Chapter 36 Someone who makes trouble, Go away! 9

The lush and tall trees stand one by one, and the numerous leaves are superimposed one by one, covering the outside scenery.

The outside can't spy on the situation inside, and the people inside can't easily get out.

Like a prison.

However, there is one area that is different from other boundaries.

I don't know when, in this land shrouded in darkness all day long, a wooden house quietly replaced the original trees, standing among the giant trees, small but not to be ignored.

On the giant tree and under the eaves, there are huge night pearls hanging.

The beads emit a soft and clear light, illuminating the landscape here, as if under the outside sunlight, indistinguishable.

Everything seemed peaceful and warm.

Suddenly, a voice broke the other silence.

"Master! What are you doing?"

Tu Mi was startled, her brows twitched, she hurriedly pinched herself a blood clot, and then pinched the blood to wipe off the blood on her hands and the ground.

As soon as she finished all this, a boy in a light-colored gown came to her and stared straight at her hand.

It was the little apprentice she accepted two years ago, Yu Tang.

In the past two years, the boy has grown a little faster, and his head is as high as Tu Mi's waist. He looks like a nine or ten-year-old child.

Moreover, the behaviors are becoming more and more stable, and the speed of psychological growth is not out of touch with the growth of the body.

This growth rate is too fast, somewhat abnormal.

Tu Mi was puzzled and couldn't find the reason. Later, Sansheng told her when she came out for a walk in her spare time that it was because of the difference between this plane demon and the human race.

The number of human races on this plane is far more than the demon race. In order to prevent the demon race from being slaughtered, Heavenly Dao decided to grant the demon race such magical powers.

It grows faster than the human race, not only will the body grow, but the mind will also grow along with the body.

Use quality to resolve the human race's quantitative advantage.

But in the long run, the demons grew too fast, and their own abilities were very powerful, so the balance was eventually out of balance.

Therefore, 30,000 years ago, in the battle between the Demon Race and the Human Race, the Human Race was defeated and Demons almost wiped out the Human race.

Tiandao noticed it, quickly stopped it, and corrected its mistakes.

Gradually, the demons discovered that the power of the rapid growth of the clansmen with impure blood disappeared.

Only a few royal families with pure blood still retain this ability.

In this way, the Demons are led by an exceptionally powerful royal family, while the Humans do not have a powerful leader, but their number is better than the Demons, and the Demons and the Humans barely maintain a balance.

There is no doubt that Yu Tang is not only from the Demon Race, but also from the bloodline of the Demon Race Royal Family.

As for his unbearable experience, it should be caused by his weak roots and low cultivation.

Tu Mi guesses.

"You're bleeding again!" Yu Tang took a breath, looking at Tu Mi and said affirmatively.

The boy looked at her with his head raised, with a hint of disapproval in his eyes, his childish face was full of seriousness, and even the small dimples on both sides of his cheeks did not sink in.

Tu Mi sighed inwardly, and she couldn't hide it from him, this kid is getting better and better.

"How are you practicing the Five Elements of Chaos? Come on, let's do some tricks." Tu Mi deliberately changed the subject with a straight face.

"Master, you promised me that you would not do such a thing again and bleed, but you broke your promise." Yu Tang was not at all embarrassed.

Tumi rolled her eyes.

Can you agree?

If you don't promise, he can always follow your ass, do nothing, just stare at you with his dark and bright eyes.

Since the day I took him back, I washed him thoroughly, revealing that delicate and beautiful face hidden behind the blood, like a porcelain doll, especially with two small dimples, which was too cute.

You can't be soft-hearted like this!

But Tu Mi also has her own plans.

She looked around and felt that the ancient ruins were most likely deep underground in the area where she fell down, or some space entrance.

After all, Jiang Mi fell to her death there, and the blood dripped out, which may have penetrated the ground and was absorbed by something underground.

Alas, it is a pity that the memory left by the plane is only a rough record, and every detail cannot be omitted to pass to her.

But even so, Tu Mi was content, it was better than having two eyes in the dark.

And through repeated experiments, she found that her guess was not wrong.

She tried to drip blood on the ground, and when she looked again after a while, she found that the blood was gone, and there was no trace of it to be found.

If it weren't for the pain of her own split fingers, even she would suspect that it was all her own fantasy.

In this way, when she confirmed that there was something tricky under the ground, Tu Mi tried to find it, but she swept back and forth countless times with her consciousness, and even dug the ground, she found nothing.

Therefore, the only way is to use the old method to drip blood, let it absorb enough blood, and open the ruins on its own.

However, after several times of excessive bloodletting, her face became pale, and her little apprentice Yu Tang, who was with her day and night, naturally noticed her strangeness.

He didn't say a word, he followed her secretly, she didn't notice for a while and was discovered by him.

Tu Mi still remembered the expression on the young apprentice's face at that time, it was hard to see the extreme.

His little lips were pursed tightly, his face was ashen, she looked at her from a distance, and didn't come close.

Tu Mi had an illusion at the time, as if her identity with the young apprentice had changed, and she was the apprentice who had done something wrong and was waiting to be punished.

She hurried over to coax him.

He was silent for a long time, and then asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

Tu Mi organized the language organization for a long time, and finally said with a smile: "Uh, I'm looking for a weapon…"

There is still no shadow of the ancient ruins, so she is trying to find a set of rhetoric, so that the apprentice can understand and accept it.

However, before she could finish speaking, the little apprentice swept the ground, looked at Tu Mi and said, "Master, are you lacking magic weapons? If your apprentice has it, I will give it to you."

After speaking, he took out his Qiankun bag and handed it to Tu Mi.

Tu Mi stroked her forehead, but did not pick it up.

She always knew that he had the Qiankun bag, and he never meant to hide it from her.

When the two of them, master and apprentice, built the wooden house for rest together, she was thinking about what to get for lighting.

Although people who cultivate self-cultivation can have night vision, but in the environment shrouded in darkness every day, they will feel a little gloomy after staying for a long time, right?

However, before she could come up with a reason, her little apprentice took out a Qiankun bag from his arms without saying a word, and when his small hand probed inside, he found a handful of night pearls. The light almost was very bright.

Without waiting for her to say anything, the little apprentice made his own luck, got up to the tree, and hung the night pearls one by one.

Tu Mi looked at his thin back at that time and thought deeply.

A child, carrying a precious treasure, but having suffered such a serious injury, appeared alone in this terrifying and dangerous forest of immortality, and a monk would never step into it unless he had to. The origin of his identity must not be simple.

And this is said to be extremely terrifying, the eternal forest does not really show its horror, but is like a tiger in a deep sleep.

Tu Mi always felt that all of this had nothing to do with the apprentice who looked thin, small and vulnerable.

And what happened next really verified her conjecture.