow Jiang Mi's footsteps and fell into a mess.

Sansheng shouted her name in Tu Mi's sea of consciousness, but got no response from the other party.

Just before she landed.

Sansheng was about to risk great consequences when he came to help her.

A hazy, thin, almost transparent breath emanated from her body, quietly but quickly wrapping her thin body.

Tu Mi fell to the ground, light and fluffy, and even the dust could not be picked up.

She was still in that state, as if she was automatically shielding everything from the outside world.

Sansheng Divine Consciousness searched around her several times, and found that she had entered the primary stage of the Five Elements of Chaos – Huaxing.

As the name implies, Huaxing is to completely abolish the original five spiritual roots and turn it into a scattered and mixed spiritual energy group.

At this time, the impurity aura cannot be called chaotic vitality.

Because, only when Tu Mi cultivated to the intermediate stage, that is, after the continuous and repeated training of this impurity aura, slowly transformed it into the most initial stage of aura – chaos, can it be regarded as a small achievement.

Now, it will also be on the verge of chaos.

However, even so, its power cannot be underestimated.

As for Tu Mi still awake, Sansheng guessed that she was reluctantly melting the spiritual roots that had not been completely shattered by Jiang Yu.

Seeing this, Sansheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he rolled his eyes in resignation, released his consciousness, alerted his surroundings, and protected Tu Mi.

In the dense forest, the atmosphere is gloomy, and the sun is never seen.

At first, Sansheng was still counting the days with interest, but later it became more and more boring.

It didn't see any danger, except for them, there was no living thing in the woods, no birds chirping, no wind, it was quiet.

Sansheng simply stopped trying to memorize the days, and was immersed in the state of cultivation, with only a wisp of consciousness to pay attention to the surroundings.

So it can only make a rough estimate, it has been about half a year since they entered the forest of immortality.

Tu Mi was still lying there, motionless.

The scratches on the body have also healed.

Only the increasingly powerful aura on her body proved that she was still alive.

On this day, a boy as old as five or six years old in the world stumbled over from the east.

He was covered in blood for some reason, and bones were faintly visible from the deepest wound. But there was an adult calmness on his face, as if he could not feel pain.

His eyes were fixed on this side, as if there was a fatal attraction here.

Sansheng was shocked by his movement and recovered from the state of meditation, and hurriedly flew out of Tu Mi's sea of consciousness, looking at the person who came.

Strange, how can there be a half-old child in such a place?

Sansheng felt strange, it sensed carefully.

After a while, it couldn't hold back, it looked up to the sky and rolled its eyes.

This soul breath is simply can not be more familiar! It's him!!

Really annoying!

Dissatisfied, Sansheng drilled back into the sea of divine consciousness, continued its cultivation, and even took back the wisp of divine consciousness that had been placed outside.

It is as if it's out of sight and out of mind.

It does not know it itself, and at the same time it feels awkward, but it also reveals a sense of trust for no reason.

Although the other party is now a child.

The little boy approached slowly, and when he found a girl lying on the ground who seemed to be ignorant of her own safety, his eyes became even more puzzled.

His small body circled around Tu Mi a few times, stamping many blood marks around her, one deep and one shallow.

Finally, he squatted down beside Tu Mi, looked at the mottled aura covering her body, and reached out to touch Tu Mi's face.