Chapter 33 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 6

He didn't understand why the aura was so strange, and what was even more puzzling was that he had a strong curiosity about the person under the shadow.

His blood-stained hand was about to touch the spiritual energy, and he was stunned for a moment.

This breath, with a long-lost sense of familiarity, makes people uncontrollably want to get close.

However, before he could feel it carefully, the spiritual energy under his hand suddenly dissipated, his hand was caught, and he could no longer move forward.

"Little devil, what are you doing?"

A slightly hoarse voice rang in his ear.

Only then did he regain his senses and looked at the girl who woke up at some unknown time.

When he met her eyes, he unknowingly wanted to get closer, and the feeling was even stronger than when he just touched the spiritual energy.

He was a little unbelievable.

No, it doesn't make sense!

One day, when facing a cultivator, he would not take the slightest bit of defense?

Maybe the fact was too shocking. The little boy stared blankly at Tu Mi without any reaction at all, even ignoring the grabbed wrist.

Tu Mi frowned at the boy in front of her whose face was covered in blood.

What about his parents?

To be able to bring a five-year-old child to such a man-eating place, and to lose it.

Really big heart.

Tu Mi was a little angry for a while.

It's not much better that she even forgot her own situation.

Seeing that he was dumbfounded, as if he was frightened by her, Tu Mi softened her voice, released his wrist, wiped the most obvious blood stain on his face, and asked softly, "Your parents and relatives, Where are they all?"

No wonder she wasn't vigilant, it was the boy in front of her with an aura that made her want to get close.

The boy finally came to his senses and wanted to avoid her hand, but his reaction was slow and he didn't dodge.

He looked at the dirt on the other party's white and slender fingers, resisted the urge to wipe it off, and said absently, "I don't have any relatives."

"Then how did you come here? It's dangerous here."

The boy did not answer.

Seeing this, Tu Mi stopped searching for the root cause.

"What are you doing here? Why are there so many injuries? It should be dealt with quickly."

Tu Mi stood up and slightly tidied up her tattered clothes. Seeing that the tatters were not very serious, the place that should be covered was covered, so there was nothing to worry about.

For one thing, Jiang Mi's small storage bag with two pieces of clothes for washing was lost somewhere, and she really had no clothes to change. Secondly, she didn't even think about avoiding anything in front of a five-year-old child, and He looked so pitiful and harmless, like a really innocent and unloving child.

She leaned over the boy, trying to examine his injuries.

Although he didn't say a word, she was still not at ease. She always felt that even if the flesh on her back was torn apart, she would probably not be indifferent.

The boy was a little resistant at first, and he was not used to being so close to her. He wanted to reach out and push Tu Mi, but found that his hand was touching, but he couldn't push it.

He looked at his hand and couldn't believe it!

This is his body!

Will not obey orders!

Is this the body betrayal that those little servants were talking about?

For a little moment, he was thoughtful.

Tu Mi didn't have time to pay attention to his abnormality, her mind was caught by the old scar on his back.

His supposedly tender skin was devastated by savage burns, whips, and branding, and not a single bit was intact.

The scars are extensive, and some of the scars seem to be incomplete, perhaps not well cared for, and a little rotten.

Tu Mi couldn't think of anyone who would treat a five-year-old child so cruelly.

In addition to the old scars, several new wounds were added to his back, as if he had been scratched by some kind of fierce beast. The bones were deep and blood was dripping, which was horrible to watch.

The injured person didn't take it seriously at all, and he never showed a trace of pain from the beginning to the end.

Sure enough, he could endure it as she thought.

Tu Mi was silent for a moment, then turned and walked towards the forest.

But before taking two steps, the hem of her clothes was pulled, and Tu Mi had to stop.

She turned back, and the little guy who was immersed in his own world just now pulled her firmly.

From his blood-stained face, Tu Mi seemed to see his uneasiness.

His dark eyes stared at her tightly, the corners of his mouth pursed slightly, as if he was afraid that she would just leave.

Tu Mi's heart softened immediately, she explained: "I'll look for it to see if I can find the elixir to heal your injury. Since you are injured, just stay here for a while, I won't go far, be back soon."

She thought that after she said this, he would be able to let go of his hand obediently, but he blinked, but he didn't let go, but tightened his grip and didn't say a word.

She could see that the child was a little taciturn.

Forget it, there was something wrong with leaving him here alone.

Although she has been lying here for half a year without any crisis, there is no guarantee that there will be an emergency.

Tu Mi sighed, stretched out a hand, and said, "Then let's go together."

The boy let go of his hand, and then put his small hand into Tu Mi's hand.

Tu Mi thought he was going to stop.

Unexpectedly, his little hand was restless in her palm. It groped for a long time, and then slowly pulled out a little, decisively wrapped around Tu Mi's index and middle fingers, and held it firmly.

This stopped.

Tu Mi: "..."

Tu Mi took the boy and walked in the forest road, saying that the road is not complete, because there are many trees that Tu Mi can't name.

Each tree is almost a hundred feet high, towering in the sky, with dense leaves, blocking everything from the outside world, and almost no light can be seen.

Moreover, these trees are growing closely, and the farther back, the trees are crowded closer together, the environment is darker, and Tu Mi leads the boy and walks forward laboriously.

Fortunately, the night vision ability of the cultivator is not bad, and if there is danger, he can detect it.

"Is there anything you want over there?"

Seeing that the boy was leading her further and further, as if he was about to stop, Tu Mi finally couldn't help but ask again.

When she hesitated at the fork just now, he suddenly pulled her straight to the left.

Tu Mi herself didn't know where and what she needed, so she just followed him.

But now it's gone so far, and it hasn't arrived yet.

Tu Mi could smell the strong smell of blood coming from him.

If it goes on like this, she is a little afraid that he will die with blood.

Thinking so, she pinched a blood clot on him again.

Although some talk is better than a few, after all, according to her observation, the internal injury he may suffer is more serious, but it is comforting that she can stop the blood for a while.

The boy didn't answer and walked forward on his own.

Seeing this, Tu Mi's face sank: "Go slower, Do you want to die?"

The boy raised his head and glanced at her aggrievedly, and only then did he slow down.

Tu Mi was very happy.